Dark Sun Milk
>How many groups are there within the futa force? It seems like there's quite a bit of military as well as the junior self.
Well the Futa Force is essentially a military organization with the fundamental difference that the FF makes war on war itself (as well as general suffering and deprivation). The goal of the Futa Force's leaders is to give every living creature the opportunity to experience a life of fulfillment.
As such, it is essentially all the branches of a national military incorporated under a single authority, along with all their associated support mechanisms. There are communities within the Futa Force to handle the duties of the medical corps, motor pool, aviation, supply, etc...
The JFFA is a cross between a scouting organization and a ROTC program, designed to groom the youth of today to be the Futa Force of tomorrow.
The vast majority of Futa Force members are not hermaphrodites and have not had their bodies altered beyond the minimum required for space travel (such as lungs capable of breathing a wider range of atmospheres).