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91006 No. 91006 ID: 5696d4


> Short-term Quest:
> Long-term Quest:
> Ultimate Goal:
> Current Party:
> Inventory:
263 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 96760 ID: 5696d4
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"Murdelp, before you freak out, just listen to her, okay? It's not because she's a crazy psycho. Just listen."
Murdelp: "No, she's a psycho, alright!"
Female Kobold: "But I'm done with that now, Murdelp! I stopped because I love you and-"
Murdelp: "How many times have I told you that this just cannot be?!"
Female Kobold: "B-b-but..."

(Anything more to say? If none, this will be a cutscene.)
No. 96763 ID: f21281

Alrighty, time for Sanya to play Doctor Love.

Murdelp, shut up for a moment.

Unknown Kobold, this is your moment. Just spill the beans to him. Why you like him, when it started, everything about him that makes your heart go all a-twitter. And Murdelp, be quiet. You'll have your chance.
No. 96764 ID: 6834bc

Give her a chance to explain herself, Murdelp. She's showing a lot of courage by telling it to you straight.
No. 96765 ID: e3f578

"Don't make her cry, man. We got her to come to her senses at least. You know how emotions are, they make you fucking crazy. Hell, The Wisdom Stone is crazier than she is anyway."
No. 96775 ID: 5696d4
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"Murdelp, shut up for a moment."

Murdelp reluctantly obliges.

"Unknown Kobold, this is your moment. Just spill the beans to him."
Female Kobold: "Murdelp... I don't know how to tell you this, but... I love you! I want to get married to you and have a wonderful life! I've always been there right by your side before you got with Sanya... Why couldn't you understand that? I love you, Murdelp!"

Murdelp shivers a little by that thought.
No. 96778 ID: f21281

...you'll need a bit more than that, woman. EXPLAIN why you love him. Just just "omg i luv u i wan 2 have ur babiez."

And Murdelp, don't pass judgment on her. She's only now being able to muster up the courage to tell you all this - this secret of hers has been tearing her up inside. Love's a crazy thing, ya know?
No. 96779 ID: e3f578

Just say. "Why, boldling, do you love him? Why exclusively him instead of exploring your options?"
No. 103141 ID: 5696d4
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"Why, boldling, do you love him? Why exclusively him instead of exploring your options?"
Female Kobold: "He's... He's..."

Murdelp snaps.

Murdelp: "See?! This isn't love, I keep telling you! This is just lust! You can't even say your real reason!"

The female kobold breaks into her cry once more.
No. 103144 ID: 3297aa

Murdelp, shut up. Let her talk.
No. 103145 ID: b082e5

"Murdelp, what do you mean by 'Keep telling you'? I thought she hadn't approached you directly before."
No. 103149 ID: c0f3bf

We already told him to shut up, let's be less direct.

"Murdelp, what she's doing right now is very hard for her, but she's doing it anyway. You should at the very least let her talk."
No. 103155 ID: b082e5

Wait a minute. "Murdelp... were you telling her that, or yourself? I think you're projecting. There's someone else you have a crush on, isn't there? But you just want their body."
No. 103160 ID: 173ec8

>"Murdelp... were you telling her that, or yourself? I think you're projecting. There's someone else you have a crush on, isn't there? But you just want their body."

To be fair, that someone has a VERY nice body.
No. 103165 ID: 5696d4
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"Murdelp... were you telling her that, or yourself? I think you're projecting. There's someone else you have a crush on, isn't there? But you just want their body."

Murdelp keeps silent, and starts only half-listening.

Female Kobold: "Murdelp, I'm stumbling on my words right now, but I really love you... Why won't you love me back?!"

Murdelp starts to cry as well.
No. 103168 ID: 34bfdb

Lets turn off the match making switch for a second.

This girl is not stable, and if it were some big ugly beast we'd likely not even be considering this.

We should be fair yes: let her have her say for real, maybe try and teach Murdy here something in the process as we're doing now. But lets dare not consider actually sticking these two together. At least not tell everyone involved has time to recover their lost marbles.
No. 103170 ID: c0f3bf

Everyone gets a little mentally unstable sometimes, maybe we should give them a moment? Not leave, just step back a bit, maybe talk with Gazzene.
No. 103173 ID: b082e5

"Or am I wrong? Maybe it's just that you don't want to listen to her, because you don't have the courage to say those words yourself."
No. 103180 ID: 5696d4
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"Or am I wrong? Maybe it's just that you don't want to listen to her, because you don't have the courage to say those words yourself."
No. 103181 ID: b082e5

No. 103183 ID: f21281
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No. 103184 ID: c0f3bf

"Why not? Wait a second, you, why didn't you mention this before?"
No. 103185 ID: f44349

No. 103186 ID: 9fe93b

"Since when was this by Reaver...?"
No. 103187 ID: 34470e

I- What!? SISTER? We- I had no idea!
No. 103188 ID: b082e5

"Ye gods! That's not even who I meant!"
No. 103190 ID: 3297aa

Sure is Mudy in here. As for a response, my vote is on the trusty "Wait, what?!"
No. 103219 ID: 6547ec

"Oh hey, did you say sister? Yeah, I think I can wash my hands of this. Have a good one."
No. 103221 ID: 5696d4
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"I- What!? SISTER? We- I had no idea!"
"I can't blame you. We three siblings lost our parents in a failed migration from our previous camp. She decided to stay in our previous camp while we sailed through the Big Snake River towards this one. The Kobold Chieftain told me she had been visiting this camp every now and then, though I don't know if she actually met you nor told you about herself.

I can't assume that you already knew, since she's really a liar. She used to be a thief, you see..."
No. 103223 ID: b082e5

She's probably running away right now, too. Make sure she doesn't get away.

What the fuck, Essence of Courage? WHAT THE FUCK.
No. 103228 ID: c0f3bf

"She knows she's your sister, right?"

"Girlbold, how come you didn't mention this? It seems pretty important."
No. 103232 ID: 445c48

No. 103233 ID: 6547ec

Would it be out of character to flip off the courage stone and just walk out of here? I don't think this is going to get any better.
No. 103239 ID: 173ec8

>mother groping Daughter
>sister brother date-rape

No. 103263 ID: 5696d4
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You turn around. The female kobold doesn't seem to make a run for it.

Gazzene: "Attempted rape, and NOW incest?! This is an atrocious act! Escape would be a profitable course for the lot of you!"
Female Kobold: "Don't worry, I have no plans of running away... I don't have anyone to return to, anyways..."

(Anything more to say? If none, this will be a cutscene.)
No. 103264 ID: c0f3bf

"What about your third sibling?"
No. 103268 ID: 1807e3

Console the female kobold with lesbian relations.
No. 103270 ID: 9fe93b

Seconded, lesbianism is perfect for weening girls off incest.
Well, not really, but lesbianism makes everything better.
No. 103271 ID: 173ec8

...acquire new party member.
No. 103272 ID: 3297aa

Seconding asking about the other sibling.
No. 103273 ID: 34bfdb

Also curious about the third sibling. Or anywhere we can send her where she has time to work through this bat-shit craziness of hers.
No. 103275 ID: 067992

Lets not bring any more sex into this. Ask about third sibling.
No. 103289 ID: b082e5

"Alright, things are looking more straightforward now. Murdelp, I'm sorry for saying such mean things to you... but that last thing I said... I didn't mean her. If there's someone you need to confess to, you should do it. Not now, though. You should rest a while first."
No. 103293 ID: 5696d4
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"What about your third sibling?"
"He's the eldest among us... and he's dead. He drowned, I heard.

Brand me all you want. I'm not afraid to accept the charges you will lay against me. Ever since our previous camp got eradicated by the goblins, I have no place to run away to.

Murdelp, I may be a liar, but if there's one truth I've said to Sanya, it's that I really love you... Incest or not, I'd stay with you and your golden heart."

You ponder for a bit. Who should lay down the charges against the female Kobold?
No. 103295 ID: c0f3bf

"It's up to Murdelp what to do with you, but I think you should have a second chance. Murdelp, what are the laws around here like anyway?"
No. 103298 ID: 9fe93b

Well, if you love him, than it's your duty not to act on it unless he allows it, as it would be his were the roles reversed. If it ever seems like your feeling will drive you to do something like this again, just let us know, and we'll help.
No. 103299 ID: 34bfdb

Yeah Murdelp should make the choice here. He's the victim, it's his sister etc.

"But do remember, as crazy as she is, she's still your sister."
No. 103304 ID: 173ec8

Charge her with "community service" and by "community service" I mean aiding sanya in her quest in a non sexual way.
No. 103306 ID: 9fe93b

And by "non-sexual", you mean "VERY sexual", right?
No. 103314 ID: 173ec8

No, that's Amina's job
No. 103315 ID: f44349

"Alright. That's it.
I don't care about the stupid law or morality or any of that shit you are too fucking sad and you are going to come with me and help me on my quest to find my dad.
No. Shut up. I don't care what any of you think this is too depressing. Come on we are going to go find an adventure right now."
No. 103320 ID: bf8e75

holy reaver. thats quite a plot twist.

someone forgot to factor in that she is underage.

this is problaby a fangirl fangirling all over the strongest cutebold to ever walk the face of earth, but she seems to be just one meme away from becoming the next nevada-chan.
No. 103322 ID: 5696d4
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You decide that the victim, Murdelp, should be the one who lays down the charges.

Murdelp: "Rape, even just an attempt of it, is an act punishable by death here! You even tricked a lot of people and even trespassed on the property of others!

This is a grave act! Hence, my punishment for you will be..."

No. 103324 ID: 5696d4
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Murdelp: "... To stay in this camp and help out the kobolds in her brother's place."

Gazzene seems to be a bit confused, but pleased nonetheless.

Murdelp: "If you really love me so, then do as I tell you. Our parents and big brother would not want us to ruin ourselves, you know..."
No. 103325 ID: bf8e75

blame my low alcohol tolerace for dual postan.

we cant have her in our group. she has no relevant skills, and watching her loved one interact more with her competitor will just turn this rape attempt into premeditated murder.

she must adquire a new life, if she ever forget her obsession for murdelp. if she doesnt forget, this will get bloody very fast.
No. 103327 ID: c0f3bf

Group hug. Call over Gazzene to join in too.
No. 103328 ID: bf8e75

No. 103331 ID: bf8e75

also lock self in bathroom with mirror. inspect body thoroughly.
No. 103336 ID: b082e5

What is with all the 'awwwww' going on here? SHE TRIED TO RAPE HIM. I think she should've had some form of punishment aside from 'You can't come with me.' The death penalty does seem a little too much here, though.

SEND HER TO THE MINES, I say. Hard labor should do her some good.
No. 103339 ID: f44349

For the record I only meant to drag her off to our next destination without Murdelp, but this works too. Much better actually.

Smile approvingly.
No. 103348 ID: 173ec8

>Hard labor should do her some good.
I agree. Kobolds need all the MIGHT and TOUGH stat increases they can get.
No. 103350 ID: 1807e3

Celebrate this decision with lesbian relations.
No. 103351 ID: 9fe93b

Get Gazzene in there, too.
No. 103355 ID: 5696d4
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Murdelp actually asks everyone except you to leave. Gazzene says she will take the female Kobold to Amina for awhile. They both leave afterwards.

Murdelp grabs a bag and tosses it to you.

"Yeah, you dropped this when you fainted."

Sanya obtained KNIFE!
Sanya obtained GREEN POTION!
Sanya obtained EMPTY POTION!
Sanya obtained PILLS!
Sanya obtained STRENGTH GLOVE!

"I also found two notes. One in particular discusses the other stones related to the Wisdom Stone and the Essence of Anger. The other one is... for you. I know because it is sealed with a writing that says 'SANYA'."
No. 103356 ID: 173ec8

No. 103357 ID: c0f3bf

"Thanks Murdelp."
Hug Murdelp.
Read note.
No. 103359 ID: 9fe93b

No. 103361 ID: 1807e3

Why did you throw the bag at my face, Murdelp?
No. 103363 ID: 34470e

Let's read only the note regarding the stones.
No. 103366 ID: 44ad00

Read both of them, in respective order of being mentioned.
No. 103367 ID: 9891a9

Read both notes, if it's something important like how to get Sanya back in her own body we need to know.
No. 103398 ID: 6547ec

I'm half expecting the envelope to actually *contain* Sanya. Open that up; it's got to be important anyways.
No. 103714 ID: ad8569

this made sense. read note, hug tom. murdelp. whatever.

THEN tell him about the wisdom stone. he doesnt seem to know
No. 103961 ID: 632862

Let's not open the enveloped addressed to Sanya. We are not Sanya. "I'll open this one in private."

Let's read the one about the stones.
No. 103968 ID: 445c48

Go back to your tent and read both notes.
No. 104205 ID: c0f3bf

This is a good thing, remember? Let's not give him more stress.

Both notes are to be opened and read at once. After a group hug of course.
No. 105112 ID: 34470e

Whether or not we read both notes doesn't change the fact that we NEED TO GIVE THE ESSENCE OF COURAGE A STERN TALKING TO!
No. 105115 ID: 5696d4
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The Essence of Courage does not speak. It seems that it is inaccessible while you are in control of Sanya.

You decide to read both notes. The first one gives out a crude visual representation of the five stones, though other information had been ripped off.

No. 105116 ID: 8e2e01

No. 105119 ID: 632862

Hmm. That third letter for the green stone can't be an N. So that means it's not HONESTY or HONOR. What else starts with HO?
No. 105123 ID: 34470e

It could be hope.
No. 105126 ID: c0f3bf

Looks like the essence of love is there too, if the heart is any indication. Not sure about the yellow one though.
No. 105128 ID: 5696d4
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You open the seal of the second note.

It's... from Sanya's father.
No. 105129 ID: e3f578

Come oooonnnn POWER! Top three make the triforce.
No. 105130 ID: c0f3bf

According to this we could get someone to mediate, but there could be consequences for asking certain things. Looks like we'll have to find some other way to find her dah. Nothing should stop them from asking her how to put Sanya back in her body though.
No. 105131 ID: e75a2f

Your dad is a cock, Sanya.
No. 105132 ID: 0a59ea

it could be hoe.

hug murdelp, punch father.
No. 105133 ID: 445c48

Well, you could just exchange notes.

Go back to Sanya's mom, do her.
No. 105134 ID: 059c31

That's balls... your father has a kinda screwed up sense of how to arouse someone curiosity it seems... I mean now we just have to know what he's been up too... maybe give him a kick in the balls to for making your life just a little more confusing and hell.
No. 105136 ID: f21281

Goddamn. He couldn't have made a curse that just made her forget where Sanya's dad went, no. He had to go and make it so she goes FULL BLOWN CRAZY.

We need to kick him in the nuts for that when we finally meet him.
No. 105137 ID: 0a59ea

in a second thougth, we may be able to dispell this crap on her mom and have her has a actual useful party member.
No. 105138 ID: 5696d4
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"D-D-Dad! You JERK!"


"Sanya! What's wrong?!"


"How could you do this to my mom?! YOUR WIFE?!"
No. 105139 ID: c0f3bf

Final act: SIT DOWN.
No. 105141 ID: 632862

It doesn't look like a P either. It should be an L, I, U, H, K, or maaaaybe W, V, X, or Y. None of that really spells anything relevant though, so maybe it's an N where the diagonal piece is further down the line. Or a P with the same kind of abnormal lettering.
No. 105142 ID: 632862

New mission: Find dad, kick him in the nuts.
No. 105144 ID: 0a59ea

show all notes to murdelp too. we need big help to figure out why of this dickery
No. 105145 ID: 5696d4
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"Sanya, get a hold of yourself!"
"WHY, DAD?! WHY?!"
No. 105147 ID: c0f3bf

No. 105148 ID: 8e2e01

because sacrifice is for the best
No. 105149 ID: 3297aa

I might as well continue the recent Doomguy trend and suggest that we RIP AND TEAR HIS NUTS.
No. 105153 ID: f21281


Returning, returning, returning, it is slowly returning, through the dark and the fire and the blood, all is returning, returning to this world. It is returning, and he is returning, and they are returning, but too late, too late, far too late...
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