Untamed Love Soda
I haven't seen Genesis, but yeah, there are safeguards in place to prevent shit getting really, really weird. Namely the point creation system, which I was expecting people to ask about in the thread so I could explain it in character, but since that doesn't seem to be a thing, I'll explain it here:
Each god has 100 points of which to shape creation. They can use this in a variety of ways, but there are four main modes:
Decrees: Decrees affect what gods may or may not do, and generally cost all 100 points available. If more than one god agrees with it, the points cost is split evenly between the agreeing gods.
States: A change of State indicates a change in the rules of the physical world. These are, usually, 20 points, but can vary depending on the change.
Metacreation: Metacreations are non-physical objects or creates, the Chaos Seed is an example of this. Metacreations can vary wildly in cost depending on their abilities.
Creation: Creations are physical existances. Their cost varies wildly, depending on number and strength.
These are not the only means of spending creation points, but are the most general versions.
As for Eviequest, I realized the way I had been doing combat was arbitrary and without an actual system. That and other factors at the time made me give up. I might possibly either restart it or begin again from where it left off, if I figure out some of the things I hadn't thought out, but don't count on anything.