Yellow Sandy Night
Even apart from the actual element of surprise, it's been established that Santa's infrastructure runs on christmas cheer, which is only available in industrially-significant quantities during the two months between Halloween and New Years, plus sometimes a brief period in July. Outside of that, any defenses he has would likely be at low alertness, if not outright mothballed, to conserve stored power. Right after crunch time, and in the middle of winter no less, everybody's going to be catching up on sleep and other personal maintenance. They're also likely to be bringing in supplies and raw materials to start on the next years' batch of toys, logistical requirements of which might compromise their stealth.
Doctor Madman, how quickly can you whip up a 'working prototype' mole-man? Hideous strength is all well and good as a design goal, but if we're going to have them searching through pack ice and the floor of the North Sea by hand, on a strict timetable, we'll need performance numbers that can only come from real-world testing. Also, they'd probably need to be fitted with SCUBA gear, unless you can work in oxygen storage and pressure resistance like certain aquatic mammals have. They'll need uniforms, in any case, and possibly body armor, which can't be fitted without knowing size and shape.
If molemen are going to be the tip of the spear, and I think we're pretty committed to that idea, the rest of the plan can't come together in useful detail until we know their capabilities. Repairing and refitting the mosquitos is a lower priority if they're basically just going to be used to carry the loot afterward.
I mean, do we even need to carry away the elves, if the whole idea is capturing Santa's facility intact for our own use? Skilled workers, and even lower-level managers, are effectively another part of the facility. If we get really lucky, once we're in, fixed defenses are down, and Kringle's tied to a chair with a bag over his head, Cyclops Supreme might be able to just pin a card that says "ANTA" onto his own existing uniform and have the elves start accepting his orders without thinking about it.