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99232 No. 99232 ID: b8a3d1

My name is Sellanie. I live in the heart of Brolmorik's Hammer, where the Great Hills rise and the flying waters crash upon the rocks. It is here I spend much of my day, amidst the hot waters and warm mists, surrounded by the heart of gorgeous nature.

I am fortunate, for my husband is a well-respected man, and he is able to bring me everything a woman of my standing should need. I have food, shelter, and a powerful husband.
I suppose there is nothing else a woman should need.
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No. 99944 ID: b8a3d1
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Okay, I'll give him a flower.
I pluck one from a more dry area further from the spring and offer it to him. He takes it a little hesitantly.
No. 99945 ID: b8a3d1
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I don't think he quite understands but he appears to appreciate the gesture all the same.
No. 99950 ID: c0f3bf

So you've got a monster of unknown origin that is fond of hugs in the daylight. Is he scruffy? Might need to take a dip as well.
No. 99951 ID: 96dac0

>She's already married so.. lets avoid the romance options with Mugmeb.
Considering how much this is already reading like a late Victorian romance novel, I'm hesitant to abstain from extramarital romance in any concrete fashion.

Well, that's good. I have no good suggestions, though. What are you inclined to do with this guy? Goals help us.
No. 99975 ID: b8a3d1
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You're right. I should get back to my main goal, which is making things.
Over the last couple of days I carried some lumber out here in secret. I guess I accidentally set some of the planks on top of my writing paper.
No. 99976 ID: b8a3d1
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Mugmeb seems to understand my conundrum.
No. 99979 ID: 059c31

ahh, how convenient.
No. 99980 ID: 9d07d9

Do you have anything written on the paper?
No. 99991 ID: 2dd482

build a nice little shack for him.
No. 99992 ID: b8a3d1
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No nothing is written on the paper.
I wonder how Mugmeb can lift all that stuff. It took me days trying to haul them out one at a time in the event I might build something with them. He must be very strong.
No. 99994 ID: c0f3bf

Maybe you can put that writing paper to use to communicate with him better, you do have pencils right?
No. 99995 ID: 6f4722

Quite. You're -4Str.
No. 100020 ID: b8a3d1
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Okay. I draw a little pictogram to suggest we should work on building something together.
He seems to like the idea.
No. 100022 ID: c0f3bf

You don't have enough wood for a gazebo right?
No. 100023 ID: b8a3d1
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We can get more wood. This place isn't going anywhere.

On that day we started building. I made sure never to let him do all the work, and he never tried to stop me from helping. We were working together to build. Both of us.

We continued like this for many days. Every time I would come back to my spot out here, Mugmeb would be waiting happily.

He is a pretty good friend.
No. 100024 ID: c0f3bf

You should bring him up a sandwich.
No. 100025 ID: af3e6d

Did he learn language at all?
No. 100028 ID: b8a3d1
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No, I don't think he's learning Common at all. But it's okay, we get by all right without it.

And of course every day I come out with food for both of us, and sometimes he helps me cook it. We work together on it.

We are pretty good friends.

I don't want to upset the Gods. I wonder what they would say about this.
I am just worried that when we are finished building we won't be able to stay here together. I am not supposed to stay somewhere like this with a man unless it is my husband.
No. 100029 ID: 2dd482

You're just hanging out and talking with a friend. Where's the harm in that? does your society really dictate that women are merely little more than property?
No. 100030 ID: 8898f4

Hes more like a pet
You can be comfortable around him
No. 100036 ID: 8898f4

How about you give him a hug to show how much you care
Pet him a bit
Give him a belly rub
It's fine
No. 100038 ID: 9d07d9

So what exactly are you building?
No. 100044 ID: c0f3bf

You can be completely platonic with Mugmeb, there's nothing stopping you. A happily married woman can be friends with a guy!
No. 100050 ID: b8a3d1
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I know. I don't plan to tell my husband about all this anyway so that's not important to me.
But I wonder what the Gods would think. We are building a place where I can stay while I'm out here among the hot mist, and technically that means I will be living with Mugmeb. And I am not supposed to live on my own with a man unless he is also my husband.

That is why it is a problem.
I just feel uncertain about it.
No. 100052 ID: 34470e

You have too many morals.
No. 100054 ID: 9a65fd

Oh, I see.

Then build another house for him! Problem solved.
No. 100056 ID: 488063

Then build a partition.
If the house is divided, it's like two houses, right?
And that's fine, yes?
No. 100057 ID: 059c31

This is somewhat concerning.

Tell us more about your people, your husband, the life you have.
No. 100058 ID: b082e5

Yes, then you will just be neighbors.
No. 100059 ID: 6834bc

What if you looked at it like this:
This area is technically his territory. You're helping him build a house, keeping him company, and maybe helping him with food or other such things in exchange for being able to come here with such freedom.

You could think of it somewhat like a 'payment' for 'using' this place. And, of course, that you are visiting a friend... because that's what he is, isn't he?
No. 100060 ID: b8a3d1
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Yes, he is a good friend. But I did not write the rules.
You're right, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm not worried about what people say.

But I still kind of worry that the Gods will not like it. My husband always told me the Gods don't like the kind of thing. I heard that if you spend too much time with sub-racials their evilness starts to rub off on you.

But Mugmeb doesn't seem too evil?

I don't know religion that well. But I still want a definitive answer. Maybe I should ask a priest or something.
No. 100062 ID: 34470e

How do you even know these gods exist?
No. 100068 ID: 2829c3

How can your husband or a priest know what the gods want?
No. 100073 ID: 9d07d9

Perhaps you should wait. If the gods don't approve of your activities, surely they'll send you a sign.
No. 100076 ID: c0f3bf

The gods made everything, right? Why would they create something so friendly and make it corruptingly evil? That isn't logical, if the gods truly wanted you to avoid sub-racials, they would add in more obvious signs. Maybe the gods want you to break away from rumors and embrace a new friend?
No. 100081 ID: 488063

Wait for a sign.
No. 100083 ID: b082e5

Asking a priest is a good idea.
No. 100105 ID: 8898f4

I think the gods would not like it that you started being here alone in the first place
but sending this creature to help you is a sign that they allow it
You seem like a pure lady
this must be your reward
No. 100109 ID: b8a3d1
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My husband knows because he talks to priests sometimes and he worships faithfully. The priests know because they tend to the earthly affairs of the Gods and the Gods made us and watch over us.
But if Mugmeb is so nice to be around why would being around him be bad? I care for Mugmeb but we are so different, is that wrong to the Gods? I don't know myself. I do not know what the Gods want. It doesn't make sense. I will ask a priest.

This priest has been visiting our village for the last week. He has come from far away on a long journey. He must be very learned. I ask him about what I should do. If it is okay for people who are very different to be together.

The priest says there are many different kinds of love. He tells me that all kinds of love are beautiful in the eyes of the Gods. Even kinds of love that most people would not understand. I guess that makes sense.
He seems to be very adamant about this. I am sure he believes what he is saying.
No. 100112 ID: c0f3bf

Hug priest. Really helped you out there.
No. 100113 ID: b082e5

I think maybe you didn't explain it properly. I mean, it's not like you love the monster, right? You're just friends, but you want to be sure it's not considered cheating on your husband.
No. 100141 ID: 8b7db1

There are many kinds of 'love'. It's not the English language's fault that we only have the one word, and that now a days it pretty much means 'want to have sex with'.

She can care about him like a deep friend, but not necessarily as a romantic partner.
No. 100145 ID: b8a3d1
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You're right, it's not that I love Mugmeb. I just enjoy being around him and spending time with him. I like how we work together on things, like when we build, and when we eat. It's nice that we both do it, together.

But that just means I like being around him.
And that has nothing to do with love.
No. 100156 ID: c0f3bf

Having a great husband isn't supposed to prevent you from making great friends.
No. 100188 ID: b8a3d1
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Yes, that's true.

And I'm perfectly happy here anyway, far away in the wilderness. It's our own little private slice of nature, and no one knows about it but us. Not even my husband knows about this place.
No. 100189 ID: b8a3d1
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You know,
Maybe I can just stay out here forever.
No. 100190 ID: 8b7db1

No. 100191 ID: af3e6d

This will end poorly when the husband finds out.
No. 100192 ID: 059c31

Somehow, I wonder if he will notice.
No. 100199 ID: 3297aa

On an unrelated note, I love the art style.
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