Cherry Dancer
You go through a mental checklist of checking shit.
1: It is a vent. There is warm air coming out of it. Right behind the grate there is a fan.
2: It is another vent. It is probably an intake.
3: The door is locked. You do not even try to use the key, because it is for the COMMODORE.
4: You equip the bedsheet as temporary clothing.
5: There are no pictures on the camera other than the sexy ones you just took.
There are no contacts on the phone. There are some handy features though. They are:
According to your driver's license Your last name is INGRAM. You were born on 1991/08/09. The license was issued one 2012/13/3. You have a CLASS E LICENSE, which means you can drive cars, light trucks, vans, and scooters.