Lavender Rain Breeze
I might take take water manipulation, actually. Assuming we're picking something to live with, rather than to superpower with. It's kind of everywhere, and there are kinds of subtle ways you might be able to use it to make life easier, depending on what you could actually manipulate. (Drawing pure water out of other sources, state manipulation, not getting rained on, automation of cleaning or other tasks, electrical generation...).
Although given that you counted metal-mancy under earth, that's pretty game-breaking, especially in a modern context. With precise control, you could customize or make any tool or device you wanted, possibly at exorbitantly lower cost than conventional production. Easiest of the four to monetize easily, probably. You're immediately valuable as a tool-less machinist, not constrained by typical design limitations, at the very least.
Alrauna, I made my position clear in thread. She was pretty obviously working with the baddies and/or lightwashed herself in the past. Which some of the npcs would probably object to, but our response should be 'don't care, can't afford to care'.