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93716 No. 93716 ID: 6faa8c

((Previous thread here: http://www.tgchan.org/kusaba/quest/res/92575.html until it is archived.))

Good evening. It seems we are going to be spending some time together, Legion.

In case you've forgotten, we have been tasked by the mysterious spider Anansi to retrieve a singing sword from a dragon known as Jerasp. In return, he would tell us the abilities that lie within the Cane, as he did with this Hat.

The Hat:

+ The Hat may be used as a storage device for anything that could fit into the brim. The storage is infinite, and when reaching inside, you will always find what you are looking for, unless your terms are vague, like 'what I need to solve this'.
++As a collorary to this power, turning the hat inside out will dump all the contents of its storage. You can will the items to be expelled at normal speed or very, very high speed when commiting to the action.
++Things placed inside the hat are frozen in time, so living creatures, food, time-sensitive objects, and the like will last indefinitely.

+You may reach through the hat, and out into real space wherever you can see. This is only limited by the acuity of your own sight, but only one such bridge may be made. In other words, you may not put both arms into the hat and have them pop up in different locations.
++Velocity is maintained between points using this power. Speedy thing goes in hat, speedy thing comes out hat.
++Objects pulled back out may either be placed into storage or retrieved immediately. Living tissue is locked in place if this power is used on, say, an arm. The same goes for anything pulled partially through.

+When you place the hat on the head of another creature, whether alive, dead, or in between, besides yourself, you may choose to teleport it forcefully as far as you like within sight.
++You may, at the expense of a great deal of your own energy, decide to only teleport the head.
++Creatures that do not have heads are not affected by this power.
++You must be holding the hat for this to work. The hat does not teleport along with the target.

+When wearing the hat, if you tip the hat in a direction, you will instantly teleport a distance relative to the distance the hat was tipped. This power may be deactivated and reactivated with an application of will.
++Be forewarned, this is the only power that you can use that can target outside of your range of vision! It is also the only power of the hat that can kill you!
++Looking up allows you to teleport up, lookong down allows you to teleport down. You do not teleport where you are looking, however.

The Cane:

+When spun by the head, the length bursts into fire. This stops when the cane stops.
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No. 95869 ID: 34470e

OK, put the watch away. Is it morning?
No. 95907 ID: 6faa8c

I put the watch away. It is early morning, and the dwarf still sleeps.

No. 95913 ID: 632862

Find a squirrel or other harmless creature and point the watch at it, then try turning the knob. It does have a knob on it for adjusting the time or winding it, doesn't it?
No. 95916 ID: 6faa8c

Actually, there's nothing for winding it! Peculiar, but I guess something like this doesn't need winding. Shi walks up beside me again, staying oddly close to me.
No. 95918 ID: 632862

"Hello, Shi. Sleep well? I got something new here in my sleep. It can see when things are going to die."

Point it at the dwarf and check the readout.
No. 95919 ID: 6faa8c

"Hello, Shi. Sleep well? I got something new here in my sleep. It can see when things are going to die."
Shi smiles, then watches as I check the readout for the dwarf. Several hundre- no... It seems to be switching rapidly between a day from now to what seems to be death from old age.
No. 95924 ID: 632862

Interesting. We'll want to watch out for him tomorrow. Apparently Shi is going to be fine for quite a while, but let's not tell her; that causes all sorts of problems.

Show her what it does when you point it at yourself.
No. 95925 ID: 6faa8c

I point it at myself and show it to her, but before the readout stabilises, she snaps it shut and gives me an angry look.
No. 95926 ID: 34470e

She knows. Apologize to her.
No. 95928 ID: 6faa8c

"Ah... I'm sorry. I thought..."
She sighs soundlessly and shakes her head, humming to herself as she retrieves a sharpening stone from her bag and her knife.

The dwarf awakens.
No. 95931 ID: 34470e

Be on the lookout. It could be Ella, but then again it might not be.
No. 95933 ID: 632862

Oh wait, I get it. It wasn't that it said you would *never* die, it just wouldn't tell you your own time of death.
No. 95934 ID: 6faa8c
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"Amazing how you always spot me." she mutters. This time she is flanked by another, though his armor is much lighter. "Spidersworn, meet my brother, Jax."
The creature nods silently.
"I have heard tell of your and Ella's encounter, spidersworn. I am intrigued, but I wish to speak with you myself before I commit to anything."
No. 95941 ID: 34470e

"I assume you wish to speak to me about swearing yourself to Anansi?"
No. 95943 ID: 6faa8c


"I assume you wish to speak to me about swearing yourself to Anansi?"

"Nay. I only want the truth of the matter. Is it true that you wish to bring down our Church?"
No. 95951 ID: 34470e

"Not anymore. A little bird spoke with me."
No. 95954 ID: 6faa8c

"Not anymore. A little bird spoke with me."
Jax lifts his hat to look me in the eye. There's something odd about his gaze.
"Tell me more." he says.
No. 95957 ID: 34470e

Tell them about your encounter with Raven.
No. 95958 ID: 632862

Also tell him that if they stop killing magical creatures, it will be easier to track down this mysterious third party controlling the churches.
No. 95961 ID: 6faa8c

I tell him about my encounter with the Raven, and especially about the vague and unseen enemy the Raven mentioned.
Both Ella and Jax react oddly to the latter point, and retreat to speak privately.
No. 95998 ID: 34470e

Get some breakfast.
No. 96020 ID: 632862

What happens to food you eat, anyway?

Heeyyy... Can you put your ear to the hat, and imagine an area near those two to eavesdrop?
No. 96022 ID: 34470e

>magic eavesdropping
>eavesdropping on 2 anti-magic creatures
I wouldn't recommend it.
No. 96030 ID: 6faa8c

I'm not going to do that. I trust Ella somewhat, and it's really their decision whether they want to get involved.

While I'm waiting, I eat the meal Shi prepared for us today, which is some simple rabbit stew.
No. 96036 ID: 34470e

If you're finished eating and they still aren't done talking yet, maybe you can ask Shi to sing for you again.
No. 96040 ID: 632862

Let's talk to Shi about her past, instead.
No. 96041 ID: 34470e

Changing vote to this
No. 96043 ID: 6faa8c

"Shi... before you were sworn to Anansi..."
She smiles.
"I was a bard." she says, "A weaver of story and song. But I also loved to put rich men in their place. I would talk my way into their homes with sweet words, and knock them out with chemicals and steal their precious diamonds and pearls they used on other girls. Anansi saw my work and enjoyed it greatly. He told me I could put many, many more in their proper place, if I wanted."
No. 96049 ID: 34470e

"I'm sorry to bring this up, but Anansi mentioned a relationship with you."
No. 96053 ID: 6faa8c

She barks a laugh.
"Gods are poor lovers." she mutters coldly.
No. 96057 ID: 34470e

"What do you think of me?"
No. 96058 ID: 6faa8c

"What do you think of me?"
She giggles.
"One of the most interesting men I've met in a long time." she says, "But denser than a sack of half-bricks at times."
No. 96060 ID: 34470e

Tell Shi what you think of her.
No. 96069 ID: 6faa8c

I chuckle.
"And you are one of the most beautiful women I've ever met, and it's an honor to have heard you sing."
She smiles.
"Oh, thank you. But is now really the time for this sort of thing?" she asks, pointing out the Dwarf eating quietly, who clears his throat.
"Dun mind me."
No. 96071 ID: 34470e

Tell her it's her decision for right now.
No. 96072 ID: 6faa8c

"Well, that's up to you, now, isn't it?" I ask, putting away the food as the Seeran approach.
Jax clears his throat.
"I have decided to pledge myself to the Raven you saw, Hattori. My research indicates that this area hold significance to him, hence why you were capable of finding him... however, this Enemy might also know of this location. How do you think we should proceed?"
No. 96087 ID: 6faa8c
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For the strategem dudes, here's a map. Feel free to draw up batel plans!
No. 96133 ID: 632862

So our options are:
1) Stay here and wait for nightfall, killing whatever may come to attack us
2) Travel aimlessly for a day evading enemies, then return when it's dark.

How far are we from our destination? We could just go there then make sure we arrive here again at nightfall, if possible. Of course, having the Seerans with us might make anyone we meet rather fearful.

At least this area is a defensible position, at least from enemies that walk along the ground. If we're going to be fighting fliers it's actually pretty bad, what with the cliff there. They could toss us off it.
No. 96174 ID: 34470e

I think we should stay here for a little while.
No. 96211 ID: 6faa8c

"We shall remain here until night falls." I state.
Jax nods.
"The location is commendably easy to defend. What are you or..." he pauses. "What do you reccommend?"
No. 96226 ID: 34470e

Can we have a quick inventory check?
No. 96230 ID: 6faa8c


Sa'lam holds three throwing axes, two handaxes, and one large, two handed axe. He also has a utility knife and and coat-of-plates armor.

Shi has five throwing daggers, one long knife, and her leather armor.

Ella has her spear, two disarming knives, and light cloth armor with metalplates sewn into it.

Jax has his spear, three disarming knives, one short sword, and light armor.

I hold one knife, the cane blade, the armor inside my hat, my suit, cufflinks, and hat.
No. 96232 ID: 632862

Let's see. Hattori should stand as far ahead as possible while still being able to see both choke points, and thus be able to use hat tricks for support of both. One Seeran should be at each choke, so as to apply antimagic on both sides. Shi and Sa'lam will also be split between each side.
No. 96234 ID: 632862

Oh, Shi should pair up with whichever Seeran is the better fighter. Keep the power spread evenly.
No. 96237 ID: 6faa8c

Keep in mind that Seeran disable whatever magic they see and are aware of.

I am no slouch in terms of combat, and am only turly disabled when all sensory input is lost. I recall one fight that ended with the enemy beheading me and myself landing a debilitating bite in a rather sensitive area... Anyway. That sounds like a good strategy. Should we do anything with the trees?
No. 96266 ID: 34470e

Are they any good for any sort of blockade?
No. 96267 ID: 6faa8c

There are several dozen here. Just one could be placed all the way across a ramp, if need be.
No. 96271 ID: 34470e

We can cut a couple down and put them in the way.
No. 96273 ID: 632862

Oh, if you blocked off one ramp completely everyone could cluster around the other. You should be able to keep the assailants from messing with the barricade via hat tricks while actually being on the front lines, as well.
No. 96275 ID: 6faa8c

I direct Sa'lam to cutting down some trees to erect a sort of palisade, and split up the group as such:

>Northern ramp: Sa'lam, Ella
>Southern ramp: Jax, Shi
>Central area: Myself
No. 96282 ID: 6faa8c
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rolled 66 = 66

This is the map of the current situation.
No. 96300 ID: 632862

Hey, while we're waiting, take out the watch and point it at yourself. Try 'slow' 'fast' 'slower' 'faster' 'speed' 'warmth'
No. 96307 ID: 6faa8c

I do so, but none of the key words do anything.

I hear a low, long howl from the north.
No. 96308 ID: 34470e

Get ready. This could be it.
No. 96311 ID: 6faa8c
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I call out to my companions to prepare, and look out through the hills.

I see one huge figure, flanked by about two dozen smaller ones. He holds a massive smashing weapon, and is adorned with more. The creatures behind him are armed with small axes and sheilds, made with low quality metal, while this larger creature has his equipment made from what seems like higher quality metal.
No. 96312 ID: 34470e

Newton check.
No. 96314 ID: 6faa8c

3000 newtons. Sheild prepared.
No. 96315 ID: 632862


I bet we can just stab him in a vital organ via the hat and be done with it. We *should* probably wait until it's obvious he's hostile though.
No. 96316 ID: 6faa8c

He is heading directly for this location.

I can kill him now with a precise blow. If I wait much longer, the option will not present itself again, most likely.
No. 96319 ID: 34470e

Kill it. Don't use up your newtons yet.
No. 96322 ID: 6faa8c

I slide my blade quickly into the hat, aiming for his side and to dismbowel him.


But he trips on a root, falling forward, the blade nicking his side and back barely. I pull my arm and blade out before he sees it.

Strange...I didn't expect that to happen. I didn't even notice the root until he tripped on it.
No. 96323 ID: 34470e

Stab him while he's getting up, preferably in the brain.
No. 96328 ID: 6faa8c

Again! This time I assault directly from above and behind!

...but I fail to notice one of the other, smaller creatures get in the way, until the last second. He is impaled, and falls to the floor, dead.

No. 96346 ID: 34470e

One more test: Grab your hat in the hand with your sword and just touch him.
No. 96350 ID: 632862

Keep trying, damn it.
No. 96352 ID: 6faa8c

Gods damnit! I will kill him!


Each time I stab, some random, chanced thing causes me to miss, or hit something else, or inflict only minor cuts. Still, he advances.
No. 96355 ID: 632862

Fine, just take his weapon then.
No. 96356 ID: 6faa8c

I cannot. It's held in his h...
I have an idea! There's no way he could evade this!

I reach through, pulling his arm through, freezing both him and the hat in space.

Then I call out to Ella.
No. 96358 ID: 34470e

Calm down. I think there's a reason you're missing. He must have some sort of MAGICAL SPELL on him.
No. 96360 ID: 6faa8c

Ella runs over, sees the flailing arm sticking out of the hat, and...

There's a loud snap, and a scream in the distance, as the hat falls to the ground, the arm severed cleanly.
"Wha... how..." Ella blinks.
I smile.

"Not so lucky now, are you, son of a bitch."
No. 96368 ID: 34470e

Tell Ella to look away from you until you call her name out again, then try doing the same thing with the rest of his limbs.
No. 96370 ID: 6faa8c

The howl erupts again, and I send Ella to her station. I hear the rumbling of a charge, and the howling cry of the one I disarmed. He's still coming?!

They are now in range of Ella's magical null, hattricks are now disabled. Which ramp should I help?
No. 96377 ID: 34470e

Help the one Shi is on. Tell the Seeran to try and look away from you at all times.
No. 96391 ID: 6faa8c

It appears that the enemy uses very little magic... and if indeed that incredibble luck was magical, it would take a while for it to be effected by Seeran null.

I take the south ramp, working with Shi as I watch the forces hammer into the northern palisade. Even as they try to hack it apart, Ella's spear hits again and again, killing each time, and Sa'lam manages to decapitate several.

I see them coming, and before they arrive, I stand beside and slightly behind Jax. Then I turn to the encroaching army.

Just when his attention turns away, I expel the contents of the hat violently, the suit of armor rocketing out faster than the eye can see, embedding in trees, the earth, rocks, and many, many creatures. Jax looks at me in awe and fear as I place the hat on my head and draw my blade.
"Keep your eyes on the enemy." I state, and Jax nods.

I understand even better now. Seeran sight does not effect instant effects unless they expect it.

The enemy forces are at half strength now, but the huge, lumbering, blee-


His wound is sealed?!

He's still one-armed, but... incredible!
No. 96409 ID: 632862

It's too bad the watch is not to be used for 'unfair death'... I imagine it could probably be used to kill or immobilize. We really need to find a way to find out more about what it can do, without using it improperly in the process.

I'm thinking we try to get in close, guard against an attack using the cufflinks, then teleport his head off via the hat while his arm rebounds. The Seerans won't expect that to happen so it should work.

First, we need to clear a path to him through the small fry.
No. 96419 ID: 6faa8c

This sounds like a plan.

Clearing a path is not neccessary.

I leap over the palisade, running past the creatures. Even as they swing at me, I take one blow to the hand, one to the foot, and keep going, leaving the peices behind. As I get into range of the big one, he rears back and punches at me, and I block with the sheild. I leap up, take off the hat, and place it on his head.



There's a horrible ripping sound, and the body falls down as I flip over it by grabbing his shoulder and lifting my body over. I land behind him and replace my hat, smiling as the head lands.

"That's all, folks."

The creatures flee.
No. 96424 ID: 34470e

See if you can grab one of them to interrogate them.
No. 96425 ID: 828758

No. 96426 ID: 632862

Whistle merrily as you walk back, picking up your missing pieces.

"Shi, if you would, please."
No. 96427 ID: 6faa8c

They're gone rather quickly, and out of sight before I can even try.

Everyone emerges from the palisades, as we gather around the dead body.

"I thought gnolls were extinct." Shi says, frowning.
"They aren't gnolls." Jax says, kneeling down. "Look at the ears and teeth. "These are people changed by... But that's not right either. He's dead."
"Who is?" I ask.
"Coyote." Jax replies.
No. 96429 ID: 632862

"A dead god? How did that happen?"
No. 96432 ID: 34470e

Can gods become liches?
No. 96435 ID: 6faa8c

We will discuss that in camp." Jax says. "It's only just before nightfall." We return, resting near the fireplace, as Jax speaks.

"Once there was three gods of trickey, each representing a facet. Raven, the god of elaborate plans and deceit. Anansi, the god of quick thinking and magic. And Coyote, the god of misplaced trickey and, some debate, malicious pranksters."
No. 96436 ID: 34470e

"Can you tell me about Raven?"
No. 96437 ID: 6faa8c

"Certainly. He was the first to seek the death of Coyote. Raven is one who thinks and plans, and tries to make certain that either his target knows not the slightest he did it, or that the target fears him. He oly targets the wicked, though, whereas Anansi will target anyone who is egotistical, and Coyote will aim for anyone he likes."
No. 96438 ID: 34470e

"Why did Raven want to kill Coyote?"
No. 96439 ID: 6faa8c

"Coyote was making the Raven appear to be behind his schemes, breaking apart the following of the Raven's church..."
he pauses.
"And he's doing it again, appearently."
No. 96440 ID: 632862

"Tell me about Coyote then. How did he seem to die?"
No. 96442 ID: 6faa8c

"At first, the Raven made him the target of his own schemes, causing them all to backfire one after another, and placing the blame on Anansi. Anansi then did the same, placing the blame on the Clown. Coyote challenged the Clown, not wanting to seem weak, and was totally annihilated. His scripture vanished from books, his stories from tongues, leaving naught but his name, and the memory of how he died. That is how a god dies."
No. 96443 ID: 34470e

"Why didn't Raven just whack Coyote upside the head and tell him to stop?"
No. 96444 ID: 632862

Hmm. What if we were to contact the Clown again? Would he not want to know that Coyote is back?
No. 96445 ID: 6faa8c

"He tried. It was his nature to defy authority, while the image is amusing." Jax lets a grin flash across his face.

"I... am not certain how he would act. The Clown is very, very insane."
No. 96447 ID: 632862

Hmm. Why wasn't the Raven weakened when Coyote fractured his church back then? He is apparently unable to fight back this time.
No. 96448 ID: 6faa8c

"He was weakened. Why do you think the only worshippers are Seeran?" he sighs.
No. 96449 ID: 34470e

Why was and is Coyote doing this? For power? Amusement?"
No. 96450 ID: 6faa8c

"Most likely? The latter. He doesn't care who dies, who goes down, who loses everything they had. By pitting Anansi and Raven against one another and killing a whole race with a slow death, he gets exactly what he wants: Entertainment."
No. 96453 ID: 828758

Oh god, he's a /b/tard.
No. 96455 ID: 632862

What about the Incarnate? Do you think we could get their help? A god raised from the dead seems to fly in the face of Order.
No. 96456 ID: a64482

"What if we called the god of order? Surely he'd have a vested interest in stopping this whole thing."
No. 96457 ID: a64482



This gives me an idea. What if we had a way to sour his fun? I don't know how we could do that exactly, other than finding a way to tell the church that they're being trolled.
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