Lady Harmony Stone
ive been wnating to go over this explination again, as i dont think i did it very well, giving the Aius a sort of mary-sue untouchableness that i realy want to stay away from, so here gose.
The Aius are almost like wild animals in the fackt that if you know what your doing you can easily out run/think/fight them, but if you make the slitest mistake or (like the infamous Bear Man) start thinking of them as friends then they will turn on you before you can blink.
As a species they are totaly fixated of the betterment of thier Hives first, and Species second. every single Aius, from Worker to Queen, is mearley a tool to further the Hive and thinks nothing of sacrificing itself for the greater good, they have a hard time recognising that other races value the lives of individuals and this often leads to conflict as they hunt and feed on others, but it also means that anyone they attack can kill them with little worry of revenge attacks.
They mostly stick to thier hives, mining building and inventing, the ones youll see walking the streets are either Worker caste's looking for supplies or specialy breed Scout castes exploring the surface, these scouts are the ones to watcxh out for, as they are the ones who will tell the hive of any advanced tech you posses, wich will most likley lead to them attacking you to take it, as they only thing that can justify thier terrible lives is to be the Best. At everything.
Your right to think that others would plan thier downfall, and its kind of a open secret that this is the case, in fackt one of the lesser known reasones they helped form the council is so that, after what they see is a inevitable genocidal war between the Great Four, civilisation will still survive, and not sink back into barbarism like it did after the ALvari.