Snow Night
>What the metaphor would mean is that you don't like Mantis-Mantis relationships! And yet you're in one! You bloody hypocrite!
(That’s not what I meant at all!)
>Get better metaphors.
(Fine… how about… your sisters creepy boyfriend goes and kill the weird hobo living down the street, flay him and then wears his skins so he can bang your sister. The worst part is that no one seems to care that he’s wearing someone else’s skin!)
>...Do Mantises have a form of yanking the ear that humans have? Would pulling the antennae work?
(That would work, yeah…)
>That isn't a children's book, is it? Where we come from, Pandora brought all pain, suffering and chaos to the world.
(I don’t know who this Pandora is for you guys, but it’s just a name. I believe she’s John’s daughter in the book… his “little angel” or something. I don’t know, I haven’t read it since I was a teenager.)
>Keep in mind all heroes have a fatal flaw, like pride, you would-be daemon stabber.
(Yeah, and my flaw is that I love my sister too much to just finish of that creep before he does anything bad.)
>Drina... what was that about stealing something? Did a guy steal your first girlfriend? Or are you worried about Steve monopolizing your sister's time so you never get to hang out with her?
(Huh? Steal my- last time I checked Tsure is my first girlfriend. No, he’s trying to take my sister from me, that’s what!)
(I’m going to guess she didn’t tell you, but her first female crush was kind of stolen from her. See, before she fully realized which team she played for she had a boyfriend… who was kind of stolen by another girl… who just happens to be Drina’s first female crush as she was on her way out of the closet then.)
>Don't worry about the latter. She will always be there for you.
(Not if that creep eats her or something.)
>Hmm, how strong is a Mantis's sense of touch, anyways? I mean, sure, kinetic force can be felt, but what about tactile sensory?
(It’s surprisingly sensitive for an exoskeleton. While not at par with humans we still feel textures like silk and such… especially with our claws.)
>I can't help but find that something as powerful as Steve lost in a new experience and acting like a child seeing the world for the first time while also visiting a candy store absolutely adorable.
(Oh, you should have seen him at times in my dreams. Just the joy he shows when he makes me happy, it’s just so… *Squee!*)
>Don't be quite so full of yourself, Steve. You're probably just reusing the complex motor functions the previous occupant of that body deeply ingrained its brain over years of use.
(I know, I was just messing with Drina a bit… though, I’m still impressed that mortals can master such complex functions like locomotion without thinking about it.)
>Tasty food and drink is good. In moderation.
What did you say this was again?
Fish with roasted potatoes… with some alcohol free cider.
Mmm… It’s perfect! I love it!
It’s just todays special, geez…
You mean it gets even better! Amazing! Oh, and I love this… cider, was it? It’s so sweet and… and… sweet!
Then you’ll love the dessert.
>Maybe scents as well? Perfumes, flowers.
*Snnnniff* …ah… I can’t believe I’ve missed this… it’s like eating with your nose… *sniff*
>Touch would also has been something denied, silk, pillow fluff, simple things.
Silk, you said?
Yes, do you like it?
Oh, adore it… I… oh… just feeling it escape my fingers… I… *Click* I can almost *click* feel the… oh *click* what am I doing? *Click*
Aw… you’re so exited you started clicking with your mandibles… don’t worry, it will pass.
I… I… *click* Dooriya, dear… do you *click* have a dress made out of *click* silk, by any chance?
>Maybe hearing music as well, or different types of sounds and pitches.
Well, then we need to find someone who can play…
I don’t know… I’ve already heard music when I was a… um… not mortal.
>Try reading some poetry. Those tend to elicit an emotional response.
Of boredom, yeah!
Oh, that sound interesting! I want to try boredom!
Maybe later, love.
>Steve, now that you can try out mortality in a nonbinding matter, you should also try out the unpleasant things.
Like boredom?
Again, I think that can wait for now.
>Again, because it feels good. That's why animals incapable of sapient thought do it. Same case with food, warmth, anything that helps something to survive or procreate.
Ah, then I must try this procreation thing then! Oh, and all the ways to do it too, like when the man put his- Ow! OWOW! MY ANTENNA!
Hey! He was creeping me out with all that sex talk!
At least tell him before you hurt him! I was going to stop him myself… Hon, see, it’s not… um… decent to talk about sex like that. It’s a completely private matter.
…really? Ah, that does explain why it happens behind closed doors, yes? Very well, I will save it until we’re in private, de- OW!
>Have you given any thought to a new name for yourself after you go mortal?
Mur’kok the annihilator, destroyer of words! And the slicer of cucumbers! Lengthwise!
Just kidding… ha, if only you should see the look on your faces… but no, I have no idea. I have to ponder that later.
>Also, what kind of strange behavior?
Well, most of them can be connected to things you usually do… like the thing I shouldn’t talk about in public… and apparently I should stay away from the drug called alcohol, it’s very bad for my sense of intelligence. Oh, and there was this weird thing about some kind of honey candy that I apparently love.
Oh, Freyas frozen teat, not you too!?
>The loops all start at the point in time nine months ago, shortly before we enter this world, right? And they've always started there, yes?
Indeed, they all start at the same time, as always.
>So how long will he be in this body and what'll happen to it once he has to vacate it?
I got about a week with it… then it will die again and I’ll have to put it on ice for a while. Don’t worry, we’ll keep it from going bad.
Oh, great, now he’s an creep that practice necrophilia too!
Drina, it’s not like that…
Necro what now? What does a Necromancer have to do with my body? I don’t raise it with necromantic powers, but by forcing its heart to restart. Different thing, really.
Ew either way. Now, where is that dessert… and that strong drink I ordered…
Insert Operation Dessert storm_