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File 133227049232.png - (2.45KB , 900x600 , null.png )
394425 No. 394425 ID: 067a04



Is there somebody here?

"I don't know. What do you think?"
98 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 410479 ID: 067a04
File 133672589057.png - (136.14KB , 900x600 , opportunity.png )

You look like some sort of gentleman, but you're also all gears and wires and stuff. You've got a cape, too.

"A cape? I love capes! I think. Well, that's good enough. Now tell me, friend.. Do you have a name?"

I suppose.

"'I Suppose'? Odd name, indeed! But then, who am I to judge?"

No, no, my name is Impulse.

"Oh, I see, Impulse, yes, very good name, that. Good word, too. You seem to be lightening up, friend. But what could have darkened such a brilliant soul in the first place?"

I.. I lost someone. It was such a long time ago, or maybe it was just moments..? I can't remember.

"Ah, time is a strange thing to understand, especially alone. Nothing can keep you informed like a companion, I'm afraid. Solitude is the greatest foe of sanity. I too had another mind to guide me on my path, but, sadly, the fates resigned me to tread my weary way alone. Complex business, you know. Wouldn't want to bore you with it. But it seems opportunity has been kind to us, friend, if you would be my friend! Loneliness is so very dull, and I would be ever so joyful to part ways with it. I'm sure you agree?"

I'm not sure. It's.. Been so very long. Or.. Or has it been..?

"Join me, friend, and never worry this way again!"

Wait, please.. I have to think.

"Perfectly understandable."
No. 410513 ID: 6616f3

Being lost together is better than being lost alone.
No. 410545 ID: b85f8c

Friends are good, no matter the situation.

Ask him more about the mind he had to part with. Also, warn him about... whatever that red thing was.

Perhaps it's time we imagined up some scenery? A clearing in the woods, with a solitary tree in the center. You know how the tree should look.
No. 416064 ID: 067a04
File 133801129312.png - (120.27KB , 900x600 , ambling.png )

Well, I guess it's better to be lost together.

"That's the spirit! Or is it? I don't know!"

Hey, I have questions—

"No time to dawdle, not today! Follow along, then, and we'll be on our merry way!"

But where are we going?

"Oh, I shouldn't presume to know what is or wasn't or would be along our path, for to guess is not to think but to believe, and that's not quite what I might wonder to be freedom. Freedom is the only thing that seems within itself to matter, after all. All else is fluid, subjective, and synonymically profuse, you see; it limits our thoughts, consigns what we might possibly find time to think from our mind's eye into the eye of the beholder. I do hope you understand?"

I.. Think I almost do.

"Almost is almost always almost enough. Let's continue."

..So, where are we going again?

"Did I not say?"

Uh, sort of?

"Where we are is up for debate, and where we are going is entirely dependent upon where we are. So we must first discern what is or isn't or could be to understand what possibly may be in light of what we don't know to be not. Do you see?"

..So we're lost.


Then why should we attempt to go anywhere if we don't know what anywhere is?

"Oh there are manywheres anywhere could be. Look into your mind. All that you see there is what may conceivably be there, and all that could not should not or would not be of consequence. All that you imagine is all that you understand, so try, if you would, to imagine a faraway land. A place, a thing besides ourselves, a world to call your own. I have one, you know. It's true!"

What are you asking me to do?

"Picture a place, and it will be here, a path to wander, a foe to fear. Anything can be real, if you decide it, whether a Cirsa, or a Lume to ride it, so take a gamble. Imagine. Think. What kind of world would you through amble?"
No. 416076 ID: d1e9bf

The ruins of a dying world. Cities burn, and the land is devoid of life. Solitude fosters thoughts.
No. 416119 ID: 699da6


also the city is full of artifacts that could solve every problem ever but everybody who had the knowledge of operating them is deaaaad
No. 416123 ID: c4a1fc

And it's made of angry red bendy straws.
No. 416165 ID: 6e44d2

And the air always tastes sweet. The ground is rich with possibility and comfortable between your toes. The moon hangs low in the sky, never quite setting. There are secret beauties to behold in the cracks.
No. 416251 ID: c315be

And there's jagged spires of twisted metal
No. 416269 ID: 219388

Yet each edge is polished smooth, as if the metal rejected intentions of injury.
No. 422901 ID: 067a04
File 133982499841.png - (277.19KB , 900x600 , death.png )

I imagine.. A dead world. A world of broken buildings and lifeless plants. Spires of twisted, polished metal reflect the light of a moon which never quite sets beyond the horizon.

"You're.. Not a very happy bird, are you?"

No, I don't think I am.

"Well, perhaps your spirits could be elevated if you'd just give them something to do. Let's play a game! A game of losing and finding. I'll be lost, and you'll be the one to find me, or perhaps not! But we could never have much fun here, or at least, not a lot. Can you think of anywhere else you might wish to be or want to see?"

I suppose I did have one other idea..

"Oh, good, I love ideas! I think."
No. 422902 ID: 067a04
File 133982503182.png - (437.00KB , 900x600 , life.png )

It's a forest clearing. It's calm and gentle, and... There's a tree here.

"Now, see, aren't you happier now?"

...No, not really.




Parsimony must have hidden, Soldnein. You just look like Soldnein, don't you? But you're not Soldnein. You can't tell me what's true and what's not, or what path to follow. You're not even - not even real. And without you, how can I be? The only one left to tell me what to do is me, and I don't know who I am without you!


I can't keep talking to you. I need to find what makes me real. What makes me Impulse.


Goodbye, Soldnein. I'm sorry.
No. 422904 ID: d1e9bf

Looks like there's a number of paths. I'd say follow the green one.
No. 422910 ID: b0d466

Fly up, see if you can tell where the paths go
No. 422916 ID: 132b99

all paths lead somewhere just pick one at random.
No. 423337 ID: 503921

Before you leave, find a little bit of tranquility and closure and imagine that the tree looks just a little bit happier as if Soldnein is at peace
No. 424966 ID: 067a04
File 134036636031.png - (504.91KB , 900x600 , bloom.png )

No. 424967 ID: 067a04
File 134036639539.png - (80.37KB , 900x600 , path.png )

No. 424968 ID: 067a04
File 134036652657.png - (34.30KB , 900x600 , green.png )



Who are you?

"That's up to you."
No. 424970 ID: b0d466

What, don't you think you have a voice in who you are, greenling?
No. 425001 ID: d1e9bf

"You are what I perceive. Nothing."

Leave, and take the center right path with the purple.
No. 425008 ID: b85f8c

You are a black cat, hidden in the shadow.
No. 425452 ID: 132b99

a blob, easily reshaped by those around it, but unbreakable in it's ambiguity.
No. 425552 ID: 067a04
File 134055061523.png - (11.61KB , 900x600 , guessing.png )

You're a blob, easily changeable by those around it.

"I don't think I am, but I could be."

You're not? Well.. You're a black cat, hidden in the shadows.

"Nope. Don't think so."

Aaagh, then you are what I perceive: nothing.

"If that's what you think is best."

Look, don't you have any say in who you are?

"If you want."
No. 425553 ID: 067a04
File 134055063684.png - (293.17KB , 900x600 , knowing.png )


"I have been alone. You, too, are alone. You are lost, and you are searching. You do not know what you are searching for. I know many things. Ask, if you feel like it. I'll answer."
No. 425604 ID: d1e9bf

"What am I?"
No. 425613 ID: b85f8c

Is there a way to bring back those who have been taken by the red thing that wants everything?

Lacking that, a way to kill it? Revenge would be great.
No. 425642 ID: b0d466

"Where is Parsimony hiding"
No. 432722 ID: 067a04
File 134233266015.png - (209.88KB , 900x600 , still.png )

Do you know where Parsimony is hiding?

"Parsimony is strange to me. I do not know how it thinks."

Do you know how to stop the thing that wants everything, or save those it has taken?

"Just wait. Everything ceases eventually."

...Do you know what I am?

"You are new. You are nothing much, but you are becoming."

Becoming what?

"That is up to you."

You're not very helpful, you know.

"If that's what you think."
No. 432730 ID: 4a328b

Do you know how to find people if you /do/ know how they think?
No. 438333 ID: 99090a

This guy isn't helping much. He bases his answers off of how he thinks the subject in question is, and being a big patch of... green, he obviously doesn't have much experience in that matter. He won't be much help.

Let's go back, and try the topmost path on the right-hand side.
No. 446684 ID: 1e31a4
File 134576565292.png - (96.17KB , 900x600 , useless.png )

Do you know how to find someone if you do know how they think?

"It's a distinct possibility."

You're useless. Goodbye.

"If that's what you think. Goodbye."
No. 446685 ID: 1e31a4
File 134576577966.png - (166.11KB , 900x600 , unseen.png )

...Hello? Is someone there?

why stopped


you have stopped paused hesitated waited why

I can't see where the path goes.

why does that stop you
No. 446686 ID: 99090a

"Because I have no way of knowing what lies ahead of me. Is it safe?"
No. 446687 ID: b85f8c

I think we are not thinking like a reality-altering mind. We are not attempting to change things by thinking. Let's change that.

Decide that the path continues, curling upwards impossibly towards the other paths we have not progressed upon.

Give a form to the voice, that of a snail on the side of the path.
No. 446696 ID: 6a1ec2


The only reason I had to keep going was that I could see the path. Now I can't find it, so have no reason to go anywhere.

It wasn't a very good reason to keep going anyway. I think I may be looking for somebody.
No. 446698 ID: 4a328b

It WOULDN'T have stopped us for long, but then we heard you asking us why we stopped. Now we are talking to you.
No. 449131 ID: 067a04
File 134625000026.png - (87.15KB , 900x600 , nothing.png )

Because I have no way of knowing what lies ahead of me. Is it safe?

safe protected secure yes

The only reason I had to keep going was that I could see the path. Now I can't find it, so I have no reason to go anywhere. It wasn't a good reason, anyway. I think I'm looking for somebody.

you think imagine pretend fabricate lie these things these everythings

once you had nothing absence void emptiness null it was all you had it is all you have

What do you mean?

there is no path there is no anywhere there is nothing to look for find discover

I decide if the path continues. And I decide it does!

of course you decide you are alone always forever why lie fabricate pretend imagine think otherwise

Why doesn't the path continue?! Why won't it go on?

there is no path that leads outside of you

you are alone

you cannot truly be

you think imagine pretend fabricate lie but you are nothing

there was nothing once

there is only nothing now
No. 449524 ID: 752a1b

Then why can we hear you? Everyone else that we have heard has some shape to them.

While you may only be able to see nothing is there, that does not mean that there is nothing further along the path.

Something is chewing into the path, and you might want shine some light onto that area. After all if it hits nothing then there is no issue.

Either way, you might as well return to the fountain afterwards, if both are illusions then it would be more pleasant to be in the presence of something that doesn't want to you to stop in place.
No. 449899 ID: 2cc3ac

I think, therefore I am. Not nothing.

Let us get away from this fool (before it starts to attack us)
No. 457597 ID: 067a04
File 134852354371.png - (26.60KB , 900x600 , cogito-ergo-sum.png )

I think, therefore I am. Not nothing!

No. 457602 ID: 067a04
File 134852365381.png - (74.71KB , 900x600 , decisions.png )


That was easier than I expected it to be.
No. 457632 ID: 60fee2

No. 457649 ID: 11a10f

Blue sounds splendid.
No. 457865 ID: 6e44d2

No. 458011 ID: c8be92

No reason not to go with blue.
No. 465650 ID: 067a04
File 135104166182.png - (150.17KB , 900x600 , wonder.png )



Is there somebody here?


...what is this?
No. 465651 ID: f2c20c

It's a door at the edge of a rocky beach, where waves crash up on the shore sending foam high into the air.

That's my interpretation.
No. 465653 ID: 1d5de7

looks like a giant anus to me.
No. 465713 ID: 4a328b

A door beyond an exploding mountain.
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