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File 126159323130.png - (2.18KB , 174x150 , intro.png )
97014 No. 97014 ID: cf68aa

Welcome to The Game, hosted by WonDer Games!

You are one of the lucky few to make it to the last stage!

The rules are simple, get eight silver keys and you win.

Good luck ^_^
812 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 99752 ID: 34470e

No. 99753 ID: 597b9b

No. 99755 ID: cf68aa
File 126199328438.png - (8.96KB , 315x602 , wtf.png )

"!?! Who said that!?"
No. 99756 ID: 597b9b

Something happened to Wan! There were these green petal things that came up out of the ground and then they shrank and she disappeared!
No. 99759 ID: 34470e

Look around for an orb-shaped thing. Take it and carry it with you.
No. 99761 ID: 476456


>no eyes
No. 99762 ID: bc3e5a

Wait. What?
Was that nine?
... Realize Wan had Korokoro.
No. 99763 ID: 6834bc

Two, feel around the ground for where Wan last was, you should find a blue orb/stone/thing.
The easiest way to explain what we are is.. well, like an advice ball thing. Sort of.

Just... grab us, please? And just so you know, there's an awful lot of blood on the floor - it was here when we came in, dunno how fresh.
No. 99764 ID: cf68aa
File 126199357417.png - (2.71KB , 127x332 , screwed.png )

"green petals...? Fuck.. She's screwed..."
No. 99765 ID: 597b9b

NO! Don't say that.

What were they?
No. 99766 ID: cf68aa
File 126199375729.png - (10.92KB , 427x529 , good.png )

"Well Mr.Sign-of-me-going-insane those petls belong to that sadist bitch 7. Wan's probably being raped/tortured"
No. 99767 ID: 34470e

You are NOT going insane! Feel around for an orb thingie. We're that.
No. 99768 ID: 597b9b

FUCK. We gotta save her.

Nice to meet you, Deux. We're the orb. We've been helping Wan puzzle her way around this place since her memories got scrambled. YOu'll find us directly across the room from you on the floor, next to the door to 4's room.
No. 99769 ID: cf68aa
File 126199398250.png - (10.20KB , 427x529 , wierd.png )

"Huh... This explains alot..."
No. 99772 ID: cf68aa

*Control is now shifted to Dues.*
No. 99777 ID: 597b9b

OK, now that introduction are out of the way, lets go find Wan before this 7 does something really fucking horrible to her and causes any more damage to her mind.
No. 99779 ID: 597b9b

Also, you can clue us in to what you know about everything. We have questions.
No. 99780 ID: cf68aa
File 126199431142.png - (10.00KB , 427x529 , wierd.png )

"Look I like Wan but that crazy bitch is no joke. Out of all of us here she's probably the toughest one,"
No. 99781 ID: cf68aa

"sure. Ask away."
No. 99782 ID: 597b9b

Really? I thought the toughest one would have been Tres or something, considering he can make your brain melt by staring at you for a few seconds. And Wan and us took him out with no evolution or anything.

What can you tell us about 7?
No. 99783 ID: 597b9b

Actually, a rundown on all the contestants you know about wouldn't hurt.
No. 99784 ID: cf68aa
File 126199468266.png - (10.56KB , 370x527 , shesserious.png )

"7? She. Is. Crazy. Once she even gets a 'hint' that someone has keys she grabs them with that fucking plant of hers and take sthem to her den on the second floor. I don't know exactly what goes on but I hear screaming and sometimes even moaning coming from there..."
No. 99785 ID: 597b9b

What does her power entail?
No. 99786 ID: 6834bc

This one would like to know about winning and losing. Specifically, what happens when someone loses, and what is this 'prize' for winning?
Other than that... Five said that we're in the last week of the game, and that if nobody wins, everyone loses.

That sounds... less than preferable, even with our limited knowledge.
No. 99788 ID: 34470e

We need to hightail it to the second floor RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

...You do know how to get there, don't you?
No. 99789 ID: cf68aa
File 126199515243.png - (9.96KB , 370x527 , shesserious.png )

"her powers are similer to 5's in that she can move not only herself but other things around as well. She also has control over these wierd plants. I've seen her do some wierd things..."

"As for winning. If yoo win WonDer Games will grant you anything your heart desires. Losers.. Never leave."
No. 99790 ID: 34470e

Go to the second floor right now. If we don't, she might die. She might lose her memory without us.
No. 99792 ID: cf68aa
File 126199532391.png - (13.72KB , 607x485 , 2nd floorn.png )

"Duh. I could get there with my eyes closed."

Deus goes to the Cooler Room and jumps to the Cooler. She jumps up and makes it to the next floor.

"I'm here."
No. 99794 ID: 34470e

Uuh, go to the room where you usually hear the screaming and moaning.
No. 99795 ID: 597b9b

Whats your evolution? Apart from a really disarming smile?
No. 99796 ID: cf68aa
File 126199563689.png - (13.09KB , 488x538 , smile2.png )

"Answer your question?"
No. 99797 ID: 34470e

We need to save Wan NOW! Go the where the moaning room is! If she dies, she'll lose her memories and her evolution and her friends!
No. 99798 ID: cf68aa
File 126199601117.png - (13.65KB , 488x538 , nopoint.png )

"there's no point... She's probably already gone..."
No. 99803 ID: 34470e

You still need to save Koro Koro!
No. 99805 ID: 597b9b

Even if you didn't owe her already for saving your ass when you were locked up, blind and unable to speak because of the stitches in your face, need we point out she has all of the keys?
No. 99807 ID: 34470e

She has 5 keys. They're in Koro Koro!
No. 99811 ID: cf68aa
File 126199685182.png - (10.35KB , 370x527 , shesserious.png )

"... You're right..."

She goes over to the room...

No. 99814 ID: cf68aa
File 126199703127.png - (5.18KB , 227x205 , Wan.png )

Opens the door...
No. 99815 ID: 597b9b

Oh shit.
No. 99816 ID: cf68aa
File 12619970681.png - (23.26KB , 488x538 , end1.png )

And steps inside...
No. 99817 ID: 597b9b

I dislike 7 significantly more than Tres at this moment.
No. 99820 ID: 8e5b0f

We will need fire. Who's with me?
No. 99821 ID: cf68aa
File 126199829072.png - (23.35KB , 488x538 , end1.png )

No. 99827 ID: 8e5b0f

...Check sanity.
No. 99828 ID: 597b9b

Deux can't see this. If you're referring to Wan, at a guess I'd say somwhere between 2 and -46.

I'll be honest, it might just be for the best to put her out of her misery and find her after the respawn. Her memories only fracture sometimes. We might get lucky.
No. 99835 ID: cf68aa


She's comatose
No. 99836 ID: 597b9b

Welp, that seals it. Comatose victims typical don't recover without SIGNIFICANT aid.
No. 99837 ID: 8e5b0f

Hmm. Can we see anyone else nearby? Can Deus detect anyone through scent or hearing?
No. 99856 ID: 697b23

The dying thing isn't particularly annoying, she'll just respawn. The irritating part is that she'll lose her wings...
No. 99858 ID: 9fe93b

Well, my vote goes to the evolution liquid, it increased her sanity before, and it should help with her arm and foot.
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