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436306 No. 436306 ID: b243c2

>Begin CadaverQuest
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No. 438571 ID: 93ac50
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>If we want to grab some more emergency rations before Shadow eats the entire floor, let's head to the Kitchens.
>Okay, now that you're both calm and sane again, it's time to talk. We need to discuss options and come up with a plan of action. Lydia knows more than you or us about any of this, it would be good to get some input.

You go along to the kitchens, hoping you might be able to find some food to stock up on for the journey down, and since there's no sign of danger you think it might be a good time to discuss your options.

Lydia updates you on the situation involving the released horrors and your own resurrection. She explains it casually, like the plot of a movie, but there's a lot of it you're finding unsettling. She says you need to get down to level seven before we can leave from the lobby, there's someone very important down there who can help you. Honestly, you'd rather get out as soon as possible, but who knows what could happen in the meantime. Help sounds good.
No. 438588 ID: c1a7db

Wait... Lydia just outright told you the truth about being a ghost turned voodoo-zombie? Dude, we didn't want to mention that because we were worried you couldn't handle it.

I'd agree to go for the help. You've been voodoo-ed at least twice, you've lost memories, become slightly unstable, and you have a mouth growing out the back of your head. Be nice to get some of that fixed.
No. 438686 ID: 6a1ec2

Lydia is anything if not blunt. Well OK here's what she said. You're supposed to be a ghost, like her. Unfortunately, you are not a ghost. Someone managed to resurrect you, through as yet unknown hoodoo. Your return to ghostliness is complicated, because Lydia said that dying again might just land you in Hell instead of making you a ghost again. They hire ghosts to manage these creatures, only from the few who already became ghosts on death.

Though invisible to the living, ghosts are quite solid, probably because this facility is located in Purgatory, and not the living world.

There are two things you should do at this point. First, recover your memories so that you know why you clung to the earthly plane in the first place, which should enable you to become a ghost again (and as such be less prone to bleeding and panic). Secondly, figure out how you got resurrected, the nature of the resurrection, and the purpose behind it. That way you can avoid doing terrible things while you are still in the process of recovering your memories.

Three things. Three things you should do. Thirdly, unequip the orb that gave you headmouth. That shit's just creepy.
No. 438723 ID: 93ac50
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>Lydia is anything if not blunt. Well OK here's what she said. You're supposed to be a ghost, like her. Unfortunately, you are not a ghost. Someone managed to resurrect you, through as yet unknown hoodoo. Your return to ghostliness is complicated, because Lydia said that dying again might just land you in Hell instead of making you a ghost again. They hire ghosts to manage these creatures, only from the few who already became ghosts on death.

>Though invisible to the living, ghosts are quite solid, probably because this facility is located in Purgatory, and not the living world.

>There are two things you should do at this point. First, recover your memories so that you know why you clung to the earthly plane in the first place, which should enable you to become a ghost again (and as such be less prone to bleeding and panic). Secondly, figure out how you got resurrected, the nature of the resurrection, and the purpose behind it. That way you can avoid doing terrible things while you are still in the process of recovering your memories.

>Three things. Three things you should do. Thirdly, unequip the orb that gave you headmouth. That shit's just creepy.

You can't unequip the orb, it's stuck to you!

You discuss your plans with Lydia, and she agrees. Getting you to go ghost again would be the best option, and finding out why you were voodooed back to life would certainly be helpful, as there's something very shifty about it.
No. 438726 ID: bf54a8

roll it to the top of your head and hang down so it is dangling from some hair, then have those hairs cut off.
No. 438800 ID: 6a1ec2


He already tried that. That's what gave him headmouth.
No. 438810 ID: 6a5a08

It didn't give him the headmouth, because he never tried it. The mouth spawned before that, as it was already depicted on the orb.
No. 439190 ID: b85f8c

It probably won't hang from his hair. That's too much of a copout.

Anyway, we're in the kitchen. Check the fridge and cupboards for food.
No. 439313 ID: ac6100
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>Anyway, we're in the kitchen. Check the fridge and cupboards for food.

The search doesn't provide anything of much use. You pocket a bag of chips and a large container of salt that Lydia says will come in handy, though she won't tell you why. There's also some foul-smelling meat under the lid.
No. 439338 ID: 6a5a08

Headmouth: Lick meat.
No. 439340 ID: d6c330

Salt is useful against certain supernatural things. You can lay down a line of salt for instance that they can't cross. Or pack it into shotgun shells. Careful though, as a ghost, Lydia might be subject to those rules. Pretty sure you count as normal human though, shifty voodoo aside.
No. 439390 ID: 6e44d2

Not voodoo: hoodoo.
No. 440045 ID: c49e9c
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>Salt is useful against certain supernatural things. You can lay down a line of salt for instance that they can't cross. Or pack it into shotgun shells. Careful though, as a ghost, Lydia might be subject to those rules. Pretty sure you count as normal human though, shifty voodoo aside.

Taking this into account, you ask Lydia again why she says it'll be so useful. You don't see any reason why you couldn't have told her this information herself.

She tells you to mind your own business and keep moving.
No. 440052 ID: b85f8c

Oh well, let's go.
No. 440063 ID: bf3f27

> She tells you to mind your own business and keep moving.
You definitely should marry her.

Anyway, she's the one who knows the place. It keeps changing, yes, but what we should be looking for?
No. 440090 ID: c49e9c
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>You definitely should marry her.


>Oh well, let's go.

You follow Lydia out from the kitchen to the cafeteria. The blood and bodies are still there, and you get a little anxious. [TERENCE's Sanity Meter is now at 50%]

Lydia still looks sour, though you aren't sure if she's annoyed at you or the blood splashing her boots. On the other side of the room you can see the other you came through before, and the dark shadow seeping from under it. Lydia tugs you towards the stairs.
No. 440091 ID: b85f8c

Keep going, just tune out your surroundings for a little while.
No. 440106 ID: c49e9c
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>Keep going, just tune out your surroundings for a little while.

You go off into your own little world in order to keep your sanity in tact.
No. 440120 ID: bf54a8

daww, you made her a kitty.
No. 440148 ID: d6c330

Yes, a reassuring world of deliberate hallucinations is clearly the best way to maintain your sanity. Keep it up.

>Salt stuff
Please keep in mind those were suggested uses, based off lore and superstition. We have as little practical experience with ghosts as you do (heck, less, since you used to be one). It's possible whatever Lydia wants it for is more unpleasant, judging by her reaction.
No. 440199 ID: bf3f27

She cleary has a MAINLY PHYSIQUE.

If Terence isn't making any moves on her, I will.
No. 440204 ID: 6a1ec2

Oh. Lydia knows about red dude. Lydia wants a bunch of salt. Red dude doesn't have any skin. 2 + 2 = AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

Oh hey colored stairs! I wonder if they make music when you step on them!
No. 441634 ID: f62da1
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>Oh hey colored stairs! I wonder if they make music when you step on them!

You go down the stairs a bit, and they make an artificial sound. Lydia's disappeared to the bottom, and the sound puts you on edge.

{I apologise for not updating for so long, guys! Things have been getting on top of me.}
No. 441638 ID: d6c330

{S'cool, we've had worse}.

Well, you might as well follow her. You can play with hallucinations anywhere, after all.
No. 441686 ID: 6a1ec2

Ugh, what's the point of a hysterical delirium if you can't have musical stairs? Since they sound like artificial glass on artificial chalkboards you might as well continue down into the happy happy play room.
No. 441688 ID: b85f8c

Okay, snap out of it. Clear your head and go down. It's unwise to use stairs without paying attention, anyway.
No. 441933 ID: f62da1
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> Clear your head and go down.

You shake off your fantasyland and follow Lydia to Level 2. You come out into the second level of the cafeteria, a smaller, starker room with only a few tables. There are two doors in the corner directly across from you. Seems simple enough.
No. 441934 ID: d6c330

Look askance of Lydia, I guess. If she doesn't offer any direction, go check out the doors.
No. 441985 ID: b85f8c

Check out dem doors. Check 'em.
No. 442013 ID: f62da1
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>Check out dem doors. Check 'em.

Lydia seems to be thinking about something pretty hard, staring at one of the tables with odd determination. You leave her be and go check out the doors.

The large double doors on your left are unlocked, and you peek through the glass to make sure it's safe. From what you can see, there's an empty gymnasium in there.

The other door needs a keycard to unlock it.
No. 442017 ID: b85f8c

Ask her what she's thinking about.
No. 442020 ID: 6a5a08

Ask if Shadow is talking to her like it did us.
No. 442029 ID: d6c330

What's on your mind, Lydia?
No. 442161 ID: 422337
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>What's on your mind, Lydia?

You ask Lydia if she's okay, she seems a bit distracted.

She looks at you strangely for a moment. Assuring you that she's fine, she changes the subject and asks if you picked up a keycard from any of the people you mangled.
No. 442176 ID: bf54a8

"thanks a lot queen blunt, but no."
No. 442215 ID: d6c330

Oh, I hope nothing's getting to Lydia. It's going to suck if we can only keep one of you sane at a time.

Tell her you did not. You have a crowbar though, we could try to force the door.
No. 442220 ID: b85f8c

Tell her if she wants to search the bodies she can go ahead but you do not want to do it yourself.
No. 442229 ID: 6a1ec2

Wait, how do you know she's looking at you strangely?
No. 443655 ID: 4169fe

Don't leave her alone, Terence. No matter where you have to go or whatever you have to do, don't leave Lydia alone.
No. 445023 ID: 68a06e
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(animated .gif)

>Don't leave her alone, Terence. No matter where you have to go or whatever you have to do, don't leave Lydia alone.

There's definitely something off a̔̀̈́b͒̄̃͗oͥu͛t̒͂̓͆ͨ the way she's ac͐̉́ͬ͡tͣ̒ͭ̍ͣ̚̚in͊̎͆̈́gͪ̆͋́.͒ͧ̑͛ ̋ͬͭY̋̑̏͐̑҉o̒ͫͮ͑ͬͭ͝uͤ͗̕ ̐̎̈́ͣ̾̍t͌̈͆̾̊͡r̀ͨͪ̄̇̊͆ͭ͢͟͝y̧̐ͥ̏ͧ ̢̆́t̨͗̏̀͘ơ̧͗̿ͨͪ ̸̧͌ͪ́r̉̆̅̂̀̈ͮ͢ę̴̅ͦ̋̏̈͒̅ͯaͯ̄́ͩ͂ͯ͑͗̀s̏ͨͥ́̈́s̃̇̾҉̵҉u̵̍̂ͮ͛ͣ̒͂̌͟r̶̨͊
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͟͡ ͈͙̹̻̣͔̹̥͉͆ͧ̏ͬ̔͌͆̈̓̇ͧ͢͜ō̵̆̏̏͆ͮ҉̰̻͇̗͉̟̳̲͓͙̪̱̬̟͝ͅ
No. 445025 ID: d6c330

Well, that's not good.

Terence, Lydia? Can anyone hear us? You kind of trailed off into incomprehensible static and screaming, I think.
No. 445027 ID: bf54a8

it's not real. you need to get a grip.
No. 445098 ID: 4169fe

Terence! Use your other mouth!
No. 445101 ID: af6fbd

Oh, Zalgo.
No. 445112 ID: b85f8c

Run away!
No. 445130 ID: 68a06e
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No. 445134 ID: d6c330

So... 3 cadavers with so far as I can tell arbitrary ID numbers, or a person and a date.

Guess we go with Davies, then.
No. 445848 ID: 280988
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No. 445851 ID: d6c330

Um, what's up girl? You don't look like you're doing so good, I'm sorry to say.

Would you mind introducing yourself, and telling us what's going on? We're the headvioces, and we're here to help, if we can.
No. 445876 ID: 6a1ec2

Lucky you T. Davies you're the only one who's not a corpse yet! Also you seem to precede the disaster by some days if the timestamp is correct.
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