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52845 No. 52845 ID: 9e9b47

Steve wakes up blearily. The sun is steadily streaming into his eyes. He doesn't know where he is, and he's confused what happened before passing out. He doesn't remember being outside...
334 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 84803 ID: 1e56a3

No, he just doesn't want to bother with an elaborate, painful revenge plot. Plain old Psybeam is a good enough way to kill Steve.
No. 84806 ID: f4963f

This is boring. Open up a psylink with your psychic buddy, Misty's Starmie. Talk about... I dunno. ESP or something.

And curiously, is Slowpoke as dumb as we think he is?
No. 84880 ID: 7d87d9

He's probably got decent intelligence but is lagging like hell.
No. 85416 ID: 9e9b47
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>>84793 >>84806 >>84880 >>84792

Honestly I'm not sure if I could contact Steve inside the pokeball, and I'm not sure if I want him to know I can do that. I'm not sure he quite understands how powerful I am. Hopefully I can use that to my advantage at some point. As for contacting the other pokemon, I'm not particularly motivated to speak with any of them. That Starmie seemed bright, but not exactly a talker. Steve's Slowpoke has generally only thought "food" and "what?"

I'll see about trying to project something outside the pokeball later. I'll have to see if I can figure out how to DO it in the first place.

>>84783 >>84803

I certainly don't mind killing humans. As for a Psybeam, I wonder if that'd be enough to kill Steve. He seems remarkably resilient. I wonder...

Suddenly and without warning I'm forced out and into the cool evening air. I see Steve grinning at me like an idiot. Before I can ask anything, he's speaking up. "Hey man! Look, things are going really well in here. Like, real well. Did you know this bitch has SISTERS? Anyway, I need you to do me a solid, pal. They wanna hop in the hot tub. I gotta go do that, so why don't you run down to the store and get me a pack of rubbers."

I stare at him for a moment, a bit confused before the realization sets in. "You're sending me... to pick up your condoms?"

"There are two damn girls waiting for me. You best damn well believe I'm sending you to pick up my condoms. So look, here's some money. Go right there and back. You're not allowed to hurt anyone."

I'm speechless as Steve pats me quickly on the shoulder. "I owe you one, buddy." He says as he lets go, and slams the door in my face.
No. 85417 ID: e27275

fucking yeah lets go get some condoms
and we can slaughter civilians on the way to the shops too!
No. 85418 ID: 51d0f5

Okay, mewtwo. I have a plan. First we go ahead and get his rubbers. It shouldn't take long. Then when we come back and things have inevitably turned against him, we offer to feed him lines via telepathy, like Cyrano de Bergerac. Then we mindfuck him.

Then steal his women.
No. 85419 ID: 9e9b47


(Because I am lazy and do not wanna reupdate for something small, I'll just say here that Steve gave Mewtwo $5.)
No. 85427 ID: 51d0f5

Mewtwo: What do you know about how to break away from Trainer control? If you steal your own pokeball will that make you free?
No. 85435 ID: 6faa8c

No, I have better.
Let us truly fuck him over like a proper Psychic Type.

We'll get the condoms. We'll feed him proper lines. We'll be nice and obedient. But what he doesn't know is that we'll take a tiny needle, one he wouldn't notice... and punch a tiny hole in every last one.
No. 85461 ID: 964033

Probably the best plan.
No. 85464 ID: 930195

Go scare the shit out of people.

While you go get his condoms. Also, get him shitty condoms.
No. 86073 ID: 9e9b47
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>>85435 >>85461

I'm... not quite sure that's how a Psychic-type "fucks someone over". I'm also not very comfortable with the idea of doing it in the first place. It sounds like something a psychopath would do. PLUS, I'd much rather there not be more of him running around.

Steve. I don't know how to think about him sometimes. He's an idiot, but he's driven. He confuses me. He's certainly the only creature I've ever opened up to, even though he did get me sloppy drunk first. He even calls me "buddy" like I'm his wingman or something.

>>85464 >>85418

Well, I personally find two problems with these plans. First, though I'm loathe to admit it, I'm not very comfortable around humans. I'm certainly not frightened or anything, I could kill 100, but the idea of... being with and consorting with humans unsettles me. I'd rather get this done and... dammit. I'm starting to doubt my own thoughts. Is this really how I thought before the ball?

Anyhow, Steve certainly did tell me not to harm anyone. I couldn't kill anyone if I wanted to. That's problem two.


I... don't think so. Honestly I'm not sure. I thought I'd never get caught. I never looked into the whole issue very much. The problem is that we don't work the same way as humans. Those damn balls hammer a permanent groove into our mind. I think if Steve were to release me and destroy the ball I'd be free, but unfortunately I don't see him doing that. If I somehow got ahold of the ball... I'm not sure if I could destroy it. The issue is extremely vexing.


Eww, I don't find human women attractive at all. So much hair everywhere.


I will get the worst quality condoms available however. I'm not extremely happy about being sent on a mission like this.

That reminds me, what should I do when I enter? Just talk to the man behind the counter?
No. 86077 ID: 9cece1

exactly that
then we find out how much we have left over and go buy a baby
im an impulse shopper
No. 86079 ID: 276781

>I don't find human women attractive at all
You'd prefer a nice Alakazam or Gardevoir girl, wouldn't you? Or, ahem, guy... if you're into that sort of thing.
No. 86121 ID: 69a5a4

Since you have permission to be outside the ball, you might as well explore the city and see whats going on.
No. 86125 ID: 69a5a4

Alakazam female? D:
No. 86147 ID: 15f6d6

Dem mustaches man, dem mustaches.
No. 86149 ID: 7d87d9

But they can do some CRAZY stuff with their spoons.
No. 86199 ID: f4963f

Don't DISS the 'stache, bro.
No. 86381 ID: 7d87d9

I hear there are a lot of psychics around Saffron City.
No. 86392 ID: 43d730

Yo can teleport, right? And he didn't say WHERE to get condoms...
No. 86430 ID: f4963f

Dude, this. He never said where to buy em, so go get condoms from Saffron.

Bad condoms.

See if you can find an engaging intellectual partner while you're there. If you know what I mean.
No. 86448 ID: dc14a0

mewtwo cant teleport i already asked
being psychic he can fly however
float into town like a fucking pimp, buy mediocre condoms
look for something interesting to do while steve is getting it on
No. 86541 ID: 7d87d9

Ain't there usually some Kadabras in that cave near Cerulean? Although watch out for Wobbafetts... They're rather clingy.
No. 86552 ID: 43d730

Blast, I was going to suggest the Orange Islands.
No. 88975 ID: 0d1fe9

Can you use your crazy psychic powers to put everyone in the store to sleep? If you can totally do that and loot the place, you'll want to destroy the cameras and crap first though. Otherwise just go in and buy the condoms,Remember that steve needs his condoms in XXS but because you are the one buying them go for the XXXL, this way you show your coolness via large penis size, thus putting you at the top of the human social structure. This will be useful in our later plan to rule the world. buy some balloons as well to play a joke on steve by giving him those instead of the condoms, when he gets annoyed laugh and give him the condoms. With any luck he won't notice they are the wrong size until it's too late and he ends up looking like a 'tard with a half metre sleave of plastic hanging off of his clitoris size penis.
No. 89121 ID: 7d87d9

We humiliate him too much and we get balled again and we can't have fun in the damn ball. We'll play his game for now. Then we wander off. He can't ball what he can't see.
No. 89138 ID: 0e29db

We should totally obey Steve without trying to start any trouble. After all, he is our kind and sexy Master~.
No. 89149 ID: f68a75

He's a moron we can manipulate. We just need to go slow.
No. 89520 ID: 9e9b47
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>>86121 >>86381 >>86392 >>86430 >>86552

Leave? It's... not quite that easy. For one, I know there's a store right here. I was given an order. I can't just go where I want. That's not how pokemon work. I wish it wasn't like that, but it is. I can feel the weight of his instruction on my mind.

>>86079 >>86125 >>86147 >>86149 >>86199

I'm asexual. I daresay I wouldn't find anything very attractive. Can we not dwell on that.

>>88975 >>89121 >>89138 >>89149 >>86077

There might well be a way to break out of Steve's control. I don't know of any way off the top of my head however. Honestly, I don't HATE him for capturing me. I dislike Steve because he's boorish and crude, but I can understand why he captured me. At the time I was dwelling on the past a bit much. I may have acted harshly. I would have killed him had he not captured me. Had our roles been reversed, it would be my only logical course of action too. It's even logical that he not let me go, as much pained as I am to admit it. I'd rather not dwell on that. I'm just going to deal with this one step at a time. Just talk to the man, right? I can't make anyone fall asleep. It's never a skill I cultivated.

I enter the store. The whole place has the faint glow of cheap, florescent lighting. The man behind the counter looks at me, and his mouth gapes. He seems at a loss for words. "Shopkeep, I require a pack of your lowest-quality male contraceptive devices available. I have five dollars to purchase the item with." I explain, wanting to get this done as fast as possible.

The man considers for a few moments. I can fell his mind. He's completely baffled. He looks me up and down over and over, mouth opening and shutting before he finds his voice. "Um... alright. I... alright. I'll... alright." he sputters, before searching under the counter. "Um... they for... you? Do you... have a... is that a pokesuit or..." he begins, but wisely quiets down as I give him a look.

"They are, in fact, for my trainer. I wish to not keep him waiting ." I respond curtly.

"Well, that'll be three dollars... we only got packs of five. There's only one quality we got here too, sorry." the man says evenly, his mind apparently switching into auto pilot. It's obvious that he's not sure if he should be terrified or not. Obviously not many pokemon come in to make a purchase. Hmm.


Yes, I can fly. I'll do that when I leave, sure.


I wouldn't mind taking a scenic route back, sure. I'd rather not explore the city full of humans though.

Anything else I should do here? A leisurely fly back might help my head.
No. 89522 ID: 4d96ca

get something to drink, considering all he has been giving you is booze
No. 89526 ID: b9af96

Ok, so get some laxatives, and take them out the box so they're just chococolate bars in nondescript wrappers, then tell Steve that you got some candy with the extra cash and give them to him, so he shits himself while he's trying to fuck a chick, then blame it on all the booze he drinks.
No. 89530 ID: 276781

Hey man, just because you're a genetic experiment never intended to reproduce doesn't mean you can't enjoy some of the finer things in life.
I bet you could learn to be attracted to other psychic types (they seem to be the only ones who would provide any sort of interesting conversation, at least.)
Or maybe Steve will get lucky and stumble across a Mew, bringing up all sorts of conflicting emotions. After all, a Mew was your mom. Or dad. Or something. Sort of.

Yeah, anyway, go have a nice relaxing flight back to Steve with his rubbers and tell him you'd prefer to stay out of the ball for a while longer (and that you won't make trouble.) That ought to give you a bit more freedom to do whatever - maybe find another psychic type to have a halfway decent conversation with, or take a visit to Saffron just for the hell of it.
No. 89533 ID: aa9aeb

Cut him some slack. Pokemon normally can't fucking talk.
No. 89542 ID: 930195

No. 89543 ID: 9e9b47
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I am not one for such silly, childish lashings out. Plus, messing with the person who literally controls my existence does not seem a good idea.

>>89533 >>89522

Perhaps a bit of leniency is in order. I'm no more comfortable than he is, really. I try to be pleasant as I also buy a bottled water. I could do with something to drink that's not alcohol.


I'm the only one of my species. I was built differently than humans. I AM ASEXUAL. I find other species just annoying more than engaging. I find them tolerable at best. As for Mew... I'm half convinced myself that it's a legend. I don't want to discuss that subject any more.

Simply asking Steve for some time outside the ball? Hmm. I suppose it would be the best way. He seems the sort predisposed towards blunt questions. Yes, I think I'll do that. At the very least I can see how much faith he puts in me.

Hmm. Down by the water there. It's that little tramp from earlier. Is she really waiting for Steve? Wonders never cease.
No. 89545 ID: 4d96ca

go talk to her, see whats up
No. 89547 ID: 930195

Go to Steve, give him his rubbers and change, tell him the bitch is still there. Then go talk to the bitch.
No. 89550 ID: 9e9b47
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>>89545 >>89547

Hmm. Talk with her. Why not, I suppose. I'll stop and see Steve first I suppose. I knock on the door, and after a moment it opens. I'm not sure how much clothes he's wearing. I don't want to find out.

"Great! Just in time. Thanks a ton!" Steve says as he grabs the pack out of my hand.

"Steve, I was wondering if I could spend the night outside the pokeball." I say, not wanting to beat around the bush.

Steve thinks about it for a second. "Yeah, sure. See you tomorrow. Try to give me a little time to get some sleep. Don't hurt anyone. Unless you're like, in danger and stuff. Take care." Steve starts to shut the door.

"Steve. That Team Rocket girl is waiting for you."

He stops, and hesitates. "Oh. Damn. I..." I can hear a faint giggling come from the darkness behind Steve. He looks anxious to get back to work.

"Do you want me to go speak with her?"

He pats me on the arm. "You're a lifesaver." He shuts the door without a second glance.

Well. Back to that Rocket girl? What should I even talk with her about about?
No. 89551 ID: 4d96ca

At the moment nothing, just go over there, greet her and let her start the conversation. If she doesn't take the lead talk about Steve, and if she asks where he is tell her that urgent matters came up and he is busy for the rest of tonight and possibly tomorrow.
No. 89552 ID: 4d96ca

forgot to namefag and trip and such
No. 89553 ID: 7fd7ff

stick your thick purple tail up her pussy, then tell her that your cat died last month.
No. 89568 ID: 5a9e00

Use your psychic powers to make her think we're steve.
No. 89601 ID: f4963f

>use your powers to make her think she's steve
No. 89609 ID: fe0817

This... has potential.
No. 89661 ID: 354eff

Why would we do that to her? As in, to what ends would we be working, making her think she's Steve?
No. 89670 ID: fe0817

First of all, it would confuse the heck out of her boss. Second of all, we can report to Steve that because of him, she has developed a delusion. He is now responsible and has to marry her. Third of all, we can practice our tactics to let us loose on her to see if it works.
No. 89680 ID: 930195

Before you talk to her alert the coppers. Then talk to her about whatever comes up, wait for the fuzz to show up, and get the fuck out of there. Head to Bill's afterwards?
No. 89858 ID: 64e807

Make her think we're steve. It will be a good experiment in human interactions.
No. 90026 ID: 9e9b47
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>>89568 >>89601 >>89609 >>89661 >>89670 >>89680 >>89858

Hmm... well, I don't think I could make her think she's Steve. Making someone think they're something else is hard. Minds like staying the way they are. I could cloud her perceptions a bit, however. I could make her think that I'm Steve. Perhaps it would be a good opportunity to get her out of our hair. Hmm. I'm not sure if I like the idea of getting the police. For one, I don't want the authorities to start asking Steve awkward questions. Pokemon do not talk in many circumstances, and I'd rather let my intelligence go largely unknown by humans.

So, just show up, try to make her think I'm Steve with subtle telepathic suggestions, turn her gently away?
No. 90029 ID: 5aa60d

sure, what could go wrong
No. 90031 ID: f4963f

Yes, make her think you're Steve.

Only with an obnoxiously tiny manhood.

Tight pants and a tiny coin purse. DO IT!
No. 90032 ID: 69a5a4

Show up, make her think you're Steve, take her to the carnival nearby and have a fun night out. :D Maybe win her some prizes and a goldfish.
No. 90054 ID: 964033

Go with the Carnival idea.
No. 90055 ID: 15f6d6

This. This is the best plan.
No. 90067 ID: edc240

No. 90068 ID: 5aa60d

i think we are all going with bruce on this one
No. 90085 ID: 9e9b47
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>>90029 >>90031 >>90032 >>90054 >>90055 >>90067 >>90068

Alright. I don't know if there's a carnival around, but I suppose I could go and take her to go do something. I land a ways away and walk up to Tessa, who it sitting on the ground with her arms around her knees. She looks confused for a moment as she looks at me. It takes a fair amount of effort on my part, convincing her that I'm Steve with slow but steady telepathic suggestions. The human mind is easier to fool than humans think, but still I'm not sure if I could use my psychic powers to their fullest extent like this.

"Steve?" She asks uncertainly for a moment, and then shakes her head. "I didn't think you'd come! That was quick. Did you get to finish up with the girl or what?"

Ok, ok. Just act like you're the center of the universe. "Yeah, we... plowed and stuff. I got my rocks off and decided to see what you wanted. If it's nothing good I was thinking about just going to sleep." I say, in an offhanded tone. The goal is to try and indicate in every statement that Steve would rather be doing something else. Logically, this will drive the woman away once she realizes how hopeless of a man Steve is. If she leaves of her own accord, it'll make it easier.

Tessa seems taken aback. "Well... I was kinda... I thought you wanted to fuck!" She is clearly baffled.

"Maybe later. I wanna go do something first. Too much of a good thing in a row, you know? Anything we can do around here, a carnival or something? I dunno, whatever." I say, wildly roleplaying now. This is kind of fun.

Tessa bites her bottom lip a moment before responding. "Well, there's no carnival... but I guess there's a movie theater? Or a bar I know. Not a lot to do around here." She sounds disappointed, but I'm a bit annoyed to see a strange smile on her face.
No. 90086 ID: b9af96

OK the goal of this is to make Steve's life as difficult as possible. Grope her tit in the theater.
No. 90089 ID: 5aa60d

fuck year
No. 90091 ID: 69a5a4

Take that bitch to the movies. Bitches love movies. Go see Pokemon the first movie if it's showing. It'd be cool to see it with her because you stared in it. She thinks you're Steve though so it's all good.
No. 90094 ID: 69a5a4

Also, this...
No. 90096 ID: 964033

Take her to a porno movie.
No. 90103 ID: f4963f

No wait.

Take her to a gay bar.

To a gay-bar. Gay-bar. Gay bar.
No. 90123 ID: edc240

Take her to something girly and romantic. I mean... not that you would be able to distinguish the girly, romantic movies from any other sort of movies, but still.

Alternativly this. I'm still convinced she's totally a dude.
No. 90132 ID: 9e9b47
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>>90091 >>90096 >>90123

Tessa bring me through town, and to a small movie theater at the edge of town. The guy behind the ticket counter doesn't ask for money or anything. Doesn't even look up.

We sit down in the movie. I'm waiting this girl out at this point, but she seems perfectly happy to sit in silence. We're the only ones here. Eventually the lights go down, and the film begins to run. I pay attention for lack of something else to do. This is incredibly boring.

>>90086 >>90094

I told you, I have no desire to... wait, is she touching me?

"So. It's just us here. You want a blowjob?" She asks bluntly.

My mind freezes up for a moment. "I certainly do NOT want a blowjob from you." I say quickly.

"Well I suppose if you want to fuck right here that's alright with me..."

Dammit. She's not getting it at all.
No. 90134 ID: 69a5a4

Man, Steve could've been fucking some crazy rocket bitch ass. Mewtwo, use your awesome psychic powers to convince her she's just had the greatest sex of her life. Then you're free to end the date or chill with her for the night. You never know, behind all that crazy she could be kinda chill.
No. 90137 ID: b9af96

I say we gradually build up her sexual excitement level, right up until she sees Plessy's whole body. Then make her cum, right then and there. It'll fuck her up good, and hopefully she will come to Steve the next morning demanding answers.
No. 90138 ID: 4553b2

Just crush her. She's threatening you. Splatter her against the chair. You are not comfortable with this.

No one will find her until tomorrow.
No. 90139 ID: f75782

Use that big purple tail~
No. 90141 ID: a51bce

What's this movie they're watching? That yellow thing with claws looks familiar.
No. 90143 ID: edc240

Yes, hrmm... as crude as it may be this looks to be one of the best sollutions. Sex clearly preoccupies her so, perhaps this is normal of human females, they are percundant after all, Let us indeed use our powers and make her think that we have allready had sex. And just so we're sure she'll give up on the whole topic already, lets make it wholy satisfying sex wherein all of her fantassies and every possible want was fulfilled to the highest of peak of her imagination.

That should shut her up, right?
No. 90144 ID: b9af96

yeah but we should still mess with her head as much as we can
No. 90174 ID: fe0817

Can we peak into her mind to see his/her gender? Is it actually a she?
No. 90176 ID: 0dc17a

Lemmesee.. start touching her, than black her out, implant pleasurable memories -- might need to check her mind for fantasies to establish a proper feedback loop or something -- then wake her an hour later, tell what happened, and send her on her way?
No. 90184 ID: 5aa60d

"Sorry but i just finished satisfying two sisters, my little buddy is exhausted. I wont be doing any more sexing tonight."
Proceed to finger her.
"Doesn't mean i can't satisfy you too."
Afterward ask for her phone number and say that you'll call her when you aren't busy with misty and her sisters, so you can give her a real good dickings.

If you have any qualms think about it this way;
You are stuck with Steve, no matter what you do. But if you make Steve happy by doing shit for him hes more likely to let you roam free like this and keep you away from the poke-balls mindfucks.
And in the long run he might think you've changed and let you free.
No. 90239 ID: e0499d

grudginly oblige her, then mentally KO her. As long as she thinks she's gotten it, she shouldn't be suspicious.
No. 90291 ID: 9e9b47
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>>90134 >>90137 >>90143 >>90144 >>90174 >>90176 >>90184 >>90239

Ugh. I certainly don't want to touch her. I start to filter in a little sex. For this girl, sex comes easy. Her perceptions are clouded with lust. I really don't know how long humans usually have sexual intercourse, so I'll just leave that going the rest of the movie. To shut her up, whenever she's got some sort of sexual desire I'll just make her think Steve is doing it. She writhes around in the seat, one hand in her pants and the other grasping the seat firmly. I lean away so her feet don't touch me. Ugh. So much green hair.


Oh, the movie's about a love that's destined not to be. Kind of a cliche plot, but there you go.

Well. You know, now that I stop and think about it, I wonder if this was wise. Anything else I should do? Or just leave?
No. 90294 ID: 930195

You should just boot it. Get out of there. Are you hungry? Go get something to eat.
No. 90301 ID: 4aacd9

Don't overdo it, you might kill her by accident
No. 90313 ID: 5948f2

We should probably be there when it ends, just because she'd probably be very confused afterwards if we weren't. We'll walk her home and that will be that. a successful 'date'.

So dude... what do /you/ typicall do for fun? I mean... you give the vibe that this human stuff seems beneath you or something. What do you want to do?
No. 90318 ID: 276781

He probably doesn't do anything for fun. At least not recently. But hey, always willing to be proved wrong.
No. 90349 ID: e0499d

you see... when a man and a girl like each other...

anyway, once she's done orgasming, drop her off where she previously was. let her know that from this point "we're enemies". Then get back to steve and start having fun by using mental persuasion to turn off his fun.
No. 90351 ID: 43d730

>Turn off his fun
It might just be the cold medication, but for some reason I found this incredibly hilarious.
No. 90354 ID: 4553b2

Just leave her there. Get out of there, Mewtwo. Who cares what she thinks.
No. 90379 ID: 5a9e00

Agreed. Walking her home is the gentlmanly thing to do.
No. 90955 ID: 69a5a4

I fucking lol'd.
No. 91296 ID: 572086

As great as it would be to see Steve have to explain the sudden disaperance, I think it'd be a lot funnier to see Steve have to explain to / get rid of someone who thinks that he's the perfect man, both gentlemanly and a everything she could want in the sack. Treat her right proper, says I.
No. 91373 ID: 9e9b47
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>>90294 >>90354
>Don't walk her home
>>91296 >>90379 >>90349 >>90313
>Walk her home, or at least drop her off where you found her


Well, by the time the movie's over, I let up. Humans can take quite a lot of sex before death, so there's no worry about killing her. I decide to bring her back to the shoreline where I found her. She's a bit... groggy right now. I have to carry her over my shoulder for the short fly back. She's nearly unconscious, but I can keep hearing her mumble incoherently into my back.

Finally, I drop her down by the shoreline. I don't know if she's much in the state of mind to understand anything, but I tell her "Remember, we're enemies now." I hesitate for a moment. This... doesn't feel like I've quite accomplished what I wanted.

"Oh wow, Steve... wow..." she says, waving at me once as I turn to leave. She leans her head against the ground and closes her eyes. She falls asleep almost at once. I finally let the illusion drop.

Well. Hmm. For some reason I feel kind of dirty.


By the way, she's certainly got a vagina. I got a look at it. Human vaginas are officially hideous.
No. 91374 ID: 964033

Human ones? You've seen a vagina or penis that's not hideous?
No. 91381 ID: 572086

Fission Macomplished! Great job, dude!
No. 91422 ID: 7fd7ff

go back to steve and tell him of your accomplishment!
No. 91456 ID: fbcd90

Better! Tell him in the morning!
No. 91457 ID: 5a9e00

No need to give him the details, just tell him that the whole Tessa thing has been dealt with. Better tell him that Tessa did turn out to be a guy too, just so he won't feel like he made a huge mistake in not going himself.
No. 91600 ID: 0e08e8

The more awkward Steve's next encounter with Tess, the better.
No. 91861 ID: 7fd7ff

No. 93757 ID: 7fd7ff

i second swordfish
No. 93779 ID: 9e9b47
File 126112668116.png - (35.53KB , 1366x768 , 180.png )


Everything below the waist is kind of a mess, but there's a few genitals better built than humans, that's for sure.

>>91381 >>91422 >>91456 >>91457 >>91600 >>91861 >>93757

I'll tell Steve of this in the morning. No need to get too into the details. I'll just tell him the girl has been dealt with. For now, I have a night off. Though I must be back in the morning, for now I can do as I please. As I begin to fly off, I simply let my mind wander. It occurs to me, now that I have a few hours to myself, that I have no real interests to pursue. Besides thinking, of course. I'm not sure the swordfish thing would work either, he doesn't listen to instructions given by me. That's rather the point.

It's a good thing I don't require sleep. I'll make best use of this time.
No. 93800 ID: 7d87d9

There is a GIANT LUNATONE right behind you
No. 94224 ID: 930195


They always have something interesting to say.
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