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File 132024851520.png - (287.92KB , 655x445 , LWdrawing.png )
8166 No. 8166 ID: f72f26

for arts and ponyslaughter
165 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 21858 ID: 67bfa9

there's been inquiry about foregoing the 40$ minimum purchase

so as a secondary offer I will also sell updates individual but will charge +1$ for every additional character in the panel beyond the first
No. 21902 ID: 67bfa9
File 138993803213.png - (707.39KB , 850x1100 , PyanComic1.png )


A day in the Life of medical Technician Pyan

in which she tries out a Solar heart listener, how novel!
No. 21903 ID: 67bfa9
File 138993818433.png - (621.98KB , 850x1100 , PyanComic2.png )


looks like the Turbo cleaners are on the frits again.

gotta use the decontamination chambers to get clean, don't forget to bring a towel!
No. 21904 ID: 67bfa9
File 138993835452.png - (821.24KB , 850x1100 , PyanComic3.png )


everyone is having fun at the party, uh-oh someone wants some payback!
No. 21909 ID: 9ddf68

considering how uppity Astranian get around the subject of nudity I'm kinda surprised that bras don't seem to be apart of there attire. That and I'm still convinced that Astranian doctors are vampires.
No. 21911 ID: 67bfa9

Astranians do wear bras, though for the content of the commission it wasn't convenient to show them
No. 21921 ID: cf49fc

Isn't that considered Assault?

Hah, who am I kidding, stripping is how Astranians say hello. Why do you think First Contact went so badly, and why .0001% of the Solars aren't dead yet? Ill-timed pantsings near antimatter reactors and in space.
No. 21922 ID: 2ae1fb

>gay/lesbian +5$
So, uh, why is this exactly?
No. 21923 ID: 67bfa9

it's considered prevoked assault in this situation
both of them will be spending a month in house arrest without pay

when ever people ask me to do a pairing picture it has almost always been a lesbian/gay pairing, just like my human bonuses many of my price discounts are designed to promote diversity in commission themes
No. 21924 ID: 2ae1fb

I hadn't considered that. That's actually a pretty good idea.
No. 21959 ID: 67bfa9
File 139036524112.png - (244.24KB , 512x660 , Lizards2.png )

Lizards from this harrasing some guy
No. 22076 ID: 67bfa9
File 139174589970.png - (355.04KB , 818x539 , dollCommission2.png )


the commission was a paper doll, part of it is presented here
No. 22077 ID: 67bfa9
File 139174666916.png - (216.67KB , 567x807 , Lazerek.png )

No. 22081 ID: 67bfa9
File 139179340052.png - (783.00KB , 1320x850 , Swimming.png )

No. 22083 ID: 67bfa9
File 139179948969.png - (564.98KB , 720x1123 , JodithCom.png )


Astranian separatists strike again
No. 22089 ID: 1f8505


They seem good at 'separating' an Astranian from their clothing.
No. 22217 ID: 67bfa9
File 139300095151.png - (177.26KB , 1056x1056 , KirskaModel.png )

part of a Trade

Kirska reference
No. 22270 ID: 67bfa9
File 139343769608.png - (510.46KB , 800x800 , Musashi.png )

No. 22434 ID: 67bfa9
File 139497593217.png - (428.86KB , 750x750 , sarah.png )

No. 22502 ID: 67bfa9
File 139584821486.png - (295.93KB , 958x980 , JuneUpdates.png )


this is the sort of work you can expect if you commission quest updates from me
No. 22503 ID: 67bfa9
File 139584968746.png - (379.42KB , 800x596 , PikeCommission.png )

No. 22504 ID: 67bfa9

I've updated my commission table!
Base(one character, color + simple shading): 15$
no colour: -2$

full body: no bonus
only knees and up: -2$
only waist and up: -3$
only neck and up: -4$
------------[Basic Modifiers]------------------------
extra character: +6$(first), +5$(second, third), +4$(fourth, fifth, sixth)

complicated BG: +5$
all Human: -5$
half Human: -2$

-----[Setting Modifiers]------------------
my setting, your original character -5$
-Multiple OCs -9$
my character unpopular -4$
-Multiple unpopular -6$
TGchan quest character, other than mine(art quests only) -2$
-40k,warhammer -4$

------[Clothed Modifiers]----------------
All Male(clothed): -5$
half Male(clothed): -2$
my character clothed -5$
Astranian (clothed): -3$
-multiple Astranians clothed-5$
multiple characters of mine clothed -10$

------[Nudity Modifiers]--------
first full nude character: +5$
-additional nudes +4$

first partial nude character: +2$
-additional parial nudes +1$

covered boner: +5$
grope: +5$
my character naked: +4$
-additional +3$ each
Short Race naked +3$
-additional +2$
Astranian naked +6$
-additional +4$ each
My character acting out of character +5$
crotch/ass perspective +3$
crotch/ass perspective naked +6$

all nudes female: -2$
half to one male: -5$
mostly male: no bonus

------[Fetish Modifiers]----------
fetishy:Latex +8$
fetishy:Bondage +8$
fetishy:ENF -2$
fetishy:other +5$

fetishy impossible: +10$

gay/lesbian +5$

questionable consent +5$

logo +15$
10% discount on all sequential commissions!
20% discount for comic panels

min over all cost: 1$ per character
No. 22508 ID: 2c6ff1

This table is too big.
No. 22509 ID: 67bfa9

you don't have to read it.
you can just tell me what you want and I'll do the math
No. 22680 ID: 67bfa9
File 139689439058.png - (169.35KB , 755x866 , Zdollsv2.png )

Before I joined TGchan I did a whole bunch of characters for a strip game.
ultimately the game died and the art was never used

I made dozens of characters but most were lost in my computer meltdown 3 years back

these are a few survivors

Asne -A deer hippy from an old comic I had, when Designing Oken I reused some elements

Tona - A Kaminoan smuggler from a Starwars pen & paper RPG game

Vin'Kof - A Drow Spy from a d20 modern game (with fantasy races)
No. 22880 ID: 9dd1ee
File 139800889742.png - (388.33KB , 666x666 , MaxxCommission.png )

No. 22881 ID: 9dd1ee
File 139800989152.png - (488.09KB , 750x750 , Mech commission2.png )

[COMMISSION]: 10$ (Discounted)

trying out a new optional commission style
No. 22884 ID: 9dd1ee
File 139801820754.png - (223.23KB , 576x667 , WizardCommission.png )

No. 22976 ID: 9dd1ee
File 139844179080.png - (116.14KB , 656x650 , Zdollsv3.png )

more characters from the abandoned strip game

all characters from this series have a number of expressions and clothing layers

Onidial: A dragonborn cleric from 4th ed D&D

Flare: a drunken wolf brawler and moon worshipper
No. 22977 ID: 9dd1ee
File 139844194612.png - (510.78KB , 666x666 , ParkCommission.png )

[COMMISSION] 11$(Discounted)
No. 22979 ID: 9dd1ee
File 139844438443.png - (338.29KB , 666x666 , MedkitCommission2.png )

[COMMISSION] 8$(discounted)
No. 22980 ID: 9dd1ee
File 139844574477.png - (485.99KB , 683x683 , towelCommission.png )

No. 22989 ID: 1f8505


Wheelbot shenanigans.
No. 22994 ID: ba8629

Aw yee, blade wolf.

Nice work.
No. 23930 ID: 9dd1ee

I'm open this week for chestday trades!
you draw one of my quest characters I'll draw one of yours!
No. 23933 ID: ef7fd2

I'm down for that.
Send me which you want, otherwise I'll just draw bangles
No. 23935 ID: a40073

I'm drawing Mint
No. 23936 ID: 9dd1ee

Bangles is fine, who would you like me to draw?

awesome! which of your characters should I draw?
No. 23942 ID: a40073

Hmmm, let's trade a female for a female, but aside from that, no particular preference.
No. 24858 ID: 9dd1ee
File 141219503284.png - (138.03KB , 908x680 , Task.png )

Cassandra Task, scourge of the Alliance

gift for my good friend Seal
No. 24859 ID: 6e85c8

I like this
No. 25040 ID: 9dd1ee
File 141357472502.png - (301.06KB , 908x680 , Bogmyr.png )

my Commission Queue is empty and Bogmyr is looking to expand her army once more! sooo . . .


extra characters +4$
BGs +4$
lewdnes x2
colour x2

if intrested contact me via IRC or jedijules@hotmail.com
No. 25092 ID: 795da4


Would you mind defining lewdness? It's a bit of a scale.

I was curious about getting a embarassed, half-dressed burd girl, but i'm not sure what you'd be asking..
No. 25094 ID: 9dd1ee

lewdness is visable nipples and/or crotch on a female character
No. 25098 ID: 2fd516

Oh, so dicks are fine then?
No. 25102 ID: 9dd1ee

dicks are lewd on male characters but nips aren't
No. 25108 ID: 436cdc

So chicks w/dicks are fine then?
No. 25111 ID: 9dd1ee

nope that is beyond lewd, and falls into my porn category which varies in cost
No. 26531 ID: 9dd1ee
File 142613473126.png - (325.88KB , 619x619 , Kharn.png )

Kharn knits for kittens
No. 38766 ID: b93a7b
File 152565838190.png - (533.87KB , 1200x2000 , XieziListen.png )

one of my Scorpion girls Xiezi
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