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465765 No. 465765 ID: 09a2fd

Rina isn't feeling too good. It started as a pretty fun night, and she hated to just walk off on the commotion. It was her best friend's graduation after all. It also wouldn't look too good on her since she's the one that made the effort to reach out to everyone to join the celebration in the first place.

Rasha enters the room.

"Rina?" he says. Rina turns her head at him, offering a fake smile. "Are you alright?" Rina just nods. "Girl, the party's out there! C'mon. We're just getting started here." Rina just scratches the back of her neck.

"I'll be out in a minute," Rina replies.

"What are you doing in here anyway?" Rasha questions. Rina sighs. She doesn't really like it when Rasha gets nosy, but then again, Rina does not really know what she's doing in the storage room of all places. "You sure you're alright?" Rasha asks.
238 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 481682 ID: ec6d4c

...I don't suppose the magic of fractions option works here?
No. 481687 ID: 09a2fd
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"No, Leon, wait," Rina says slowly. "Nysindra. She merged with Harry...could he be - "

All eyes suddenly look toward a stirring and groaning spirit near Nysindra.
No. 481688 ID: 57a559

Harry man, your body's fucked up. You aren't going back to it, obviously. Could you be a bro here and lend us your lifeforce? I mean it was just going to go away anyway. And plus, well, if there's an afterlife based on how good you are or how many times and what ways you redeemed yourself, I think saving a life at the cost of your own is a super redeeming thing to do.

He doesn't have to rot in a hell equivalent now, and he can die with some form of peace at least.
No. 481695 ID: 09a2fd
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"Harry..." Rina says, struggling to raise her head. Harry's eyes snap open, looking directly at Rina. He dashes over to her and falls onto his knees.

"Rina! Oh no, Rina. What did she do to you!? No, how could this happen??" he's even more frantic than Leon.

"I...am not certain who this friend of yours is, but he seems to have been possessed by Nysindra. When She absorbed me out of you, She could have also absorbed your life and it may have leaked into his spirit," the Light explains. Harry whirls at her.

"This is not my life! It's not mine to keep! I don't deserve it! Please, help me give it back to Rina!" The Light nods. Without hesitation, she merges into Harry's body. Gradually, his glow begins to disappear and Rina feels something filling her. She suddenly feels a tremendous force in her chest and rises up, gasping loudly.

"Rina! Oh my God! I can't believe it!" Leon shouts with joy, choking back in tears as he embraces his sister. Glade does the same and the spirits around them cheer and woop in delight. The Light reappears to the side, looking down at them and chuckling warmly.

"This is good," the Light says. She looks up to the empty firmament. "We're all set to break free. Is everyone prepared?"
No. 481707 ID: d4ad1a

Thank Harry. Be really sincere and stuff. Then yeah, we're good to go.
No. 482012 ID: 09a2fd
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"Harry," Rina starts, looking him directly in the eyes, "thank you. I mean it. Thank you so much," she says, trying to sound as sincere as possible.

Harry becomes bashful, scratching the back of his head.

"You deserve it, Rina. You inspired me you know. Not just back there at the altar, but when I first laid eyes on you. I..." he stops for a moment, seeming embarrassed, "well, everything about you inspires me. I don't think it's much to atone for what I did to you, but it will make me happy to see you alive and well."

"Fucking pathetic, just like the rest of you," Nysindra spits.

"I used to feel I was obliged to finish this ritual, but you opened my eyes, Rina. I realized I don't want this to go through. That may be the 'not crazy' part of me talking but..." he laughs.

"We should depart," the Light states. Nysindra wriggles underneath Moth, who is still firmly weighing over her. The Light looks back at Her. "Hmm. I was going to leave Her here so that she could be sent back to her world before the portal collapses, but I think Rina should decide on your fate."

"You're going to let a revolting creature FAR LOWER than we to make that sort of decision? You disgust me, Vayl."

"Rina," the Light turns to the vixen, "once we break through and fail the ritual, the portal conjured from the incident will close, and Nysindra's dimension will cease to exist in your world. Leaving Her here will ensure she gets sent back to the pits from where she came, but if you wish to take her along for the ride...well, she'll be stuck in a world she hates dearly. What do you want for Her?"
No. 482014 ID: 57a559

How much of a threat is she in the real world? She'll more than likely try to kill and torture people, innocent people if she comes home with us. It's an interesting torture, but she'll adapt and find a way to like it, again, by killing and torturing people. She'd have to be stuck in a body or form that is unable to do anything at all, including talking, because she'll probably coerce or brainwash somebody again into doing something to please her.

Unless we can send her to the care bears world, it's not worth bringing her home just for some false sense of justice that isn't going to serve anyone.

But I'm actually serious about the care bear thing, send her to a place opposite of her element if you can. Care bears, happiness, pleasure, whatever. Anywhere were she can't adapt and cause any suffering whatsoever. Otherwise leave her here.
No. 482049 ID: d4ad1a

This man knows what he's talking about.
No. 483938 ID: 09a2fd
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"What about a place of happiness? A place where She can't do anything? If we let her back into our world, wouldn't she be able to cause more torture and pain? Couldn't she brainwash someone else to do her bidding?" Rina asks.

"Interesting approach, Rina. Back then, She was able to attack you because she was filled with US. We gave Her the strength She had. But you are right about coercion. As for a 'world of happiness'." The Light gazes over to the spirits. "In my realm, there are pockets unique to each individual soul. A small part of my realm is given to them so that they may fulfill their deepest desires. But it doesn't come automatically, no."

"Atonement," the mangled spirit utters. "But do we even deserve it?"

"Everyone has a chance at atonement. Those acts you haven't atoned for when you had flesh can still be washed away. Heinous acts you've committed as a spirit count as well. You most definitely have something you need to atone for, yes?" The spirit looks downward, seeming forlorn. "A male raccoon and his family waits. But I'll leave that for now. Rina, every spirit must make a hard journey to reach total atonement. What I'm getting at is that if Nysindra were to reside with me, She could very much see the spirits' toil and find joy in such a thing."

"You're damn right I would," Nysindra snaps.

"But once again, it's up to you."
No. 484010 ID: 8042f4

If Nysindra was left here (which would banish her back to her own plane) would the spirits still have a chance to atone? If they still can, she should be sent back to where she came from; because a person's deepest desire may be corrupted.(love into lust, friendly rivalry into bitter competition, etc.) If they can only seek redemption while she is in light's realm; I think it is worth the risk that she might influence others. After all, they fought her in the end.
No. 484015 ID: 57a559

The toil will end eventually? Correct? She will have satisfaction for a time, and then nothing for eternity? Sounds like what happens to the souls of the evil on earth in Christian beliefs, short bits of demented happiness here, then death, then eternal suffering or nothingness.

Sounds good. Again, only if she is unable to do anything whatsoever. No interaction, no powers, no nothing. She may only watch. Forever.
No. 484710 ID: 25e59d
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"If Nysindra is sent back to her world, would the spirits still have a chance to atone?" Rina asks.

"Of course. Every spirit that passes has the ability to travel down the road to redemption."

"Wouldn't Nysindra be able to corrupt one's desires? Like love into lust?"

"In the afterlife, desires do not have to have any bounds or limits. There are no levels of corruption, and a spirit is left to his own small pocket in the realm, where no other can be disturbed. Nysindra won't be able to do much of anything. With that..." the Light looks over to Nysindra, "I think it'd be good for her to accompany us. Do you agree?"

Rina nods, smirking. Suddenly, she feels a pulling force toward the Light. Spirits all around start to be sucked into the Light, merging with her entity. As more of the spirits fill her, the more the light aura around her brightens. Rina herself eventually succumbs to the suction, her vision being clouded by a blinding light.

Once all the spirits have been absorbed, the Light gazes at Nysindra.

"Ready for a little trip?" she asks mockingly. Nysindra screeches angrily.

"Get the fuck away from me! Leave me here, you bitch! You really want your pathetic little fleabags to suffer?! No! Piss off!" Nysindra wriggles violently. Moth grasps onto one of Her bony arms as the Light sits atop of his back. They rocket upward, the sky slowly cracking open. The Light's aura intensifies and the sky crumbles, letting white light flood in. Rina can see everything through the spirit's eyes.

It's incredible.
No. 484713 ID: 25e59d
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Rina wakes up, feeling absolutely terrible. But she is very much alive. She can hear birds chirping outside the chamber entrance.
No. 484714 ID: dd0019

Can you get up?
No. 484716 ID: df484e

Congratulations. You just saved the MOTHERFUCKING world.
No. 484789 ID: aeaf8a

Rina, you sure are a badass. I bet this'll make other stuff in your life a lot easier, in comparison. Relax. You've earned it.

Well, I mean, maybe we should first get out of here.
No. 484797 ID: 57a559

Something tells me this happens more often than it we think it does.
but yeah, saved the world.
Check on Glade, she seemed fine in the orb but that was probably her consciousness, who know what that's doing in a slightly fried brain right now. Unless the Light's presence healed it, which could have been the case.

Goddamn you all look like shit, let's get everyone to the hospital. The cop too. All we can do is pin this shit on Harry I suppose. If Glade isn't fully up to capacity, maybe the hospital has something, do a few brainscans. Pin that damage on the disease story we came up with, or discuss everything with the cop and come up with the best idea with him.

We have two cops fortunately that can back us up on crazy bullshit.
No. 484798 ID: 57a559

oh fuck that reminds me look around the cops leg they can reattach if it wasn't damaged too much.
No. 484854 ID: c7b3ee

It is the first day of the rest if your life Rina.

Let's go geocaching.
No. 484867 ID: 78c6ea
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No. 485294 ID: 25e59d
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Rina feels very stiff. She struggles to lift herself. Rina finds Leon and Glade stirring near her.

"Rina!" She looks forward and finds Rasha limping towards her.
No. 485324 ID: a744c3

hug rasha
No. 485377 ID: c7b3ee


Perhaps there is still reason for caution. Who knows what is real and what is not at this point.

Be defensive.
No. 485394 ID: 78c6ea

No. 485396 ID: 68bbc5

The glue speaks true.

Let's not throw away all sense of caution just because Nysindra appears to have been defeated.
This could be one final trick left behind.

Approach defensively. Confirm it's really her before commencing with the hugging.
No. 485683 ID: 25e59d
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> Be defensive.

No. 485723 ID: 25e59d
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After they retract from the hug, Rasha explains, "Rina, the policeman's awake. He's in serious pain, but I was able to find his shirt and radio and we called in some help. He said he'd be okay on his own so I came to assist. What's going on? Are you hurt?"
No. 485730 ID: 57a559

Yeah, bruised but alive, did you find his leg anywhere? We just kind of had a big spirit battle in a tiny orb of souls and got Nysindra imprisoned in what I guess is Heaven for eternity with the help of Moth's master. Harry's dead. Gave up his life energy for Rina's, as some kind of attempted redemption for the horrible things he did here.
Can we go to a hospital now? Glade's in an especially bad way and we'd like to minimize long-term damage. Her brain got a little fried kicking Nysindra out.
No. 485844 ID: 25e59d
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"Yeah. I'm pretty fucked up," Rina says, laughing weakly. "But I'm fine. Everything's fine. It's done." Rasha gazes at her in several seconds of silence.

"Really? Um...wow. I guess I can say I missed out on the party?" Rasha laughs as well. Rina shakes her head.

"It was a bit of a struggle, but it's done with."

"What about those weird spirit things? What about - "

"Rasha, it's okay. Just don't worry about it. Everything's back to normal." Rasha sighs and grins, hugging Rina again.

"Rina!" Leon calls out from behind. Rina eyes him and Glade, the wolf looking particularly confused. "It's your friend. When you touched the orb and fainted, she woke up and was acting all weird like she is now."

"We need to get to a hospital right now," Rina states. "This could be bad."

"Right now? Don't you think we should head back to Miles and wait a bit for reinforcements?" Rasha questions.
No. 485846 ID: 57a559

Why? The fight is over. Let's get Glade and everyone to the hospital. What is there even to get reinforcements for? We could wait for an ambulance, I suppose, but I'd rather just go now.

What does waiting get us?
No. 485909 ID: 25e59d
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Rina realizes that they don't have any means of transportation, and Rasha's sprained ankle wouldn't get him very far.

"Don't worry, Rina. He's requested an ambulance as well. They could take us to the hospital from here. C'mon, let's head back to Miles." Rina nods and, together, they exit the chamber.

No. 485910 ID: 25e59d
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"...who were they?"

"Shh shh. Just some friends, dear. Let's go now. We have someplace to be."
No. 485911 ID: 25e59d
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Rina's party return to Miles, who is looking very unwell, excluding his severed leg.

Rina asks, "Have you seen part of his leg around? If it's not mangled or anything they should be able to..."

Rasha shakes his head sadly. "No trace of it."

Miles speaks up, his voice hoarse. "They are going to meet outside the church. We need to get going. This isn't getting any better."

With that, Rasha assists Miles as he hops on his one leg. The party backtracks to the interior of the church and steps outside the double doors.

"Police! Put your hands behind your heads!"
No. 485939 ID: 7003a8

Do it.

Say absolutely nothing.
Let your ally that happens to be a maimed cop do all the talking.
No. 485976 ID: 78c6ea


no seriously, do what the cops say. Don't tell them anything until you get a lawyer though!
No. 486362 ID: 25e59d
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Before Rina can react, Miles pushes his way out the doors and hangs on to the wall.

"Officer Miles!" one of the squad members shouts out, dashing toward Miles and helping him. They go over to one of the police cars. Miles leans on the hood and growls loudly in pain.

"Listen everyone. Don't worry about those four. They have done nothing wrong," Miles announces. The police look at them in confusion.

"Miles, what has been going on? On our way here, we saw the sanitarium. It's chaos over there. Chief Brown is dead...and there's a nurse who's been killed too."

"All the fucked up things that've been going on...I might sound insane when I say this...but it's all some cultist magic bullshit. You have to believe me."

"Cultists??" The officers chatter in puzzlement.

"Yes. You guys need to stay behind. Look around the village. You're bound to find something about them and their practices."

"Did they do this to you?!" one of the officers sickly gazes at Miles's half leg.

"One of them. Yeah."

"Don't worry, Miles. An ambulance is coming right away!"

"I know." He looks up at Rina.

"They need to head over to the hospital as well," he states.

"Right. But what about the cultists you're talking about? Where are they?"

"Gone," Rina blurts out. The officers put their eyes on her. "It's taken care of. There's nothing to worry about anymore."

"We owe her and her friends our lives," Miles says. "I'll tell you guys everything. Just get me to that damn hospital asap."

"We will, bro. Just hang in there," one of the squad members assures him. Miles looks at Rina and winks. Rina nods back with a grin.
No. 486363 ID: 25e59d
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Eventually the ambulance shows up. Most of the police officers stay behind to investigate the village per Miles's request, while some follow the ambulance.
No. 486364 ID: 25e59d
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Back at the Locust Grove hospital. Rina can't believe she's here again. It feels like everything she's been through is just one big massive blur in her mind.

Glade and Rasha have already appointed themselves to a doctor. Rina reclines on a chair in the waiting room with Leon. Neither of them say anything to each other, pondering on the events that have led to this point.

A nurse walks by. "Miss? Are you Ms. Foxhart?"

Rina lazily turns her head to the nurse. "Yeah."

"Ma'am, are you sure you don't need medical attention yourself?"

"I'm sure, thanks." The nurse looks as if she wishes to question Rina, but puts it off and continues walking. Leon gazes over at Rina when the nurse is gone.

"You just need a bath then?" he says jokingly.

"Not as much as you," she retorts.

Rina wonders what she should do while waiting.
No. 486375 ID: 57a559

Go to the cafeteria
And eat the most delicious thing you can probably get your hands on here
It will probably be the fries. This is hospital food after all. Leon probably has a few bucks on him if you don't...
I just remembered your not wearing your old pants, so you can't possibly have your wallet. Then again, maybe you never had it during this entire adventure, so it's at your apartment. Maybe call your Mom and Dad?
Did you drive to the geocaching trip? How is your car? You probably have a lot of parking tickets.
No. 486471 ID: 25e59d
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Rina feels another violent twinge in her stomach that she's been trying to ignore for a while now. It is probably time to get some food in her.

"Leon, you hungry?" she asks her brother.

"Yeah. Food sounds good."

Together they head to the cafeteria. It's very nice. Very homey. Leon offers to order both him and Rina a meal, to which she is grateful.

Rina and Leon eat quietly, still pensive. Rina has never cared for the idea of keeping in touch with her parents, but after her many encounters with death, she feels a great urge to speak to them.

After finishing her meal, Rina tells Leon, "I'm going to make a phone call."

"Oh. Okay." With that, Rina gets up and goes to the nearest phone.
No. 486472 ID: 25e59d
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She dials her Dad's number, still somewhere in the back of her mind. It rings several times.

"Hello?" the familiar, warm voice of her father echoes from the phone.

"D-Dad?" Rina says.

"Rina? Is that you?"

"Yeah," Rina smiles, feeling the fur on the back of her neck stand. She hasn't talked to him in years. She fumbles for words. "Hey, uh, I just wanted to call you. I haven't done so in a while so um..."

"Ah. Ah! Rina, that's absolutely fine. Where are you?"

"I'm at Locust Grove. It's not far from Vinefield."

"What're you doin' there? Sorry if I'm nosy...I just don't know what my baby girl has been up to." Both of them chuckle. Rina wants to spill everything out, but at the same time she doesn't want to get into details of what happened. Her father is a good distance away and has no idea what's been going on, and Rina would rather leave it at that than worry him and talk about a bunch of crazy shit he probably wouldn't believe.

If not, what should she say next?
No. 486474 ID: 57a559

We're just here because of a long-winded geocache trip. Wanted to know more about how the parents were doing. Oh and we met up with Leon again. Unless you don't want to mention that. Leon might be a bad subject to bring up with your parents, but the easiest subject to talk about.

He might need help, a home. With what's all happened he might want to get clean. This call would have been a lot worse if Harry didn't have any of your lifeforce back in the orb and you had to take Leon's. You would have had to let your parents know then. This is a good opportunity for Leon to have his own second chance, if anything.

You could also talk about how things are with Rasha. Or school, or your career. Or ask your parents to relay a message to Glade's aunt and uncle about her health. Or not, since they don't care that much? OR maybe they do and whatever Glade's been telling you over the years was an overreaction to her parental abandonment?
No. 486546 ID: 66ff59

wait, wasn't she just raped? seeing a doctor could be important. STI, pregnancy and so on?

also, so was uncontentious for a while there, that usually means lasting damage. you might want to check up with your doctor.

seriously, not going to the doctor is just reckless bravado at this point
No. 486549 ID: 91c1b3

If you think that bit below your eye will scar, you might want to tell him that you fell and got a bit scratched up.
No. 486765 ID: 25e59d
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> wait, wasn't she just raped? seeing a doctor could be important. STI, pregnancy and so on?

That's is definitely something to consider. Rina will have to remember that. She cannot believe she forgot about something like that. Although, she has been on the pill, so she'll try a pregnancy test to make sure.

"I'm, uh, at the hospital. You see, I went on a geocaching trip and had a bad fall."

"Wow, I hope it wasn't too bad."

"Just a few deep cuts and a concussion."

"No broken bones? Thank goodness. Well, I'm glad you're doing fine, Rina."

"Heh, yeah..." Rina swallows, working up the nerve to talk about Leon. "Uh, Dad? I think Leon might need a little help." He doesn't reply. "He wants to get clean. He wants a second chance, but he would look toward you and - "

"Rina. It's alright. Don't be afraid to speak about your brother. I haven't heard from him almost as long as you, but I know why." He sighs and continues. "I'm very happy you care for your brother, despite what he's put himself through. It's just...it's been a hard time, you know? He's arrogant. Hot-headed. He refuses to keep in touch. Rina, is he scared?"

"I...think so."

"We don't think we've been bad parents. We've put a lot into funding Leon's schooling." Rina scratches her neck, feeling itchy and hot. She understands where her Dad is coming from. "We've tried to help him, but he turned us down. That's what got me the most."

Rina wants to reassure her father. Leon living through the incident felt like a second chance has been given to him, and she doesn't want to just turn him away, even if he has already done so to her family.
No. 486782 ID: 57a559

If Leon ever hopes to get clean, he has to fix his bridges though. He's managed to fix the bridge with you, at least. You can tell your father that. He helped you a bit with the geocaching accident. Helped Glade too.

If there's any hope for Leon whatsoever, he's going to need your parents' forgiveness. Fix the bridges, so to speak. Both ways. There's a chance for everything to be stable again. This is family we're talking about. That's a gamble always worth going for. Far moreso than a college education.

He's just got to be ready for change I suppose. Maybe it's now. Would he like to talk to your father? We can convince him to talk on the phone at least. Just ask him if he'd like everything to get better again, with the family. We shouldn't just talk behind his back like this, make the decision for him.
No. 486785 ID: 78c6ea

Forgiveness is fine and dandy but could he please please please please please please pleeeeeeease not ask for money?
No. 486800 ID: 57a559

Oh, small detail but kinda important
>Although, she has been on the pill, so she'll try a pregnancy test to make sure.

You've been too busy to have taken the pill these last few days, it's not going to work until you get back into the routine again, I think. You've been at risk this entire adventure, basically. Good thing you haven't had desperate I-might-die-tomorrow sex with Rasha, otherwise we get a confusing "who's the father" issue and almost throws abortion out the window, well, depending on either of you or Rasha's thoughts about that.

Best thought I can think of is asking doctors here about a decent morning after pill. Thanks to sex education in the states, however, and the government qualifying that as a form of abortion for some godawful reason, public schools can't talk about it in-depth, so I have no idea of the health issues with them. They're practically either scams or wonderous get-out-of-fucked-situations free cards from my perspective, and you can't look up this shit on the internet, it's full of retards.
No. 487144 ID: 25e59d
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> Best thought I can think of is asking doctors here about a decent morning after pill.

Rina's always been a bit hesitant to take one of those for some reason, but until she takes the test, she won't just jump into it.

"But, Dad, we can't just give up on him. Can't you give him another chance? He's been really helpful lately. He's helped me after that geocaching accident. He also helped my friend, Glade. Can't you forgive him this one time? He really regrets everything he's done."

"Rina...I - "

"Just a moment, Dad." Rina turns around to see Leon ambling toward her nervously.

"Is that," Leon doesn't need to finish as Rina nods her head. "Can I talk to him?"

"Dad, do you want to talk to Leon?" Rina asks. Her father pauses for a moment. "Sure. Sure, Rina, thanks."

"I love you. I'll call you back soon."

"I love you too." Rina gives the phone to Leon. He takes it and Rina immediately walks back to the cafeteria.

"Dad - " she hears Leon say before his voice becomes inaudible. She sits down on a chair close to the doorway.
No. 487146 ID: 25e59d
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Shortly after, Rasha and Glade walk into the cafeteria.

"Rina!" Rasha waves at her. Rina sees he has an ankle brace. Glade also looks as confused as before.

"They told me to keep off it as long as possible and to get some rest. Glade though..." he looks at the wolf, who seems dazed by the television propped against the corner. "Well, they did a quick brain scan or something and there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it! But they're saying she may have got a bit of amnesia that may take a bit to recover."
No. 487155 ID: 57a559

Ask Glade to talk. To say anything. I want to know how far this amnesia goes.
I find that a little weird, considering she remembered you in the orb space. It's weird because you carried all the knowledge you had on you into the orb. And then she's missing it all over again in the real world.
No. 487186 ID: c6319f

A pregnancy test wont give you a result soon enough for a morning after pill to function. Detecting pregnancy is impossible before a fertilized egg has implanted on the uterine lining and even then hormone levels take weeks to build to conclusive levels. Morning after pills function by preventing implantation, they are a form of contraceptive and prevent pregnancy from occurring. Measures taken after implantation would be considered abortion. Just get the damn pill so you don't have to worry about it or take chances.
No. 487350 ID: 25e59d
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> A pregnancy test wont give you a result soon enough for a morning after pill to function.

Right. Rina's never had to deal with this before since taking the pill coupled with Rasha always using protection. It would probably be best to get her hands on one of those morning after pills.

> Ask Glade to talk. To say anything.

Glade eyes Rina and seems to blush. She scoots behind Rasha timidly. Rina is speechless for a moment.

"Glade? Do you remember me?" she doesn't respond.

"Yeah...they may have missed something, I think. They do want to see her again though. They may hook her up with a therapist too."
No. 487409 ID: 57a559

That's going to be nasty on the bills. Goddamn, none of us have any real health insurance, do we? Your parents can help with yours, and maybe Rasha's if they don't help out, but Glade's going to have the biggest bill of you all and she doesn't have any resources to cover this, we don't even know if she can function at all in a job, and health insurance plans don't cover friends. Now if you could get married, like, maybe. Depends on the state your in.
Okay, that's all I can think of to worry about right now. Maybe you should get yourself checked out now.
No. 487662 ID: 25e59d
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> Your parents can help with yours, and maybe Rasha's if they don't help out, but Glade's going to have the biggest bill of you all and she doesn't have any resources to cover this, we don't even know if she can function at all in a job, and health insurance plans don't cover friends.

Rina's parents would definitely be able to help with her bill. Rasha and Glade would be able to take care of themselves, especially Glade, since her relatives are actually quite wealthy.

"I'll be back, guys. I need to speak to a doctor." Rina gets up and leads herself to a pharmacy where she asks for a morning-after pill. The process is fairly simple and she acquires it with no hassle. She also makes an appointment to see if she has contracted any sort of disease.

As she heads back to the lobby, she sees that Leon has finished talking to Dad. He looks excited and beams when he eyes Rina. Rina smiles, expecting good news.

"Rina, he'll do it! He'll help me out! He even wants me to live with him!"
No. 487680 ID: 91c1b3

Nice, hopefully he can keep his life on track this time.
No. 487689 ID: fd3a92

No. 487712 ID: 66ff59

you had to say it, didn't you. you just had to say it.
No. 487719 ID: 25e59d
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Rina gives Leon a big hug.

"That's great, Leon," she says.

"I can't believe it. After how disrespectful I've been!"

"I let him know you were willing, and I believe in you."

"Thank you so much, Rina." With that, the gang rounds up and takes their leave. Rina eyes another television propped up against a ceiling corner as they make their way to the exit.

"...grisly murders have followed in merely a day. The victims included nurse Janice Carson, who had been previously accused of unauthorized euthanasia toward a sanitarium patient, Chief of Locust Grove police Mr. Jay Briar, and lastly, a professor of the University of Vinefield, Mr. David Farrow. Police forces have speculated a cult may be the doing of these murders, and although the cult itself hasn't been found, police have uncovered a village nestled deep in Locust Grove forestlands where injured officer Jack Miles was recovered as well as several young adults. Thanks to Officer Miles's testimonies, the police have revealed a plethora of information related to the cult and its practices."
No. 487721 ID: 25e59d
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A couple months pass and life seems to have taken a turn for the better. Leon caught his flight a couple weeks ago. He'll be attending a college over where Dad lives, so he will be able to stay close to his parents. It may have been the separation that caused him to take the bad turn in his life.

Glade is back at her home doing well. She is slowly but surely beginning to remember things again, and as Rina expected, her relatives were nice enough to handle her bills. Now that Glade graduated, she is trying to pursue a career as a hair stylist/groomer.

Rasha has become a lot more social, making new friends and gradually losing his intense dependency on Rina.

Miles is recovering steadily and successfully persuaded the force to believe Rina and her friends were not the cause of the murders and instead helped to stop the cultists from their plans.

Rina herself is trying to get back to her normal life, catching up with school work and maintaining her job as a waitress. She has also been diagnosed as being clean of any diseases following her doctor appointment.

Today is her day off and she's trying to remember a task she had been putting off for this day...
No. 487737 ID: 78c6ea


Disbelieve the True Illusion
No. 487753 ID: 57a559

Sadie Hawkin's style propose to Rasha?
No. 487816 ID: 25e59d
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> Sadie Hawkin's style propose to Rasha?

No, that's not it. At least, not yet.

Rina goes to the kitchen, hoping something will come to mind as she randomly looks about.

"Ugghh...what was it??"
No. 487817 ID: 695191

Check out the notes on the fridge, maybe one of them is related.
No. 487831 ID: c7b3ee

You forgot to aggressively shag Rasha's hot rabbit body before getting up.
No. 487834 ID: 91c1b3

Of course, the microwave!
No. 487886 ID: e6888a

Jeez girl, you sure are fit.
No. 487907 ID: a5478c

someone's birthday, perhaps?
No. 488271 ID: 25e59d
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Rina plucks one of the sticky notes from the fridge.

"Ah, groceries!" Rina says, snapping her finger.

"Groceries?" Rasha emerges from the corner behind Rina. "You goin' now?"

"Well, after breakfast," Rina replies with a smile.

"I might as well go too. How about I drive?"

"Fine with me. I'll whip up something awesome for us both in the meantime," Rina states with a wink.
No. 488272 ID: 25e59d
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"Oh, right. I got something in the mail today. Thought you might be interested in it since I know you like outdoors activities," says Rasha.
No. 488273 ID: 25e59d
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No. 488278 ID: 78c6ea

Time to kill Rasha
No. 488325 ID: 66ff59

sounds like fun! what could possibly go wrong!?
No. 488338 ID: c6319f

No. 488342 ID: 37aa84

Laugh, give him a playful swat and tell him he's an asshole.
No. 488343 ID: 57a559

You really should just go
I mean, what if there really is another god you have to deal with? THe solution here simply is to just get the box filled with the cult artifact, run away and throw it into the fucking ocean. Surround it with fucking chains and lock that shit.

Then again, the cult artifact might be the god of pleasure and happiness for all we know and actually want to help mankind, so... I guess we open the box and solve all the problems again if there is any. Do you have any other friends with personal problems that can be fixed like Rasha and Leon's were? Maybe some of Rasha's friends he hangs out with? Shit son, go down to a rehab clinic, get a crack addict out to do this shit with you and watch what happens. And this time, NOT trust any convicted criminals that may or may not be in the same clinic.
No. 488360 ID: 25e59d
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Rina playfully jabs Rasha on the arm.

"You asshole!" she shouts. They both laugh.
No. 488361 ID: 25e59d
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No. 488366 ID: 134793

Cool. Moth's got our back.

I think everything's alright. Really. We can unclench our buttholes here.
No. 488369 ID: 62496e

Was this supposed to be animated, or are you just fucking with us?
No. 488537 ID: 25e59d
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"Whoa!" Rasha hits the brakes.

"What? What??"

"Don't you see him? Over there." Rina eventually does catch the figure standing behind the hills. It's Moth. "Uh...what should we do?"
No. 488542 ID: 91c1b3

Wait for a second. If he doesn't come closer, wave. (thanks/goodbye wave)
No. 488556 ID: 908c2d

Get out of the car and see what's up, obviously.
No. 488563 ID: 57a559

You should buy him a beer. Or two. He doesn't have to just stare all the time. Come on, bro, let's chill, drink beer and play video games or watch anthro Nic Cage movies.
Or ask him if this poster is actually another one of those geocaching trips and we should team up again.
No. 488584 ID: 25e59d
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Rina starts to exit the car until Rasha grabs her arm.


"What? Rasha, he's a friend!"

"Okay, yeah. Sorry. It's just...be careful, okay?" Rasha says. Rina gently pulls her arm away.

"It'll be alright," she says assuringly. Rina walks up to the Moth. They look at each other for a few moments.

"Hey," Rina greets him.
No. 488585 ID: 25e59d
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The Moth unfurls his wing a bit and reveals something.
No. 488596 ID: 62496e

What's in the bag?
No. 488598 ID: c7b3ee

He wants to marry you.
I'd tap that.
Well it looks like your old knapsack. But inspect with a sense of caution and dread because you might find a head or something.
No. 488600 ID: 91c1b3

Oh cool, your bag. I thought we lost that forever ago. Check to see if he put anything else in it.
No. 488613 ID: 57a559

Cool, a kindness.
I am totally serious about the beer.
No. 488672 ID: 0b7fa2

Ying, take dat bag and hug the dude.
No. 488806 ID: 25e59d
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"Wow, thank you! I thought that was lost forever!" Rina takes the bag and starts rummaging through it, finding most of her items she had at the village.

There's also...
No. 488807 ID: 25e59d
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"Oh," Rina opens the small box. The wedding ring still sits comfortably inside it. It wouldn't hurt to use it...would it? Rina thinks it would be disrespectful, though, even though Janice and her fiance have passed.
No. 488838 ID: 57a559

I don't think you should, this item meant something special between two people that you never knew. You could probably try burying it. It wouldn't match the symbology between you and Rasha unless you guys got your rings yourselves or it was passed down through GENERATIONS.

Yuck, okay, maybe instead of burying it we should find next of kin. So that can get passed down for generations. Janice or her husband (most probably her husband, not everyone wears the pants in a relationship like you Rina, and Janice didn't seem the type) might have been the oldest kids in their recent generation. It might be best to give it to Miles since Janice's fiance was a cop and probably knew them, or the one cop survivor that was at the totaled office.
No. 489062 ID: 25e59d
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> I don't think you should, this item meant something special between two people that you never knew.

Right. Using the ring as her own would surely be disrespectful toward them. She'll take a trip to Locust Grove to give it to Miles sometime. She looks up at Moth and nods.

"Thanks again." She turns and walks back to the car. She looks back at Moth one last time.
No. 489063 ID: 25e59d
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Goodbye, Rina.
No. 489065 ID: 25e59d
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You have a long life ahead of you. You will face more hardships, but with the strength you've gained from this experience, you will conquer them all. I must return to my duties elsewhere. Farewell.
No. 489066 ID: 25e59d
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No. 489109 ID: c7b3ee

goodbye rina foxhart. :(
No. 489129 ID: 0b7fa2

Yaaaaaaay. *clap clap clap clap clap clap*
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