Coconut Rose
Like I thought, the train required security. Some kind of keycard and hand scan. We sit down, and the train starts moving. It's pitch black outside, so I can't see how fast we're moving. Judging by how quickly and for how long I felt accelleration, though, we must be moving exceptionally fast.
"They beat up the caretakers here."
>"Yeah, I wondered about that. Sometimes it's not so hidden unless actual legal guests are here."
"Why? Is it possible... that caretakers here could get beaten to death, and everyone just finds it fine because of a predator?"
>"Not likely. Those kinds of sadists, Penn, are effectively soldiers. They're conditioned and drugged, to varying degrees, to be especially aggressive. Some of them are bugged, some of them are predator conditioned, some are just on pharmaceutical style drugs. Anyways, they're fucked up. This farm is a breeder farm too, and the farm managers here don't just have them go fuck one another at random. They have the ones they want breeding to set up the next generation. That means they get the meanest, strongest assholes of neumono they've got to go down here and have sex. Some of them just think it's a chore and they're being whore'd out, but most of them think of it like a reward to go have some fun. They're still on duty and have responsibilities though, and that's where it all wraps around. Killing a farm member goes too far, and they'll have to answer to their commanders. The soldiers sent here display both profound fighting abilities and knowing their bounds. So don't worry about Korrili's life. Just her skin."
"You sound like this is just... expected."
>"It basically is. By the way, I'm going to give you a nice little piece of tech when we're there. It's like a PDA that collects data you gather in public areas, and lesser information in private. It can tell the difference because they're made to be inside specific underground bases. If you ever take one out of its designated area, it corrupts its data in about 220 nanoseconds, and then explodes from the inside. Which is why I didn't give you one for the farm. Anyways, it can be integrated in certain models of goggles or glasses to augment reality and give you directions to facilities and show people's names and all that good stuff so you don't have to deal with the awkward scenario of forgetting a name. Oh, your contacts don't work with it. So you've got to get some eyewear. It can be clear if you like. My point is is that you've got to get a new outfit. You dressed fine for getting on a 1 AM train and looking like your grandmother."
".... my grandmother was a good person, Arza."
>"Your grandmother was nothing short of a saint and goodness given flesh, Penn, but that's not who we're going to introduce ourselves as. Oh, by the way, you should take your contacts off once we stretch our limbs out of the train. We're going right in to see Vanski. Anyway, I have a catalogue here of standard issue outfits we can get you right on arrival."