Mystic Ice Daisy
Once, the Warmain Marozia Carolin sought to corrupt the dream that was Fission. She succeed, driving the Power of Fission to suicide, and robing you of a beloved comrade, the new Fission was a very different sort, a snide and laughing businessman who loves people best when they choose the wrong, and delights in making life just a little too hard.
In revenge Time sought the Warmain out and challenged her too a duel. By teleporting her into the sun.
In revenge she cursed my teleport, causing it to render the fabric of space broken and confused, shards of solar fire rained down upon the city she had been fighting in, as if lightning struck again and again.
They also stuck Time, but as each one did he simply pulled his uninjured self forward, repairing any wounds, almost before they happened.
She clawed her self back though those rips in time and space, her clothes and body glowing from the heat, her lungs breathing out corona gases.
In that moment, Time copied his knife a few dozen times, throwing each one at her. And then did the same thing from a dozen different angles.
She let them pass though her, harmlessly, as if they were but images or dreams.
Time reached out and pulled his estate from her trying to feezze her inplace, she let him.
Ms. Carolin frozen eyes flashed, and Time felt some dread enchantment wind around his being.
He fought it but could not tell what it was, until he returned home and found his chancel full of the dead and dying. His past, the there memory of his existence had been rendered mememic poison, a sirens song of glorious despair.
to be continued.