Sun Crumble
Just thought I'd stop by and let any interested readers know that Dragon Dance is still going.
I'm dead center in finals week (2 weeks, actually) and I've been job hunting HARD on top of that. Bad timing for the chapter finale, huh? Well, no worries - at the moment, it looks like I should have time throughout the week to work on the next update.
If you're wondering why it'd take so long, even with me being busy - the finale will be fully (or at least mostly) animated. The mini-animation that occurred mid-chapter was a proof of concept that it could be done fairly quickly. If all goes well, I'll be doing it each chapter when appropriate.
I hope this gives my readers (or what's left of them) something to look forward to. When I'm within reach of completion I'll touch base here again!
If you guys feel like opening up a discussion while you wait, I'll answer what I can in the mean-time.