Glow Climber
Princess Reefa: 'I can promise you none of our wine is underaged, our vintners are masters of the craft and every bottle is ready to enjoy on purchase.
but that's only the beginning of what's great about my beautiful homeland. Imagine the most wondrous palace with perfectly pruned royal grounds, now imagine this palace spans a whole kingdom. This is Teroth.
Teroth is the Paradise that all men dream of: gentle weather, delicious food, the finest fashions crafted locally and abroad, the people want for nothing and live in harmony under benevolent guidance of their heroic champions.
It is a land where the children frolic without fear, where the elderly rest easy in the comfortable home they provided for their family, where the young are free to follow their dreams.
Teroth is a heaven made material in tribute to the gods and blessed with their appreciation.
It is a place where evil cannot root and malice can never thrive.
If Teroth has a flaw it is that too few people have had the chance to enjoy it's splendor.'