Wild Giggling Basket
>Is there anything else that should be added that would make the imageboard format better?
Ask and ye shall receive. In the document I posted, I identified about 70 minor issues. Here, have 10 of them that only deal with how a post element is displayed.
>The >> doubledash on the left of each non-OP post should be removed.
This visual element seems to serve little purpose when the thread doesn't support any post hierarchy. And in case you'd need padding to signify a post is a reply to another post, white space should be used.
>The Checkbox next to each post should be hidden until hovered over.
It makes little sense for this rarely-used feature to be visible on all the posts all the time.
>The poster name and poster ID should be together.
For two elements in the post's header that basically serve the same purpose (identifying the poster), I don't quite understand why one is on the left and other on the right side of the header.
>If using the pony theme, the pony icon should always be on the left side.
With how a post width varies from post to post, the icons keep jumping left and right. One of the consistency UI design principles teaches us that common visual elements should try to appear in a consistent manner so that the user can always expect to see them in the same way. There's also several other problems, such as the fact that the icon is too large, that it has no padding, etc. Altho, the pony icon itself has some value in terms that, a user avatar serves many useful design purposes.
>If using the pony theme, the pony name should be together with poster name and poster ID.
Altho we then get some problems with redundancy where you now have 4 elements serving to identify the poster - poster name, poster ID, pony icon and pony name.
>The time in the post's header should be localized.
It's confusing to the user who doesn't live in the server's time zone to see the server time.
>The time in the post's header should be relative. Optionally.
More often than not, a relative value (eg. 15 minutes ago) would be much more valuable to the user. It should be possible for a user to customize how they see dates and whether they want to see absolute or relative time.
>Post ID in each post's header should be hidden until hovered over.
I have a lot to say about how post ID is an irrelevant visual element and how one should not expose the inner workings of the website to the user. But let's just say that the number itself is metadata that no one reads when reading the quest, and the only thing that matters is the reference.
>Post file info should be hidden by default.
How often are post file's data size, pixel dimensions, and its filename relevant? Relevant, as in, will affect the way user handles this file? Almost never. So this info should either be permanently hidden, or shown after hovering over the thumbnail.
>When clicking on an image, the default action should be to expand the image (and not open it in a new tab), but be limited by screen width and height. The "Expand all images" link should also expand the images in this way.
This one problem you already discovered on your own :P
>There should be an easy way for the user to differentiate between his own posts and posts of others.
For instance, by changing the background color of the poster name.
Ok, this one isn't really a minor fix without implementing a user system. Technically it would be possible if you used a static list of names, and you then find posts with poster names from this list.