Untamed Dusk Blossom
Part B
When you ask your heart what to do, what song do you struggle to live up?
The Song of:
[ ] Heaven: You've given your heart to the cause of Justice and Beauty. To the highest calling the Angels know. To remaking the broken world into a Heaven. To work endlessly at the task of making justice, making goodness, giving beauty to the things that are.
Now, that part even humans can sometimes see, but the Angels, the Angels them selves, they say more, they say that this world is a fallen place. They say people filthy dirty things crawling on a corupt rock. They have sealed the gates of Heaven against the world, even as they labour to make the world outside those gates shine brighter. You don't have to agree with that part..but you can!
[ ] Hell : You've given your heart to the cause of Hell. To love this "fallen" world! The creed of Hell is to celebrate what is, to rejoice in how things and people _are_. Most of all they are the ones who love the ugly things, the horrible things, the evil things, and the corrupt. They witness those things that no-one else would watch, they celebrate the unsung. They work to be with the dieing and the unloved.
Now, that part you buy into. But the Devils, they say more, they say that the pain, the corruption, the evil, the wicked, and the victims, are the best, are better then the good. That suffering is better then health. That abusing power is better then wielding it well. That's the downside of loving wicked things, you get a little wicked your self. But you don't have to be wicked. If you are just a Power, not a Devil, its a choice.
[ ] The Light. You've pledged your self to the Light, to the cult of human survival. You belive that more then anything else, human life matters, that humanity should live forever.
Now the Light itself, and the Magisters that spring from it, are cold and ruthless things. They would sacrifice freedom, love, purpose, laughter, all the things that make humanity what it is, if it would buy thus human immortality. And it cares _nothing_ for inhuman peoples, for the Giants, or the artificial minds. The thousand thousand other races of the Universe. It wants Life, and just Life, eternal life, for humanity.
You can choose to serve it only so far, to value other things. But that is still what you are serving.
[ ] You've sold your self to the Dark, the cult of human suicide. -- To the thing that loves the human freedom to err, to hurt, to wrong, to refuse to see, and which loves best the power in the soul of a human that makes them go willingly to their deaths. And this Code, this Song, more then any other deffends the human right to _be_ human. -- will say that in this world of impossible powers, and transcendent beings, that humans have a right to live, to self-governance, to self-determination in a world of cosmic entities. That part at least you serve.
The Magisters of the Dark - the laughing and brooding faces of human failings - are like the Devils in that they love the worst things best. They exalt in each scuicide, hold it a sacrament, they are with each human soul, in some capacity, when it does horrible, stupid, and self-destructive things. They are dimly disturbed by the righteous martyrs, and they are not good. You may not be good either, if you serve them; but weather to embrace human suicide over other human freedoms is your choice.
[ ] The Wild. You have bound yourself to the wild, and made yourself a wildlaw: casting off all chains of propriety, sainity, and mundanity, and realizing that you have the option to be what you are, unshackled and unbound. There is nothing so loathsome to the Wild as a Cage, as a prison, as coercion, as to bind something to ones will. And to be Wild is to set your self on a path to unconsciousness, to ultimately be a slave to your inner laws, deaf to the words of others, blind to the sight of others, free in time from communication as from coercion, a solitary being in a world of one, knowing only what you must do. The Magisters of the Wild have walked far on that path. How far down it will you go?