Mystery Blossom
WILHELM: I can assure you that, as a nanny, I am absolutely 100% qualified to be "practically perfect in every way."
FALINE: That's really vague.
WILHELM: Erm... yes. Yes, it is. But I can assure you, I'm great with children. I am never cross, I'm sure the children will find my games extremely diverting, and I am kind but extremely firm.
FALINE: Well, that is all well and good. But how are you qualified as a bodyguard.
Wilhelm is stumped. He knows that, as a wolverine, he would be perfectly qualified to be a bodyguard. But he's never had to resort to violence in his life! Completely unsure of what to say next, the only thing that comes to mind is his mentor's sure-fire recipe for suddenly having "a lot to say."
WILHELM: Well... It's like... I'm kinda....
FALINE: Yes? Go on?
Many animals burst out laughing, including the imposing buck. It seems absurd, even this majestic animal laughing uproariously, but it's definitely reassuring.
FALINE: Is that even a word?
???(Buck): Oh, I like this guy. He's funny, very funny.
FALINE: But that has nothing to do with...
???(Buck): You're hired, Sir.
Various animals cheer various things such as "Long live the baby prince and princess!" or "Hurrah for the new bodyguard!"
The buck smiles at his subjects, and walks back into the depths of the forest. Faline glares at Wilhelm.
FALINE: Just because the Great Prince of the Forest trusts you doesn't mean that I have to. I am these fawns' mother, and I will be watching them, and you, quite carefully.
Wilhelm introdcuces himself to the animals of the forest, and quickly meets a forest full of happy, excited animals. The tiny, bashful fawns look up at him in wonder, curious what this mysterious, silly creature is.