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485964 No. 485964 ID: 389f2b

It's been two weeks since I left the others.
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No. 490036 ID: 389f2b
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he feels me stir and greets me.


"m-morming, Malcolm.."

>"Let's get dressed and go see the others."

We get up and hurriedly dress. He...doesn't seem very awkward with this at all. It's kind of weird...We haven't known each other for a week, and I feel like..there's a different connection between us. Kind of like I just fucked someone close to me..and, it was a VERY nice night, but I do for some reason have a bit of regret...
No. 490037 ID: 389f2b
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We go downstairs and part ways. Ratchet has come in and hands his gun to Malcolm-I guess it's his shift outside.

Ratchet moves over towards me, but Ursa reaches me quicker.
No. 490038 ID: 78c6ea

Ratchet is next on the list. Don't let Ursa block that!
No. 490039 ID: 389f2b
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She pats me on the best because a hug might crush my body.

>"Don't pretend like I don't know what wen' on up there. Just glad to see he wasn't some creep who ended up killin' ya or something. You used protection, right?"

"..Uh, yep!"


>"Good ta' hear, hun. I don't think we can handle anymore mouths to feed. Now, would you like to go clearing the streets, or search for food?"
No. 490040 ID: 78c6ea


ohtheirony. Don't worry about protection. You'll need a lot more mouths to feed pretty soon.
No. 490078 ID: f2c20c

You're good at killing zombies. Let's put that to use.
No. 490105 ID: 91c1b3

((oh god, hysterical pregnancy soon arising; or worse, a real one!)) Clear the streets, don't worry about it right now, you'll only be distracted from your duty. Worry about it on your break. Even though I don't approve of your choice; congrats on bonding to someone enough to be intimate with them!
No. 490202 ID: 8ebb5c

Guys is anyone else worried about Ratchet being possessive and possibly abusive because she slept with Malcolm? We don't know a whole lot about this character, let's be careful and ready to get Sam outta here if something goes down.
No. 490213 ID: 389f2b
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The rest of the day passes easily. The zombies are heavier than usual, but I take extra care to keep everything safe.
No. 490214 ID: 389f2b
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In fact, the majority of the month passes with little happening. I have another fling or two with Malcolm, thought tension between him and Ratchet is a little scary. They've both taken a protective, possessive means about me, though Malcolm seems to be the most in command of keeping me. I think I'm okay with that. It's not like I plan with sleeping with another dude every other week.

Another survivor showed up, thought she's little use other than watching the kids. It at least allows Ursa to get out and help me clear the streets. The mobs that appear back every morning are getting thicker by the days, so help is much needed. She also cleans up car wrecks and helps clear out buildings to secure them.

Despite our efforts...The yellow zones are steadily becoming red again. It's becoming hard enough to keep our area safe.
No. 490216 ID: 389f2b

It's probably a good idea to be more careful around Ratchet, though I'm sure you've got that covered. What's the new recruit like?
No. 490217 ID: 389f2b
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It's the next week after the month passes-no one ever kept track of what day it was-when something odd happens.

It's the morning, and I'm out going after mobs. But it's....empty. And then I see one zombie. It's laying face down, unmoving. I see no damage to the head, but it's not even squirming a little or appearing to breath. I am about to creep up to it when something weirder happens...
No. 490218 ID: 389f2b
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There's a POP noise. Purple smoke bursts through a window, and I hear coughing.

Part of me wants to burst in and pull out whoever sounds obviously not undead, but another part is suspicious of the smoke and seemingly dead zombie, which didn't even stir at the noise.

Give me some logic to work off, guys-I'm learning to like your ideas.
No. 490219 ID: 389f2b

Go pull them out but make sure you're prepared if that zombie isn't as dead as he seems.
No. 490221 ID: 908c2d

Odd Zombie behavior, and suspicious colored smoke aren't good things at all.

Some kind of evolution? A zombie with psychic stuff, or astral projection? It's possible, I mean, that's kind of what you/us/Mal had/has.

Best course of action is to make sure that zombie is dead, then try and help the person inside. Avoid breathing the smoke. Or coming into contact with it, if possible.

Be prepared in case the zombie to be faking and a lot tougher than you might expect, for the smoke to be hostile and/or mobile, and/or for the person inside to actually be a horrible monster or something. If any of these things happen, you can't afford to be surprised.

[to Mal]
Hey, Sam's got some weird possibly magic zombie situation over here. We might need you, Mr. Spooky Powers Pants.
[back to Sam]
No. 490260 ID: 389f2b

I think we may know what´s happening, but we gotta talk about it [To Mal] Hey butt hole is that you killing Zombels? We're seeing weird smoke and dead-but-not-hurt-zombies. Fill us in on what it is if it's not you using magic tumor powers
No. 490261 ID: 389f2b
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Before I move to rescue, I stop at the zombie. I first nudge it with my foot-it has no response. I clap my hands lightly, and yet nothing. To take no chances, I still sever it's head.
No. 490263 ID: 389f2b
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...I look through the window, holding my breath.

There's a small girl with her back turned to me.

Should I call out to her, or just go ahead and grab her out of there? She also appears to be mumbling to herself.
No. 490276 ID: 78c6ea

Oh god it's the devil incarnate! We are so sorry for unleashing this monster on your world!
No. 490278 ID: 908c2d

Oh, dammit, that's Isa.

Look, don't ask us how we know this, but she's a spellcaster (yes, magic, or something like it is real. Zombies, sentient tumors, telekinesis, get used to it), and she serves the god of disaster (or she used to. No idea what she's up to now). In all likelyhood, the mumbling and the smoke mean she's casting something.

Depending on what she's casting, it's either a good idea to stop her (if she's still serving the god of disaster, that's probably why the zombie encroachments have been getting worse), or get the hell out of the way.

[switch to Mal]
Sam's found a goddamn honest to god spellcaster over here. Possibly with divine backing. She could probably use your backup.
[Switch to Sam]
No. 490327 ID: 389f2b
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[Communication with others has been cut off! A powerful, magical field seems to be pressing against the attempts to switch minds. However, the same force seems to have restricted Mal back to Sam's mind, his presence obvious and strong]

..F-fuck! A sudden splitting headache. I nearly collapse as I hear his voice, my ears ringing angrily.

..What the fuck? Why am I back here?!

I ignore him, and stagger back to a good footing on the window. The girl still hasn't noticed me, but I call out to her.

"L-little girl! What are you doing?"
No. 490330 ID: 389f2b
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She stops her muttering and glances over. Her face contorts into that of annoyance.

>"MORTAL! You dare call me 'little girl'? Have you ANY IDEA of who I am, and the power I hold!?"

I don't respond because WOW headache, and I'm not quite sure what to make of how she's acting. She can't be more than 13 years old..

>"So I see you've got no idea...I'll tell you, then, and proceed to make you my minion...

>"I am..."
No. 490332 ID: 389f2b
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No. 490346 ID: 908c2d

Well, fuck you too, Isa.

Guys, she's a spellcaster making zombies, and she's a direct threat to us. Take her down.

Sam, shoot her.

Mal, do whatever freaky power things you can to kill her. She's on the menu.

[Private channel to just Mal]
Obviously, be careful of the appearance you take on while doing this.
No. 490351 ID: 91c1b3

Tell her that she should have followed her own headvoices advice. (if she pauses at that, don't shoot her, she can be reasoned with) She probably got her whole family killed just because she wanted power. Is this what she had planned? To kill indiscriminately to please the god of destruction?
No. 490358 ID: 908c2d

...if we're going to try talking her down, throw her off with information. For one, her name is Isa.
No. 490361 ID: 389f2b
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I don't understand what's going on but...I'll listen to what you tell me to do.

...Goddess of the Undead? ..O-oh my god. I remember now.

I don't have time to listen your fucking babble, Mal.

"Isa! You should have listened to your own heahvoices. You probably got your whole family killed for power..."

She stops, and frowns at me.

>"How do you...--"
No. 490364 ID: 389f2b
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>"Alice, hun! Disaster sent me right to you. Said you've got some special properties: The tumors! They must have been connected to the stone, blah blah blah, all that jazz. Of course you have NOOOOO clue what I'm talking about. Oh my gosh!!!! You've got a magical tumor, too, don't you? LEMME TALK TO HIM."

She's suddenly a hyperactive ball of happiness and friendship. I'm so confused, my head hurts, and she called me Alice.

"My name is S-"


His voice projects to both of us, but I see nothing.

I see now..There was a lock on my memories. I remember what happened. I am truly honored to be given life...And to be able to see the care of my soon-to-be son, prince of this new land.


Goddess Isa, in this world I am known as Mal...Or to the mortals, Malcolm.


>"Ahhhaaaa! Mal, Malcolm, I get it! I'm glad to see you followed your instincts. So sorry for such a rude introduction, threatening to make you my minion, Alice. You should have just said you were carrying the prince!"

No. 490368 ID: 908c2d

...damnit, I knew you should have just shot her. Mal, where's your murder happy when we need it?
No. 490369 ID: 91c1b3

...fuck, he's still here. I guess we were wrong. I'm truly sorry.

You apparently slept with a god of destruction/yourself somehow. That probably isn't good. Ask Isa what the fuck is going on.
No. 490371 ID: 91c1b3

>soon-to-be son
Oh fuck no.
No. 490395 ID: e1a3d2

No. 490397 ID: 389f2b
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>"..Oh man Alice are you alright? You look REALLY freaked out."

"...H-how...He's just a tumor...how can I..?"

>"OOH the whole baby thing. See, all the others got an opposite gender manifestation tied to their soul that would protect them until a child was born-a child that the manifestation gave them. All children of a dead parents. But you and Malcolm...He IS you, but he ISN'T...like...he's got crazy magic powers. None of the others do. It only worked because of a few teeny tiny dead cancer cells left in your brain...it was just enough to work with."

Mal rips with laughter in my mind.

Sam, Sam, Sam! Or, Alice..Oh my, despite my nonliving state in that time, I can access the memories...What was his name? Jackson? I'd say that Ratchet fellow is just like him, but worse in some ways. You're luck you've got me to protect you.

>"Malcolm, be nice! I know you weren't made to be nice, but you've got a legacy. You must see Alice through to making sure her child understands HIS legacy. Then, I don't care what you do with her. Another...10 years, I'd say?"

I should have brought my shotgun
I'd shoot her and then myself
I feel disgusting and hideous

I remember now
All of it

I went through so much healing..
And now I have a true monster in me

I just
I slept with Mal...

d-did you guys...know...?
No. 490398 ID: f2c20c

We knew Malcom was Mal, but he said he wasn't interested in you, then went and seduced you before we realized what was happening.

Generally we've been trying to get Mal to behave himself and use his power to kill things that need killing. Zombies, evil men, that sort of thing.
No. 490403 ID: 908c2d

We knew Mal was Malcom. Which we were sort of okay with, because he was actually stated to get emotions and act like a person while trying to hide from you.

But... then he slept with you. Honestly, I would have screamed for you not to sleep with him, but we weren't in your head at the time, and we couldn't switch to you in time. (Hormones kept us out?). Then we didn't know what the fuck to do.

We didn't know all this magic shit was connected to you or Mal, either. We met Isa once... but that was a long time ago. Before the zombies came, and the world ended.
No. 490406 ID: 78c6ea

Well this is awkward. Mal's child is supposed to have a legacy, besides being dinner?

I can't believe you forgot the shotgun.
No. 490526 ID: 8ebb5c

You guys we need to calm down or Alice is gonna do some rash. We need to find some way to keep her sain, it was bad enough when she found out Mal was inside her, now she's carrying his baby. Alice if you can keep a cool head and maybe relax we can explain while Isa protects us. Can you talk to Isa to let her know we need a minute or twenty to take this in?
No. 490534 ID: 389f2b
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Don't call me Alice. Alice is dead-no more. I am Sam now. Sam is strong. No one shoves Sam around...I am fucking SAMANTHA and not some weakass blubbering anorexic depressed girl named Alice.

"My name is Sam, actually. And I never agreed to this. I'm...much different than the girl you knew when this all happened. I refuse to bear the 'prince' of this world. I'll keep the mortal race alive. I'll kill those who oppose my will. I'll kill Mal...And then I'll kill you."

She laughs, not seeming daunted by my attempt to be imposing.

>"The voices are trying to make you act like this, aren't they? Always goodey-two-shoes. It doesn't matter what you want. I'm a GODDESS now. I was a follower of Destruction when we first encountered..Now I have unlimited power. You're lucky I'm patient now, letting you go the whole 9 months instead of making the child ready to birth right now."

She studies me up and down.

>"I will give you a one time generous offer, Sam. Join me, and you'll live a life of prosperity. You could have anything you ever wanted, even live in a dream world where none of this ever happened. You could have lived happily with that man you found, who treated you soooo nice. You can have riches and love and happiness, see all your friends and those you finally considered happiness. You could forget all of this happened...Maybe even dear Jasmine and Axel could be there! OOOORRRR....You could birth a child monster and raise him alongside Mal and I with all the others and teach him to be king of this world who has no mercy, and then become his royal meal when he IS appointed King, alongside with anyone you ever loved. Your choice."

...I-I...Don't want to pick...Both are so..Terrible in their own way..
No. 490536 ID: 908c2d

>experienced zombie hunter
>went out without her gun

The choice is immaterial. Both are death. All she's asking is how guilded you'd like your cage / coffin to be.

Really, the only appropriate response is "Fuck You". Punctuated with a gunshot. [Use freaky tumor magic to apport Sam's gun to her hands]

Hey, Mal? Thought for you. You really want to serve this little bitch? Live in a world of undead? If you ever wanted to live in a world populated by people, she's in your way. And she's kind of treating Sam like shit. You do care about Sam in some way, don't you? And there's no reason your child need to raised to this upstart's wishes.

And there has to be that nagging thought in the back of your mind. If killing the living puts you on top of the world... what does killing a god feel like? Maybe you really would be unstoppable. Maybe you really would be able to do anything. Maybe you'd really be a god yourself.

Doooo eeeeet.
No. 490538 ID: 91c1b3

You also have option 3, which is take no shit and try to kill her anyway. I kinda doubt that she can cast magic as fast as you can stab her if she is close. If she does kill you, then Mal and the demi baby are gone too.
No. 490539 ID: 389f2b
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The thing is..I think she might have really started all of this. She's got such an aura of power..Even Mal is bowing to her will.

She is as powerful as you think, Sam. Even moreso. She is not joking that she is a Goddess. She no longer serves Destruction-though they do work together in terms of starting this world. The other Gods have lost hope and have turned their back to us to start new worlds without the malice that came to this one. She is small and childish....But do not under estimate her. She will not kill you no matter what you try-you carry a powerful child.

I would attempt to shoot her, but it seems you guys don't have the same magic powers as Mal. I don't know why..but whatever is happening right now can't be decided so rash. I need time. I'll keep stalling my choice.

Smart choice. As for betraying her...She feeds my life. She feeds the magic that keeps me and the zombies alive. Where zombies are killable, I am only able to die in two ways. I will not tell you the second, as it would help your cause and...I would rather be alive. But the one way you already know is death through Sam. And I intend to keep her alive as long as Goddess Isa wishes. In the future, the perfect future, everyone will be a form of undead-I'm sure I will get the honor of killing those who do not comply to the law. They will not be like zombies, but more like...me. My genetics will run through every royal line. As will Sam's-the perfect combination of life and death. It will be a world of magic. Maybe if I please Isa enough, she will grant me a body...and when Sam dies, I shall live on.

.."Isa, please give me time to think. This is much too fast for me, and I can't think straight."

>"Very well! You've got 8 months-the day you give birth is the last day you have to think about all of this."
No. 490541 ID: 91c1b3

Hey Mal, do we *have* to raise the kid to be a heartless bastard, or would you be willing to let us (you/sam/maybe a bit of us) raise him to think like you do now? (killing occasionally, not wanting absolute tyranny, enjoying peoples company to some extent? Other than killing that one guy who wanted to die, you ended up pretty cool.)
No. 490570 ID: 389f2b
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Mal suddenly materializes, thankfully in his old form. I don't think I could have handled seeing him as Malcolm right now.

I don't know. I'll be in constant contact with Isa, I suppose-it all depends on what she wants. Being the prince, he'll have to be raised with perfection.

>"He needn't be some monstrous dictator, if that is what you are discussing. Just the means to rule this land and the will to serve my command! I won't ask for TOO much. War against the rebels, severe punishment for disobeying the law, that jazz."

I reply with a nod, not sure what to think.

>"You better get back to whatever you were doing. I'll keep the majority of zombies away from you, and cast a spell of protection-they won't attack you."
No. 490734 ID: b6edd6

Is there a way we can summon Isa up if we want to talk to her?

By the way Mal, do you have any actual reason to believe Isa won't just feed you to her prince along with Sam? You are sure she will, but you are also sure she will give you the job of punishing criminals, and she has outright stated that she is giving that job to her prince instead of you. Your talk of "I'm sure" and "maybe if I please her" makes it sound like she hasn't even tried to tell you that you are anything more than a disposable pawn in her plans. If you ask her now, of course, she will probably tell you whatever stories it takes to buy your obedience. Perhaps if you ask nicely enough, she will even give you a nice little dream world to inhabit while your time in reality slips away.
No. 490814 ID: 389f2b
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I could summon her by magical means. At least, talk to her telepathically, as I'm sure Sam could if she wished.

I do not believe that she will destroy me. I am...her special creature. She listens to what I say to you as well-I believe she honors my loyalty to her. As she had the kindness to create me...If my time to die comes, and it is by her hand, I will gladly take my demise.

>"Stop acting all serious, Mal! You're making me blush."
No. 490918 ID: 389f2b
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The call echoes through the empty streets.

>"oops! Musta' kept you two for too long. Go on back, then! No telling about me, unless you have some eagerly made servants to give me!" Isa laughs.

..And then she's gone, out of no where.

Mal falls into his Malcolm form.

>"Well then, darling, lets get back and see what's up, shall we?"
No. 491122 ID: 389f2b

Well, what now? I guess you need time to absorb this, take everything in. We promise we didn't know this would happen, we just told you Mal had died to stop im from hurt you or anyone else -I guess that kinda back fired now though. Anyone else remember when I was ranting about how this was gonna come back to bite us?
No. 491124 ID: 0b7fa2

I think I'll join this wagon now, and say what the certifiable fuck. That is a lot to take in. I think you should go and meditate on this.
No. 491379 ID: 389f2b
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No. 491395 ID: 440525

Pretty screwed up stuff.
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