Lilac Magic Pouncer
"I'm not worried about the water, I don't wear clothes. I'm just happy she's fixed."
"She?" You ask, trailing off. You realize you don't want the answer. You brush your hands off and rub your hands together, handing that picture of yourself you found in Chilitown with a grin. "I'm Asali. Asali Nyonya Zakiya. I don't need the picture anyway, feel free to keep it."
"Thank you, you are the only organic I have ever felt the desire to talk to, rather than outright murder--but the secret. I'm out of ammunition. If you ever find any, I'd appreciate it. I promise I won't shoot you if you do, I give my honor on that. Before you try exploring up here, there's nothing interesting. I checked. (I was bored). I can't fit down the little stairs back there though, you can explore. I'll just spend time with my Washing Machine now. Until the Gobaku find me and pick me up."
He pounds his powerful metal legs over to the washing machine to sit and idle.