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1073474 No. 1073474 ID: 681cb5

In autumn the leaves dances over the lake. Their green, red and golden hues reflecting onto the water’s surface, as the wind carries them across. Across to other places. Other worlds. At times, you wish you were nothing but a leaf, dancing in the wind… and leaving all this behind.
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No. 1079845 ID: 124485

With how dark it is now, it's not safe to go take another bath in the lake with the monster supposedly lurking around.

And nobody will let you in town while you smell like that. Even if you did get into town, you wouldn't be allowed near the hotel where Theodmir is staying. On top of that, showing anyone the room key he gave you as proof that you were invited into his room would just have everyone accuse you of stealing it from the Tree Walker and use that as an excuse to harass you even more!

So you kinda don't have many options on what to do now.
No. 1079848 ID: 273c18

We don't actually know there's a monster in the lake. It's never bothered Bill before.

Though I guess if Bill can't see by moonlight for some reason he will simply have to walk into town smelling like a sewer. Maybe it's time for him to grow a set of balls and show up to the mayor's house covered in sewage to complain.
No. 1079849 ID: fc8ab3

Go to the lake, but stay by the shore. You just need to wash yourself a little bit, tomorrow you can start figuring out a good way to deal with... this. gods they're such dicks to you for no reason.
No. 1080107 ID: 15a025

Don't suppose magical cleaning powers are a part of the treewalkers tool set?

Ugh, back to the pond for a bath. Again...
No. 1080327 ID: 681cb5
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>Don't suppose magical cleaning powers are a part of the treewalkers tool set?
Wouldn’t that mean walking up to that pompous snob covered in shit?
>Wow, this really is a dead-end town if this is what passes for entertainment among the youth.
We’re a small farming and fishing town. Of course there isn’t any entertainment here like in the big cities.
>Maybe it's time for him to grow a set of balls and show up to the mayor's house covered in sewage to complain.
“Youngsters will be youngsters” he says… though you’re sure it’s only because it’s you they are targeting.
>Gods they're such dicks to you for no reason.
…it was an accident.

>Go back home and wash again. You must have another set of clothes to change into somewhere.
The light dances under the surface on the other side of the lake, moving erratically and without purpose. But as you submerge yourself once again in the dark, cold waters it stops and just sits there. You better keep an eye on it for now. You opt to just jump in with your clothes on, to get them cleaned up at the same time, before changing to something else. Worst case scenario you’ll have wet clothes for tonight. Pulling off your shirt, you splash a bit of water on your face to clean off… wait, the glow is gone? It only left your sight for a second…

Then suddenly, a bright light flares up next to you on the edge of the lake, illuminating a tall shape.

Theo: “What the…?” a familiar voice rings out over the water, “Bill?”
No. 1080328 ID: 681cb5
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Bill: “Theodmir!?” you blurt out without thinking, “Ah m-mean, TreeWalker!?”
Theo: “What are you doing here now. You… you…!?” the rabbits brow furrows, his nose twitching as he swallow the insult he was about to hurl, before gritting his teeth and hissing, “I told everyone to stay in town! It’s not safe out here, you fool!” Theo sighs loudly, calming down slightly, “And call me Theo, darn it.”
Bill: “S-sorry, Theo… Ah… um…” you sheepishly rub the back of your head, “Ah d-didn’t know?”
Theo: “You didn’t know? But the Mayor’s grandson-” he stops as he realize what he just said, “Of course that brat didn’t tell you.” Once again the hare’s eyebrows lower, as he put his hand over his face and rubs his eyes tiredly, “I just hope he told the rest. But I can worry about that later. Now get into town, Bill. It isn’t safe out here.”
Bill: “R-right… um…” you look around a bit, trying to find your clothes, “Ah just n-need to get… dressed?”
Theo: “Why are you even jumping into the lake at this hour anyway?” annoyance dripping from his voice, “And what is that horrid smell…?” The rabbit shakes his head before starting to rub his temple, “Ugh, I don’t have time for this. I have to find a bunch of kids that broke curfew. They stole a rope and buckets, said something about catching the monster, so now I better make sure they don’t throw themselves into the lake or something equally dumb.” He stops and looks up at you, his eyes overflowing with irritation, “Can you make it back on your own, Bill?”
No. 1080329 ID: 273c18

Tell him you're very sure now that the monster is you, because those kids tripped you with the rope and used the buckets to dump sewage on you.

Maybe it's best if you confess to the accident. Then you won't waste any more of Theo's time.
No. 1080331 ID: 8f9bc4

Oh no you're not the reason he's telling everyone to stay in town, are you? This whole thing might have been a complete mixup! Maybe he misunderstood the gentle ribbing the rest of the town lovingly gives you, thinking they were talking about something actually dangerous in the lake, instead of just a few innocent japes about you!
No. 1080383 ID: 49e2b5

>Maybe he misunderstood the gentle ribbing the rest of the town lovingly gives you
That is a lie.

None of this is considered a "gentle ribbing" and it is most certainly not done in a "loving" way.

This is straight up racism and everything thats happened is a hate crime.
No. 1080384 ID: 124485

Tell him the truth. Tell him about your constant mistreatment from the entire town!

I'm sure once he hears about this, he'll never visit this town ever again. Which is the best punishment for them because they'll hate themselves for the rest of their lives knowing they're the reason their precious Tree Walker never visits again!

>just a few innocent japes about you!
Please tell me you're joking.
No. 1080386 ID: d0cff5

I think they're trying to go for the "gentle giant who gives bad people the benefit of the doubt too much" sympathy card. A powerful card to play!

However, I think he should tell Theo the truth! Let all the sadness that's built up finally wash away, like the poopy stink smell those awful children dumped all over you. Maybe Theo even has a bath or cleaning magic he can use.
No. 1080387 ID: 76615e

Ask if he saw that glow in the lake.
Also let him know that you saw those kids with the rope and bucket, they were headed back to town. So he doesn't have to worry about them.
No. 1080392 ID: ad16e3

>…it was an accident.
Doesn't matter what it was, you don't deserve this sort of constant harassment and cruelty.
You deserve hugs from a cute rabbit boy.

First, get out of the water. Not in a second, Now.
Tell Theo they found the monster they were looking for, and that is the smell of their victory over it, before they ran back home laughing.
And tell him about the light, and that having your night vision ruined by Theo's radiance, you really don't want to be alone right now.
No. 1080394 ID: b0c039

Tell him that you saw those kids; they dumped gunk on you and ran, that's why you're here in the middle of the night washing it off so you can sleep. So... they already kind of finished what they were doing, so maybe they'd be going back in the direction of home, right? At least in terms of safety that's... probably optimal, so long as they don't get lost.
No. 1080513 ID: 15a025

The kids thought they were being funny, playing a prank on you, "the monster". Which involved being attacked with a bucket of dung.
No. 1080639 ID: 681cb5
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>Maybe it's best if you confess to the accident. Then you won't waste any more of Theo's time.
What? No! He can’t know wha- He doesn’t- This city snob doesn’t need to know about your past. That accident is irrelevant to… to… to all this!
>Tell him the truth. Tell him about your constant mistreatment from the entire town!
… … …they do have the right to be mad at you.
>You deserve hugs from a cute rabbit boy.
*Sigh* you wish… all you deserve is getting dung flung at you…

>Oh no you're not the reason he's telling everyone to stay in town, are you?
Theo: “What? No!?” the rabbit seems genuine shocked, “Why would you- didn’t you see the light on the lake?”
Bill: “Ah d-did, but…” you pull your shirt over your head, the wet cloth chilling you to the bone, “That was the creature?”
Theo: “Yes, that is the lake beast.” he gesture towards the lake, “It’s trying to lure you close with its glow before striking.” Theo shakes his head, a small frown on his snout, “That’s why I need to find those kids, because young minds are naturally curious and rather willing to take risks.”
Bill: “Oh, the kids…” scratching the back of your head awkwardly, you continue, “Um… Ah a-actually think Ah know where they are…” You glance toward the warm glow of the town, still visible over the trees from here, “They are back in town.”
Theo: “Oh?” the hare lights up, a small smile spreading across his face as one of his eyebrows rises, “And how do you know that?”
Bill: “Because they thought it would be funny to play a prank on old Bill.” With a deep sigh, you put on your hat, “The so c-called monster of the lake.” Taking a moment to catch your breath, you look him in the eyes, “So they tripped me with a rope and pelted me with dung.”
Theo: “WHAT!?” he yells, his leg thumping into the ground thrice as his fists curls up, “Oh, I’m going to have a stern talking to them. As well as the mayor.” For a moment, Theo seems lost in thought, then he turns to you and start pushing you towards the trees, “Now come on!”
Bill: “Huh?” you stammer, “W-where are we going?”
Theo: “Back to town, of course.” His voice is stern, reminding you of your Pa, “We need to get you cleaned up.” As he guides you into the woods, you shiver from the cold wind, “And warmed up for that matter. Luckily, I asked them to drawn a hot bath for my sake, which you can use.”
Bill: “But t-that’s yours-” stumbling through the dark, you can barely get the words right, “And Ah don’t need warmth?”
Theo: “Nonsense. You’ll catch a cold like this!” the rabbit says, shoving you along, “Taking a dive in an ice cold lake before running around the woods in wet clothes is not good for your health, Bill.”
Bill: “But-”
Theo: “No buts.” The rabbit interrupting you confidently, “We’re getting you both warm and clean, and that’s final.”
No. 1080640 ID: 681cb5
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You’re not sure what exactly happened after that, as you suddenly find yourself inside a really nice and warm room at the inn. Theo led you through the town, pushed you inside his inn room before taking your hat and shoving you in here. Oh, and he also gave you some kind of brush, a towel and… whatever this white rectangle is. It feels slimy. And gross.

Theo: “Just throw your clothes out here before you jump into the water Bill.” you hear the rabbits voice through the door, “And I’ll get them cleaned for you.”

In the middle of the room there’s a massive tub, filled with… sea foam? It doesn’t look very clean… or healthy for that matter.
Then there’s an odd metal contraption on the wall with a bunch of doohickeys on it… and a drain in the floor.
Finally, there’s a small cupboard filled with strange tonics and elixirs, clearly made by some kind of alchemical magic. Some looking rather poisonous while other seems rather delicious if drunk.

… … …you’re unsure what you’re actually supposed to do in here.
No. 1080645 ID: 273c18

...you don't know what soap is? Oh wait maybe your civilization hasn't discovered it yet.

Ask Theo what's all this weird stuff.
No. 1080648 ID: 19ea25

Sniff the elixers. Maybe you might be able to discern them by smell. Though you might want to ask Theo what any of this is.
No. 1080656 ID: 76615e

Theo's standing there waiting for you to hand him your clothes, so you'd better hurry up and admit you don't know what any of this weird stuff is before he gets impatient.
You're a simple fisher, there's no shame in not knowing about fancy city baths.
No. 1080859 ID: 8f9bc4

Yes you need Theo to help you bathe.
No. 1080865 ID: 124485

Tell him that you’re not allowed to live in town, so you’ve always lived by the lake and bathed there. And because you’ve always bathed in the lake, you have no idea what any of this stuff is or how you’re supposed to use any of it.

……ask him if you’re supposed to drink these weird potions and they’ll magically make you clean?
No. 1080953 ID: 15a025

Let Theo know you're not really familiar with this. You've only ever washed the natural way in a the lake.
No. 1080974 ID: 01fe07

>you’re not allowed to live in town
Speaking of which, I'm sure a lot of people saw Theo take Bill into his room. Those people are gonna use this as an excuse to be mad at Bill because they'll say that Bill is going to be a bad influence on the TreeWalker and they'll talk about how Bill might corrupt the TreeWalker or something.
No. 1081452 ID: 681cb5
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>...you don't know what soap is?
This is soap!? No way! Soap is a big chunk of greasy, gray animal fat. Not a perfect, unnatural cube of pure bone white. In fact, it’s slightly unsettling just looking at this thing…
>Sniff the elixers. Maybe you might be able to discern them by smell.
Most of them smell odd and abnormal, created by magical alchemy instead of being created by herbs and species from the forest. There is a bottle depicting an orange, though, which smells divine. You’ve always loved oranges…

>Ask Theo what's all this weird stuff.
Theo: “Huh?” Theo’s muffled voice can be heard from the other side of the door, “What oddities did you find in there, Bill?”
Bill: “It’s a c-cupboard filled with alchemical elixirs and tonics.” You explain, “Ah’ve never seen anything like it!”
Theo: “Well, I can’t tell with complete certainty, as I haven’t actually looked in there yet myself…” the rabbit takes a moment before continuing, “But I think its bottles of shampoo, scale polish and the like?”
Bill: “…Am Ah supposed to drink them?” you feel stupid for asking, “To make myself magically clean?”
Theo: “No, you shouldn’t drink those.” was that a chuckle you just heard? “Though, they did say they were going to leave something for me to enjoy sipping on. There’s probably a bottle of juice in there or something, if you can find it.” Then his voice grows slightly annoyed, “Now, give me your clothes, master fisherman. I don’t have all the time in the world.”

After getting undressed and discreetly handing over your clothes to Theo through the door, you give up trying to figure out what anything in here is and simply opt to use the bath. Sliding down in the warm water relaxes your whole body, not to mention the odd scum on the surface is oddly pleasant on the scales. It’s not bad… but it’s no cool river in the summer. Picking up the bottle with an orange on it, you take a cautious sip…

Bill: “Ugh!” you recoil, “This is horrid! Are you sure they wanted us to drink this!?” but you don’t get an answer, as Theo is gone, “Oh well…”
No. 1081453 ID: 681cb5
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Letting your whole body sink down below the water, you relax. For the first time in ages things suddenly seems to be going your way. A warm, calming bath is exactly what you needed. It’s perfect. Well, almost perfect…

>Speaking of which, I'm sure a lot of people saw Theo take Bill into his room.
The streets where mostly empty, with most people staying inside after dark. Of course, someone is bound to have seen you being pushed by Theo, but did they actually see you enter his room?
>Yes you need Theo to help you bathe.
W-W-WHAT!? No! That’s n-not… you w-wouldn’t… heh… err… of c-course you don’t need that snob’s help…

Bah, you need to stop thinking about that bunny. Even if you were interested in that annoyingly smug, cute looking, talented rabbit with a heart of gold, you wouldn’t have a chance in hell anyway. After all, he’s a TreeWalker, a hero of legends, while you are… what? A barely competent fisher?

The warmth of the water makes you doze off…
No. 1081454 ID: 681cb5
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You dream of when you were young, when your mother would fill a small tub with warm water and scrub you down, cleaning you thoroughly with her brush and well-polished claws. In fact, it almost feels real… you can swear you can feel her scaled hand on your snout once again, her smooth scales keeping your head steady as she scrubs you. It’s simply… divine…
No. 1081457 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1081461 ID: 5ebd37

"Can we go to the festival tomorrow, Mommy?"
No. 1081470 ID: c8adcc

You've had a rough day, just enjoy your dream a little longer, safe in someone else's hands for once. How long has it been since someone has touched you with such care, made you feel like you're not alone? You think Theo would help you wash up like this? Some help now and then would be nice... Those are scales you're feeling, right?
No. 1081502 ID: 15a025

Relax and melt into the bath. I'm sure the warm water feels good after being out in the cold, twice tonight.
No. 1081559 ID: 273c18

Are you being washed?
No. 1083715 ID: 681cb5
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>Those are scales you're feeling, right?
Now that you think about it, they do feel a bit odd. They are too polished and hard… almost like… wood? How peculiar…
>Relax and melt into the bath. I'm sure the warm water feels good after being out in the cold, twice tonight.
You slip further down into the hot water, letting it engulf you completely as your imagination continues scrubbing the top of your head. It’s even started to rub your snout…

Bill: “Mmm…” you take a deep breath, allowing the heat to relax your muscles… and before you can stop yourself, you dreamingly mumble, "Can we go to the festival tomorrow, Mommy?"
Theo: “Mommy?” a strange female voice says, one that is as smooth as silk, “I’ve had girls call me daddy before, but never mommy.”
No. 1083716 ID: 681cb5
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Bill: “GAH!!” you scream as you pull yourself from the water, splashing it everywhere, “THEO!?”
Theo: “Yes?” the rabbit shields himself from the liquid, before looking at you with a slight smile on his lips, “That’s my name, Bill?”
Bill: “...w-what are yah doing!?”
Theo: “…scrubbing your back?”
Bill: “Naked!?”
Theo: “I didn’t want to get my jacket wet.” raising an eyebrow, he continues, “Besides, I’m wearing pants, silly.”
Bill: “That’s not-” shutting your eyes, you swallow before stuttering out, “Yah c-can’t just s-scrub someone back like t-that, Theo!?”
Theo: “Why not?” the rabbit shrugs, “You clearly haven’t had anyone scrub your back properly for some time. And it’s not like you have anything I haven’t seen already.” Giving you a warm smile, he says, “Not to mention, I’ll need someone that scrub my back later.”
Bill: “Y-yah want m-me to… to…” you simply stare at him for a what feels like an eternity, “Why me?”
Theo: “…because you call me Theo instead of TreeWalker, for starters.” he makes a circle gesture with his brush, “Now turn around so I can scrub your back properly.” then he wiggles the brush towards you, as if casting a spell with a wand, “If it makes you feel better, we can discuss something else. To keep your mind elsewhere.”
No. 1083717 ID: eb0a9c

No. 1083719 ID: 273c18

Do not punch.

Let him wash your back. Also, ask to feel his hand. He looks like he's got fur, but maybe there's a protective shield around him or something? Ask him about his job. How does he hunt monsters, exactly?
No. 1083723 ID: 19ea25

Punching would get rid of those ruby eyes, but yeah ask why would that be the reasoning. He's a treewalker but he's still another being why would nobody say his name?
No. 1083735 ID: 5ebd37

People respect the position, but they don't know the man. Bill doesn't care about the treewalker stuff, so he can Theo for who he really is and not a some romanticized ideal.

oooh, Bill~ He wants you to wash his back? In the same tub? Sounds like someone's trying to flirt with you~
No. 1083787 ID: a785dd

Do not punch Theo.

Enjoy having him wash your back, you deserve to relax.
No. 1083790 ID: 1ab965

>not like you have anything I haven’t seen already.
Theo may have a point, but consent is still important... The answer being yes, in part because he calls you Bill, instead of Monster, but the thought still stands. Should be clear enough that it has been a while, based on your comment. And while the Mommy comment might not be aimed at him, you seem more the Daddy between the two of you... Though it seems he has been called Daddy far more often than you have.

Ask if the memento around his neck has a story, or if that's off limits.
No. 1084467 ID: 15a025

If you're enjoying it and feel comfortable with him washing your back, go for it.
No. 1084580 ID: d512e5

Let him get you cleaned up.
No. 1085231 ID: 681cb5
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>Enjoy having him wash your back, you deserve to relax.
Bill: “Fine… yah can scrub mah back…” you relax a bit and slide down under the water again, “But next time, warn me before yah sneak up on me like that, Theo!”
Theo: “Forgive me, you just looked so at peace, I didn’t want to disturb you.” the rabbit chuckles, “But lesson learned, Bill. I’ll make sure I got your permission before I bathe you next time.” He then whacks your shoulder with his brush, before gesturing for you to move a bit, “Now lean forward and get up from the water…”

>why does nobody use his name?
Theo: “Hmm?” taking a moment to ponder your question, Theo starts scrubbing the back of your shoulders before answering, “Most people just see me as a TreeWalker. A hero that wanders between towns, solving their problems.” the hare sighs, “Knowing my name would ruin that fantasy, don’t you agree? It would make me mortal, just like them.”
Bill: “Surely, someone must ask ye name is?”
Theo: “They do, to be polite…” his scrubbing gets a bit harder, “And then they forget about it in less than a minute.” The head of the brush moves downwards, over your shoulder blades, “Not to mention, a TreeWalker usually only stays in one place for a few days. You solve the problem, and then you move on.” Once again, he sighs, “You don’t really have the time to get to know people, you know.”
Bill: “…don’t yah get lonely, Theo?”
Theo: “…at times.”

>Ask him about his job. How does he hunt monsters, exactly?
Theo: “Bill, most TreeWalkers don’t hunt monsters all the time.” he says with some pride, thumping your back with his brush, “We solve all kind of problems… everything from lost kits, to bad harvests, to floods and even disagreement between people.”
Bill: “…but didn’t you say you were hunting a monster?”
Theo: “Well, yes… but that’s beside the point.” the brushing stops, and you can see in the corner of your eye that he looks away while biting his lower lip, “And… um… I’m not sure how I’ll hunt this one. I need to gather more information about it first.” his scrubbing resumes, but it’s clear that he’s deep in thought, “Maybe lay a trap… or scare it away? Hmm…”

>Ask to feel his hand.
Theo: “Hmm? Sure?” grabbing the brush with his other hand, he frees his right hand and presents it to you. It feels fuzzy… and soft. Not at all what you felt before. Shaking your head, you let it go. “What was that about?”
b]Bill:[/b] “…nothing.”
Theo: “Oh never mind then.”

>Ask if the memento around his neck has a story.
Theo: “Oh, this?” he holds up the golden ring his hand, “Why, it’s my wedding ring, of course.”
Bill: “…y-yah’re married!?”
Theo: “Indeed.” the rabbit spins the ring between his fingers, looking at you through it, “I’ve got both a beautiful wife and a lovely daughter waiting for me back home.”
Bill: “Oh…” it looks rather dull for being gold... not gleaming at all... though it does look very well worn, “Ah didn’t… oh…”
Theo: “How about you?” he beams as he return to scrubbing your back, now having moved all the way down to your midsection, “Surely you have a special lady? Or at least, a gal you fancy?”
No. 1085251 ID: 365de0

We had two childhood friends that we fancied. We took so long trying to decide who to pursue that they married each other. Now it hurts to see them, so we've been avoiding them.
No. 1085254 ID: 273c18

>hand feels soft
He switched the hand he was holding the brush in. Ask to feel the other one. I suspect he's got an artificial hand. He must've lost it fighting monsters. Very well made if so, you can't tell by looking at it!

Tell him you want to help him. You live here by the lake, so you know the area better than anyone, and you're pretty big and good with a knife so if it comes down to it you can help fight too. Though maybe he'd like to put you through a bit of sparring to ensure you're up to it?
No. 1085363 ID: 8f9bc4

You can't say you know any others of your kind living around here. Those not of your kind sure don't like you that way. Or at all.
No. 1085365 ID: 124485

>“Surely you have a special lady? Or at least, a gal you fancy?”
You don't have anybody. Everyone here thinks you're ugly and they constantly remind you of that everyday. That's why you're forced to live in a tent by the lake outside of town, so that you're far away from everyone else.

Nobody here loves Big Fat Bill…
No. 1085366 ID: 273c18

>“Surely you have a special lady? Or at least, a gal you fancy?”
Nope. Also, tell him you like men.
No. 1085381 ID: deefbe

Not to give false hope, but he's laid with women that have called him Daddy, and the life of traveling problem-solver isn't so straightforward: he might be keeping secrets for the sake of the mood, or have an arrangement. Can you read the inscription? He needs to work on his signals as well: inviting you to his place, bathing you, "... before I bathe you next time."

Anyone that you fancied or fancied you has either left or shacked up with someone else. Number of folks that have been kind to you beyond your own parents has been shockingly small, and it doesn't last in this place... for good reason.

You into gals as well as guys? Definitely into guys, it seems, just don't relax too much as he gets lower. Could always speak in hypotheticals, ask what he'd do about someone sending confusing/mixed messages.
No. 1086554 ID: 15a025

Apologize for being a downer, but this is kind of the first time someone hasn't tried to shoo you away in awhile.
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