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File 130910456618.jpg - (798.12KB , 1500x2700 , brown delight.jpg )
5125 No. 5125 ID: 66003a

Well, new drawthread.

No servo-arms, because I had no idea how to use them, and putting them here not doing anything kinky would have been even worse.
333 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 7013 ID: 2a2fa4


Speaking of amazonian wear. I don't know if you watched Futurama or not, but theres that amazon women episode where they were sentenced to snu snu, basically mfw. I love rainbow clothing for some reason.
No. 7041 ID: 2a2fa4
File 131627946213.jpg - (493.57KB , 600x695 , johnblanche.jpg )

John Blanche. XD
No. 7044 ID: 7a044d

the coloring technique and some effects look unusual, is it really one of his artworks?

It looks cool enough for me, anyway.
No. 7045 ID: 2a2fa4


Its his, but the coloring has been done by someone else.
No. 7049 ID: c73d99
File 131629885987.jpg - (269.88KB , 800x968 , OHGODWHATDIDTHEYDOTOYOU.jpg )

well, this one is quite a challenge
No. 7050 ID: 2a2fa4


Always cool to see the rainbow socks, and those green things look interesting, What is this about?
No. 7051 ID: c73d99

I'm trying to put as many fetishes as possible into a single picture, on a single subject.
No. 7052 ID: 2a2fa4


Oh, well I can only see uhm 3?

No. 7053 ID: c73d99

enema (doubles as large insertion)
No. 7054 ID: 2a2fa4


Thing in the front is a cockbulge? I was thrown off by the secondary and third one. What are those?
No. 7055 ID: c73d99

you mean the other fetishes?
No. 7056 ID: 2a2fa4


the other two bulges, on the hip.
No. 7057 ID: c73d99

oh, one is just a round hip plate (like on most pics of her I draw) and the other one is just her butt cheek

I'll work up the metal textures to make it obvious anyway.
No. 7058 ID: 2a2fa4


I never noticed them till now!
No. 7084 ID: 2b4290
File 131637087742.jpg - (250.30KB , 1000x821 , in out.jpg )

didn't finish it, but here, progresses
No. 7155 ID: 5ddeef


Looking fine so far. Let's see how it turns out with the green light, like you said.
No. 7158 ID: 9740e9

@ the name of the pic Me happened.
No. 7194 ID: 028ef1
File 131662816770.jpg - (368.40KB , 1100x1332 , squats are back in40kshn.jpg )

No. 7195 ID: 028ef1
File 131662823492.jpg - (359.41KB , 1200x1453 , squats are back in40k.jpg )

No. 7202 ID: 10025d


No. 7210 ID: ed1656

...Is that Cata-Tau? I approve.
No. 7215 ID: 7b6eb7

Wat ?

Somehow, I appreciate how the fandom is so creative compared to the original product...
No. 7221 ID: 5fbfdb


The story that goes along with this picture:
No. 7226 ID: 8d1c01

I'd need to add freckles for this
No. 7241 ID: 5fbfdb


By the way, how is the superfetish picture coming along? Or are you still working on the diaper shading? :>
No. 7247 ID: cc4d14

now working on the face, then the socks, then the green highlights

it's gonna be a fucking masterpiece
No. 7250 ID: 9a50aa


I can't wait to see how the socks turn out, with the green light effect you were talking about!
No. 7253 ID: cc4d14

15% cuter


... heh...
No. 7257 ID: 15e982

Well-- it didn't hurt, but it certainly didn't really add anything. vOv
No. 7258 ID: a79e4f
File 131682878979.jpg - (301.73KB , 1200x1453 , dicks.jpg )

Less JPEG compression this time.
No. 7283 ID: 3eee44


I wish I could help, but your style is new and unique to me.
No. 7284 ID: a99a3c
File 131690355339.jpg - (1.39MB , 1900x2300 , sing.jpg )

maybe it would work better with a harsher background light, too.
But the main problem is with contrasts and textures, I think. I'm too used to harsh direct lights to do decent shading. Also, adding green direct light makes it look even more odd, since the green light would normally negate the white reflections. Maybe. I don't know.

By the way, if you can think of something she'd be singing...
No. 7285 ID: a99a3c

That's the whole problem, I have to make representation choices at the expense of realism all the time, and when I try to draw more realistically, I can't anymore.
No. 7286 ID: 3eee44


Go on /tg/ and ask?

Oh wait no.. Don't do that.

Uh. About the singing. I doubt she'd be singing, with her arms lobbed off, and that uhm thing. going on there.
No. 7287 ID: 3eee44

but I do admit, the portal turret song comes to mind, dunno why.
No. 7289 ID: a99a3c

Are you a wizard?
No. 7291 ID: 0491c8


Man, that's looking pretty good. But, I dunno how you'd go bout lighting. It's a pain in the arse. If all else fails, wing it.
No. 7292 ID: 3eee44


you do know that I am now expecting to see Xeno, merged with aperture plates.
No. 7293 ID: a99a3c

>merged with aperture plates

No. 7294 ID: 3eee44


Well , she is a robot, right? She has dark black plates. I would love to see her in the Aperture pure white, with logos, and other portal inspired doohickies!
No. 7295 ID: a99a3c

there's this:
No. 7296 ID: 3eee44


I know. But, less mecha, moar xeno-style.
No. 7297 ID: a99a3c

Okay. We'll see.
No. 7298 ID: 3eee44


Take your time, no rush, was meant as a suggestion.
No. 7324 ID: b9127b


Looks a bit better, here's a cool suggestion : if you could line the tubes, and make the liquid more flowy, would have a nicer effect. cus atm, it looks like the apparatus pumping the green stuff in is on full throttle :D
No. 7337 ID: 585454

I'll try. It's a new effect I never really tackled.
No. 7338 ID: 36a1f1


Oh lawdy! Same for me on the water warp fire thing.
No. 7339 ID: 585454
File 131707600663.jpg - (1.58MB , 1900x2300 , Spasming and howling, bowels loosening, bladders e.jpg )

okay, I'll work on the tubes an other day. I fixed a few annoying details. I guess that now it looks somewhat solid. Right? No?
No. 7341 ID: 585454
File 131707656026.jpg - (144.01KB , 260x460 , dominus.jpg )

this is just a sketch, but I find it so pretty that I might not finish the drawing. Not tonight at least. Or maybe i'll try re-working it with yellow/golden textures. Or as a painting. Maybe with gold, again. Because it's inspired by Gustav Klimt. And Klimt had a massive throbbing hard-on for gold.

Also, don't put lemon in your beer.

And listen to Welcome to the Morbid Reich. It's made of awesome and epic.
No. 7343 ID: 585454
File 131707819884.jpg - (162.05KB , 260x460 , golden dawn.jpg )

No. 7347 ID: 36a1f1


I think you should make lineart for the tubes.
No. 7348 ID: 36a1f1


This is nice, but a bit too small !

And "I am who feasts upon your soul" is my fave so far.
No. 7363 ID: ac36fa
File 131716639118.jpg - (1.75MB , 1900x2300 , Spasming and howling, bowels loosening, bladders e.jpg )

okay, now I think I have it kinda right.

the tubes still look weird, but I am not able to do anything better. The main problem, I think, is now not so much the light contrasts but the discrepancy between textures. And I don't think I can correct it without making it look less solid.

Added a "frame" too give it a bit more depth.
I nearly feel like uploading it on DA. Nearly.
No. 7364 ID: 059ff4


I know what you mean. The only way to work on my liquid suggestion is to start over completely with the tubes.

But hey. You can include liquid and tubes in some other art!

I like these new tubes, they look great.
No. 7365 ID: ac36fa

actually, I thought about using smoke brushes superimposed to make a flowing effect, but it looks like ass, and bubbles just ruin the reflections.
So, currently, this is as realistic as I can do it.
No. 7366 ID: 059ff4


Alright, but have you tried adding actual air pockets? not bubbles, think of it now, its on full pressure, but imagine it flowing at 30%.
No. 7372 ID: 059ff4


Hah! alright! I have a zalman water cooler for the main PC, and I like staring at it sometimes when its in idle, cus it pumps water slowly. Sometimes if I switch it to green it reminds me of Bane from Batman. yeah, that wierd.
No. 7375 ID: ac36fa

Alien sperm sample?
No. 7378 ID: 059ff4


More like a tower of ever pumping lube into the Pc fan/motherboard. If the lights are off.
No. 7380 ID: ac36fa

No. 7381 ID: 059ff4
File 131716985229.jpg - (19.52KB , 400x400 , zalres1v2.jpg )


Because it is a strange device.
No. 7382 ID: ac36fa

You have no idea how much getting hold of this pic would have facilitated my work.

No. 7383 ID: 059ff4


Make moar. Aperture Xeno wouldn't mind!
No. 7570 ID: 4488ab

Heya, man. You still drawing? Doing a lot of commissions, or just non-/tg/ stuff...?
No. 7571 ID: c79f95

still on a commish
No. 7634 ID: 74d630

Hey Techno!

I've just been approached by a dude, that wants me to draw stuff for him. And I have no clue how to price my Digital art..

How do you do stuff, and how much would my Sanguinius be worth, lets say?
No. 7635 ID: 8140e3

no fucking idea. Some people sell things that are ten times less good for 80$. I'd sell the same kind of work for 20$ because I cannot afford being more expensive.

but let's say that if a guy approached you specifically, don't hesitate to ask him a lot. You can bargain anyway.
No. 7694 ID: 354776
File 131844602460.jpg - (574.38KB , 1200x982 , hailandkill.jpg )

hurp durp
No. 7695 ID: 4488ab

Holy cocks, man
You keep on doing incredible works-- this is actually sinfully good. Man.

How would you feel about a more x-rated commission? Do you prefer to draw porn, or non-porn? Your level of skill- or your technique, at least- turns pretty much anything into art.
No. 7696 ID: 354776

Nope. Not even other people.

>How would you feel about a more x-rated commission? Do you prefer to draw porn, or non-porn?
if you scroll up, you'll see that I've been drawing porn for quite a long time. As for commissions: only for ideas I find too boring to spend time on. Porn or not, there are specific things I won't draw, even for money, but otherwise, just suggest something, and we'll see if I charge for it.
No. 7697 ID: 41eea2



I have no idea what this is but it sure feels like sex to the eyes.

Mind sharing some of those brushes? the red smoke / fumes in particular.
No. 7698 ID: 354776

the brushes for the smoke are just patch brushes I got from deviant art by searching "nebula brushes"

all in all it's pretty simple, the brushes do all the work.
No. 7699 ID: 41eea2


Alright ! Thanks!

I could use that effect somehow for Mortarion. And other Nurglies I've got planned
No. 7741 ID: ecad1d
File 131854502956.jpg - (861.41KB , 1200x900 , ithaka.jpg )

No. 7745 ID: ad3fd5


Stylish. Is it going to remain this way? As a form of abstract interpretation of Ithaca's glory?
No. 7746 ID: ecad1d

Goddammit, Emps, didn't they teach you anything about that? It's figurative. Blurry, but figurative.

Yeah, it's gonna stay like this, just a sketch to try out things. and it's some 40k stuff.
No. 7752 ID: 481c6c


I've said it before, id rather pay you and Overlord to teach me stuff with confidence, than paying for this shitty college.
No. 7755 ID: ccf1d3

yeah, well, you know, if I was more confident myself in my knowledge about art theory and techniques, I'd consider it.

anyway, seen dem new necron vehicles? Pretty nice. They got rid of the fancy green plastic tubes, though. Still looks okay, they managed to avoid the clunky dalekron look, without going too much into tomb-kings-in-spehss.
No. 7756 ID: 481c6c


I only seen one, the guy riding the thing with 2 additional drivers. Are there more?
No. 7757 ID: ccf1d3

yeah, two versions of the old war barque, and necron snipers (who look too cyberpunk in my opinion, but have some potential)
No. 7759 ID: 481c6c


Found the barque thing, looks Giger-esque to me !
No. 7760 ID: ccf1d3

it shouldn't.
just because it looks vaguely phallic with ribs doesn't mean it is even remotely inspired by Giger.
I won't say that Giger is overrated, but his influence is not omnipresent.

But anyway, they finally have decent potential for conversion
No. 7763 ID: 481c6c


I said "to me" because I was actually reffering to a very specific thing about Giger's work, his "structural architecture" ones about the Xenomorph habitats and Pyramids. The black textures and shapes there reminded me heavily.


These things are awesome.
No. 7764 ID: cebe07

Whoa, some of those models look pretty swell. Seeing Necrons got me into 40k in the first place, so I'm glad they're finally getting nice new models. I don't know what the rules will be like, but I play space marines. Ultimate codex security.
No. 7814 ID: 072f1f
File 131880571797.jpg - (222.58KB , 500x750 , sniktbub.jpg )

No. 7834 ID: 9081f0


Hell yeah!
No. 7882 ID: 7cd647
File 131906758690.jpg - (1.99MB , 1600x2600 , cui.jpg )

No. 7883 ID: 0448b9

Haha you make that little birdy look so menacing..
No. 7886 ID: 3e8b11
File 131908113760.jpg - (9.69KB , 300x225 , 1312499289225.jpg )


This thread is also generally fucking amazing, by the way. You're cool, Technomancer
No. 7905 ID: 61da40


I'd say Technomancer is the best artist on the site.
No. 7919 ID: f143e5
File 131920018776.jpg - (515.27KB , 1200x1200 , pie.jpg )

I tried to go fast but now it sucks; even more than older stuff.
bah, at least I'm okay with the face
No. 7920 ID: f143e5

the skin, mainly, looks off, but I have no idea how to fix it
No. 7921 ID: 739cfd


It looks fine, it would look amazing if you defined a light source point and sticked the highlights accordingly.
No. 7958 ID: 4406dd


Is that blueberry pie?
No. 7964 ID: 743b29

yup that's her
No. 7965 ID: 4406dd


What a delightful visual pun.
No. 8074 ID: 54a0bd


is there a program similar to Open Canvas, that would allow me to do some paintchat sessions, but for a Mac?
No. 8075 ID: 3ad381

Just Paintchat itself. It's browser-based, so it should work on any computer that has Java installed and all that. Only problem is that it's pretty dry as far as features go. It's a lot like the built-in Oekaki tool here.
No. 8076 ID: 54a0bd

mh, I'll try
No. 8087 ID: feab56

Requester here and holy shit! I didn't think you would finish it, thank you!
Im just gonna grab a tissue and I'll be right back.
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