Lavender Music Dancer
The main character of Honor of Thieves, returning to his home of Greyport to revive the Thieve's Guild and hunt the murderers of his brother. He's attracted the Lady's favor and attention, granting him a small measure of her power.
Body: 4
Finesse: 2
Cunning: 1
Spider-Climb 1: May attempt to climb otherwise impassable surfaces
Body govern strength and endurance. For a thief, this is primarily used in skills such as climbing walls, leaping gaps, or breaking through a barrier.
Finesse governs dexterity and coordination. Stealth, lock picking and the disabling of traps are examples of skills within the purview of this stat.
Cunning governs charm and deception. This is the social stat, governing such skills as bluffing, intimidation and seduction.