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File 125843102971.png - (23.26KB , 640x480 , 1.png )
6254 No. 6254 ID: fb5d8e

297 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 12989 ID: 9263b5
File 126919889937.png - (116.17KB , 404x800 , PanzerRidder.png )

That gave me a sudden inspiration to doodle something odd.
No. 12990 ID: 9263b5
File 126919894927.png - (85.07KB , 520x372 , StealthSticks.png )

More odd.
No. 12991 ID: 9263b5
File 126919909297.png - (324.53KB , 526x931 , BlackFangX.png )

Kinda less odd. Couldn't think of how to Sci-Fi Black Fang.
No. 12992 ID: 1ac39d

power-sword and a cybernetic arm. would still leave him a melee guy but make him more sci-fi.
No. 12994 ID: 9263b5

Well, that cleaver of his was intended to be a power weapon in my mind. Should have added some wires or whatever to it. And you are right about a cybernetic arm, although he's already got one. Can't you see him holding it? *insert Awesome Face here*
No. 12995 ID: f21281

"Somebody call for an exterminator?"
No. 12998 ID: f306db

Black Fang isn' Scifi. He's more like post-apoc or Wasteland type person.

Melee combat isn' scifi, remember? (Star Wars is fantasy)
No. 13002 ID: 950529

You guys are awesome.
No. 13003 ID: 1ac39d

nice try but reaver's ID is 9b97d3
No. 13004 ID: 5b76f8

Nice try but that's the ID now. Check the quests.
No. 13005 ID: 8ce2bf

No. 13085 ID: a56bd0
File 126939258110.jpg - (311.18KB , 900x700 , Postmodern Iesgip.jpg )

Is the same vein... I was torn between something sleek and modern (a mix between a Starcraft Ghost and the Cysis Nanosuit) and something more rugged... My style however is more suited to the later so I went with that.
No. 13319 ID: fe0817

Then we remembered Megatea.
No. 13320 ID: 37ab54
File 126991663728.jpg - (13.08KB , 587x203 , smokin facepalm.jpg )

why must you be a drama queen about this stuff Reaver? That smug face was awesome and you want it gone. gay.
No. 13323 ID: ba41e5

I dunno, I think the new reaction suits Muschio's personality better.
No. 13324 ID: eb6d46

I dare you to go a full minute looking at muschio's smug face without reaching climax.
No. 13325 ID: 860bd9

its OOC. rider would not bother courting her if it was serious, had he simply made a pass on her THEN that original pic would make a lot of sense.
No. 13330 ID: 3416ec


We's the wife, yes?
No. 13341 ID: 950529

Why are YOU the drama queen

As has been said, it was not supposed to look 'smug' at all. Hence, it told the wrong story. Thus, it should not be there. So, I removed it.
You are the ones making a big deal out of this.
No. 13387 ID: d2eac9
File 127005628269.png - (297.44KB , 800x600 , 127005436448.png )

...wait, so it wasn't just the alcohol?
I... Uh... I don't know how I feel about this.

But I'm pretty sure I'm okay with it.
No. 13394 ID: 4b28de

Pay no attention to haters. Picture was lovely, but didn't quite make sense, understanble.
No. 13422 ID: 1ac39d

i really do want this meeting to end with ridder giveing him the ring. and them simply switching voices. ridder hearing the orb and mushcio hearing ridder's head-voices
No. 13724 ID: 7b5188
File 127071766897.jpg - (36.37KB , 375x523 , Black Fang.jpg )

I'm relatively new to TGchan, I found it in a thread over on 7chan like a month or so ago, Tgchan has turned me into a fucking night owl. I loved reading Ruby Quest and yes it was my first, after I read it I found MSPA and devoured his archive and all the good forum adventures, then I found what-do-you-do.com and thats kinda cool. then I looked into weaver and devoured Dive Quest and then found out there was a tie in (Knights Quest, duh) and god I just fucking love this place.

Anyway... I'm planning on creating an adventure and I'm working on story with a friend of mine, I have a lot of experience with rpgs and he maintains his own already, (Not online, with friends, but its his own creation, I'm pretty capable but that's really just his calling) and, while I have some basics up and made any help would be welcomed, Its mainly mine and his project of course.

I'm sorry, maybe this was the wrong place to post this... But I wuvz u Reaver. =3

Oh and here's some kind of fanart type thing.
No. 13725 ID: 7b5188
File 127071854782.jpg - (52.42KB , 728x716 , untitled.jpg )

Also, heres some shitty example of my ability to draw with a mouse.
I think I'll do it on paper though, That could get expensive though... hmm
No. 13728 ID: 34470e

Steps 1 through 7000: Lurk.
Step 7001: Start quest.
No. 13729 ID: c78ae0

We have no prejudices against peope who draw with mouses. Larro (Shoujen, The Game) does it on the mouse.
No. 13730 ID: 212869

I used to draw with a mouse, until I figured out how to fix my tablet. Five and a half chapters worth of wasted time... *shakes head*
No. 13731 ID: 7b5188

I have lurked a lot, if maybe not exactly on tgchan, like I said, I have experience. but I dont mean to get cocky, I mean i have the experience to at least try to run something kinda fun.

I know that, I'm just not very good at it. that drawing is kinda shitty.

how much do tablets usually run cost-wise?
No. 13732 ID: 0fc814

My cheapo one was around 70 bucks.
No. 13734 ID: 15f6d6

Id recommend you lurk here. You've read, what 2 quests? Just make sure you understand that you won't get Ruby/Dive/KB suggestions when you first post and don't get discouraged.

I quickly learned that running a quest is not very much like running a tabletop game. There are similarities, and of course, if you're creative and a good storyteller, that's going to be invaluable, but there are a lot of things that are different too.

This is the best "so you want to do a quest" thread imo. Some of the advice won't apply because you have read some stuff here, but other advice is good. http://tgchan.org/kusaba/questdis/res/318157.html
No. 13738 ID: 897aba

Reading more quests will give you a better idea of what make a good quest and what makes a bad quest. It wouldn't hurt to ask people which quests to read; it will point out some older ones you may have missed, and give you an idea of what everyone likes.

Note that running a quest is somewhere between running a role-playing game and playing something like Zork. On the one hand, you have lots of people who ultimately want to do their own thing, explore at their own leisure and do stuff in their own order. You'll want multiple possible solutions for any problems and be open to unique ideas from players. No blue door-blue key, unless you don't mind the players trying to tunnel through the walls as a solution.

On the other hand, most quest protagonists aren't as fleshed out as most RPG protagonists. Your players won't take hours building a motivational, in-depth backstory to someone that everyone else controls. It is frequent that the protagonist either already has a backstory and motivations for the players to follow (Shoujen, DiveQuest, Knight Blades) or the protagonist is a blank slate that has an obvious problem in need of fixing (RubyQuest, NanQuest). You'll probably want to consider what you expect the players to do in a quest; a blank character in a blank room won't get many interesting suggestions.

I also note that adding a second character to interact with normally increases participation. Well, adding an interesting second character.
No. 13746 ID: 77132c

Oh yeah I understand I won't be getting a ton of replies at first, I don't exactly expect to immediately be a god, Just want to have some fun.
Also I have actually read more than just those 3 on here, they're just the ones that immediately came to mind as examples, seeing that they're really great. and thankyou for that link! I will read it, the more info the better.

These are all things I had already calculated in and stuff, I knew that but its good to hear my mind is on the right track. I don't plan to stop lurking or anything, and I'm not making my adventure just yet. I just kinda wanted to say hello and ask for some tips, I would like what are in popular opinion the best adventures, theres an extensive archive here and I don't really want to just wade through all of it...
No. 13786 ID: d6cb21

Hey Nakraska is really girl, is she not?
But yet she thinks and acts as a male, right?
So the only course is obvious. Gender bending magic potion, after all, if a potion could turn a halfling into a catfolk, then why couldnt a potion switch someones gender?
No. 13787 ID: 260050

Why would she need one? She just wants to hang out and be accepted as one of the guys. That doesn't mean she wants to go through replumbing in the process.
No. 13790 ID: 60d7b6

It's kind of interesting to see how tgchan deals with a (maybe) genderqueer person. Since Naks prefers to be called a dude, he's a dude. There's no way to know if he's happy in his body or not, not unless we ask.
No. 13960 ID: ceac17

So what's your favourite technique when you're performing fellatio?
No. 15362 ID: 407b5b
File 127343333553.jpg - (264.37KB , 800x600 , 127115245468.jpg )

I suppose these two pics may be as close as we ever get to closure. I'll be honest in that I've always expected a 'bad end' for Knight Blades... but I did very much hope it would be finished.

Much more fun to be a part of the final charge, and the last stand, to fight fight against the dying of the light... than to be doomed to the sidelines by the quest equivalent of missing the final disk.
No. 15363 ID: 407b5b
File 127343388692.jpg - (248.45KB , 800x600 , 127084498997.jpg )

Such events have however galvanized a kind of fatalistic approach to my own questing however.

Better to properly finish a story I've started, even if I have to update without suggestions and take the quest to an inevitably bitter end. Than to lead future, yet unknown readers to the precipice of a broken story arc to merely gaze across that gap at only hinted plots and storyline they shall never fully realize.
No. 15366 ID: 6cbca2


Needs more Ridder x Ash.
No. 15376 ID: ff8d14


Man. These are cute. I had thought, considering what we experienced of Ash's world-view, that she was suited for Ridder. These seal the deal. Ashedel/Ridder tgchan OTP for me.

Maybe that's it... it's too good. It's not dangerous and exciting enough, no scope for those hard blows Reaver seems to love striking at our hearts. Ash's presence in Ridder's life would solve everything, eventually... so there's no more story...

Hm. I got good at this crazy obsessive shipping thing quickly!

No. 15377 ID: ff8d14


Oh, and this man owes Reaver a sandwich.
No. 15384 ID: cef587

I've discussed it with Reaver and I will be picking up and continuing Knight Blades so that it does not simply fade away. Reaver said he will help answering any questions for my part (for example, "how would Ridder respond to this?") to help me out with guiding the story.

So it's not the end and there will be more of Ridder and the gang.
No. 15385 ID: 1ac39d

reaver is still owed a sandwich because he isn't the one updating.
No. 15387 ID: eb6d46


oh lawdy
No. 15389 ID: 1d6838

And Reaver never made me that tuna melt
No. 15391 ID: 0fc814

Wish he'd finish it himself, but that beats just leaving it like it is.
No. 15396 ID: 620bfb

Reaver just needs to hire himself out to set quests up. He's great at that, he just needs to work on the finishing thing.
No. 15412 ID: 3416ec


I think enough things are outsourced, thankyouverymuch.
No. 15423 ID: 701a19

Any chance you could continue VoL as well?

Japanese Hentai Dating Sim meets Call of Cthulhu? What's not to love?
No. 15437 ID: eb6d46

I wish that he still did shit like rudy quest, not the whole "YOU AND YER SISTER ARE IN LOVE GET TO FUCKIN'" bull shit.
I agree that reaver is very much capable of making cool concepts for characters, but the problem arises when the quests become dating sims and the characters' only point is to fuck each other.

in reality, all of /quest/ seems to be too ready to get the characters laid, that was part of the reason I stopped reading mudyquest.
No. 15441 ID: e3f578

>Rudy Quest

F-F-F-F-FUCK YEAH, RUDY QUEST! Sure, the Main character had sex but man, it wasn't drama bullshit, he was laying women in mother fucking hardcore order while punching the fuck outta everything and demanding what the fuck is going on.

Closest goddamn thing to that on this board is RAGE Quest and Channel. Supposedly Plagues too what with all the punching but its played for super serious. No wait, Kara Quest counts too.

Why aren't there more quests about just being plain badass anymore? There is shortage bad enough dudes on this board.
No. 15457 ID: eb6d46


I know, right?

we need to get lucid to do tavquest or something, since he seems the most qualified to make a badass quest of ass kick. maybe if gnome could get off his quite diminutive ass and do another thing besides his current ode to masculinity, or...

...shit, do we have any other badass authors?
No. 15471 ID: f95872

You guys seriously forgot about HUGE quest?
No. 15474 ID: a594b9

That quest with Lahamu is *basically* about being badass. I mean, the character we have is pretty strong so we can use FITE against most things we encounter. There seems to be quite a bit of talking as well, but the option of FITE is always there.
No. 15476 ID: 0fc814

The option of fight is in most quests. We just choose not to take it.

No offense or anything, but if Rudy Quest took place on /quest/, he'd probably have only fought in self defense, and only after trying to talk it over while dodging tentacles and so on.
No. 15479 ID: d5c481

I agree, without a strong agreement about kicking ass and taking names /quest/ is far more likely to try play "gottacollectthemall" with NPCs.

Hell even Ridder has moments where he simply forgoes taking for 'rip and tear". Need I remind you of Footsie?

Footsie: "Imma raep you now..,"

Ridder: "Dammit I don't got time for this shit!"


Background dude: "thatwassoawsomeIcamebuckets!"

Reaver always did say he preferred less epic stories and high action (despite his skill in said categories) in favor of something more down to earth. However, I must say that there is a real dearth of suggestions along the more awesome lines in all quests. I myself would love more tactically detailed and ass-kicking suggestions in my quest.

Perhaps it's a case of give and take? A feedback cycle in which the more effort, detail, or emotion a suggester puts into their suggestions (this doesn't mean a multi-paragraph long post) the more motivated the quester will be to make the quest 'sufficiently awesome', which should motivate more awesome suggestions?
No. 15509 ID: fdaabb

So... Too much Slaanesh, not enough Khorne? Tzench seems to dabble here and there. Not really much sign of Nurgle yet.
No. 15512 ID: 3416ec


No. 18566 ID: 2a421d
File 127768211782.jpg - (70.65KB , 750x600 , Paladin.jpg )

This is a triumph.

I'm making a note here, huge success.

The update came and everyone just panicked.~

Welcome back Reaver~

You do it all just becasue you can.

For the good of all of us,
except the ones who be mad.~

But there's no sense crying if we make a mistake.
We will keep on trying just as long as it takes.
And if the questing gets done, we all have a lot of fun.
Because Knight Blades is still alive.~
No. 18588 ID: 731dcd

It's great to have you back Reaver. You were missed.
No. 18590 ID: f58d30

I shitted my pants. Srsly.
"Panicked" isn't even the tip of the iceberg of what my reaction was.
No. 18591 ID: 204804

Wasn't missed by me. Such antics are childish. I will only show respect due for the story being told. Good job.

It would have been better to leave it dead or transferred as it was stated to have been.

Either cut the crap and leave when you say you're leaving, or suck it up and learn to deal with what's irritating you. Life is a bitch. It's hard and cruel and people will do terrible things, of which words are the least. Either cry and run away, or suck it up and deal with it.

I had respect for you due to the quality of your quests. That respect was lost due to 'internet drama' games. Unless I see evidence of something different, I doubt it will be regained easily.

Perhaps it would have been better to leave this unposted, but I guess I felt it needed to be said. Apologies for offended sensibilities.
No. 18592 ID: 204804

If anyone wants this gone, post removal password is 'delete'. Enjoy.
No. 18595 ID: d3dfb8

I'll just repost if it's deleted
No. 18596 ID: 2eac65

People get mad. People get stressed out. People have their feelings hurt. People need to cool down sometimes. It happens to everyone.

You shouldn't just tell people to "just shut up and deal with it", either. Feelings don't work that way. Blaming the victim does nothing but distract from the reason they're upset in the first place.

Yes, there are some things people really can't change, and yes, it's best if they learn to accept them, but that doesn't make them right.
No. 18599 ID: 05c9fd
File 127770984138.gif - (622.12KB , 240x176 , TETRIS.gif )

If you think posts on an imageboard will seriously hurt Reaver, then he has has more to worry about than whether or not someone tells him off on the Internet, no? If he's got problems, he can call his therapist or talk to his friends or family.
No. 18601 ID: a435ab

>suck it up and learn to deal with what's irritating you.
I'm pretty sure that's what this counts as.
Reaver's not actually back, he's just continuing the quest and staying out of the boards, to minimize drama. And yet you still jump up and, completely unprovoked, try to start shit right off the bat. Nothing's even happened yet and you make this big angry rant.

>I had respect for you due to the quality of your quests. That respect was lost
Nobody gives a shit about your internet respect
No. 18607 ID: f4e4f9

Either way, good that this quest is back. I know a lot of people enjoyed it, and it would have been a shame to see so many let down.
No. 18614 ID: 5a2e05

Saw the first few images and thought it was an elaborate troll.

I'm still not sure it isn't.
No. 18616 ID: 5cc920
File 127773242528.jpg - (24.25KB , 400x365 , 12776984708.jpg )

You, Sir, are not far from the truth. It indeed is an elaborate troll.

Yet, the author is Reaver.
No. 18617 ID: 2fa60a

No. 18619 ID: a41aaf

>complaining about 'internet drama' in a dramatic way on the internet
Ah, for such delicious irony, I can see why Reaver does this sort of thing. Seeing people impotently flip out time after time is just too amusing.
Quest was on hold. Quest is back. Chill.
No. 18620 ID: 9939f6


"To elaborate", the verb, is to add detail to a description of something. "I elaborated on my plan". "Elaborate", as an adjective, describes something as being detailed or complicated. "My plan is as elaborate as it is devious".

The use is valid.
No. 18621 ID: fc5f60


No. 18623 ID: 19e705

Valid, but not really very accurate.
No. 18625 ID: 5a2e05

'Ey mang, dem pitchers's purdy. If I want to call it an elaborate troll because I initially thought someone mimicked Reaver's style to make us think the quest had risen from the grave, then I damn well will.
No. 18627 ID: 2fa60a

You seem like the kind of people that would call /b/ clever, original and intellectual. Then again, a Somali might call eating every day "epic excess", so perhaps it is simply a matter of perspective.
No. 18630 ID: 1a99f0

guys, guys, fuck, guys, quit the drama. There is a major event happening in diveverse right now, and you're all squabbling about internet drama. HERE is some drama: Muschio and Ridder are having their heart-to-heart. This will change EVERYTHING. So shut up and talk about it. Talk about what will happen if they can't see eye to eye, or what they could achieve fully united. Talk about how this will change the plans to deal with Grey Fang. Discuss The Quest
No. 18631 ID: 2fa60a

If Ridder goes against Muschio, he'll destroy his own self.
If he goes with Muschio, he'll be better off even if they lose and die horribly.

Also, hopefully tits.
No. 18636 ID: 1a99f0

I think the only way to get good end for both of them is for Ridder to convince Muschio to try to gain a new kingdom with more moral practices. He's already been considering it.
No. 18637 ID: 5a2e05

I'm just waiting for Ridder to fall and take some levels in Blackguard. And he isn't even a paladin.
No. 18639 ID: 1a99f0

Also, the idea of giving Muschio the ring seems pretty cool, but unless Muschio passed Ridder the orb, something bad may happen. I fear the potential destruction of the universe were someone to have both sets of voices at the same time.
No. 18649 ID: fc5f60


my guess is it'd end up making a feedback loop and muschio's head would pop like the dude's from Scanners
No. 18655 ID: 1a99f0

yeah we probably don't want that
No. 18723 ID: 45be60

on the other hand, it would solve the whole "my best friend is evil" quandary.
No. 18726 ID: 5a2e05

But it'd be replaced by "my best friend was evil but isn't now because he's too busy being dead".
No. 18727 ID: 1a99f0

but then there's the "i killed my best friend with a dimensional rift" quandry. and you just KNOW Ridder would whine about that for like forever.
No. 18740 ID: 1255d3

Or it'd be a simple mind bond cause we're taking on two seperate mental entities who combine....
No. 18742 ID: 2fa60a

>>Oh, oh, no more buttered scones for me, mater. I'm off to play the grand piano.
No. 18748 ID: 1188f9

So it's a great reunion, now? I wonder what will happen to the DiveQuest characters.

Trying to be the badguy (and failing mostly) has been quite amusing. I'm interested to see where this'll head.
No. 18756 ID: 8ce2bf
File 127784685944.gif - (389.15KB , 800x600 , RIDDERDASH.gif )

ridder spindash muschio you are going to die you only have one ring
No. 18757 ID: 4f6e37

No. 18758 ID: 2eac65

>rock mode
It's the only way to move safely.

No. 18760 ID: 1188f9

No. 18780 ID: d6cb21

Goddamnit, sticks you troll you
No. 18918 ID: f58d30

Oh, we'll have our revenge on her. Just wait for it =)
No. 22265 ID: f57857

Will it involve being pushed down stairways~?
No. 47063 ID: 8400a2

Guys I have a genius idea


No. 47064 ID: a1de0e

I have a genius idea, too.
Don't necrobump year old threads.
No. 47103 ID: d6ae01

Reaver, contact a mod on IRC if you want to revive this thread.
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