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File 134517766651.jpg - (181.09KB , 900x900 , ugly.jpg )
14742 No. 14742 ID: bee139

It has been a long time since my artwork graced this unworthy board.
316 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 19170 ID: 14ba5d
File 136942093055.jpg - (265.03KB , 2010x2000 , The-warrior.jpg )

No. 19195 ID: 2d744d
File 136949906807.jpg - (360.51KB , 1206x1200 , The-warrior.jpg )

No. 19246 ID: 3e59a1
File 136974163192.jpg - (387.10KB , 1200x1194 , The-warrior.jpg )

There will be colour on this soon.
No. 19284 ID: e213ec

Stand still, damn it.
No. 19285 ID: cf49fc

"This bee just won't leave me alone dammit!"
No. 19286 ID: 72242c
File 136992830889.jpg - (245.46KB , 1200x1194 , The-warrior.jpg )


No. 19287 ID: cf49fc

I like the light color scheme. It feels nicer, and honestly more realistic.

Also, good to see you improving your dynamism.
No. 19290 ID: f9ec3e
File 136997549269.jpg - (540.31KB , 1206x1200 , The-warrior.jpg )

>589 MB Photoshop file.

Finally done. This artwork is a fanart of a character from the lyrical universe of my favourite band, Bal-Sagoth.


Thanks. It's good to be told.
No. 19294 ID: cf49fc

Damn. That's really freakin' pretty. Do you mind if I save a copy of this? It's amazing.
No. 19296 ID: 04164a


Why would I mind? Go ahead.
No. 19300 ID: cf49fc

No. 19301 ID: 757b80

for some reason with the image being flipped side to side on updates I pictured the guy boogie-ing through the battlefield leaving dead bodies behind him all "dead-cha-cha-cha"
No. 19328 ID: 05febe
File 137017187750.png - (45.97KB , 1000x887 , dumb.png )

Today I had the revelation that perhaps I am losing interest in this hobby. Maybe I need to branch out more into traditional (but that's annoying and messy), or something! But if I continue this way, it will be a doomed path.


You are a terrible person.
No. 19329 ID: 05febe
File 137018064912.jpg - (105.67KB , 1200x1200 , hurr.jpg )

No. 19334 ID: 2f4b71

I like the depth-of-field effect.
No. 19344 ID: 2fbf20

So you are losing interest in questing? Maybe I could offer a remedy of some sort.
No. 19357 ID: de7cb0
File 137034180355.jpg - (221.50KB , 1280x984 , LimpLife.jpg )


No, not questing. Art in general.
No. 19358 ID: de7cb0


But yes, that naturally extends to questing.
No. 19359 ID: cf49fc

Limp Bizkit? Really? Really?
No. 19360 ID: cb948e


Please do not confuse it for an endorsement. Or of Second Life, for that matter.
No. 19374 ID: 66dec0
File 137043372345.jpg - (231.76KB , 1200x2000 , Untitled-2.jpg )

Returning to Painter 11 with something that looks, well, decidedly gay, really.
No. 19375 ID: 66dec0
File 137044797830.jpg - (199.54KB , 1600x2000 , BomDroller.jpg )

Got bored. Painter lets me use my super fucking ultra drawn out painterly realism shit or whatever.
No. 19378 ID: 2fbf20

I think I'll leave this here. talislanta.com/?page_id=5
No. 19379 ID: 3a4334


I'm not sure I understand, friend.
No. 19386 ID: 06ffbb
File 137050112046.jpg - (151.33KB , 800x800 , Untitled-1.jpg )

Drew this while telephone.
No. 19388 ID: 06ffbb
File 137051308365.jpg - (133.72KB , 1200x1343 , leviathan.jpg )

No. 19389 ID: 06ffbb
File 137051814186.jpg - (46.03KB , 1000x1000 , doolbag.jpg )

No. 19390 ID: a7c121

This has potential, cunt.
No. 19391 ID: e120c2


Nah, not really. I lack enthusiasm for it, and so it could never be more than mediocre.
No. 19393 ID: fa146e
File 137053229185.jpg - (106.77KB , 1000x1000 , tank.jpg )

Was gonna be some kind of CBSF fanart, until it aborted
No. 19394 ID: fa146e
File 137053483723.jpg - (157.47KB , 1200x1200 , yes.jpg )

No. 19411 ID: f2c20c

Maybe he should eat it to find out.
No. 19442 ID: 66f8f1
File 137078518332.jpg - (358.33KB , 814x1200 , Solorion.jpg )

My character for upcoming Pathfinder campaign.

Mystery: Life

Curse: Lame

Traits: Killer & Rich Parents

I bought a coffin, for the sake of having one to carry around.
No. 19443 ID: cf49fc

Best character concept of all time. Goes well with your art, OVERLORD.
No. 19453 ID: 9ee904

love him, hahaha!
No. 19534 ID: 9c9f4e
File 137146904114.jpg - (1.92MB , 1333x1000 , DSC01483.jpg )

It's not a drawing, but I might as well post it.

This is my first plate armouring project. It is a spaulder. It's got a shitty finish because I can't planish it. It will be finished in an indefinite period of time.
No. 19535 ID: cf49fc

Working on your OVERLORD suit, eh OVERLORD? Remember who your friends are when the revolution comes.
No. 19542 ID: 67e689

Well, it looks like a start at least, and I think that the start is one of the most important parts.
No. 19543 ID: 2f4b71

Hand beaten, or aided by a power-hammer?
I don't mean that in a 'cheating' sense, but in whether to react with HOLY CRAP SKILL or HOLY CRAP SKILL AND COPIOUS BEATINGS.
No. 19548 ID: 6ba10f

is that leghorse? (from Space Funeral)
No. 19557 ID: fa87b7
File 137154292864.jpg - (18.93KB , 394x193 , Astartes_Thunder_Hammer.jpg )


Other than an angle grinder for smoothing the edges and a jigsaw for cutting the original plates out, I just used hand tools. Primarily, a 700g (1.5lb) ball-pein hammer. In lieu of an anvil, I have a big tree stump, with a small, hemispherical divet carved into it. I don't even know what a power hammer is.


Yes, that is correct.
No. 19563 ID: 2f4b71

>hammer & stump forging

Power Hammer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XSCvCfLiWs
No. 19567 ID: 37b308

You are abusing the ball head too much tho.
Look for something more rigid than a stump if you're planning in smoothing those botches.
For future reference, you can make a hole in dirt and fill it with sand for making dome-shaped metalwork, just make sure you don't strike the same area too often/hard as you can break the piece.
No. 19576 ID: 67e689

From what I've been told by a person who makes armor that I know, you should use a large hammer to make the shape ad work your way to smaller hammers to smooth it out. And if you can find one, an English Wheel is great for finishing. Here's a link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_wheel
No. 19583 ID: 9c12e1

I do believe you understood him wrong, normally you should mold the shape with small tools, then smooth them with "bigger" ones and then it comes the details, again with small tools.
Bigger tools for shaping the piece can result in it having fissures, specially in someone without the knowledge to deliver an adequate strike.
No. 19594 ID: 74b2fb
File 137191173547.png - (205.69KB , 1024x768 , it-is-a-clever-joke.png )

Started on XV century arm harness today. I need buckles to finish off my other project.

For me, such tools are too extravagant, at this stage.
No. 20040 ID: d56dd4
File 137494761612.jpg - (372.48KB , 1200x1010 , Guido.jpg )

No. 20063 ID: 1ace6e

where do i buy a print
No. 20064 ID: d56dd4
File 137518869230.jpg - (64.74KB , 800x600 , hp-laserjet-5l.jpg )


From your HP laserjet.
No. 20082 ID: 01531c
File 137540827040.png - (678.67KB , 638x819 , Untitled.png )

You two are in luck. I happen to work at a large-format printing studio with a Roland XJ-740 Wide Format Inkjet Printer.

If you want something printed at huge scales, I could print it in the evening and ship it to you.

I'm usually stuck here in the evenings printing rush orders.

Picture nabbed from Google to give you an idea of the sizes we print at.
No. 20111 ID: dc49e4

Can you draw me a knight to go on the front of my homebrew setting .pdf. Maybe on horseback, maybe with a few other dead knight bodies around.

Also background would be good.

If you could make it a4 that would be great but if it's too much work to draw all that then don't both and please just make a border around it instead.
No. 20112 ID: dc49e4

I really like >>14784 for the style, but the red background of the overlord hose is awesome.

Thank you so much if you do this, I will create a vigil to you and pray to it every day for the next 30 years.
No. 20113 ID: dc49e4

Also, the main knight has to have an eight pointed star symbol on his chest which is made from gilded copper.
No. 20118 ID: e100f2


Sorry mate, I don't really do requests anymore. Especially if you want anything that isn't a horrendous scribble.

But, ahem, if you've got the copper, then we can arrange something...


Only if your Roland MajickJet MX 2004 can print a sheet big enough to cover an entire city and black out the Sun, would I be interested.
No. 20121 ID: dc49e4

can you make an exception, since half of your drawings are knights anyway?
No. 20149 ID: dd7825
File 137569095164.gif - (1.50MB , 320x240 , 131822703381.gif )


No. 20164 ID: dd7825
File 137585066834.jpg - (48.79KB , 1280x1024 , LINK.jpg )

Working on some Autodesk Inventor projects for school. I might as well share the renders as I do them.

This is the first project, which I managed to knock over fairly quickly. But I don't know how to render the reflections how I want them. But it doesn't matter; it's not about that.
No. 20165 ID: dd7825
File 137585310935.jpg - (49.87KB , 1280x1024 , Bracket.jpg )

The next one.
No. 20166 ID: dd7825
File 137585500594.jpg - (58.48KB , 1280x1024 , Bracket2.jpg )

Number 3. These parts have no relevance to one another, or any other application, as far as I know.
No. 20167 ID: dd7825
File 137586219785.jpg - (103.28KB , 1030x820 , HANDLE.jpg )

This one is a special space dildo.

It was harder to make, because I had trouble drawing the profile correctly. Some of the tools are not as intuitive as I would like them to be.
No. 20173 ID: 7e859d


That reminds me of those hollow canes you hide liquor in, but a dildo.
No. 20198 ID: dd7825
File 137620797332.png - (277.41KB , 927x723 , TRIANGULAR PART.png )

It annoys me that the rendering configuration in Inventor is incredibly basic, and makes poor results. In contrast, the 'operational render,' for lack of a better term, is much more pleasant.
No. 20208 ID: dd7825
File 137639819853.jpg - (357.92KB , 2000x1191 , wowow-great-job-faggot.jpg )

I did some OC shit with a Drawchan guy. This is that shit.
No. 20236 ID: dd7825
File 137680943861.jpg - (185.00KB , 894x886 , ZBrush Document.jpg )

Trying to do some Zbrush.
No. 20261 ID: dd7825
File 137740403554.jpg - (296.34KB , 800x800 , turbofag.jpg )

No. 20263 ID: 2f4b71

Damnit Overlord, how do you manage to put so much expression into an immobile goddamn helmet?!
No. 20281 ID: dd7825
File 137759323886.jpg - (622.05KB , 2000x1068 , Deadlands.jpg )


Being the master of the universe has its advantages.

Another cheery environment.
No. 20282 ID: dd7825
File 137760522739.png - (729.64KB , 1000x1653 , 137613531330.png )

This was fora drawchan thing.
No. 20284 ID: 5af25b

only one eye? what?
No. 20288 ID: 979ec9


Overlord (the character) is missing a left eye. In older artworks, I depicted him as bearing a large gash over that side of his face in order to imply the mutilation underneath. Due to being distastefully cliché, I have since removed that detail, but the eye is still missing.

Despite a nasty accident as a child that had me taken to the hospital, I still have both eyes intact and operational.
No. 20289 ID: eaaf3b

Quick note, people with one eye do not actually suffer any major damage to normal depth perception . What they do lack is ability to judge speed and distance of moving objects, such as a sword coming at them or an arrow whizzing by. I don't wanna yanno be a butt and tell you how to write the story but those could be important factors for a story
No. 20297 ID: 8cf0e8

Other way around, really. Stereopsis is only a significant contributor to depth perception up to about 15-20 metres (and the falloff is pretty steep). Most depth cues are based on parallax, shape, size, focus (accommodation) motion and light/shade. It's close up objects that are most affected by the loss of an eye, not distant ones. Assuming the ability to move your head, of course.
No. 20304 ID: eaaf3b

Yeah close objects aren't majorly affected but one eye makes it much more difficult to perceive depth when dealing with speed movement, such as a trying to catch a ball or or dodge something coming at you; I was wrong about the sword thing though that wouldn'tbe major but projectiles would be a serious issue (as far as I'm educated on the subject but let's be honest I'm prolly wrong about most of this if your research shows otherwise you probably did a better job lookin up stuff so feel free to override me)
No. 20308 ID: 979ec9
File 137777604330.png - (239.68KB , 3000x3000 , where-are-the-burger.png )

Re-visiting quickposes, focusing on drawing women with their things so that I can not be as bad at that
No. 20309 ID: 979ec9
File 137777607278.png - (238.05KB , 3000x3000 , fag.png )

But then they became more geomentrially, and I got bored.
No. 20311 ID: 979ec9
File 137779849019.jpg - (219.06KB , 1089x1000 , Creepy-Stare-Guy.jpg )

No. 20329 ID: 979ec9
File 137786151289.jpg - (463.94KB , 1200x1400 , eversor.jpg )

No. 20348 ID: 979ec9
File 137795637505.jpg - (247.46KB , 800x800 , Test.jpg )

Just an experiment, relates to >>20282 hence the non-standard attire.
No. 20350 ID: 979ec9
File 137795915830.jpg - (284.12KB , 800x800 , Test.jpg )


No. 20354 ID: cf3279

Armoured knight vs... Luchador?
No. 20358 ID: 9ddf68

I'd pay money to see that
No. 20359 ID: 979ec9


Context: There is an tournament event going on over at drawchan, and that guy is one of my potential opponents.
No. 20410 ID: 979ec9
File 137829753015.jpg - (462.53KB , 1000x1415 , OverlordPaladin.jpg )

No. 20412 ID: fcd483

That reminds me of those horn things from Star Wars. Montrals? The ones on what Google says are "Togruta."
No. 20431 ID: 979ec9
File 137839615178.jpg - (241.07KB , 1536x1152 , templier_and_teutonic_knight_by_chavi_dragon.jpg )


I am not familiar enough with the specifics of Star Wars lore.
No. 20464 ID: 979ec9
File 137852650223.jpg - (28.79KB , 400x308 , mexicunt.jpg )

No. 20467 ID: 979ec9
File 137857254205.jpg - (210.52KB , 1000x1000 , banqu.jpg )

No. 20468 ID: 979ec9
File 137857339549.jpg - (264.68KB , 1000x1000 , banqu.jpg )

No. 20474 ID: 979ec9
File 137863927475.jpg - (261.21KB , 1000x1000 , Banq.jpg )

>tfw realise you were rendering lineart on the same layer as the sketch
No. 20475 ID: 979ec9
File 137864288608.jpg - (164.60KB , 1000x1000 , Banq.jpg )

I was gonna do more on this, but I got bored.
No. 20495 ID: 979ec9
File 137880834918.jpg - (449.94KB , 1200x1113 , overlordFantasy.jpg )

How overlord might look if I put my prejudice against ridiculous fantasy armour aside.
No. 20496 ID: 979ec9
File 137881247183.jpg - (503.03KB , 1200x1113 , overlordFantasy.jpg )

Changed some details.

I think I'm finally getting out of my art rut. Hopefully I will be able to create some cool pieces again soon.
No. 21092 ID: 890c9c
File 138331606522.jpg - (539.31KB , 1500x1648 , Machamp.jpg )

No. 22038 ID: 8fa2cc
File 139142984661.png - (1.63MB , 2000x1520 , YES.png )

Wow, what a deeply fascinating image with which to update this thread.
No. 22039 ID: 8fa2cc
File 139143032927.jpg - (213.51KB , 854x1200 , avaron.jpg )

Might as well post this shit, too.

My pathfinder character, Avaron. Her horse is named Frorence.
No. 22052 ID: 0a0932

Hey man, not sure if you're taking requests or anything, but maybe you'd like to draw an Eldar warp spider or even your Overlord character in the BLAME! Manga style?
No. 22073 ID: 8fa2cc


I actually haven't read BLAME! yet, despite numerous suggestions that I do so. :V
No. 22630 ID: 9221ac
File 139652071826.jpg - (582.93KB , 1000x1200 , gormund2.jpg )

New PF character.
No. 22752 ID: 472da3

this is fucking metal
No. 22757 ID: 1c677c

Hey, super happy to see this blobby zombie head pop up in tgchan draw again. Don't like the Warhammer 40k stuff, but the dwarf is 100% metal.
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