Untamed Flash Cloud
More Elk Birds fell into the trap (the other trap I planned to make remains unconstructed), passing through the doors I had set up to prevent them. My military repelled their reanimated corpses as they rose. More dwarves got hurt in the conflict and had to be allocated to the medical bay.
I soon noted a message from Driblis, he was horrified at something. A dwarf had rose from the dead somewhere upstairs and was causing havoc. I barely understand what happened. All I know is that my military seemed to stabilize the situation with a mass of silver cudgels before it got out of hand. A dwarf or two is dead, but I'm not sure who they are as their corpses are mangled and nobody has been reported missing.
One member is missing from the first cudgelsquad. I have stationed them around the medical bay until winter has ended. Hopefully we can get water soon and prevent further casualties.
Another dwarf, and the remannts of their limbs, rose from the dead and hurt more of my dwarves. I was able to put it down before it did too much damage however.
A troglodyte skeleton got through my doors and murdered a dwarf in the barracks. I thought I had locked these doors but it seems that was not the case. I have dispatched my military once more to take care of this. There seems to be one outbreak after another. At least three, maybe four dwarves have been killed now by this corpse, including a baby.
Driblis is suddenly possessed. It seems he has had enough of this crisis and has locked himself away. I will need to assign another dwarf as the doctor in the meantime. he has taken over a Mason Workshop.
Now that winter is ending, hordes of dwarves flood out the fort doors to grab as much water as they can. I check for undead, but am glad to find nothing more on the upper floors.