Untamed Spirit Island
I'm having trouble with this quest.
I think I have good ideas for the story, and I want to tell them in this medium, because I really enjoy reading quests myself. I've also been told I'm quite good at writing, so I guess I want to utilize that.
But I think I get frustrated by the more "Gamey" aspects I force myself to do. Puzzles and whatnot. I also can't seem to be able to draw in a loose manner, getting anal and frustrated about things. I end up with a STUPID amount of layers in Photoshop and confuse myself.
All in all, the quest quickly stops being fun for me, even though I still want to tell the story.
I suppose I want to get to the point where the quest is more character-character and character-player interaction, but I just can't seem to get there.
I think that's as best as I can explain it, so does anyone have any advice?