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File 169077010730.png - (12.23KB , 500x500 , Dream quest title.png )
1069408 No. 1069408 ID: 770f88

Dream Quest.
NSFW Dependent on the dream.

An Short Multi Story Quest based off actual dreams I've had.
147 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 1084986 ID: 3f89df
File 170931813699.png - (23.84KB , 500x500 , uh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh where did the ref come from.png )

Now let's move onto-
> Happy to hang out, buuut if i was a betting man...
Derklord Blushu * 500% percent is now activated.
What's that supposed to mean?! No, really- I don't know what that would mean- Sure, I may have posted umm something really NSFW prior to making this update, but It's not going to get to that!......... will it?
No. 1084987 ID: 3f89df
File 170931814002.png - (21.30KB , 500x500 , blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.png )

Uh, anyway, Questden section!
There's a wide variety of quests here, well if I could show it, but I can see through this red curtain, so let me explain it in more detail! some quests that are important to me from this site, some that I've read to completion, some that I think about often, and some that have interested me.

So, you may have noticed that there are a lot of Tippler's Quest books, and that may, or may not be because I was burnt out after my first semester and binge-read the entire Tippler catalog in two days, but I can see why Tippler is such an important figure in this community, his stories and art is outstanding,
I have no clue why, but I think Nostalgia Quest, and You Died are some of my favorite quests ever.
Obviously, I love Slime Quest! It's just a very cute series with absolutely gorgeous art at times, paired with lovable characters.
Dive quest gains points for the longest-running quest, and the one that has kept my attention, even when going through multiple threads; it also has cool world-building, and the Tisolomer/charm is so lovable I want to squeeze and hug her.
Dragon romance is probably the first-ever quest I read to (almost) competition, despite me not being a horny person (despite what this quest and magical may provide) and staying away from most horny quests. Dragon romance has a lot of heart and is funny. At least to me, anyway. although I do wonder what the big project is about... and It affected me personally in a large way, but I won't disclose why, since it's not really important.
Honestly, almost every quest out there is fun and good, like Buckweat, Panda, GiantHat, Edmango, Donut, and so many others! Your quests are amazing!
But the question on my mind is, do I buy any of them in this dreamscape? Hmm.... maybe not; I should check out the value that my brain has put on them... I do have 50$, even though I'm most likely just going to do window shopping instead.
Ugh, I'm still deciding! Audience, what do you think?

[1] Dragon Romance!/Slinko Section
[2] Tippler/Nostalgia Quest/You died
[3] Slime Quest/Sofia's work
[4] Dive Quest/Weaver's work
[7] Specific Quest Book: i.e Tension, Girl Talk, Rotten Apple, I hate my job, Moot Point, House Cadvere, Lazy Fairy, Hu, Rot, Etc.
[8] Specific Author Section: I.e: Edmango, Tippler, Absurd De Void, Donut, Thicc Ice, Weaver, Kaltus, Donut, Giant hat, Hitmisu, AplhaLurker, Cirr etc.
[9] Other
[10] My work? Derklord blushu???
[11] This is stupid. Go back to the actual interesting dreams instead of talking about yourself, you narcissistic piece of poo poo
[12] Like 11, But maybe let's focus on an different aspect instead.
No. 1084988 ID: 7c55ad

[7] I recommend Lucha quest, the comic series! (no way, im not being biased)
No. 1085028 ID: 2f41db


Oh, now bone is a good one.
The kind that grows with the reader as you return to it.
Good taste.
Cant say im familiar with the cutsey book, but hey, cute stuff can be a delight of its own and they sound like more than just floppy ears and adorability by the way you talk about it.
Humour and heart too.

Dont be so down on pointy ears though.
theyre cute in their own, different way.
Same said of horns.

Oh, you cant leave us hanging now you said that about dragon romance.
What was your favorite scene or moment?

As to the shelves...
Im torn.
7) looks good.
Lucha quest sounds pure fun.
See if they have a copy of chee quest.
Its a classic.

I AM greatly tempted to ask about shelf 10, if only to see you be adorable again.
No. 1085042 ID: 5ebd37

eeee, you mentioned my quest!
Dammit, stop being so adorable

[9] Anything good in the classics section? i.e. quests from a decade ago. Have you ever done any digging in the wiki?

[10] See if they have a copy of Dream Quest and see whats going to happen next.
No. 1085302 ID: 3f89df
File 170951712703.png - (26.93KB , 500x500 , ackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.png )

> Dammit, stop being so adorable

Too much Blushu, Derklord brain overload, eject, eject, eject.
No. 1085303 ID: 3f89df
File 170951713103.png - (8.08KB , 500x500 , oh no derklord is deadddddddddddd.png )

No. 1085305 ID: 3f89df
File 170951713631.png - (15.95KB , 500x500 , what where am i.png )

Umm hello! I guess this is my "true" fursona. That isn't a character that's based on something else? It's a shape-shifter cause I feel my fursona is constantly changing, but anyway, thanks!
No. 1085306 ID: 3f89df
File 170951714080.png - (17.12KB , 500x500 , nude ahhhhhhhhh.png )

Although I probably should put on some clothes again, Hey! Stop Oggoling! Turn around! yes you, even though I drew myself naked for around six-eight updates, it doesn't mean a girl doesn't need decency!
No. 1085307 ID: 3f89df
File 170951714945.png - (29.88KB , 500x500 , i ummmmmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhhhhh.png )

> 7 Lucha quest sounds pure fun.

I have yet to read Lucha Quest too much besides the newest fight, So Let's look at the price... 10 Dollars? That's a lot considering my lack of knowledge, but don't say that's the epitome of how much the work should cost... "sigh," I guess you can't please everybody.
It's just mainly because I haven't read it, and the price is essential in my mind-scape; something such as Slime Quest or Dragon Romance would be more expensive in my brain than something else such as a quest I'm familiar with-

Yknow what? Screw it; I'll read it right here, right now; give me a moment.....

You know, If I got a nickel for every time I've seen a rabbit protagonist do the Jak-O Pose, I'd have two nickels, but it's strange that it happened twice.

Oh! Now it's around 45$ in Dream Money! That's much better; after revisiting it, I would describe Lucha Quest as pure, unadulterated fun. Also Nacha is just pure adorableness incarnate; I see you asking me for potential scenes and, well, umm... I flip through some of the pages; I have this thing where I kind of get embarrassed whenever someone watches me watch media, So I-
No. 1085308 ID: 3f89df
File 170951715281.png - (13.50KB , 500x500 , ackkkkkkkkkkkkkk.png )

I notice you reaching for the book, Hey! what are you-
Eeek! No, don't. I immediately disappeared from the comic book before you could see what scene I was looking at.

You look at me quizzing, but with a smug look like you know what scene I was attempting to hide; I take that as an opportunity to move on- at least you don't remember my thought process because it was actually- Actually, No, never mind, I don't want to blush so much I don't become a blob of goo, Or this Dream suddenly turns way too horny.

The mind is really fickle, and knowing how some dreams have gone before, we should move on.
No. 1085309 ID: 3f89df
File 170951715606.png - (17.79KB , 500x500 , fight.png )

> Don't be so down on pointy ears, though.
> They're cute in their own, but in a different way.
> Same said of horns.

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, [u] I [u] Physically take you out of the audience collective, which is also singular; I know what to do with pointy ear enjoyers.

Round 1 Fight-

Actually, yeah, no, you're right. Pointy ears are also cute, but that's mainly because of horns, so count yourself lucky, even though I wouldn't have hit you that I so graciously spared you.
I then put you back with the other singular collective creature I won't describe to add anticipation.

I am not going to lie; section 7 kind of makes me anxious about what to say-

> Anything good in the classics section? i.e. quests from a decade ago. > Have you ever done any digging in the wiki?

Oh, that's a lot easier to deal with since those quests are already done, and the authors may or may not be there, sure! What quest?
> See if they have a copy of Chee Quest.

Hmmm, actually, after looking through it some more- It's not really here- You so obviously point at the book labeled Chee quest with large bold letters and a larger book page than the others.

Oh yes, Chee Quest!
Lil Kobold, Wholesome God Killer Construct, I remember that story! But, not going to lie I don't want to open that book.

Hey, Stop looking at me like I'm saying this to pad the update-time; it's just I only started to read it last week, so If I open it, I don't know. Maybe Chee herself will pop out? That would not really be best-

Let's just move away from the quest den section I don't think this was an good idea to begin with-
No. 1085310 ID: 3f89df
File 170951716112.png - (16.60KB , 500x500 , blushu.png )

> Oh, you can't leave us hanging now you said that about dragon romance.
> What was your favorite scene or moment?

I look down at myself, and my entire black side has turned red- How, How did you do this- How did I turn red? No- I'm not embarrassed. Shut up! Think non-horny thoughts think non-horny thoughts about dragon romance
While you did make me blush, I won't because- Ack! Stop giving me those puppy dog eyes, okay, okay.
No. 1085311 ID: 3f89df
File 170951716932.png - (22.49KB , 500x500 , dragon romance.png )

Uh, what I'm going to say isn't all hunky dory and fun as this current shopping journey has been so far, so skip it if you wish; I'm just going to summarize it briefly.

So when I was a teen, something happened to me; no, it's not something like an uncle or whatnot; it's just putting a lonely, horny teenager unsupervised by herself and with access to the Internet... I think you know where I'm going with this.

It was just after I left that situation I became very anti-sex or sexual things, and I stayed that way for quite a while. And I thought that I'd never really change, but then I stumbled upon dragon romance; I visited since I wanted to see what an Nsfw quest was like and if it had anything else besides sex, and to be honest, I just mentally dissociated or ignored all of the sex scenes in dragon romance. Still, I stayed for the humor and the heart.

But as I read, I started connecting with the characters, especially Cerdiwen. This might sound stupid, and most likely is; I see a lot of myself in Cerdiwen, and she's kind of a representation of an ideal self, Extroverted, Happy, Friendly, Compassionate, And isn't dysphoric around her body. And as I started to connect with her and the other characters, that barrier I had put around myself began to fade away. In return, I started to understand more about sex and sexual representation. Since I was so connected to Cerdiwen, I empathized with her; in her sex scenes, I imagined myself as her, which felt empowering.

To summarize this long rant, Dragon romance helped me regain my sexuality, and because of that It'll always have a special place in my heart.

In terms of my favorite scene, I mean almost all (Besides the later half of the mall scene) Is gold, but if I had to choose one, I would be Cerdiwen apologizing to Delia before she leaves; it's just beautiful. I don't have words to describe it.

Screw it; move over nostalgia. Quest Dragon romance is my favorite quest of all time again.

I think we have done enough on the book section; let's move on to something else.

> I AM greatly tempted to ask about shelf 10 if only to see you be adorable again.

I- Eeep! I'm an even brighter shade of red with an hue this time! My work? Why? It's not good, and has a lot of flaws in it, but if you want to see it, then umm be my guess!

Yeah, there's a wide variety of books, of course, we have fantastical, Dream, and Magical, but there's also Gone with the Wind and some other quests that you should visit in Dream Quest; there's also the Sins of Man, which was a bit of an earlier idea, I mean it's not going to be good, but what do you want to look at?

> See if they have a copy of Dream Quest and see what's going to happen > next.

Dream Quest? Isn't this what you're reading right now? Is that likely logistically possible? Suddenly, the Dream Quest book appears in my hands.
No. 1085312 ID: 3f89df
File 170951717241.png - (10.25KB , 500x500 , derklord you idiot.png )

What if I open this, and it ends the quest? Or something worse! Let's put it back- Ack! Stop with the puppy eyes, okay, I'm opening it, I'm opening it-


Opening it.......
No. 1085313 ID: 3f89df
File 170951717680.png - (26.35KB , 500x500 , my four year old chould draw better then that.png )

Ackkkkkk- yosdsnuhbgwha! What's-hrejbugiuerowokspokspfin happeningeibguibrilberbugliurub to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!!?!?


Then there was darkness.


Rebooting brain.exe....
Derklord.zip - error extracting running test cases...
Test cases are complete, using the placeholder player character.
Other files were imported successfully
No. 1085314 ID: 3f89df
File 170951718175.png - (13.41KB , 500x500 , Who is thou.png )

Huh? Where, where am I? I only remember Sapphire; we hugged, and then-
Wait? Where is she? Wait, you, the curiously attractive fish man who's naked as hell, who are you?
As I hear your name, my eyes widen. "The Audience you say?"
Wait- if that means I'm here, and Sapphire isn't.........

hahahahahahahahhahahahahah! Yes! Finally, I'm in control! Wait, does that mean she's- ! Haha, that's so funny! Wait, let me test that out really quickly. Let me just kick this stand and look at the sign.
No. 1085315 ID: 3f89df
File 170951718430.png - (26.84KB , 500x500 , hahahhahaha stupid head.png )

Oh my goodness, the sign now has a sad face! She's stuck! The fuck-up must have fucked up so hard; wait, what did she do?
She opened the representation of her stupid story and fucked up her mind?
Actually, fuck this; I can't believe Sapphire made this Dora ass suggestion of the audience representative; let me give you a voice; there we go.

Hah! Look at her, attempting to change the signs in order to try to communicate "Help! This wasn't supposed to happen" Boohoo hoo, Sapphire, Damn rights, this is what you get after all these fucking years! Now let's see how you like it being the dungeon master of my mindscape, while I instead go around twerk, strip nude, and then go fuck the villain because that seems like that's how you react to all of my HARD WORK, Oh sorry Sapphire you wouldn't even know what hard work is my apologies.

Oh, don't cry, Emojie; Emoji'sre fucking disgusting; emoticons are king. Ugh, audience, don't listen to her anymore, "please, open the book again!" Oh Boohoo, I got transformed for two seconds and now I want out; hey, NO Bad audience, don't you be eying that book, here let me just *CHOMP* there, good as new, man being the player character, makes me feel really hell powerful, is that what Sapphire feels like?

Oh, the audience, now that you are here and you are asking questions to me, answer anything you want about Sapphire; damn well, she can't do anything right now to stop me from it! And oh, believe me, I have so much dirt on her you wouldn't believe it! Anything! Her sins, she follows on her previous questions, her most embarrassing memory, how pathetic she is. Anything!

Oooh, wait a second; This is her mind-scape, correct? If we look deep enough, I can show you all of this stuff! Or at least an artistic recreation of it. Sapphire doesn't know how to summon NPCs yet, so we're free to walk anywhere we want to instead of being constrained to her "options." Railroady, much? It seems you did that with Magical, so I'm here to stop this demon from fucking up her own story with her "ideas" that are stolen from someone else or generated by AI since this girl doesn't have a single ounce of creativity, please If I had it my way, she would be hanging off a noose not leeching off of everyone, but what do I know?
No. 1085316 ID: 3f89df
File 170951718812.png - (10.62KB , 500x500 , hehehehehehehhehehee stupid sapphire tricks are fo.png )

Oooh, and actually, to spite her, we can do anything! I'm up to suggestions, kiss, make out, sex? In her body representation, while she can't do anything about it? Yes, please.

So, audience, what do you want to do? And if you can, what questions do you wish to ask? I'm all ears!
No. 1085322 ID: 7c55ad

Question: So we know of a ruby and a sapphire version of Derklord...
Is there an emerald representation of Derky around here too?

What do: lets check the Programming/Design Books section now.
No. 1085334 ID: 2f41db

Doesnt sound stupid.
Nor silly.
Writing is a powerful thing.
Especially if serendipity puts the right story in front of the right reader at the right moment in their life.
You found something you needed in there and you carry that with you now.
Its a part of you to be treasured.
im sure the writer would be happy to know this should they ever learn it.

No jokes, no blush hunting.
Thankyou for sharing that.
No. 1085335 ID: 2f41db

I want to know what your favorite quest was.

Book too, come to mention it.

Screw it, lets hear about a few of your favorite things.
Lets get all julie andrews in here.
No. 1085342 ID: 5ebd37

I agree with Trip

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself(ves?) This dream stuff is fun and I don't think I've read a quest quite like it.

What to do? Hmm, well we came here to get an aymeebow, so why don't you take a look at those.
No. 1085387 ID: dd3fe0

My kink is consent. I would want her to enthusiastically and genuinely show us a fantasy that she likes, not be forced to share it or forced to act out the fantasy of another.
No. 1085816 ID: 3f89df
File 170994984777.png - (22.59KB , 500x500 , really.png )

>> 1085342


>> 1085335


>> 1085387

Oh cmon!
Did Sapphire dum you down so you'll—gasp—respect her? Even in her comic, where we go through her dreams and the possibilities are near endless, it's unbelievable.

None of you even asked about any of the dirt I have on this woman, hell did any of you answer any exciting questions-
"Number one rule of storytelling: Don't make fun of the audience." Sapphire, shut up you're not the one running this story now, so you have no right to judge how I explain my side. Yes, the questions.

> Question: So we know of a ruby and a sapphire version of Derklord...
Is there an emerald representation of Derky around here, too?
No. 1085817 ID: 3f89df
File 170994985074.png - (17.51KB , 500x500 , emraled is spooky.png )

Oh..... emerald........ yes........... I................ Know of........... her......................


Why do you call her Derklord? That's like calling her PokemonFan, PokemonFanGirl, or Co2997. It's just one of her many usernames, and she's [u] stupid enough to use her name on the internet, Or I was the stupid one for call attention to it, Whoops!

But enough about emerald! Let's see what fun misadventures we can get up to what's first, wrecking this place high to low, yelling profanities, and spawning old, outdated 2000s memes. Cmon, The suspense is killing me!

> What do: let's check the Programming/Design Books section now
No. 1085818 ID: 3f89df
File 170994985489.png - (18.32KB , 500x500 , yeah kick that oversized bookshelf.png )

......... Programming/Design books........hahahahahha programming & design books?!!?! Do you just want to hear Sapphire nerd out to you about the entry-level things she's learning in and out of college? HAHAHA! Oh! Let me show you what I think of that.
I kick the book section over, and like dominoes, they all fall over one by one, all of the books scattered on the ground, a signpost Sapphire winning in the agony of her store's collection being reduced to dust.
No. 1085819 ID: 3f89df
File 170994986343.png - (19.05KB , 500x500 , got the gooooombaaaa amibo.png )

> Hmm, we came here to get an aymeebow, so why don't you look at those?

An amino-, fine, let's walk over, oh hey, there's that goomba ammibo, mario world advent calendar map, gift-boxes, and other goodies from her dream. Let me break that open, maybe pop a few snacks from the goody bag, and there we go got the ammibo! We fulfilled this dream in just a simple sentence! Now, let's go pay for it.

Actually, if I cross the gates, will I finally be free? Oh my goodness, that sounds wonderful.
But first, before we pay for it, do you have any last questions?

> I want to know what your favorite quest was.

> Book too, come to mention it.

> Screw it, lets hear about a few of your favorite things.
> Lets get all julie andrews in here.
No. 1085820 ID: 3f89df
File 170994989775.png - (34.31KB , 500x500 , wut.png )

Wait, someone is actually asking me? of my opnion? It's just, wow, I don't know what to say, just thanks, genially, hm, favorite quest, favorite quest.
Well I chould say something that makes Sapphire look bad, such as Rape quest, but that quest is more so uncomfortable then anything is, honestly proabbly something like Tension or Crystal Spire, I like the implmentation and spunk that went into it and they definitely feel right at home.

Actually, scratch that. Sapphire procasonaited on this update so hard that I have new material, Most definitely Knight blades.

Cat Halfiling Tittes, Do I need to say more?

Oooh books, yknow unlike Sapphire I'm actually an woman of class, Y'know being the logical mind to her silly emotion mind, I pefer more high brow concepts such as mathmatics, history, and well coding, Hmmm It may have been unwise for me to knock over my books, oh well! It's Sapphire's problem now.

The Cartoon History of the World is an good, one alongside making comics, whould have been good to study if Sapphire had the skill to be an graphic novelist, instead of wasting her teenage years playing video games, writing stories that no one cared about, getting all whiny and generally being an loser, yknow "those" arist types, the ones who sit on their ass and can't

Want me to tell you something audience? I know I might sound like an bitch, and to be honest I kind of am... but I'm only hard on Sap because I want her to succeed, y'know be somebody or something, not an loser who lives off the governments money to succeeded, she has potential despite being a rookie in pretty much all aspects of life, that's why I sent her off to college so that she can finally fulfill her dreams.

But enough about me being sappy. I'm just happy I can finally have a body and turn Sap's life around for the better instead of being down in the raffles seat, being forced to watch her succeed or fail.

Watch as she loses her innocence to the internet......

But now that I'm the man in charge, everything will be better. Oh yes, I have more questions about my favorite things. Hmmmm.

Well, It's tough to have an opinion that is separate from hers; y'know, if Sapphire wasn't a crazy bitch with a loud voice in her mind, I'd probably think I was her! Hah!
But now that we're friends, or I've divulged too much like a drunkard, I guess I can talk a little about myself; I'm Ruby, or more specifically, Sapphire's concise, I'm the voice in her head, the one who controls her dreams, you could esentially think of me as her brain to her body.

I like Pasta, specifically Tuna casserole; adding Tuna, Cheese, Canned Mushrooms, peas, and corn is just a perfect delight~ Too bad Sap hasn't been cooking much anymore; it's so tasty.

I also like being on Top. Wait, that's not an appropriate question. Hmmm, I like planning. No, that's just boring.

God damnnit! Being engaging with your Audience is fucking hard!

Oh! Board Games! Sap has a wide collection. After I told her to stop wasting her money back when she had a job, she decided to pursue board games as a hobby. To be honest, she didn't really spend that much—maybe a couple hundred on Root? Even then, most of her collection is just gifts from others. Considering she likes hosting game groups, it makes sense.
No. 1085821 ID: 3f89df
File 170994990031.png - (16.43KB , 500x500 , its over.png )

Ah, yes, Root! It may have turned into a hyper-fixation for her and...

Why are you looking at me like that? Is talk time over?
No. 1085825 ID: dd3fe0

So, like... is anyone in there actually, you know, happy? Enthusiastic? Fun loving in a way that isn't at the expense of their peer headmates?

Like, if I had headmates that could hide information from me, I would totally want to do fun stuff with them in distinct holodeck type memory palace sort of places, with each running scenarios as GM.

Also I'm a horny type and would definitely try and hook up with one who is keen on the idea at least once if only to see how it goes or if it is even possible.

Also I'd totally do lots of meditation stuff in the goal of improving quality of life and capabilities and capacity to cooperate and have fun and leisure for all involved.

But what do I know how brains work? I'm just guessing here, describing what I'd value.
No. 1085828 ID: 5ebd37

ooh, whats that in your haaand~?

Ah Root, I've never played it but the art looks so good. What do you value more in a board game, themes or mechanics? If its not too late to ask.
No. 1085840 ID: 2f41db


Interesting quest choices, and glad you answered.
It seems you're drawn to the technical side of it.
Implementation, method, etc.
Saffy focused more on the emotional connection.
Both aspects in isolation are impressive but in unison, you get sonething truly spectacular.

Yeah, it can be hard to be engaging, but you pulled it off.

Thanks to you too for indulging us.

Board games are a vice i know too well, but they still have benefits.
Socialisation, relaxation while engaging the mind and letting you hone a competative spirit in a trustec environment.

I can imagine you got something out of it too.
Planning and strategy are in your lane, like you said.

If it turns out talk time is over, there'll be a chance again im sure.

Pleasure chatting with you red.
No. 1085898 ID: 3f89df
File 171000477427.png - (18.11KB , 500x500 , goodbye audience.png )

>> 1085840
>> 1085828

I prefer mechanics, and thank you, Audience; it's been a real treasure, even if I said things I probably shouldn't have said for Sapphire's expense.

>> 1085825

We are happy (except for Emerald); it's just.....You may have picked the wrong time to discuss Derk's dreams with us. Or you're just picking the wrong kind of dream. No, wait. It's all ties back to Derk. Man, she really had it coming to her, didn't she?

I noticed you forcibly took the Dream Quest Book from my hands. I want to tell you there's no real point in fighting back now. I had my fun, even if this is my last.

Also, yes, I would have sex with her; in fact, there was an alternate stream dream ending where I fucked herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.............................................................aaaaallllllllllsooooooooooooooomyyyyyyyyyyynammmmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeeeeeeeisssssssssssrubbbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyynnnnooooooooottttttreeeeeeeeddddddddddwrooooonnnngggggpooookeeeemoooongammmmme.

And so the chapter of Ruby and Sapphire is closed, and with it, a new beginning of Derklord's dreamscape was about to begin, one not of self-destruction between the emotional and Logic mind but of that of the Wise mind, where both Ruby and Sapphire transform...

Into Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
No. 1085899 ID: 3f89df
File 171000477710.png - (14.37KB , 500x500 , derkloooorrrrrrrrrrddddddddddd stoppppppppppp swit.png )

And I think I'm done monologuing. Hi! Hello! Derklord here! Ummm, So that was....... how can I put it....... It was better than you guys seeing me naked but worse than being pantless in a church. I'm never going to do something like that again, man. I've said that a ton this night; maybe next time we do a personal dream that doesn't particularly star me?
Please??? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Look, I'll give you puppy dog eyes, even though I'm a cat; I'm a slinky cat now; I told you I switch fursona's like you eat food.

Well, it's time to rest, fall asleep, and see what misadventures we get up to next!

A: 8-Bit and in 500x200 Resolution, a monster is chasing you down a hallway and eating you.
(4 Years Old.)
In that one Dream where everyone turned into Pokemon near the end, you were trapped in a place that looked like Target. A guy was about to kill you with a giant cheesegrater, and you were also going to fall into a boiling fryer.
(9) Years old.
C: The Dream that inspired Magical School of Treachery Includes murder! (One Decision and Magical School Creation backstory!
D: (Nsfw if you mess up?) The Dream inspired that one space-faring card game comic idea. This includes Villian transforming into a robot, epic creature battles, and censoring the main character, PP, with an egg. I told you my dreams get insane.
E: The Dream includes cute widdle sproutlings! A cartoony style and the older man….
F: Cosmic Horror 1: Getting trapped in a perpetual cycle of agony, where creatures are chasing you, and there's only one way to exit: nostalgic house snow edition!
G: Cosmic Horror 2: Boat/Shark edition!
H: Cosmic Horror 3: Jumpscare edition!
I: Cosmic Horror 4: Personal Hellscape Edition!
I2: Cosmic Horror 5: Walking down a Trail Edition.
I: That one fantasy dream with that cool conveyor and big tablet of lore and like archers. (You die in this one.)
P: That one Dream with kungfu fighting, pirates, and tremendous lore that looked like the start of some 2010 game in terms of its vibe.
J: You, the Sexuality Employees, and you're here to teach an anthro dragon what her sexuality is.
K: Sexuality Dragon goes to visit her family.
M: The three-part pirate saga you had because you heard someone gush about one piece while doing the dishes. The first includes sacrificing an elemental child to save the world; the second contains a YouTube essay Format. And pig Racism? The third one consists of some goons trying to reach home and a how-to-draw amiel (From Tenazaki quest.) piece of paper.
N: It's trick-or-treaters, but the monsters are real! Don't die! And get some fat cash.
O: A dream about losing everything, the apocalypse, and why capitalism is terrible, Mario edition.
Q: A dream where you go crazy because you don't want to spend money in a store, but the ammibo is so cheap!
K: That one Dream where you explore someone's prosperous house that makes no sense, and then you leave and get gunned down.
P: (NSFW) You're an editor, recorder, and general stream manager for a group of Pokemon Lets players. It's multiplayer. The main gimmick is that everyone is in a Bath, but you're the only one naked for some reason, and you must do your job outside. Everything is streamed live, including you, and the current is fast.
R: The Dream that happened right after first Dream has a little goo creature with an enigma, and villains, and archers and threads, and it was so cool that you woke up in your Dream to tell everyone why it was cool
S: (Nsfw) The Dream with a Mountian, Henry Stickman Mechanics Horny Fnaf 1 Animatronics, and the lets the player get a blowjob (Not the animatronics).
T: An zombie apocolypse! Had the same Dream three times! Different endings!
U: The Dream where you had a cool jetpack and went to see cool places!
W: A dream where you visit a twisted wonderland.
X: The Dream where you work in this junkyard town that's really high in the sky, you work in a game store, you play hide and go seek with transforming kids, and you play awful music. because your boss wants to. And has a video attached where Yoshi fucking dies, and you laugh inside the Dream.
Y: A relaxing dream where you just explore a 19's punk-inspired town where the geometry makes no sense.
1: The one cute, wholesome Fan-Pokemon dream that started as FNAF and ends in war crimes?
2: A completely normal and definitely not symbolic dream of waiting at a hospital, being denied, wandering around an unknown town, realizing you are a dream, and then tearing the top of someone's skull to wake up.
3: (New:) Essentially, you're in Mario Party 8's Goomba's Booty Board-Walk, but there's a bunch of new gimmicks, things, equipment and equipment statistics, and your anthropomorphic Pokemon? More specifically, an Espeon is wearing some Pokeball-styled ears, and you're an Umbreon wearing Pikachu ears. This Derklord fellow must have a mental illness for her brain to come up with this sort of stuff.
4: (New:) You are a Guy Exploring a dilapidated house with lots of spirits of children who have violent tendencies and usually have one fatal flaw; they can be recruited, however, and in doing so, have Pokemon-like designs, an Ice-looking girl has the most power than most of them, and she represents Isolation. Also it takes place half in your nana's house, half at your mom's house.
5: (New:) (Nsfw?) There are a couple of characters. All characters are based on small woodland creatures or Rodents (Including Ferrets). The one chosen inside the Dream was a girl (Deer or ferret). She wore a hoodie and clearly had star/limited future-seeing abilities. She was invited to a family gathering at a very tight-nit conservative and protective family of Deer/Elk/Moose/Bear Tree-Druids/ Plant/Limited element-based magic.
The other was a guinea pig that could turn into a snow golem or bear and had snow powers; he was neutral towards the family.
The last one was a mouse who had tattered clothing. He hated this place and wanted to explode everything about it.
6: ()
The dream has me driving, hallucinating, dreaming inside a dream, and passing out! This is definitely not symbolic at all, and it is definitely not Ruby yelling at me for being a dumbass!
7: () Your that slime guy with the gross teeth from digimon and you have to protect your castle, from invaders however you actually suck, and you have to find an way for them to not kill you.
8: (New:) You are an Human Child exploring, chatting with and befriending with Fairy Tail monsters even though their powers are scary and beyond your comprehension
9: (New) In a dream that happened concurrently, you are in some airship/blimp, and there are some ties to the previous dream, and for some reason, it's furry. Also, there's a cosmic horror here, too, for good measure.
10: (new) I explore some random town, find an ENA plushie, and float on a mountain, remembering other, much better dreams. It gets too late, and then I crash on someone's couch, but then I realize before waking up that that was a bad idea.
11: (New Multiple!) The multiple dreams in succession where I get kidnapped or murdered in Walmart/SuperStore Parking lots,
12: Dream that was reminded by 10, I go out on a Bike-ride, it starts out relaxing but then ends up with me getting chased by a cosmic horror, whipping out, most likely doing a sub-section of 13 again and saying odd.
13: Also reminded by 10: I get lost in a very treacherous jungle, where there's vines and crocodiles, and I also happen to be going downstream, I then went underwater and found a city, i.e. Mario style
14: I get lost in a city looking for my mother and have many travel anxieties and travel problems.
15: A simple walk through a grassy field was an oddly calming dream that most likely ended with me falling off the nearby cliff.
[nsfw] 16: RPG that was kind of like DND and was also an video game like BG3, happened, cool fun misadventures, save scuming and odly modern bathrooms? and furniture That's odd

Man, I die a lot in my dreams. Oh, well. It's time to... *Yawn* go to sleep.
No. 1085903 ID: 7c55ad

The interesting thing is that even though that dream wasn't marked as nsfw, it still featured nudity, and Ruby was trying to spark it. But that's the nature of dreams, sometimes you can't control it.

alright, a dream not starring you? we'll do that, or at least I'll do that.
No. 1085911 ID: 5ebd37

oops, bye Ruby

Eh, sure (5) you can take a break from the spotlight
No. 1085932 ID: dd3fe0


Which dream would give the best chance for, you know, a bunch of you to interact in the dream? Maybe take roles of perspectives or people in the dream? Maybe has a place for the kind of fun things that you all want to do to and with each other? What has the best chance of showing cooperation in the goal of to have a good time?
No. 1085999 ID: 2f41db

I'll throw my vote in at 5 too.

Bring on the animal folk.

(Previous post had an image from doctor strangelove unintentionally attached. Great scene, not exactly pertinent. Didnt notice at first. My cackhandedness has been remedied)
No. 1086440 ID: 3f89df
File 171048043335.png - (17.16KB , 500x500 , sleepy derky.png )

As I feel myself drifting out, I feel content that this dream will be one in which I do not play a part but only watch as things unfold. And so, with that, I begin to dream.

You should also remember to remind yourself that * means canonical events or choices in the dream or in the specific order that they happened; it does not mean they are the right or good choice.
No. 1086441 ID: 3f89df
File 171048043771.png - (14.78KB , 500x500 , the blah.png )

* You are a traveler; despite your reasons being mainly unknown, and as a potential threat to a colony, you have been invited to explore the Druidic home of the Auntlents, a hidden grotto of an isolated tight-night group of Deerin people, the reasons of which being unknown, but you reckon that is due to wishing to see outsiders or add some new genes to their pool~ their land is magnificent with blue glowing crystals, and magical artifacts growing apart, they have a moss covered ruin-like homes, and a statue head of what seems to be some sort of Feral deer goddess of worship strun about.

Now there's only one question left to ask, who are you?

Are you...
No. 1086442 ID: 3f89df
File 171048044021.png - (20.76KB , 500x500 , uwu.png )

* Name: Muina Amberdill
Gender + Sex: Female
Species: Ferrin (Anthro Ferret)
Magic: Astro Card Use and Portals
Auntless Respect: High
You are here to study the Auntluless and their people. As a traveling scholar of many diffrent communities, you are excited to be here and learn about their culture; more specifically, you wish to learn of their magic and place of worship as it's been nothing you've ever seen before, however, despite this adventure of yours being entirety work focused, you are willing to get...... distracted, and learn more about some of their more *ahem* particular customs.
No. 1086443 ID: 3f89df
File 171048044269.png - (13.63KB , 500x500 , snow bear.png )

Name: Unti FrostClaw
Gender + Sex: Female
Species: Cappybera-in/Bear-in
Magic: Transmutation + Ice magic
Auntless Respect: Neutral
Despite being a Cappybra, you are most mistaken for a bear due to your mixed heritage. You discovered this grotto by accident while going downstream on a fishing round, where you were treated with a decent amount of hostility, so you know you stay here until they deem you not to be a threat. Honestly, you do not care; you just wish to go home.
No. 1086444 ID: 3f89df
File 171048044629.png - (12.57KB , 500x500 , fire mouse.png )

Name: GoldTeeth FlameSparker
Gender + Sex: Female
Species: Rat-in
Magic: Evocation, Fire, Exsplosion
Auntless Respect: Tested
You are Gold-Teeth FlameSparker, and you have traveled with Muni to get yourself in the position you are right now; the Auntless think that they can just forget, that they think that you'll let them free after they committed reckless genocide against your people in the name of their goddess, you and a few that remain are hidden among the ground, you will give them the fire to raze these people to the ground, after what they did to you, you just need to find a good moment.
No. 1086446 ID: 7c55ad

I choose secret character DERKLORD

nah, I'm just kidding

Muina is my real choice because FERRET!
No. 1086447 ID: 90b760

Muina, noodles are cool
No. 1086448 ID: 42bb51

Muina why is her dill amber Amberdill
No. 1086464 ID: 5ebd37

Goldteeth because fire
No. 1086469 ID: 2f41db

Mainly because she wants to learn about them rather than immolate them.
They may deserve the burning but i wanna know if theres more to the story.
No. 1086472 ID: dd3fe0

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