dis http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/335834.html
The rage of the battle since forever. A junk moon inside the star war inhabited by the hostile toad race.
I see where I'm heading.
We are Tenochs, the frogs mystique. Half cyborg, space-breathing, space-jumping, electrician.
Just like engineers.
How many toads are on this rock? Let's get over toward that entrance; stay out of sight.
How about ... Die?
enhance speed, dodge.
Enhance s...! Shit! Should have paid more attention!!
Huh? One of my underlings has lost his hearth. Thralltar, suck this one back aboard! We need to treat him before it's too late.
Give him an aura with less glitter. And a brain.
I know what went wrong with you. You didn't have brain. I'm going to give you a new brain and less glitter.
Now which brain would serve you the most...
Might as well be reactionary and go Reflexes!
[Reflex brain started] Wha-at? Wher' am I? Who is thos? It's bright. The shit is humming. Should I walk away?
No, muscle brain! Stay right there!
(only using one vote? poor form) think perception would be best, and stay here.
>>366783 I stay in the bright light and start to like it. As a medical frog approaches me I naturally grab her from her hips and as a reflex body language seduce her into mating with me. She doesn't seem to mind. Suddenly I feel brighter.
Brighter!? You dun goofed, Hasty! There's no way for you to pay the pension!
>>366792 Proceed.
The medic gives me something she calls a brain growth stimulant and leaves after rubbing her hips against mine with a curious expression on her face. I proceed to imaginarium, the room to create weaponry from the space ship fabricator.