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496561 No. 496561 ID: 2de44c

[when inspiration finally strikes and i have enough will to start a quest, there is no such thing as waiting to use my tablet]
52 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 497039 ID: 5d98c3

Fuck everything, you know what you must DO! You need power for vengeance, pick up the indestructible one and throw it at his head.
No. 497040 ID: 76b151

yes, go embrace the Asexual. He said it was the only thing they could not kill. Let us show him the folly for killing the girl you might have loved!
No. 497045 ID: 389f2b
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>Pick it up
>Embrace it

I stance myself as it slithers closer, only feet away. A weird sound roars in my ears, like being underwater as a boat passes above.

I become dimly aware of my father screaming at me to run-the deafening bangs of the shotgun.
No. 497047 ID: 389f2b
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I am unable to grip it-it's body is slimy and wet and warm.

My vision goes white in pain, spots of black dots dancing in the foreground. I try to focus on the dots, like I could reach out and grab them, but each time I look directly at them, they dance away.

I black out. Moments before, a beautiful disc of blues finds me. I embrace it.
No. 497048 ID: 389f2b
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I wake up in pain, but not as much.

I feel..Different. New.

My eyes are closed, I think, but there are soft blue spots in the darkness under my eyelids.

Part of me wants to sleep, but another..Feels awake, strong.
No. 497049 ID: d6ef5d

...wait, did we just react to our girlfriend's death by guaranteeing we're never gonna get any, ever?

Kind of the opposite of how we usually run quests.
No. 497050 ID: 5d98c3

Yep. Because being NOT immune to bullets doesn't work against shotguns
No. 497051 ID: 76b151

Well open your eyes. You just rejected your father's life and his choices forever. Fitting. FOr he destroyed your choice as well.
No. 497052 ID: 57a559

We don't know anything about these creatures. The Dad is just a racist dick, the true names of these creatures and things are probably different, same with the purposes. A pansexual is more than likely a succubus/incubus, which isn't that horrid. We can probably get some and have a relatively normal life, because apparently Finnian went most of his life without noticing these things, so they likely blend in the background as normal people, and to blend in they probably have sex.

Asexuality doesn't mean a lack of sex, just a lack of interest in it. For the sake of someone's partner or to reproduce, they'll engage in activity.

Finnian, get the fuck up already. We got shit to do. Stop trippin balls.
No. 497069 ID: 389f2b
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I open my eyes and turn my head to the side.

There's a cat girl-she's talking to someone who I can't see. She's got the smell of fresh rain on her, but it's not as overtaking as Sarah's smell..

>"Yes, general, we've got 27 new recruits. 20 of them captured by the front lines, the rest by the demi's. Reports say there were 40, but those others..didn't make it."

>"Thank you, miss. Carry on, then. I want to overpower the rebels as soon as possible."
No. 497070 ID: 389f2b
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She turns around and notices me staring at her.

>"Oh! You're awake!" She shuffles through some papers, reading for a few moments when she finds the one she must have been looking for.

>"Alright.. Minimal injury..Now, do you remember who you are, and do you have any idea why you are here?"
No. 497072 ID: 62f448

Yeah we remember who we are...
Where are we though? And what happened to us?
No. 497073 ID: 76b151

I'm Finnigan

I decided I didn't want to be part of something that murders in cold blood and chose the other side. Other then that I have no idea beyond what he spewed at me.
No. 497075 ID: d6ef5d

More glowy eyes.

Yes, you remember what happened, and who you are. You're... not entirely sure you know what's going on though, so maybe she could fill you in?
No. 497083 ID: 389f2b
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"My..My name is Finnian. Finnian Holt. I'm here, because..My dad murdered my girlfriend..He was acting crazy, had this gun..Guns are illegal, I was scared..There was this thing? A, uh, monster. It attacked me, I didn't run, and now.."

She's nodding encouragingly, with a smile.

"Now, I don't know where I am..What's happening? Why are your eyes like that, like my girlfriends? Where am I? Where is my dad?"
No. 497084 ID: 389f2b
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>"Oh dear..That's a toughie to answer, hehe! Though you are well off compared to the others, it is probably a bad idea to get worked up about all of this! You should be better in about two days, so during that time, how about you rest up? If you get tired of lying there, I can give you a guest pass so you can take yourself to the library, cafeteria, and TV room. There are video games in there too, hun! Until those two days are up, though, I don't want to strain you with information. You'll have a teacher who can help you learn all of that, alright~? We're in the hospital ward right now, if you couldn't tell."

That..that was totally useless. Something is going on, and she won't tell me what.
No. 497087 ID: 76b151

Head to the library. Do whatever research you can. Also do you feel any different then from before you embraced?
No. 497089 ID: 57a559

Do you still have everything? No limbs missing? Third leg gone?
No. 497094 ID: 78c6ea

His third leg is totally gone.
No. 497115 ID: 5d98c3

Wait, GUNS ARE ILLEGAL? The only remaining factions are Goddamn Pink Commies and Crazy Rightwing Nutjobs?!

Welp, you know what you must do. You must stop this pointless, idiot conflict... And form the Centrists to wipe out all the extremist vermin!
No. 497152 ID: 08ea63

But yeah, definitely cut out all the bullshit. just leave and explore, if you find somebody who looks like they know what the fuck, just go guilt trip them into telling you things. tell them how global warming, communism and pederasty are all their fault, then they will get defensive and explain shit.

Foolproof plan.
No. 497199 ID: e939a0

Good idea, you brilliant libertarian bastard. Then while they're explaining, hop out a window. They'll think you're euthanizing yourself and do nothing, allowing you to escape and form a platonic relationship. With a Centrist.
No. 497215 ID: bf54a8

asexual means you do not have desire. but to not have the ability would doom the species.
No. 497250 ID: 0f8468

Poopie on her boobies
No. 497267 ID: 6cda76
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Third leg is still there.

Like I said when I woke up, I just..feel more stronger, or, uh, more.. rejuvenated? Like I'm taller than 3'11 and have enough muscle to walk to school without dying.
No. 497268 ID: 389f2b
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I don't think I can escape too easily here. I don't see any windows, and all the doors look pretty high level.

I ask the nurse for the access card, and she hands it to me, warning me to stay safe and not overwork myself. I assure he that I feel great and I'll be okay.

She leaves to attend to someone who looks a lot worse than me.
No. 497269 ID: 389f2b
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[[im at yoshikos house and she has a frikin weird ass tablet and i had to use ps and i hate everything dont read hajimequest shes mean]]

Before I head off, I can try to ask someone else in here about what's happening and where I am.

There's one of those things my dad called and 'asexual', and then something that kind of looks like a lizard kobold but has a really weird tail, and tons of pulled up flaps on it's back. They're the only ones that seem unhurt and awake here other than nurses.

Should I talk to them, or go ahead to the library and see what I can find there?
No. 497270 ID: d6ef5d

>more than you were before
You also appear to have the mark of a green sun exaltation on your forehead. :V

I think it's too early to be thinking about that. We got a lot to learn about what the heck is actually going on before we decide on a course of action.

For now, head over to the library.
No. 497294 ID: bf54a8

you have been touched by an A, so ask it what the perks are.
No. 497309 ID: 78c6ea


You can't normally walk to school without dying?
No. 497403 ID: 5d98c3

Tis a common enough medical condition amongst lazy children.

Acquire KNOWLEDGE OF THE DARK SIDE. Use it to carve out your own faction with your newly acquired NEBULOUS POWERS.
No. 497597 ID: 389f2b
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I'll have to try and find a mirror..Jeez, though,I wish I knew what was happening at least a little.


Super short legs aren't the best way to get around. Of course I don't LITERALLY die.


A thing I shall possibly attempt if it has anything to do with this stuff!

I'll go talk to the thing that looks like the one that attacked me, then go to the library.

"Uh, hey."

It turns at looks at me, tilting it's head a bit.

>"Huh? Oh, looks like a new guy. What's up kid?"

"Uhm..I don't know what's happening. Like, at all. I got attacked by this thing that looks like you, and I woke up here. The nurse says I'm not ready to know things, but I wanna know what happened to me at least..Do you think you might know?"

>"Oh, yeah! Authority is super uptight here with making sure each soldiers conversion went perfectly. Uh, I'll give you the meat of it. You'll get a guy to teach you the details later. I ain't got time for that, I'm about ready to head out to the field again."


>"So, uh, we're some ancient alien species, blah blah, harvesting Earth, converting rather than making cattle. Kinda' got the lucky end of the stick compared to others. So you exactly got fused to an A, or, 'asexual', so you're some kind of mixture of it. Court with another A and you'll get what looks like a purebreed. Sadly, you won't ever look like the real thing. Only children of true purebreds or children of halfs and pures can morph shape. More than likely, you'll be sent above for spy work. You won't be asked to convert, because those you fuse to will just get progressively weaker and weaker. No offense. But, yeah, you're expendable. Welcome to the army, kid."

He slides off the cot, and a nurse lets him through a door. The other beast gives me a nod before walking off in the same way.

I'm..Not sure how much that answered. Sounds almost as crazy as the shit my dad was babbling about. Part of me expects everyone to start laughing at me for being so foolish of thinking any of this was real.

Shall I proceed to the library?
No. 497598 ID: d6ef5d

So you're a halfbreed without cool powers now? That's kind of a letdown.

>Shall I proceed to the library?
Yeah, I guess.
No. 497600 ID: 14bafe

Library's the best choice right now. It's either that or go eat something in the cafeteria, and suddenly I don't trust the food.
No. 497605 ID: 5d98c3

...Fuck this galaxy, let's pull a Sinistar and take over. Cmon, we just gotta win their trust and CONQUER THE UNIVERSE.
No. 497636 ID: 57a559

What else is there to go, bro? Go. You could also go to the TV room I guess, you can play free video games. So honestly, not a bad deal here. I wonder if there's new shit to play?
No. 497660 ID: 78c6ea

Be Dad.
No. 497702 ID: 389f2b
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That thing said something about 'converting', so yeah, I dunno if I want to trust the food.


I'll do that after I check the library out. I wouldn't mind a little winddown with some reality.
No. 497703 ID: 389f2b
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I enter. The library has only a few shelves, and not many have labels. The only ones I can see are just alphabetizing things.

>"eyyy fuckin' shit, this shit is stoopid.."

There's a heavy spanish sounding voice from behind one of the shelves. I walk towards it, wanting to peek at the situation.
No. 497704 ID: 389f2b
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[[I dun fricked up the panel order]]
It's a knoll who looks a little older than me. He sees me and gives a little snarl.

>"Whatcha want, motherfucka'? Come t' stare at the freak show? Somekina' frickin pansexual, wi'' green shit floatin' from my eyes? Fuck you, man! You gotta' fuckin green disc glowin' on your little shit head! YOU AIN'T GOT NOTHIN' FUCKIN' ON ME!"

A creature like that one that was talking to the A lunges forward over the bookcase, hissing at us, before I'm able to respond.

>"OUT! Get OUT! I will not have my sanction ruined by your mouth filth!"

Jesus fuck.
No. 497711 ID: 76b151

That might be the librarian. Wait until the other one leaves then politely ask to be helped. You're looking for a general overview of the species you've been converted into as well as the history of the current war \ harvest \ whatever.
No. 497721 ID: d6ef5d

Back away, and attempt to placate the one who made the rude outburst. You're sorry if you somehow offended him, and you don't have any problem or quarrel with him.
No. 497734 ID: 14bafe

Man, screw these guys. Just flip them off and come back in two minutes when they've forgotten about you.
No. 497753 ID: 389f2b

Ignore the Pansexual talk up the guy who was yelling at him, he's probably the librarian
No. 497794 ID: 78c6ea

He can't be a Pansexual. He's not even a panda!
No. 497797 ID: bf54a8

pretty sure the mark of a pan is the eye glow.

anyway, wait a moment, then ask what that was about.
No. 497804 ID: 389f2b
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"Mister, I didn't start this-I just want some info--"

>"I said OUT! I don't care what you want! You and your nasty little friend are not welcome here!"
No. 497805 ID: 389f2b
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>"Ahh, fuck you man! Fuck you all! Im outta' here, ciao! Go fuckin' choke on yer guys' boyfriends dick!"

A sudden blast of anger hits me. Nothing he said got to me in any way, but theres this crawling anger inside of me-like my heart is about to burst out of my chest if I don't fucking destroy this guy!

I'm seeing red. I want to stand over his bloodied, broken body and drink his blood.

No homo.
No. 497806 ID: 389f2b
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A noise catches in his throat as I pitifully rake his back. I jump back, tensing, ready for him to strike back. He may be almost twice my height, but I'm quicker, and I feel like I could take an army.

>"...Yo, chico.."
No. 497807 ID: 389f2b
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[trying to work on expressions ew]

He whips around and snarls.

No. 497810 ID: 389f2b
File 136243900737.png - (277.60KB , 1000x1000 , panel34.png )

FIGHT ENGAGED! Power level: 10% Health: 15/20 Level: 1 Exp till next level: 50 Special abilities: Boost Leveling up unlocks new abilities! Normal abilities are anything Finnian's power to normally do-claw, bite, the works. Please suggest an action.
No. 497817 ID: d6ef5d

Oh, cool. Great idea. We encounter someone irrationally controlled by anger from their transformation and our response is to give into our own transformation induced anger. Smart.

Well, it's a little late now.

>What do?
Boost yourself (speed or claws maybe, if we need to boost a specific attribute) and go for his eyes. They gotta be the weak spot.

Use hit and run tactics- abuse speed to dodge and strike instead of being pinned down.
No. 497822 ID: 91c1b3

Is that green thing to your right actually there? If so, first order of business is to get to that spot. It may increase your power levels.
No. 497832 ID: e939a0

You're an idiot who lacks discipline. Ah well. Use BOOST. Also, dodge. Also, read a book on anger management.
No. 497833 ID: 78c6ea

Be Dad.
No. 497838 ID: d49f71

Apologize you idiot! We can solve this with our WORDS!
No. 497929 ID: 0f8468

Bite his tiny balls off. Or, failing that, give 'em the ol' knee to the balls and laugh tactic
No. 498012 ID: bf54a8

don't stop moving.
No. 498019 ID: 389f2b
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I leech into my BOOST abilities, and feel my body increase in power...

Energy level at ZERO PERCENT

..I can't move..
No. 498020 ID: 389f2b
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..He doesn't seem to realize I can't move and keeps prancing back and forth with attacks.
No. 498021 ID: 389f2b

3 hours later

So I learned that the Pans can make others feel their emotions.

And I also learned it's a bad idea to try to fight a former gang member.
No. 498022 ID: 389f2b
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No. 498024 ID: bf54a8

right. that explains a lot.
No. 498025 ID: f922dd

Oh, that's why the sudden rage. Might want to find a way to block that.
No. 498044 ID: 389f2b

No. 498049 ID: 389f2b
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A face appears over me-I expect the usual glowing eyes of the nurses, who all seem to be Pan, but I can't pick anything out about her that defines what she is.

>"Hey! How are you feeling?"

"Uh..Kinda' shitty. Who are you?" I still feel lingering amounts of anger and irritation.

>"Taya! I've been assigned your teacher, 'cause with your recent outbursts, they really don't want you around the more critical patients."

"Oh. Okay." I guess I should be thrilled about finally having someone teach me stuff.

>"Eeheheh..So that guy, was he your boyfriend?"

"..Uh, what?"

>"Oh! Well, see, usually everyone here picks up depending on their signature colors. They usually just connect better-like how you both got super-duper pissed!"

Her voice drops into a whisper.

>"Not everyone likes different species mixing together, though. Doesn't make no offspring! I mean, not like you'd be making any, anyway..Pures don't usually mix with the converted..No offence, of course! I'm just here to tell you the truth."
No. 498050 ID: d6ef5d

...no. He wasn't my boyfriend. We'd just met. I ran into him, he was pissed about something, and I got high off his anger, or whatever, I think. And then I got my ass kicked, and now we're here.

Really not trying to make any outbursts, either. Just trying to figure out what's going on.
No. 498056 ID: 389f2b

Nope, guess I'm just special. So, can you fill me in on these different classes and their powers?
No. 498063 ID: 78c6ea

...be Dad.
No. 498067 ID: bf54a8

no, went to the library to read. ran into him and he was in a bad mood, put me in a bad mood too. and i bet the librarian thought we were together because of the color too. if you get a chance can you explain to them that the new A convert wasn't with him and just walked in on the mess.
No. 498081 ID: 57a559

Man, we didn't do nothing we just wandered into the library and that guy was just pissed at being turned into a pansexual so much that he took out all his anger out on us.

We got into a fight and my mom got scared and said "your moving with your aunt and uncle in Bel-air".
Listen we have no idea what's going on. Pops killed our pansexual girlfriend and essentially ruined our life when we decided to run off into an A to get the fuck away from him instead of go along with that fucking psychopath nutjob. Being a pansexual doesn't even seem THAT bad for earthlings, you get glowy eyes and powers! But no motherfucker, that asshole kills the pansexual leaving the only out an asexual, which apparently has the power to freeze all of the muscles in the body in you mix with them. If he didn't like the fact we were mixed race, no big fucking deal, killing her to prevent pansexualism is extreme though, and unnessecary. So we turn into one of them, so what? Apparently he's a rebel, which makes them awful by association, so fuck them. Fuck 'em all up the asshole. Where do we sign up to get our father locked up in a prison and ruin his entire movement? We want to see him cry at what he's created, what he's done.

And fuck that children crap. We could always go with a halfbreed like us, whatever that is, if it's fennec female by chance if we ever particularly want to consider future banging. But right now is all about the revenge.
No. 498249 ID: 389f2b
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[started using art rage and i rly like it ouo]


I can't be Dad, I'm me!

I sigh and shake my head.
"No, I just met him. I was going to the library to try and find information and he flipped out or some shit. Then I just got super fucking pissed, still am, and all this happened. I'm straight, anyway."

She laughs in a demeaning way that makes me want to punch her.

>"Actually, it's a built in thing that As are panromantic, so you're not straight. But alright! Just don't come whining to me when you realize how heads-over-heels you are for him!"

That comment punches me in the gut.

"My girlfriend just got fucking KILLED! I'm not going to run off fucking every guy just cause his glow is the same color as mine! That's bullshit! This is bullshit! I just..j-just..Want revenge on my dad..He killed her..just because she was pansexual." I give Taya a sad look.

"Why does it matter? What's happening? Why is everyone acting like it's more than just love? Why the fuck is my head glowing? Where are we?"

She tilts her head at me, baring white teeth in a mocking grin, as if I'm a young, ignorant child.

>"This is much bigger than you're letting yourself think. How about we go grab a bite first so you can cool down?"

It sounds more like a command than a suggestion. Should I go with her and eat or demand information?
No. 498250 ID: d6ef5d

>As are panromantic, teasing
Ignore her bullshit. It doesn't matter what your mystic alien bullshit subspeicies is programmed to be attracted to, you still get to make your own decisions. Don't let her needle you.

Fine, whatever. So long as you get an explanation.
No. 498251 ID: bf54a8

i am pretty sure that her keeping her eye glow off is because she wants you to know she isn't trying to manipulate you. if she was glowing then it may well have been a command, but as is, i think you are just agitated and looking for an excuse.
No. 498268 ID: 389f2b

The food doesn't matter so long as I get some answers, and I like who I damn well please woman, none of this alien powers crap
No. 498273 ID: 370c40

Bite her head off in the process of copulation.

We're green, that means we are a mantis, right?
No. 498274 ID: 57a559

Say "How about we fuck so I can cool down? Then eat and talk."
Ha no. Or maybe yes, whatever you feel like? You're pissed and angry, so like maybe it's a good idea? She's mocking and demeaning you right now, so maybe talking back like that in disrespect isn't unusual or all that disrespectful. Expected even?

I guess demand information, though complying may get you more information, whatever you prefer to do. Fuck, eat, or know.
No. 498279 ID: d6ef5d

Could we maybe not act angry and pissy? It's not like that's gotten us anywhere so far, and if that shit with the pan went down like she said, it's not like they're even all our own feelings.
No. 498284 ID: 389f2b
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"I'm straight. I don't care what's going on, I just...Just.."
I don't know what I want. I don't want to go home, and I don't really want to be here.

"..Let's go eat."

She nods and helps me off the cot. She's not really much taller than me, and I realize now she's a red panda.

>"Wow, looks like your cuts are opening up. That guy messed you up more than the A did."

"Y-yeah, fuck..Hey, what are you? A pan? Your eyes aren't glowing, so.."

>"Oh, I'm just a Lesbian. We really don't have any markers. The necklace I have on signifies me as taken, though-so I can't be mistaken for just anyone in a different form most of the time."

No. 498285 ID: 389f2b

...The food looks disgusting. Pale carrots in plastic wrapping, dull bread that smells sweet and looks like it may be made of something other than grain, rubbery meat coated in disgusting looking sauce, and milk that smells curdled.

>"We can talk while we eat. What would you like to know?"
No. 498286 ID: 389f2b
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No. 498289 ID: 57a559

What is a pansexual, for real. Not just as in someone who can like everything, but the whole deal with the glowy eyes and why exactly your dad didn't want you to become one. Who are the rebels, who is your Dad? Why was Boost so useless? Are all Christian republican's rebels? Do you have to be a Christian Republican to be a rebel if so? Or are other religions and political views have rebel factions as well?

And what have you become, in more detail.
No. 498290 ID: d6ef5d

The whole story with aliens turning people into other things might be nice.
No. 498291 ID: bf54a8

ask if your intestines have been altered to handle this.
No. 498305 ID: 78c6ea

Ask where's the A that did this to you, so you can rip out its ...tear off its... uh... ruin its day somehow!
No. 498311 ID: 389f2b

Get the back story on all the different classes, and just what exactly can they, and you, do
No. 498511 ID: 2de44c
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>"Alright..I'll give you a simple version, if that's okay. It's harder to spew out all at once."

>"Thousands of years ago, there was the Two. Two was ruled by a conflicting battle of Good and Bad. Good wanted only peace-he created three beings during his time under the warm, living sun. Two of the beings could only love those of the exact same of them. Basically, the female and male versions of your planet-the Lesbians and Gays. He then created one that could love all...Even the creations of Bad. The Pans."

>"Bad ruled under the harsh, cold moon, that had no glowing reflection upon it's surface like the moon here. He dreamed of monsters and evils, so he created his beings in the thoughts of protection. These were more..Parasitic, I suppose, as they could burrow in you, lay their eggs in you, or even merge inside of you to create more of their own. The lead of the protection was the A's, fast and hard to kill. You have to pummel into their glowing spots, where the energy is stored. A Demi, the bug like creature, burrows inside of you. Eventually...Your body would split open and your old skin would peel away to reveal another bug, which would be your new form. You would only have the mind to do the same to others. The Poly lays eggs in you-only if they mate with another of their kind can they bear a child like a mammal. They're...Used more like torture instruments for us. They aren't too good on the field. They usually do the jobs here no one wants. Like the librarian."
No. 498513 ID: 2de44c
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>"Then, there is what you are-a A. A's are on the front, and merge into the being of other creatures. However..They don't come out quite like what the pure thing is. They are weaker. My guesses are that, when you used Boost, you were using too much energy that you didn't have. Now, if you were to breed with a Pure A, you'd have a child that is Pure. If you breed with another like you, it'd just be an even weaker version."
No. 498514 ID: 2de44c
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>"And then, Pans, since you asked...They are more of the Pure. The most Pure are from lines of only Pans, though a Pure-like can be made by a converted pan breeding with any type of Pan. I think your girlfriend was one of those, with another converted parent and yet another. The 'Pure' live with only the intent to protect..Mostly, they spend their energy on protecting just one, and can treat others any other way. If they fall in love with a converted, who doesn't always get the care-and-protect gene like that gnoll, they spend their life trying to show them the love. I'm guessing your father..He didn't realize this. That this girl would have truly loved you. A lot of Pans claim that outside of the love they feel..There's no such thing as love. I wouldn't know-I love my wife, but I do often wonder what it would be like to love like a Pan. It's a shame you had to become an A."

I don't know what to say. Now I feel a great sadness-it's my own feelings, I think. I decide to ask another question.

"Why..why Earth?"

>"We were a dying race. When our Priest claimed that the Two had picked a planet with a growing species not too different, we came here to collect a new gene pool. Sadly enough, the species were not enough like our own to just bring you back home. So we waited for you to grow-gave you knowledge and information. But many..Many did not like us and our stories of the Two. They had their own God. They took away our true story and turned it into as if we were humans of sins-at that time, we had taken on the shape of the people, so it did not help. Over the years, different places took different opinions and religion, some accepting, some relenting. It became like war. We figured wait for this big country, the USA, to put it's guard down, would provide us the step we needed to begin taking. The population of Earth is more than enough, yet would barely fill a portion of our planet. Your kind breed like rabbits, and with that gene going into our own, would save us in the future. Thankfully, those who relented grew smaller and smaller..Eventually going ignored, hated even. People forgot about our original motive, and began to us as images for 'acceptance' and 'real love'. Now..it's just a matter of taking the rest of the nation, then move on to the rest.”
No. 498520 ID: bf54a8

ask about how reproduction works... physically...

i mean, you were pretty sure the peg in slot system mattered. i mean, girls have a spot to hold babies and boys don't.
No. 498523 ID: 57a559

Were there regular homosexuals, bisexials, and pansexuals on earth before their arrival on earth? I mean regular people with none of this crazy merging or power crap, I mean naturally occurring people liking the same gender or everything without having anything to do with this alien bullshit, not specially powered glowy colored people. They're not aliens, not halfway or merged or whatever. 100% pure... human i guess?

Did you say human, as in, homo sapiens ape-like flesh creatures with no fur or muzzles? Did your mixing make 'em all animal-like people? Or is that a general term for all you people?
No. 498535 ID: 2de44c
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"You said human..What do you mean?"

>"Oh, the first Lesbians, Gays, and Pans were all human. There were actual humans on earth, but not many. It took us awhile to actually begin breeding. All of the major species were animal-like at this point of the planets evolution."

"How did..reproduction work? I mean, I know two animals of different species can bear a child and get either or, but..you guys were aliens."

>"I personally like to believe that Two made your kind just for us-perfect for breeding. Sexual organs stayed the same, though many Lesbians and Gays ended up having children with anyone willing-something they never did at home. That's why many started dying off. We can live a long time, but not forever."

"Oh..Where there any uh, you know, homosexuals, on this planet before you?"

>"No. It is not a naturally occurring thing for your people. Hence the whole 'its not natural' thing people used to say."

She pauses a moment.

>"I'll go ahead and let you know that there is only one true bisexual. That is the Two. Anyone who says they are Bi is lying. It is said that one day Two will pick from our ranks to assign a new Bi, though it has been a very long time.."
No. 498536 ID: 2de44c
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>"I doubt it would be anyone from our ranks on Earth..At least not one of the Good. Our lines have been tainted from human genes, and now we are a mess of creatures. Same with the Impure A's as yourself. It will be a hard time returning home. The offspring from the human Good and animals of the Earth..Were always born as an animal. Our greatest weakness is that if a Good breeds with a recently converted, as in, maybe a year, the chances are high that the child will be born without our genes. And some..Are merely unable to convert. Theres more about that, but you probably want to hear some other stuff first."
No. 498542 ID: 57a559

When that migration comes, will the children have a choice of staying here where they call home or be forced to go back to the old home?

So, does anyone know about your Pop? Is he well known, off the radar, what? Information about him and where he plans might be useful, as well as knowing what you'll be doing.
No. 498543 ID: d6ef5d

Soo... there seems to this focus on getting better peeps through breeding. These's no way to well, better yourself?

And while we get a dying race (set of races, whatever) trying to preserve themselves, no one thought it might be wrong to completely assimilate another? Or kill a bunch of people in the process?

Heck, why did these guys come ready made (apparently) all biologically set up to covert aliens to themselves?
No. 498549 ID: 78c6ea

She's not telling you the whole story. Ask where your family is.
No. 498558 ID: 2de44c
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I feel very tired all of a sudden.

"Do...Do you know where my Dad is?"

>"No..But you're from South Carolina, right? There's been heavy rebel activities there. Maybe your mission will be there."

"Mission..?" Oh. The spy thing. My head is heavy.

>"How about you go rest, Finnian. You seem very tired." Not a suggestion.
No. 498560 ID: d6ef5d

>not a suggestion
Then why do we get to suggest? :V

Yeah sure, go crash for a bit.
No. 498578 ID: 2de44c

Maybe sleep will help clear your mind and you'll feel better in the morning. Get some rest
No. 498721 ID: 2de44c
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[im not sure why i just didnt end it yesterday but ok]
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