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460657 No. 460657 ID: 97486c

Guardian abilities:Change Form GP:10, Shadow Ball GP:10, Last Stand GP:50, Darkness GP:00, Summon Ombra GP:100, Limit Break- Avatar of Ombra GP:100

At first there were seven dragons. As powerful as we are even we don't know why we were created or even how. We did know that we had power though.
It took many years of war and death before we agreed that we should end our fighting. A blade was forged by the water Dragon, Sharaes. It's existence made it sure that no Dragon would go out of their way to cause destruction.
But when we made it.. We had no idea that the 'lesser' beings we gave it to would become so corrupt.

372 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 478412 ID: f2c20c

Well, he does seem to be more powerful than Ombra like this. Maybe he *could* kill her to revive himself if he wanted to?

Oh wait, I know why he's more powerful. Because of Ombra being dead, he was more powerful alive, and that extra power was transferred to him after death as well. I'm going to guess this is the case for every dragon that would die during this type of situation. If it keeps going like this, dragons would be able to basically instantly revive after there's only a few left, and Regulus' plan is impossible. Unfortunately I suppose that's the case for the Earth Dragon as well, which means uh... Hey Aeryr, is it possible to just imprison a Dragon?

Eluria, my offer still stands. I'll turn you back if you agree to give us back to Saisai. As for income, acting as a spy for us in The Shadow does sound like a good idea. Oh, and I gotta ask. What's up with your mask, and what kind of armor is that you're using?
No. 478413 ID: f2c20c

(Oh right, also...)
[list abilities]
No. 478414 ID: e0b19d

Pretty much this. Alternately, if spying isn't your thing (I figure it's a dangerous profession in The Shadow) we could probably still find an arrangement that ends with you getting paid, Saisai safe, Ombra and Aeryr a little closer to revival, and most importantly, your daughter safe.
No. 478416 ID: 2f4b71

>"As it stands we are working together. I promised her a small portion of my treasure and her not being ripped to pieces if she assists me. I assist her by lending her my ever dwindling supply of Time Points. Last time we tried to take on the Knight Ombra attempted to possess us. Then the girl attacked us rather harshly. Rewinding even those few times has left the two of us rather tired."
Dangit, they've been savescumming us!
No. 478420 ID: c891a7

That's strange we should have noticed.
No. 478423 ID: ec6d4c

Aeryr, we're more than willing to help you regain your physical form. Sorry to hear this annoying whelp here killed you.

And yes, we already knew about the means for reviving a dead dragon (host lethal and non-lethal), and yes, we already knew you're somehow magically better / faster at it then Ombra. We have surprising sources of information.

>Please don't let that be true! I'll do anything!

Sounds like the advantage is ours, again, Eluria. Cooperate with us, or rather, do as we say, and we'll change you back. And yes, we totally can. So far as I know however, this effect is permanent without our help.

So how about you answer some questions:

-Where is the dragon slayer (the sword) now?
-Where/how did you obtain that set of mechanical claws?
-What, exactly, did Regulus tell you when he commissioned the hit on Aeryr?
-Why do you wear that mask? Could we see your face?

>Look I was just trying to finish a job ok? I need some money. I really do have a kid at home. There's a bounty out for knights ok? I just wanna keep food on my kid's plate.
We're not unsympathetic, and we would gladly help you feed your child, but you're going to have to find a way to do that without murdering SaiSai. Or selling her into slavery. Whatever.

So... you need to march your way back to SaiSai, surrender yourself, and apologize. We'll give you the words to get her to not attack you. Then you're going to answer whatever questions she has, and help her finish this shadow mission.

Then we'll see about getting you a cut of her pay so your kid doesn't starve, and about getting you back into breasts.

Huh, so part Tigerfolk, and part light elf then? Interesting.
No. 478852 ID: a68e3e
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Dammit... I guess I'll take you jerks back to Saisai then.
You'd better change me back though. I mean it.

Aeryr returns to Eluria. The two of them start to walk back to the inn.

>Where is the dragon slayer (the sword) now?

No clue. I gave it back to that Regulus guy but can't say what happened to it after that. Man had some trouble picking the thing up though. He's strong though, seemed to handle it better than I could once he got it going.

>Where/how did you obtain that set of mechanical claws?
Commissioned them from the School actually. They're pretty neat things. Run on simple Mana Shards.

>What, exactly, did Regulus tell you when he commissioned the hit on Aeryr?

He said "Hey, there's a dragon here. Go kill it. I'll pay you."
So I killed it. Pay was very good actually. Was a bit worried at first but then he explained to me what the Dragonslayer did. Figured it'd be an easy hit with that.

>Why do you wear that mask? Could we see your face?
You -could- see my face but it's nothing special. I wear it because I'm an Assassin. What kind of killer lets their face be shown? Besides, in this part of the kingdom there's not much worth hiding. Even if people saw my ever shifting eye color I doubt they'd really care.

>Could you tell us about your past while we travel, Eluria?

It's not an interesting story.

>Tell us about your parents.

I didn't really know either of them. Dad left, mom left when I was 7. Nothing to say about them either. I'm sure you probably know more about them than I do.

>Your child?

Oh she is just the sweetest thing ever. She looks so much like a light elf, she just needs the wings. She's the only reason I keep on going.

>Why you're a single mother?

Another dull story. I had sex, dude left, I got pregnant.

The two of them arrive at the Inn. She sneaks her way upstairs and into Saisai's room

Oh hey.
They're gone...

It would have been foolish to stay in the same place
No. 478857 ID: 7003a8

They'd have gone back to Central. We'll have to get in touch with them later.
But first we would like to meet your daughter; she's part of the bloodline, and it'd be much easier to protect her if we're familiar with her.
No. 478862 ID: f2c20c

Oh, so you're half Light Elf, then.

They went back to their base, of course. Well, crap. How about instead we go check out the leader of The Shadow? Let's go to the Cloak and Dagger, if that's not too much trouble, hmm?

Oh Aeryr, we met a cool Light Elf named Fiabe. Ever heard of him?
No. 478875 ID: ec6d4c

Well, you're going to have to leave the shadow for the kingdom to find her.

If going to SaiSai's quarters with the knights is too crazy to risk, I suggest visiting Morgan's potion shop. She's a friend, and can arrange a meeting for you.

>you jerks
I'll remind you that you attacked us, with the intent to sell our friend, and then stole / kidnapped us. We're just inconveniencing you. Heck, long run, this will probably work out to your benefit. We guard a bloodline- and like it or not- you're a part of it. That means we'd like to help you out. Isn't discovering you have family a good thing?
No. 479075 ID: a68e3e
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I appreciate your concern but there's no way in hell I'm leading you to my home and my child. Just not happening.

I know of him, yes. He is too curious for his own good.

I've seen the potion shop before.
And yeah It's awesome that I have a sister I guess. I was hoping she'd know my father or something though. I want to kick him in the crotch.

Eluria stays in the shadows and makes her way into Morgan's shop with no one seeing her enter. Morgan is fast asleep at her desk. Eluria clears her throat out to get her attention, it works and Morgan jumps awake.

>"H-hello... Can I help you..?"
No. 479077 ID: f2c20c

Kicking your father in the crotch won't accomplish much. Sable died right after killing Ombra.

Tell the girl here that you have a delivery for Saisai, and you heard she comes around here fairly often.

Also call her cute, I want to see how she reacts to a man hitting on her.
No. 479078 ID: 629257

Tell her we need to speak to the knight called Saisai, and we cannot go to the castle or be seen. She will go and we will stay here. If she has not yet returned to the castle, her captain will be an adequate contact. Speak to NO ONE else.
No. 479081 ID: 27cbbb

>Also call her cute
And lean in with a sly smile. Yes.
No. 479082 ID: ec6d4c

>no way in hell I'm leading you to my home and my child.
Hey, we're great with kids! And don't worry, we can't form-shift people without dragons stuck in them. Not that we would! She didn't do anything to deserve pranking. :p

How about we figure out how we're keeping her fed, at least, if you're not taking SaiSai in? We could probably guilt her into giving you a cut of her reward for this mission... especially if you help. Or we're up for other moneymaking schemes.

>I was hoping she'd know my father or something though. I want to kick him in the crotch.
If it's any consolation, he died killing Ombra, the shadow dragon, despite having the dragon slayer and our assistance. You managed to take down Aeryr all on your own- and survive! Even more impressive when you consider a sword isn't your chosen weapon. You've surpassed him. Kicked his legacy's balls. ...and if you're dedicated to being a good parent, you've got him beat there, too.

Tell her you're trying to arrange a meeting with SaiSai, and you're not exactly able to just show up in the castle. You have something to return to her.
No. 479633 ID: c891a7

>If it's any consolation, he died killing Ombra, the shadow dragon, despite having the dragon slayer and our assistance. You managed to take down Aeryr all on your own- and survive! Even more impressive when you consider a sword isn't your chosen weapon. You've surpassed him. Kicked his legacy's balls. ...and if you're dedicated to being a good parent, you've got him beat there, too.
Don't you think that's a little suspicious? By all logic he should have survived especially since Ombra was weaker than Aeryr. The most likely reason for this is that Sable was betrayed.

Oh by the way it is a pretty good idea for you to start listening to us after all your life was in danger the second Aeryr possessed you.
Regulus is conspiring to kill all of the dragons and the only way to permanently kill a dragon is too kill its host.

Also Aeryr what was that artifact you were guarding and do all dragons guard such artifacts?
No. 479638 ID: bf54a8

hmm, yes. the reason we can change your gender is because you have two souls in your body, and one of them is a man. also this normally lets more of the dragon's power come forth. so you may be able to do some more windy powers right now.
No. 479702 ID: f2c20c


What does the Dragon Slayer do, exactly?
No. 479704 ID: bf54a8

the dragon slayer causes any dragons near it to get REALLY weak. luckily it seems the effect depends on the holder. and so Regulus can only get it to make them mildly weaker because he is not the true owner. while those related to sable can use it at full power.
No. 481047 ID: a68e3e
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>I want to see how she reacts to a man hitting on her.

I'm not a man and I'm not hitting on anyone.

You had no problem with the lady from

That was different and you know it.

"Do you know someone named Saisai?"

>"I do..."

"I had heard she comes around here often. I really need to return this thing." she shows the Guardian "To her. However I can't really just stroll into the castle so if you could get her for me that would be great. I'll pay you for your time."

>"Uhm.. S-sure... One minute..."

She leaves. Eluria sits down on a nearby bench and waits for her to return.

The artifact I was guarding was an item that I had hoped to possess, if I were ever killed. Sadly with the dragonslayer being so near I could only possess the nearest living being and not the gem. If I had reviving myself would have been no problem. That blade however was forged specifically to bring us down to a more manageable power. In the hands of it's true wielder it can bring about the death of any dragon. Even the one most connected to life, Masil. In Regulus's hands it is still a very deadly weapon to dragons. It retains it's powers but wielding it would normally be impossible for any human. The man is different from most it seems.

I'm pretty good in terms of money. My last mission paid enough to leave me well off for some time. I just figured I could go on another easy mission to make some more. If she wants to give me gold in exchange for my spying/murdering services I'd be more than happy to contract with her.

The door to the shop opens. Saisai and Morgan step inside as Eluria rises from her seat.

"Give me the Guardian."

>"One moment."

Hey, change me back. She looks pretty pissed.
No. 481051 ID: 9e3a04


[Change gender]

Hope you liked the - eh, nevermind, you earned our silence in this.
No. 481052 ID: ec6d4c

>I'm pretty good in terms of money. My last mission paid enough to leave me well off for some time. I just figured I could go on another easy mission to make some more. If she wants to give me gold in exchange for my spying/murdering services I'd be more than happy to contract with her.
So the survival of your child doesn't depend on you immediately murdering Saisai? That's good.

>Hey, change me back. She looks pretty pissed.
Well, looks like this goodbye, for now. Maybe next time we meet, we'll have the chance to be helpful, rather than merely hold your lady bits hostage. Believe it not, we can be a big help with things! There's a reason Saisai wants us back.

Do us a favor, and try and talk to her, instead of just ninja vanishing or time warping or anything, okay? Really, she's not so bad, and we'll see what we can do about calming her down or reigning her in.

And come and find us if you're ever in trouble, okay? And don't let Regulus find out you're host to a dragon, or he'll probably try and have you killed to finish the job.

And good luck to you as well, Aeryr. We're proponents of keeping the dragons alive, and the natural order unbroken. If you need help in that regard, seek us out.

[Change form]
No. 481074 ID: 7003a8

"If you're going to be like that then I'm not sure I want to let you meet your niece.
I'm a sellsword; it was just business. No hard feelings; maybe we could work together some time?"

Offer her a handshake, then hand us over.
No. 481080 ID: f2c20c

One last thing before we go. Aeryr, you don't seem convinced that Regulus is the Earth Dragon. Does that mean you know who the Earth Dragon is, and it's not Regulus? Is Regulus just a super-powered human?
No. 481081 ID: bf54a8

oh, maybe he is a chosen OF the earth dragon?
No. 481082 ID: ec6d4c

I'm not sure why some of us were thinking he was at all. All the evidence seems to point to Regulus being a chosen working for the Earth dragon, not Myli himself. If he was the dragon, that would mean he's somehow found a way to protect himself from the ill effects of the dragon slayer!
No. 481110 ID: d4ad1a

Did we just change form and then change gender again? Let's make sure to do it an odd number of times, so we're definitely doing it right.

[change gender]
No. 481181 ID: a68e3e
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Hmm..? The Earth Dragon Myli is the current human king I believe. Fool got tired of watching his race from the sidelines.

Eluria is changed back. She takes the Guardian off

Thanks for the advice and stuff. I'll be sure to come to you if I need any help, and you do the same okay?

She hands the Guardian to Saisai.
Who immediately pounces on Eluria. She tries to strangle her with one arm while pulling off her mask with the other.

"You tried to kill me you bitch! And you stole my Gua- my amulet!"

Eluria blocks Saisai but not before her mask is knocked off a bit

>"I brought it back!"

"You still stole it!"

>Morgan: "Uhm... G-guys...?"

"Stop fighting and come with me! You're under arrest!"

>"Not happening little girl!"

The two of them continue grappling and smash into a wall sending some potions toppling.

>Morgan: "Guys...."

They ignore her and continue their brawl. Eluria bumps into Morgan's kettle and spills something on the floor.

>Morgan: "!!!"
No. 481184 ID: a68e3e
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>Morgan: "Stop it!"

Morgan throws a potion at the two of them. It shatters on the floor and releases a purple mist. The two sisters look at the shattered bottle for a moment before falling to the ground unconscious.
No. 481193 ID: a68e3e
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Saisai wakes up some time later, alone.

Holy crap...
Did 'Morgan' really just do that? Of all peo-
!!! Where's that assassin chick!?

Saisai looks around and finds only a note beside her. It reads:

Dear Saisai,

So... In case the Guardian hasn't told you already we're like half sisters or something. Sorry about almost killing you and stuff, it's just my job.
If you ever need some help spying on someone or maybe killing a person just come by the Shadow and I'll find you.
Take care

I'm never asking that jerk for help.
No. 481194 ID: bf54a8

she has a daughter, meaning you are also an aunt.
No. 481198 ID: f2c20c

She's also being half-possessed by Aeryr. She's in the same boat as you. Also, we already knew this, but we re-found out exactly how to get Ombra free! You gotta learn all the Soul Magic you can.

So let's go visit the Dark Elves! Maybe you'll meet someone nice there too.

Oh and Regulus isn't the Earth Dragon after all according to Aeryr, so I suppose it'll be a lot easier to stop him this time around. We might even be able to get help from the king, if we can get proof that Regulus is murdering dragons. Y'know, since the king is the Earth Dragon.

Speaking of Aeryr, he is able to communicate directly with his host, unlike Ombra. He was also able to manifest himself at will.
No. 481199 ID: bf54a8

yes but that's because he was able to supplement himself and keep more power.
No. 481220 ID: 2f4b71

First order of business: go apologise to Morgan.
No. 481225 ID: 629257

Call for your captain mentally and relay everything >>481198 said when she gets here. It's all pretty important and we need her help to sort out what to do. In the meantime tell us what happened in our absence... and perhaps what the hell is going on with your family tree. Sable is human I'm pretty sure, but you and your probable half sibling only have tigerfolk in common, and she's part light elf. I'm honestly confused.

Also we turned her into a guy the whole time. Good fun, that.
No. 481234 ID: ec6d4c

>Did 'Morgan' really just do that? Of all peo-
You deserved it. You were wrecking her shop. Apologies are due next time you see her.

Cut her some slack. Yeah she tried to kill you, but pff, like people haven't tried that before. It's not like she was particularly successful. And she didn't so much try to steal us as remember she could use time magic to get away.

Also, I don't know if you were to angry to notice, but she was male when you walked into the room. We punished her theft and uncooperativeness by taking away her ladyhood. Her day was a lot less pleasant than yours, in some ways.

And yeah, she totally got away with time magic. Because she killed Aeryr. The wind dragon. And, while possessing her he's teaching her time magic so he can revive himself without killing her. Now does learning shadow magic sound like a good idea?

Assassin girl is named Eluria, by the way. Totally your half sister, by your manslut of a father, Sable. And you've got a niece too (who I guess we'll end up with someday if you never reproduce yourself).

What? No. No no no. We stay the hell away from Myli and his pet Regulus. Approaching the king in that way is crazy.
No. 481237 ID: ec6d4c

Oh, and hello again, Ombra. We're back from our field trip with Eluria and Aeryr. Thought you should know it is possible for a dragon to speak directly to their host from where you are. You just have to... make the words stand out, as it were.
No. 481821 ID: a68e3e
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Oh god dammit.

For what?
Oh... Right. Yeah, I'll do that.

Saisai gets up and leaves the room. It seems she's located in a small room on the second floor of the store. She goes downstairs and sees Morgan at her desk. The store itself seems to have been fixed since she was knocked out.

"Hey Morgan."

>"?? Oh uh... Hi Saisai..."

"... Sorry for messing up your store."

>"S-sorry for making you sleep... I... I hope you're not mad..."

"No no it's cool. I deserved that. You see where that chick went?"

>"Uhm no... She just... Ninja'd her way out..."

"Hmph... Alright. Well thanks for helping me get back the Guar- my amulet. I'll see you later."


Saisai leaves the store and starts heading back to the castle.

Oh wow.. So she's really similar to me.
At least her dragon isn't a huge jerk.

I heard that!

If learning all the Soul Magic there is sets her free I'm in trouble then. Doesn't that take some mana to use? Like, even a tiny bit?

And the king is the Earth Dragon!? I... I would never have guessed that...

Neither would I. I haven't seen the guy in quite a few decades

So maybe we should go talk to the king in case Regulus tries to kill him too..? Unless they're working together... This is just way over my head.

Oh? Let me try something..

Hey, can you hear me!?

The hell was that? That sounded like..

Hey, redhead! It's me again, the dragon in your head!

.... Dammit.

Hey, it worked~ Nice talking to ya again

I'm afraid I can't say the same...

No, honestly I agree. I don't think the two of us will ever really get along. You're too much like me for that. Man talking like this is tiring. Just wanted to pop in and say that you really should consider learning Soul Magic. Make friends with that Artemis boy, get some mana, and learn Soul Magic. Learn it all and I'll be free and you can go on doing whatever the hell you want. It works for both of us.

I was going to do that anyway, I don't need your advice...

Whatever, didn't wanna talk to you anyway. Gosh that girl is insufferable to actually talk to. Amusing to watch at least.

Why did you turn her into a guy? Why do you guys keep trying to change people's form!?
Really though I should go talk to my captain, at least to say the mission is done.

Saisai arrives at the castle and after a bit of searching finds Maggie. She relays to her everything she found out about the leader of the shadow. She explains it away as having heard it spoken from people at the inn she was staying at.[/spoiler]

I think I'll keep the stuff about Eluria to myself for now. I don't really have any proof besides you guys and Ombra and neither of them are things I can really show off right now. Maybe later you can summon Ombra and she can say it herself? That would be a lot more convincing.

>"Hmm.. The Cloak and Dagger? We'll call everyone back and send out a smaller group to investigate that later. You did a great job again Saisai, you got more information than anyone else. And by more information I mean no one else got a damn thing. Here."

[i]She gives Saisai G700 as a reward.

>"Bit more than what is required but you did good."

"Thank you Captain."

Mission is finally over, more crazy stuff has been revealed.
Part of me wants to go to my room and sleep... Is there anything else that needs doing?
No. 481822 ID: 9e3a04

Get some sleep.
No. 481823 ID: f2c20c

What happened to Artemis after you lost us? Hanging out a little with him might be a good idea.

Also fyi you already called us the Guardian in front of Morgan, but I think she can infer from your avoiding using the name afterwards that it's supposed to be a secret. I'm not sure if she realizes it's a big deal though.
No. 481824 ID: bf54a8

the form changing s because having a dragon in you means you have two souls in a single body. form change causes you to shift more towards what the dragon's humanoid form was. in your case it doesn't really do much because as she said you are pretty similar. but her dragon is a guy, so it needed to do farm more extensive changes. for anyone not possessed by a dragon, we can't do shit. also, we changed her specifically to make her do what we wanted, which was bring us to morgan.

anyway. feed some of those coins to yuyu. mimics eat money like candies. but being contracted to you he wont eat any you specifically tell him not to.
No. 481837 ID: 15b5e6

>Why did you turn her into a guy?
She wasn't being very cooperative, initially. And you know, was still planning to kill you. So... we kind of held her lady bits hostage to get her to listen to us.

>Why do you guys keep trying to change people's form!?
...honestly? It's our best trick. And we're kind of easily amused.

>So maybe we should go talk to the king in case Regulus tries to kill him too..? Unless they're working together...
Yeah... um. I don't think confronting the earth dragon is a good idea. He probably won't be happy to be revealed, the dragons mostly don't get along with each other very well, and if he is working with Regulus, he'll get you killed.
No. 481855 ID: 7003a8

You need to catch up on your sleep.
[Give her sexy dreams about Artemis and Yuyu]
No. 481856 ID: d9db2f

No. 481857 ID: c31f72

[Sexy dreams about other people are overdone. Give her dreams about us]
No. 481866 ID: c891a7

[Give her dreams about sparring with female Artemis]
No. 481872 ID: f2c20c

(I like that idea. We can use our knowledge of the other timeline's Artemis for that. It won't even make things unstable since it's not real information and also just a dream anyway.)
No. 481876 ID: c891a7

(Dreams about the future and alternate timelines are pretty common too, and this is one of the best ways to influence her too.)
No. 481905 ID: fe4d7b

[This, but make it one of those dreams where you wake up from it in-dream multiple times before actually waking up as well. Just because.]
No. 481976 ID: a68e3e
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I think I'll go to bed. Artemis will still be around tomorrow. I imagine he's probably resting up too. The two of us sprinted to make it back to the castle.

Saisai returns to her room. She pulls out G50 from her stash of gold and knocks on Yuyu's chest. He pops out and she hands him the gold

>"Aw man, nice."

He eagerly starts to devour the gold. After stuffing his face full of over a dozen coins he pauses to look at Saisai.

>"You ok? You seem a bit down."

"Hmm? Oh, it's nothing. It just seems that every time a mission ends I find out another horrifying secret about my life. It's tiring."

>"Saisai man you can't let that stuff get to you, you know? It's a killer. I've known many a fine lady who let that stuff make them feel all kinds of sad. They leave this room some day on a mission and they just don't come back. Their last days they spend being all negative. Don't let that be you."

"I won't."

At least I'll try.

Saisai lays in bed and sleeps.
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