Royal Magic Soft
Your combat system is neat and scalable. All you need to do to really make it shine is standardize the INFORMATION AVAILIBILITY.
We players should ALWAYS KNOW the HP, STATUS, RANGE, and TRAITS of DIRECTLY CONTROLLED characters at a glance.
ENEMIES should have ALWAYS IMPERFECT information. Our interactions with them should determine what we know of them. Lots of information can be given or withheld. HP, Traits, How many traits they have, how those traits work, which traits are on cool-down, what they are about to do, how their abilities synergize with other, ect. ect.
UNCONTROLLED NPC ALLIES are very much up to your judgment.
In effect, preparation and playing defensively gains us more information, but comes at the cost of dragging out a fight or finding ourselves in less than optimal situations.
Ambushing and playing aggressively can quickly end or "skip" fights entirely, but it leaves us vulnerable to taking dangerous assumptions that can lead to bad decisions.
You've created a system where battle is a fun balancing act between information and domination.
tl;dr: Keep battles, improve Info for PC, reduce info for enemies.