Princess Gold Brush
Ah yes, the good land of piles'o'dung, if it weren't for this place i'd be living on the beaches in hawaii... can't believe i stepped in fresh crust... stupid crap mountains... just gotta keep going, specially for those provisions in crow base...
mmmmmmmmm, salsabury steak... best damn rations i've ever heard of.... now... where was it again?
lets see.... south? North? Northwest? Southwest?
can't believe i forgot where the hell crow base was...
Stupid place, ruins in the middle of what used to be wisconsin... Hills as high as the eyes can see... stupid hicks even built a wall... lotta good that stopped inter-galactic waste dumping...
Where the hell is crow base?
Straight North means i have to go through the hole in the wall-- hate to run into scrab-ites (the aliens)
Northwest means i walk around the wall, but also means i may walk right past crow base
Straight South... Right back over the shit-hills
Southwest.... god, i absolutely hate to run right through a scrab-ite pile, but if i have to
Lets think about our supplies.... one vorpalium blade (sweet ass sword), 20hrs of air, space suit (currently equipped), Mediocre air filter (breathable, doesn't stop the horrid smell), and at least my whits and manliness... maybe not my whits