Sun Harmony
“Hello, horn attendant?
Yes, this is room 25!
I was wondering. Do you guys have a telegraph or wire service?
You do! Oh, you piggy back off the bank across the alley? Great!
Can someone call the doctor for me?
Yes, it is kind of an emergency. I have a head bunger and possibly sprained or broken wrist. Also running low on energy, could go into total system collapse.
Oh, you will?
Thank you so much!
Yes, I’ll wait right here. How long do you think it will be before the doctor gets here?
I see.
I’ll be the guy in black sleeping on the bed. Yep. Oh, uh.
*groan* not good, ohhh, owie.
No this isn’t a prank.
Okay, yes it’s me, Glimmerstrike..
Yes I really need a doctor!
So two hours?
Sounds good, thank you!”
Damn it feels good to be a ganster.
>Keeps being Glimmerstrike, do nothing
>Keep being Glimmerstrike, do something: input activity
>Be someone else: input elseness