Dark Diamond Night
I'd like to apologize to the quest author in case they're offended by the recent suggestions involving the MC's gender and would like to point out that they shouldn't feel obligated in any way to follow those suggestions.
I'd also like to say that we're all here to have fun, and we all understand that doing stuff you don't like doing (such as drawing and writing stuff you're uncomfortable with) isn't fun.
As far as my personal opinion goes, I don't particularly care about the MC's gender, that is, I'd choose whatever the author prefers. However, and forgive me if I'm wrong but, as far as I understand, the MC's gender is female. This is because the narrator refers to her with female pronouns instead of gender-neutral ones. In other words, if there was any doubt about her gender, then "they" would probably be used, which isn't the case. And if the author wanted the suggesters to vote for the gender, they would've written so, which also has not happened.
Unsolicited pushing of fetishes onto the author is bad.