Lady Flash Breeze
I'm glad you asked. First and foremost, you've admitted your total lack of experience besides MSPaint. Never a good sign. Second, it sounds like a Ruby rip-off, rather than a homage. Stating your inspiration prior does not redeem it from being that.
More in depth:
1. Insanity, contrary to popular belief, is rather difficult to play right. With players, it usually dissolves to stupid randomness; with the reigns in your hands, you'd be far too often tempted to make terrible DM no-nos with "oh she just nuts" as an excuse.
2. What is this I don't even.
3. Have you been reading Lovecraft?
4. You have been reading Lovecraft.
This may come off as personal preference, but I think drugs, hallucinations and eldritch horrors are quite tired by now. There was a fair share of that even in quests. I mean, check out the currently running other Ruby homage, Abomination.
Again, this could be pulled off if you know what you're doing. Unfortunately, you've stated the opposite, so I'm inclined to have the opinion that you should rethink your plan.
As a post script, you should know that this is an immensely forgiving community. If you feel you want to do it, don't let nay-sayers like yours truly stop you from having it your way.