Bright Smooth Glory
Alright, From the top, there's the Beyond, it's the world we all reside in behind the screens. I prefer Floor 1: Life to the beyond because I can control my appearance and manipulate what people think of me with a few flicks of a mouse. The Pages are just random doodles and shit I think up, you can ignore them and you'll be just fine. Moving on to Floor 2, that's the Clockverse, the multiverse I created, Mask Saga, Fearquest, Clocktalk/A Shattered Rebirth (et cetera) and all subsequent alternate universes are contained here. Floor Three is even further into the mind, the island of Perception on the Sea of Consciousness. You've already met Femel, the Mindbeast of Depression but there are others, like Perditio, Mindbeast of Fear, Calus, Mindbeast of Rage, Archimedes, Mindbeast of Confidence, Carpal, Mindbeast of Curiosity, and finally, the elusive Stag, Mindbeast of Happiness. There are other little critters too, these represent ideas, dreams, memories, et cetera. The "Little Green Guy" is my Prefrontal Cortex, he regulates my emotions and has my personality to boot. Then there's the Judgement hall, where two forces, one the Right way, the other the Easy, are locked in eternal combat over who gets to have their decision made. The winner isn't always Good or Easy and sometimes a compromise must be made, but they still hate each other. Below that? The Basement. This is where things are erased. Don't go down there, you could end up the same way. Not saying TGchan would go down, but I might forget about it. Things that are down there slowly fade until they are erased completely, but still, I don't think there's much to see. That about covers it, so... Pick a floor I guess?