White Evening Tart
Marie Kafka
To say you led a good life would be stretching it, your parents gave you nothing more than food to eat and a roof over your head, so you essentially had to raise yourself, mostly through books at first. A book on parenting became your guide on how to grow up, an encyclopedia became your mentor, and fictional characters became your role models. Once you got past the password on your father's work computer though, there was so much more.
So naturally when you got bullied you turned to the consensus of the internet, since authority figures were a no go that left self defense. The taekwondo teacher was nice enough to give you discounted lessons, and once you got to green belt you figured you'd try making use of your fledgling martial skills. It ended up being the worst decision of your life.
That train, that goddamn train. It was raining hard, and the fog rising up from the nearby coast made it hard to see more than a yard. Your bullies cornered you by the tracks, they never really did much more than a single punch so you figured if you used proper force they'd give up. That's why the moment one of them laid their hands on you, you kicked them straight onto the tracks. It was only supposed to intimidate them, but at that moment a train showed up. Your bully tried to get up and off the tracks but the rain made them slip on the rocks. One moment they were scrambling to get away, the next moment their legs became a smear of red as the train barreled through. It was a memory that you'd never forget, as if seared into your corneas.
In the end it was ruled a self defense but nobody could look at you the same way. Moving out of that damned town was the only good thing your parents ever did for you.