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File 168798369744.png - (101.61KB , 700x550 , Disc.png )
139926 No. 139926 ID: 681cb5

Let’s discuss this quest about socialism and kobold sex! Huzzah!

This quest is set in the same universe as Lascivious Labyrinth and Prurient Passage:
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No. 139927 ID: 681cb5
File 168798372198.png - (170.08KB , 700x550 , Creator.png )

It’s Kobold creation time! Woo!

Do YOU want your kobold to become a background kobold in “No Dragons! No Sultana!”? Then we have just the thing for you! Try the new Kobold creator right here in this thread! Just answer these simple questions with about a sentence each and they might just appear! (Warning: Your Kobold will probably be bred and/or die in a hilarious matter.)


Note, these traits are not set in stone!
Masculine traits: Horns, frills, smaller, slender hips.
Feminine traits: Head fins, soft features, bigger, thick thighs.
No. 139928 ID: e7c7d3

Name: Topo
Gender: lady
Colour: burgundy
Appearance: Sizable fins, tall for a kobold with death by snu snu thighs. Fairly amazonian build
Personality: An absolute bottom. Shy and rarely starts the conversation. 90% of their dialogue would be keyboard smashes in a world of computers. Is bullied by everyone either cause their tops or they're being mean, it's hard to tell
No. 139930 ID: e15d0f

Name? blood dancer
Gender? no
Color? its spelt "colour"
Appearance? orange and more or less kobold shaped
Personality? dies if you kill them, alive otherwise, until they die. (they're into it)
No. 139931 ID: 2aa5f0

Name: Skyla

Gender: Female

Color: Light blue

Appearance: Tall, as in she has gigantism and is twice as tall as the other kobolds. Flat chested but has a pretty thick butt and thighs.

Personality: Bit of a prankster and will never miss an opportunity for some light teasing which she sees as revenge for all the tall jokes she gets. Slightly self conscious about her hight but mostly laughs it off though does get annoyed that she could grow so tall but couldn't grow a pair of tits. Not the most observant and somewhat frequently bumps into other kobolds with her massive ass and may or may not sit on other kobolds from time to time because she didn't see them before sitting down. Do to her larger size she eats a lot more than the average kobold and is often hungry because of it and therefor easily bribable with food.

Neat facts: Has a prehensile tail as she learned to pick things up with it so she wouldn't have to bend over all the time.
No. 139934 ID: 2803f9
File 168809419416.png - (130.05KB , 800x800 , Kobold Fyneass.png )

Name: Fyneass
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Appearance: As pictured
Personality: Fyneass is always stirring up shit between the kobolds because he's a gossipy bitch. Loves drama and conflict. Also, he's the one who's been pooping under the couch cushions in the kobold break room. I don't know why he does this.
No. 139935 ID: 2803f9
File 168809437351.png - (209.92KB , 800x800 , Preshis Jade.png )

Name: Preshis Jade
Gender: Female
Color: Blue green
Appearance: As pictured
Personality: Preshis thinks she's better than other kobolds because she's a milker and her only duty is sitting around all day getting milked for her kobold milk. She gets special treats from the guards and will share them with you if you do favors for her. She acts like the boss of the milkers but she's not.
No. 139938 ID: 6bcbda
File 168818068832.png - (150.13KB , 600x600 , Kobold Gribley.png )

Name: Gribley
Gender: Male
Color: Orange/Gray
Appearance: From the neck up, Gribley is a shriveled, horrifying raisin monster. From the neck down he has a thicc, juicy butt.
Personality: Gribley is actually very sensitive and a great listener. It's Gribley's job to pop out of the walls and shriek and cackle to terrify lost travelers who find themselves in the Sultana's domain. This doesn't happen very often so Gribley has a lot of downtime when he's stuck in the wall. He finds ways to stay entertained tho...
No. 139939 ID: 6bcbda
File 168818105060.png - (129.57KB , 600x600 , Kobold Timpsey Tumbles.png )

Name: Timpsey Tumbles
Gender: Male
Color: Blue
Appearance: As pictured
Personality: Timpsey's job is to carry huge piles of food to the royal table, teetering comically as he weaves back and forth under the weight of his load. Timpsey has an anxiety disorder and often cries out at night with nightmares that he's dropped the trays, though this has never occurred in real life.
Timpsey is also scary good at ping pong.
No. 139942 ID: 1f62c6
File 168826382512.png - (126.11KB , 600x600 , Kobold Bowl Fondler.png )

Name: Bowl Fondler
Gender: Male
Color: Sorta purply
Appearance: As pictured
Personality: Bowl Fondler is super camp gay and affects a lisp and everything. He's kind of catty and dramatic but it's not because he's mean but more of a toxic defense mechanism. He just wants to be liked by the other kobolds but continually sabotages himself by lashing out when his feelings are hurt, leading to a vicious cycle.

Bowl Fondler's job is to stand in the Rhinotran bathroom on the third floor and pass out mints, but for some reason the Rhinotran are too shy to go in there most of the time.
No. 140011 ID: e9ee7a
File 168895124408.png - (210.62KB , 800x800 , Kobold Dapple Darling.png )

Name: Dapple Darling
Gender: Female
Color: Purple with yellow spots and underbelly
Appearance: as pictured
Personality: Dapple Darling is very bright, sunny and good-natured. She's also dumber than a box of rocks. She's completely oblivious to the fact she has giant gazongas and to the effect they have on others. Everyone is always nice to her and so she assumes that everyone is always nice by nature.

Dapple Darling could have been a legendary milker but the Sultana put her behind the counter at the Kobold Commissary instead. Sales at the company store skyrocket when Dapple Darling is on shift. Her frequent wardrobe malfunctions probably have something to do with it. If you ask her to get something from a high shelf she WILL lose her top somehow in the process of getting it.
No. 140038 ID: 5461c7
File 168920617996.png - (186.28KB , 800x800 , Drumbsin the Deep.png )

Name: Drumbsin the Deep
Gende: Female
Color: Yellow
Appearance: As pictured
Personality: Drumbsin is always the life of the party wherever she goes because she brings her own rhythm section with her. Drumbsin is the product of centuries of selective breeding to create a kobold whose ass makes a drumming sound when smacked. When a party of adventurers tries to raid the Sultana's lair, sentries will start beating Drumbsin's ass to signal the alarm.

Drumbsin is missing one horn because of the time the rhino guards threw her off a roof to see if she'd bounce. As a result, Drumbsin has no love for the guards or the Sultana. Perhaps her ass could be used to communicate revolutionary messages through the lair?
No. 140039 ID: 8f9bc4


...did she bounce?
No. 140045 ID: 63f410

But did she bounce?
No. 140046 ID: df6aa3

>...did she bounce?
>But did she bounce?

I'll leave it up to Kaktus to make that call.
No. 140059 ID: e5709d

Purple Tan
Horns for feet, semi-hard porcupine quills, left eye is a magical kaleidoscope, dog-like muzzle, slender hips, giant breasts, two tiny cocks, and a cloaca with eight clitoris.
Shy and Paranoid

No-one knows what to make of this ugly mutant. The guards would have relegated 'him' to 'punching bag' if they weren't afraid of stabbing their toes. The perverted look upon her with both envy and disgust. Her use comes from the constant magic she radiates, which slightly amplifies any spell cast in her presence. See, nobody knows she has Cutebold ancestry or what a cutebold even is. She is actually a direct descendant of Eadoo, because magic shenanigans on her unfortunate ancestors. There is a 1/128 chance that any enchantments meant for Royal Blood, or those whose ancestors were Chosen by gods, will be compatible with her.

Generally, she keeps to herself, and has spent most of her life secretly learning a grand total of three spells which help protect her from the constant bullying and assaults. She's also a little sex-starved, what with most of the palace refusing to sleep with her on principle.
No. 140067 ID: 28a954
File 168955805122.png - (150.98KB , 800x800 , Kobold Sleepy Peepers.png )

Name: Sleepy Peepers
Gender: Male
Color: Bluish green
Appearance: As pictured
Personality: Sleepy Peepers's job is to wander the halls of the palace just before bedtime to create a cozy atmosphere. Anyone who sees him suddenly wants nothing more than to curl up in a nice, cozy bed with a glass of warm milk. Whether this is because of magic or because of Pavlovian conditioning, only Sleepy and the Sultana know.

Sleepy can cause everyone in a room to yawn by yawning first.

It's hard to tell where Sleepy's loyalties lie because he rarely fraternizes with the other kobolds. When he does speak, it's usually to say things like "I'm tired" and "Time for bed."

Rumor has it he's the personal plush toy of one of the royals.
No. 140177 ID: 9ea24b
File 169093774835.png - (222.23KB , 800x800 , a3.png )

Name: Bringela
Gender: Female
Color: Yellow Orange
Appearance: see picture
Personality: Bringela works as a blacksmith and gemcutter, because buying uncut gems and doing the labor yourself is a lot cheaper for the Sultana. Bringela resents that her hard work is making a profit for her master, and she's been smuggling out valuables to the resistance.
No. 140178 ID: bc93bc
File 169093882776.png - (127.50KB , 800x800 , Kobold DWF.png )

Name: Posterface
Gender: Male
Color: Red
Appearance: As Pictured
Personality: Posterface got his picture on a propaganda poster *one time* and now he walks around acting like he's a big star.

He is handsomer than the average kobold but he doesn't seem to have caught on that everyone is sick of him making that face all the time. Also, he has to wear a chastity cage like basically everyone else so it's not like he's getting laid.

Posterface is loyal to the Sultana but he is a slave to the winds of popularity. If he could be turned, he would look great on posters for the resistance.
No. 140202 ID: 681cb5

>...did she bounce?
Luckily, yes. Unluckily, she bounced right into a Minotaur beach volleyball game, knocking out the ball from game and thus replacing it. She lost her horn when the blue team won with a kickass spike that left her upper body buried in the sand all the way up to her rather rotund posterior.

Oh, and thanks for all the Kobolds, I appreciate every last one of them!
No. 140222 ID: 8f2693
File 169137755669.png - (581.07KB , 940x1656 , PoxyTurvy.png )

Name: Poxy Turvy

Gender: Herm

Color: White

Appearance: As pictured

Personality: Poxy likes hugs, cooking, mixing drinks, handling and touching weird ingredients and sticking her hands and face into bubbly cauldrons that smell funny

You know what else she likes? not washing her hands! and having complete disregard for basic sanitation and safety measures, if you value your health don't touch Poxy, nor come in contact with any items she has handled in the last 72 hours

Sultana sends her to serve food and drinks to her enemies, interlopers of the lair, or in general anyone she doesn't want around for long; Poxy doesn't know this and thinks she's just seen as a really good host

Warning: Interacting with Poxy or her "culinary creations" goes against every sanitary measure known to civilization; please consult your local practitioner if you present: shivers, sudden horn sprouts, fang growth, scaly skin, lust for shiny things, growing a tail, incessant humping and or death

On the other hand, if you don't try them, she'll be sad :(
No. 140357 ID: 435f13
File 169214799835.png - (153.06KB , 800x800 , Kobold Beach Himbo.png )

Name: Beach Himbo
Gender: Male
Color: Red with dark red stripes
Appearance: As pictured
Personality: Beach Himbo loves the beach and everything about it. He loves beach sports, beach snacks, and beach babes (and dudes. Beach Himbo loves indiscriminately). Lucky for him he is too much of an airhead to realize the mountains of sand that surround the Sultana's palace are part of a desert and not a giant beach.
No. 140362 ID: a7a180
File 169216368809.png - (153.34KB , 800x800 , Grismalda-smol.png )

Name: Grismalda the Wretch
Gender: F
Color: Red
Appearance: Short and surprisingly well endowed, despite being scrawny everywhere else.
Personality: Grismalda's eyes are bigger than her boobs when it comes to her ambitions. Tired of being shoved around by stronger folk scaled or otherwise, she dreams of becoming a dragon one day, and there's no boundaries to what kind of deal she'd make to do so.
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