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74363 No. 74363 ID: b1e366

536 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 80790 ID: 5d5878

We're incapable of being serious, aren't we?
No. 80792 ID: 7eda8b

I can do serious. But first I need to know whether they're getting Adventurer clothes, Apprentice Alchemists clothes, Lower Class City Person clothes, or Middle Class City Person clothes.

I suspect the same goes for many here.
No. 80793 ID: 1443c0

id expect adventurer clothes as we are going on an adventure.
unless of course we are going vigilante and saving the city from the criminals and such. then refer to my design
No. 80794 ID: 438aa0

Weren't we going to learn alchemy while getting some coin? I'd go for apprentice alchemist first, and adventurer if money allows.
No. 80796 ID: e0499d

get aprentice clothes. Get adventurer/commoner clothes with the cash earned from the job. Earn more monies and sail across the seas.
No. 80800 ID: b1e366
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I guess I'll try to look more elfy...
No. 80802 ID: b1e366
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And a new giant shirt for the rat...
No. 80803 ID: 2dd482
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No. 80807 ID: 438aa0

What are the red dots?
No. 80808 ID: e0499d

screw their logic dots. Who needs logic dots when they got us! (bad arguement. They are skrewed)
No. 80814 ID: dda9dd

No. 80815 ID: 7eda8b

What DO those red dots represent?
No. 80818 ID: f4963f

Looking good there, both of you. :)
No. 80819 ID: 438aa0

Maybe penalties from malnutrition?
No. 80821 ID: b1e366

Stats she's recovering from not being a STARVING STREET THIEF.
No. 80824 ID: 1afd58




No. 80830 ID: 438aa0

Rodent teeth man. Rodent teeth.
No. 80831 ID: 33bb8b

does bath restore charm points?
No. 80832 ID: 1afd58

>rodent teeth

Oh, right, rats need to gnaw on wood every now and then to keep those teeth in line.

Find a man.
No. 80833 ID: 2dd482

there's plenty of spaces on a girl that can be nibbled
No. 80836 ID: 5d5878

That's right! Tura needs a Tank for her party.
No. 80838 ID: 748f95

Find a paladin

Make him fall.
No. 80839 ID: c5b152

>Find Tim
No. 80840 ID: 5d5878

Tim's busy adventuring with Sticks. Way too many rogues in one party.
Find Moonleaf, convince her you're an elf and befriend her, then spring that you're actually a goblin on her.
No. 80842 ID: da746f

Maybe we should like, keep looking for dad or something.
No. 80846 ID: dda9dd

Going to work for the alchemist a while first... We want to actualy have made something of ourselves when we meet him.

That way he will feel somewhat obliged to listen to us if we have made a success of ourselves even without his help... turning up the guilt a little.
No. 80847 ID: f4963f

>Find a paladin
>Make him rise
Fixed that for you.
No. 80856 ID: da746f

So what's Nezu's story, anyway? How did a disease-riddled vermin like her end up in a garbage-strewn shithole like this?
No. 80890 ID: b1e366
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"Don't remember. Just always been here. Guardmans might know. They always chase me when I grab stuff. I don't like them at all..."
No. 80891 ID: 91caa1

No. 80892 ID: f4963f

Aww... well, it doesn't matter. :>

Alright, now that she's cleaned up, let's see about that job at the alchemist's.
No. 80895 ID: 2dd482

Ask her if she wants to be your traveling companion. Mention the fact there will be food and much ADVENTURE! to be had (also things to grab).
No. 80896 ID: a07a7b


>Tura Logic: *
>Nezu Logic: *

Hooo boy...
No. 80897 ID: 5d5878

Now that she's as clean as she can be (which is probably still quite dirty), go see Professor Boldsworth about getting Nezu a job too.
No. 80919 ID: e0499d

noted. We are their logic.
No. 80923 ID: c5f90c


... They're fucked.
No. 80925 ID: 7eda8b

What kinda pay can you get?
No. 80979 ID: 748f95

1. Find father
2. Seduce him
3. ?????
4. Reveal your his daughter
No. 80987 ID: 59c190

Delicious Collarbone...
No. 80991 ID: 718d88


this. also get the rat involved.
No. 80992 ID: 438aa0

Half elf/half rat? Lets get daddy hooked with Nezu!
No. 80993 ID: 748f95


No. 80994 ID: 748f95

Also, has anyone noticed how gobbo quest essentially amounts to a sim-date?

>You want to conquer the world, what is your first action
No. 80995 ID: 438aa0

Wait, we were trying to conquer the world? I thought the goblins just wanted a town or something.

Speaking of which they're doing rather badly in the technology department i think. I wonder if we could leave the alchemy to Nezu and try to learn blacksmithing. Living in a mine and all... it should be easily put to use.
No. 81004 ID: b1e366
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I guess we'll work for uh... Flirndalbis. The shelves are almost bare because he can't reach them. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to set up in a human city.

"Get those in place, move that crate! I'm not paying you to stand around!"

"Skeeeee! No fall!

... Oh gods.
No. 81005 ID: dda9dd

Use your tail to brace it dear.
No. 81006 ID: 748f95

Your right, we should steal the alchemy secrets for our horde.

However, I'm rather skeptical that we could rely on Nezu and Tura to steal science with
"Logic *"

Maby if they each memorized half. What could go wrong?
No. 81007 ID: dda9dd

Maybe they can boost their logic stats to something more respectable with this work.
No. 81008 ID: 632862

Nezu: Catch it gently with your leg so it doesn't hit the ground hard.

If Nezu is an indirect character... Um. Tura: Quickly put the potion down on the top shelf and use the now-free hand to keep Nezu from falling on the kobold.
No. 81009 ID: 91caa1

If you break anything, hug the cutebold and let him discover the glory of the boobhat.
No. 81016 ID: e0499d

Nezu is too starved to have boobs
No. 81024 ID: 748f95

Time to use that agility score.

You leg to control and slow it's fall to the ground.
No. 81025 ID: 2dd482

clearly we must fatten her up
No. 81026 ID: 748f95

She is our emergency food source after all.
No. 81028 ID: f4963f

Keep at it, guys. You'll be the awesomest potion shop in town at this rate.

See if you can learn something about alchemy from the cutebold while you're in his employee?
No. 81029 ID: f4963f

... D:

Tura help Nezu.
No. 81030 ID: 276781

"So it'll be like nothing happened, then."
>Tura halp Nezu not die
No. 81031 ID: c0f3bf

Why don't we send Nezu out to try and get information on Zepave?
No. 81032 ID: b1e366
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"Be careful with that, you bumbling, bucktoothed buffoon! You'll blow us all to the ninth circle of the Hells and back!"
No. 81033 ID: 476456

Maybe you should help her before she kills us all.
No. 81034 ID: dda9dd

Use your dex score dear... and maybe that tail.

Also suggest that explosive and particularly volatile potions be placed low to the ground so as to minimize possible falling hazards.
No. 81035 ID: 88d217

her agility is already pretty damn high, why is she so bad at this? Better help before we're all transformed into gibs by those magic potions.
No. 81038 ID: dda9dd

Ohh, hold up, maybe large boxes are too heavy for her half-starved frame?
No. 81041 ID: 0115da

Why are we doing this again?
Wouldn't it be easier just to kidnap Dr. McBoldersen and force him to make potions for us?
No. 81042 ID: 632862

Tura: You carry the heavy stuff, let Nezu do the restocking.
No. 81045 ID: 748f95

Except you'd have no idea what he actually makes.

He has a high LOGIC and a high CRANKY, it would backfire hard.
No. 81046 ID: f78140

that's asking to be poisoned.
No. 81057 ID: 7eda8b

Over the mid-term, focus on getting Nezumi in good health, while asking around for more definitive sources on the whereabouts of your dad.
No. 81066 ID: 5b1df6

So I've noticed that you've been in the business of asking riddles on /tg/ as of late, Tura.
No. 81111 ID: af3e6d

Nezumi, that's it! I knew Nezu sounded familiar...
No. 81140 ID: 5cd978

very sorry to interrupt this quest, but is there a place that i could find the previous Gobbo Quest threads? or perhaps a synopsis?
No. 81141 ID: 135d9a


Y'see that link over there in the frame that says Wiki?

Not all of the articles are finished yet, but it's very useful for finding archived threads.

Meanwhile, on topic:

Tura: Pay closer attention to Nezu and make sure she doesn't accidentally kill you all.
No. 81143 ID: af3e6d

You know, it's alright if it blows you back. The only problem would be the property damage.
No. 81179 ID: 632862

Also suggest the kobold get a ladder or something so he can reach the shelves on his own.

Don't stay for more than a few hours. Work enough so that the stock is all sorted out and on display. This is a temp job! Then get ye to the docks to see if you can pay for passage to the isle.
No. 81190 ID: dda9dd

We are going to want more money and skills than those yielded by a mere day's worth of work.

Temporary though this position may be it is quite expectable that some time will be invested here.
No. 81193 ID: e7666f

Then we're going to need long-term lodging.
I dunno if Alchemybold will put up with us for that long.
No. 81210 ID: b1e366
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"I hope we get the hang of this before we die..."

"I don't want to exploding."

"Yeah, Let's try... not to."
No. 81212 ID: af3e6d

Oh, I'm sure you'll be fine. Hopefully. If you're lucky. Possibly.
No. 81213 ID: 5a9e00

Just remember, we only need to work here until we can get some funds together to continue our quest.
No. 81214 ID: c0f3bf

Speaking of lodging, what time is it? You might need to find a place to sleep soon. Preferably in one bed, don't want to waste money...
No. 81215 ID: 476456

dont worry you're both too adorable to explode.

No. 81216 ID: a3b36a

Well, except into kittens and candy.
No. 81217 ID: c1b520

Huh... while fitting in to a cultured society, making a "friend", and getting a job is all fine and dandy and all, something seems weird. Almost like we forgot something, almost like we are betraying something or other... oh well it's probably nothing.
No. 81218 ID: dda9dd

The couple we are planning on reuniting 'are' both immortals, and its been 20 years. A few more weeks are unlikely to add much.
No. 81220 ID: af3e6d

To quote Hiro in the Hatch thread:
> Initiate time-skip.
No. 81227 ID: 748f95


We need to be properly skilled and equipped to make our incest fantasies a reality.
No. 81231 ID: 276781

Oh, would you look at that, Professor Flirndalbis suddenly died. Oh my!

Well I suppose there's nothing else you can do but loot all the useful potions, relieve his corpse of its money, and buy weaponry and passage to the island where dear old dad probably is.
The weapons are important. After all, you're two young women and you're in a town full of humans. They'll certainly try to force themselves on you, and you need to be ready to force your instrument of death on them if/when they try anything.
No. 81233 ID: e98c4f



Good jorb.
No. 81234 ID: f43e19

Just focus on doing things at their proper speed. If he yells ask him if he'd prefer you do things fast or without breaking anything. It's not like there's a hurry, or you can't take the potions down when a client asks for them.

When you have some free time check how much a trip to the island costs. Then keep working until you have enough money for supplies plus the trip to the island and back. If you can learn some alchemy meanwhile all the better, but you don't seem the alchemist type.
No. 81253 ID: 445c48

Tura hug Nezu
No. 81254 ID: 934fae

We are, respectively, a half-goblin and a rat girl. We are tricksters, we do not merely work - especially not for some loser oldbold.

Rob the place blind and split. We can sell the crap for money later.
No. 81263 ID: 748f95

Hey, great idea! Why don't we also burn down the town and kill random villagers while we're at it!

Seriously though, making enemies is a bad idea right now. We already made one entire town mad at us (full of immortal, perfect memory elves no less. Dear old dad will sure thank us for that one!) Get properly equipped for travel, search around town for hints, find a tank.

Perhaps we'd even be able to convince the old kobold to move to the gobbo fort should he become fed up with the humans for some reason.

Sometimes you need to wait a bit to see if the chickens will lays eggs, rather than just kill them all and piss on the bodies.
No. 81572 ID: b1e366
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I need to think about what to do now. I guess I'll figure it out tomorrow.
No. 81573 ID: e7666f

In before one bed (please)
No. 81602 ID: 1e1932
Audio goodnight.mp3 - (76.72KB )

No. 81641 ID: e0499d

In before all three in one bed.
No. 81653 ID: 88d217

We should do some work, learn some alchemy, make some money, then set off again!
No. 81661 ID: b1e366
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No. 81699 ID: 1e1932
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No. 81703 ID: 426169
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