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458474 No. 458474 ID: f09b71

Another exhausting day goes by of training in various arts, but another night of a great bed leaves me ready for another still! Zirkala corrected herself, having a bit miscommunication regarding the date of the scythe moon holiday of which she is preparing for. I have 5 days before then, to which I will continue making the most out of!

My thoughts turn from sleep, to the fact that my sense of feel is informing me that it was more than just Muo who found themselves sleepwalking into my bed.
1188 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 468178 ID: c4e5c2
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I stop back at Zirkala's to get all of these clothes appraised and perhaps take the anti magic potion! After changing back.

>"... what are you doing, Story Seeker? I thought you were going to raid the naga's private wardrobe, not the goblin's." Zirkala says.
>"The tiara is the best of the bunch!" explains Rotfrost. "It is mildly better than Zirkala's item, but not so good as the bra."
"I am going to raid the naga's soon! Although I am still thinking of how to manage such a thing, I am also in the market for a Kep Flower."
>"Ah, those? They are not so rare, in lands far away. Unfortunately for you, I don't believe they will be around. Still, it won't hurt to check the market." says Zirkala.
"Right! Also, I am thinking that the naga's place would be terribly well defended."
>"Yes. Rotfrost, be a dear and make it up to Story Seeker and make him some potions of speed or strength or something like that. I don't know. What kind of potions do you want for this anyway?"
No. 468179 ID: dc2631

Well, if we're all sneaky-like, wouldn't nondetection be best?
No. 468184 ID: b33427

Does Zirkala have a ring or amulet of Blink? The kind that does point-and-shoot short range teleportation? That'd be helpful for sneaking around. Otherwise, a potion of speed, and a potion that grants an aura of silence, to move quietly, would be good. Is there one that'll blur SS's appearance or one that'll "chameleon" him and whatever he's wearing as well, to blend in?

I wonder if the nage arch-mage's suitor has already given her the bouquet of kep flowers. 'Cause if he hasn't, then perhaps seeking him out and replacing that bouquet with one of common flowers that has an illusion of kep flowers over it would be a way to go. He presents the bouquet to the arch-mage, gets chewed out for it, then Story Seeker comes slightly later with the real deal. I just don't know what to do after that point, though.
No. 468188 ID: 3338b5

Possible potions:

Speed, stealth, move silently, dexterity, etc. Anything in that realm would help with theft. Invisibility probably isn't worth it- any good mage can penetrate that (if nagas don't have intrinsic see invisible).
No. 468221 ID: b062ca

Potion of sex appeal.

Make yourself absolutely and utterly irresistible.
No. 468222 ID: f2c20c

Healing, speed, maybe levitation.
No. 468262 ID: d4ad1a

The tights should help with that.
No. 470736 ID: c4e5c2
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"Do you happen to have any rings or the like, for the spell Blink? Some point and shoot teleportation?"
>"As a matter of fact, I do. It only has 3 charges, but has a range of around, oh, 50 meters."
"Then if I may borrow that, I would appreciate it! Also, any potions of speed, stealth, non detection, anything like that would be appreciated as well."
>"Hm... I have one of silent moving, and will give a healing potion as well. Ah, perhaps I have the ingredients for rotfrost to make a speed and levitation. That will be four potions, then."
"Thank you! Secondly, from what you know of the Naga layout, is their front well defended?"
"Then I believe I will take the back route!"
No. 470737 ID: c4e5c2
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After getting another invisibility rebuff from miss Drake, I head through the back tunnels. There are still, however, some guards even at the backdoors!

Theoretically, I should be invisible and all silent, but I may want a backup plan in case it falls through. That, or I can simply run through and hope for the best!
No. 470739 ID: f2c20c

The backup plan is to teleport behind them.
No. 470768 ID: 70c0f2

Hmm. Don't nagas have intrinsic see invisible, though?

Let's try sneaking past, see what happens. If you're challenged, you can try to talk your way past them. Running is a last resort.
No. 470772 ID: 4a328b

Walk past like nothing's up. Don't act like you're sneaking, in case they can see invisible~
No. 476914 ID: c4e5c2
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Walking on through~
Right by you~
Resisting the urge~
To make a mischievious splurge~

No, seriously, they can't see me at all. Just walking by without doing anything feels like it is wasting a childhood's dream of being invisible for a day.
No. 476915 ID: c6ec33

Stroke the end of her tail with your tail. Make it seem like the other naga.~
No. 476916 ID: ec6d4c

>Just walking by without doing anything feels like it is wasting a childhood's dream of being invisible for a day.
You can cause some kind of trouble inside. It's not worth screwing around with the guards, that's wasting the dream of sneaking in. :V
No. 476918 ID: e4b3f0

Don't worry, you can mess with them next loop; maybe even multiple times if you have the hourglass and you get caught. But after you learn the patrol routes and how to best get the objective.
No. 476919 ID: 27c6d7

This is a good idea, it's unlikely to give you away and may actually end up keeping the guards distracted with eachother for a while. Just don't strip those nagas, Story Seeker. Don't do it. That would be a ridiculous thing to do.
No. 476957 ID: c4e5c2
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>Touch your tail to hers
Simple! The least chance of discovery! Effective! I touch tails.
No. 476958 ID: c4e5c2
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... success! I will move on before I see how this unfolds. My imagination almost certainly paints a more vivid picture than the disappointment I would behold should I stay! Also in case they get wise to an invisible intruder.
No. 476959 ID: c4e5c2
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Upon reaching my destination to enter the naga keep, I stop a moment to redress myself using the Queen's... magic resistant clothes. This backdoor leads to a small, unassuming study of sorts that I could gather. Unfortunately, I cannot think of a manner of entry that would keep myself hidden!
No. 476962 ID: ec6d4c

Try pressing your ear against the trapdoor- listen to see if you can tell if anyone is in the room.

Possibly boost what you can hear with bardic magic. Sound amplification must be a pretty basic spell in that school, shouldn't it?

...although it's not like naga have footfalls you can hear. You might still be pick up on creaking floorboards, speech, breathing, etc. that would indicate an occupied room.
No. 476966 ID: d10f72

No. 476978 ID: c4e5c2
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>Put your ear to the door. Sound amplification must be a pretty basic spell in that school, shouldn't it?
Why yes it does! Although normally it is for my own sake to be heard more, it should not be too hard to flip it in reverse maybe.

I hear a little bit of a floor creak. No speaking or heavy movements, though! Just rhythmic breathing. Like someone is sleeping in there.
No. 476980 ID: ec6d4c

Right. Turn off enhanced hearing before you get accidentally injured by a loud noise later.

We can probably get past someone sleeping without waking them. Unless the trapdoor is right under the bed (or whatever naga sleep on). ...and under the bed is actually a pretty good place to hide your trapdoor.

Try lifting the trapdoor carefully. Is there any weight on it?
No. 476981 ID: b33427

Well, that could be a napping naga, a sleeping pet or animal, or a naga that's reading really intently without turning pages. No way to tell without opening the hatch. Do so slowly to see if anything is on it, and just enough that you can peek through the crack.

Could you double-reverse that sound amplification spell so it deadens sound, then place it on the hatch? 'Cause squeaky hinges are the classic foil in these kinds situations.
No. 476983 ID: 35037c

Well, peek in. It could be sleeping naga, with silent guarding naga, or just the sleeper. But I guess ther is only one way to find out.
No. 477016 ID: c4e5c2
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>Could you double-reverse that sound amplification spell so it deadens sound, then place it on the hatch?
I cannot! Yet, anyway, I am certain I would be able to do such a thing with practice. But as of now, no.

I open the hatch, which luckily has been well oiled. Although it is heavy, I do not think there is undue weight on it. On opening it a crack, I see this hatch was placed underneath a rug of all things! But only on the edge of the rug, and I still don't need to open it much to squeeze on through.

Looking around, I find that the naga is sleeping while reading books! A luxury I am jealous of, to be sure. This room is quite as small as I remember, a very unassuming place for such a critical trap door.
No. 477101 ID: f2c20c

What's she reading?

Also, how far do we have to go until we get to the target? Also, do you know if the bra will become invisible as soon as you are carrying it, or if everyone will see a floating bra?
No. 477129 ID: c4e5c2
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>Do you know if the bra will become invisible as soon as you are carrying it, or if everyone will see a floating bra?
Invisibility does cover things I am covering and wearing! Unless there is something wrong about that bra, it will be fine.

>How far do we have to go until we get to the target?
If I remember correctly, outside this door is a small flight of stairs, that leads to the archmage quarters. All in all, it is very short!

>What's she reading?
It appears to be a diary. Normally I would not peruse, but I had to read a couple lines to see what I was reading! And that piques my interest, as the line I read is Sister enjoys her flowers so much. I hope she doesn't make a decision on a man just because of flowers.
No. 477133 ID: ec6d4c

>Unless there is something wrong about that bra, it will be fine.
...something wrong, like say, it being an extremely powerful magic resistant artifact? That might resist, say, magic invisibility?

Hmmm. Sounds as if the naga mage is quite taken with that gift of flowers then! We may be able to use than information in the future.

Alright, let's start sneaking around. Watch for the naga mage- if there's anyone here who might see through your invisibility, it's her.
No. 477134 ID: f2c20c

Another mention of those flowers...

Maybe we can buy the flowers early next cycle, to get in good with the naga archmage and steal her bra that way instead of relying on invisibility? Maybe if we build enough of a rapport with her we could get her to voluntarily do the Tom-bounce antimagic boost thing. Maybe even with a spell that isn't so super-deadly that it requires a trip to a dangerous swamp to make a potion to counter it?

Of note, also, is that this is the naga archmage's sister. I wonder if we can use that somehow? Or even score a THREESOME, with SISTERS, if we play it right.
No. 477182 ID: c4e5c2
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>Unless there is something wrong about that bra, it will be fine.
>...something wrong, like say, it being an extremely powerful magic resistant artifact? That might resist, say, magic invisibility?
... yes?

I think I li- wait, no, I must focus on the present!

>Go sneaking around
I leave the sleeping naga to herself, as I leave the room and go upstairs. There are a few naga along the way, but between all of my illusory powers, no one is the wiser!

There are hardly even doors blocking my way, just guards keeping their posts at open entry. It is extraordinarily easy to move on through to the archmage quarters. Maybe posing as a hairdresser would work better for naga, as their hair is often quite messy!
No. 477183 ID: c4e5c2
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And there she is, with what must be her suitor having a private chat.

>"But you, my darling, are the most beautiful flower of all!" I hear a male voice say.
>"You scamp, you're still on about that. We can't just hide in here all day, we have business to deal with."
>"Oh, our leaders are more than happy to bicker amongst themselves without you, and the slimes certainly are not a pressing concern. Let us converse, my sunshine!"
>"Very well, my not so secret admirer! Tell me about your trips out to foreign kingdoms." requests the archmage.

And converse they do. The male voice within continues to inject his tales of valour, somehow managing to still hit on her with such over the top abandon! The bluntness of it brings me physical pain! The arch mage does not appear to mind. Quite the contrary, she eats it up the more he dishes it out!
No. 477186 ID: ec6d4c

Wow. We're getting a lesson here on exactly what to do if you want to try and woo the bra off the naga mage in future loops. We know what gift to get, how to present yourself, what to say...

We'd just have to make sure that guy isn't around to interfere.

As for this loop... how about we see how far this goes. If lover boy there manages to get into her lack of pants, you can sneak in, grab the bra, and get out while they're undressed and occupied.
No. 477188 ID: f2c20c

I think our best bet is to wait and see if he manages to get her occupied enough for us to sneak in and snatch/retrieve the bra. I am somewhat worried about her seeing through the invisibility due to being an archmage and such, though. The drake is very good at illusions but we don't know how the archmage compares to her.

You could drink the potion of speed before we go in, to prepare for the snatch if it comes to it.
No. 477189 ID: b33427

Potion of speed, and have the blink amulet on standby in case you can't move fast enough to get out before she reacts.

Once you actually have the bra, put it on. You don't have the figure to put it on in the right position, so tie it around your waist or on your head like a bonnet.

Do get a look at whoever that guy is while you're in there. From the sounds of it, he's from some other faction down here, or possibly even from the surface. Likely not a naga either.
No. 477206 ID: e3f578

You know, I think this loop might be a little weird for us. I have not seen a single male Naga whatsoever in these caves, and even if there's one actually in here from outside or a dozen or so, I think it's somehow more possible that that person talking to her is you from another loop, possibly it's the next time affect after we get enough time resistance, where don't merge at all with your past body. So not only do you have mental and physical tie travel, but space as well!

Quickly! Check! Make sure your not about to muscle in on yourself. Or wait, what if he's doing this to help you?
No. 477209 ID: ec6d4c

>Not seen a single male naga
What? One of the two guards we snuck past was male. >>476958, >>470737. And the guard with the long hair we saw from the back and don't know.
No. 477212 ID: e3f578

oh nevermind then, I have terrible attention to detail
still I'd be surprised if there's a single other romantic in these caves besides story seeker, especially if all things it's a goddamn Naga.
No. 477222 ID: c4e5c2
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>Not seen a single male Naga whatsoever in these caves
There was one male taking guard at the initial entrance. Good enough for me to think that this loop is not breaking continuum or some such!

I take a look in once his tale wraps up.

>"My dear lady, I have saved heroes, bested champions and outwitted generals, but I have no doubt I have met my match with you."

Just in time. I think the bra is coming off...?

>"And none in the world or the stars can match your beauty." he continues.

I drink my potion of speed and put on my blink amulet in case things get bad! The bra is coming off. Yes.
No. 477223 ID: c4e5c2
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No. 477224 ID: c4e5c2
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If only my mother and father could see me now.
No. 477225 ID: 5d98c3

You've been spotted. Jump for the window.
No. 477226 ID: b33427

Aw. You didn't wait until they were in the middle of things and all distracted. Oh well, you still got the bra... That is the correct bra, isn't it?

Don't get too cocky. While you're now supremely protected from magic, you're not protected from physical attacks. One tail swing and you'll be flat on your face, so watch out. Now book it to the escape tunnel.

Also with the addition of the bra, not only your invisibility might be compromised, but your other magical items might not work either. You may have to ditch the bra to use them if things get hairy.
No. 477227 ID: ec6d4c

You fool! You jumped the gun, and she's seen you! Why didn't you wait till she was more thoroughly occupied / distracted?!

Get out of there, ASAP. Blink if you have to, you're close enough to be constriction range of her.
No. 477228 ID: 520da2

Sooo, did the bra strip you of your invisibility?
No. 477231 ID: d9b9dc

If she does end up looking right at you, grin at the guy in bed and say 'she's all yours buddy' in a conspiratorial fashion.

If you aren't getting laid, nobody gets laid.
No. 477260 ID: d4ad1a

No. 477263 ID: ad199c

wow, wearing womens clothing bra snatching after watching a woman strip. We are gonna have to spin this story a little in the retelling so as to not look like a total lech.

Maybe spin it as the work of a immature fraternity raiding the entire naga colony for their undergarments.
No. 477267 ID: f2c20c

Run for it! Use Blink immediately to get some distance.
No. 477268 ID: 04b86a

Really? You just snatched it right out of her hand? I realize you're not a ninja, but if you're going to be that blatant you may as well have tried to force feed her some of the virility potion.
No. 477866 ID: c4e5c2
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>You fool! You jumped the gun, and she's seen you! Why didn't you wait till she was more thoroughly occupied / distracted?!
I didn't want to be rude and watch them get busy!

>If you aren't getting laid, nobody gets laid.
That is a particularly cruel line of thinking! In fact, I already spoiled the mood, I would say! Actually, that means I did the rudest thing by interrupting before they had a chance to at least have some... I jumped the gun after all!

>Sooo, did the bra strip you of your invisibility?
It did not! I expect that if not the arch mage herself, then at least the suitor is seeing a runaway bra.

Her tail flicks up, and that's a good time to blink away!
No. 477867 ID: c4e5c2
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>Is it the right bra?
Well, she apparently had her archstaff and is casting something--


... after being engulfed in what looks like concentrated fire and not taking so much as a scuff mark, I will conclude that I did at least something right and got the archbra!
No. 477872 ID: c4e5c2
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She is pretty fast for an snake, but I'm faster! I probably should not have looked back. Along with Zirkala, I, too, am wondering what she ate to get such ridiculous archboobs.
No. 477873 ID: c4e5c2
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Kinda feels like my foot shoulda landed on something here.
No. 477874 ID: bf54a8

No. 477876 ID: e3f578

Just think, next time around you'll make the sounds "brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr" echo throughout the caves. Dwarven steampunk motorboat engineers will be jealous of such legendary sounds; they'll be carved in the walls with envious faces over your head drowning in a sea of orbicular vibrating flesh for generations.
If there were a dwarven settlement in these caves.

Meanwhile, try and blink real fast downward. Or aim a jump and hope there's a nice piece of orbicular flesh at the bottom for you to motorboat this time loop.
No. 477877 ID: f2c20c

Time to use your physical training to avoid heavy damage and retain the bra.
No. 477889 ID: 629257


...Why do lamia have stairs, anyway?
No. 477894 ID: bdb3f8

this is a valid question
No. 477906 ID: 6cc859

Servant's passage, maybe?
No. 477913 ID: b6edd6

If you don't think you can make the tumble a use of blink should get you to the bottom safely.
No. 477917 ID: c4e5c2
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>Why do naga have stairs?
A question that only concerns me in how much more or less I would tumble, should this be a ramp!

>Blink again
If only it didn't have to cooldown! I will be able to cast it again in no shorter than 10 seconds, which I'm sure will be enough time to completely destroy the purpose of using it in the first place!

I clutch the bra as my life depends on it, and perhaps in a way that makes me go down faster as I tuck in roll than I would simply running.

That is, until the stairs make a turn, and the old railings don't hold my weight! My belt somehow comes undone as well, and my backpack flies off with the remainder of my potions and other normal supplies!
No. 477923 ID: ec6d4c

Hmm. Did we lose any critical supplies? Maybe we want to break the hourglass and try that again, this time waiting till she's a little more distracted.

How's your landing look? Like it's going to kill you? If you don't have feather fall, or the agility / training to land neatly, you may have to break the hourglass midair anyways.
No. 477928 ID: f2c20c

Oh god. Can you try to grab the edge? Maybe use your tail to snag the backpack?
No. 477934 ID: e3f578

I think this is where we should time travel.
No. 477935 ID: 37aa84

clutch both bra straps and the cups should catch enough air to slow your descent.
No. 477946 ID: b33427

And let this be a lesson to you: Never, ever, look back. ...Though those archboobs were a very nice sight. Let the thought of actually getting your hands on them next time loop drive you to survive this turn of events.

You're still under the effect of the speed potion, so you should be fast enough to swing the bra around the banister post with one hand, grab it with the other hand, and hold on. It held up those massive archboobs, so it won't break from just your weight. Try getting your foot under the handrail as well.

But if you're just not fast enough, all you can do is tuck and roll into the fall. Unless it's too far down to survive, in which case you break the hourglass now.
No. 478066 ID: 54c7e5

"Use Bra as Parachute" has my vote as the best plan.
No. 478095 ID: b53faa

>Use bra as parachute
this strikes me as a bit of a resoundingly bad idea, considering this bra scarcely has the surface area to cover your head with one cup.
My advice? Try and use the bra like a whip of sorts, use it to keep you from falling to your death.
Snatch the satchel, if possible, though we well understand it if it isn't.
No. 478102 ID: c4e5c2
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>Use the bra as a parachute
I think that I can take out the terrible ally out of this fantastically terrible idea, and give it a shot!

>Use the time artifact if needed!
I, uh... I already used that this cycle. After the night with the goblin queen, I trained for the rest of the cycle in the safe confines of Zirkala's place, then used the time artifact to go back time to go do the actually dangerous stuff because it seemed like the natural thing to do at the time?

>Use your tail to catch the backpack
It is out of hand's reach, so yes, my tail is definitely not a clumsily controlled appendage that most certainly won't -


-knock another potion out of the backpack!
No. 478103 ID: c4e5c2
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Augh it spilled all over me!
No. 478104 ID: c4e5c2
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... the good news is that the bra makes for a fine parachute apparently somehow! I... I'll not complain, although I am already passing the door I need to go in to get out the back way, and the double doors open up to see a few naga coming in to see what the commotion is about. They have the visage of people who are not sure what they are supposed to look at.

And my archbrachute is carrying me past both, towards a featureless wall!
No. 478105 ID: c31f72

Has it been long enough for that blink ring to recharge?
No. 478108 ID: b53faa

Well shit, nevermind then! I guess there might be some sort of air enchantment or some nonsense on there, couldn't hurt to get it looked at once youget it to our lichy friend!
However, that still gives us two problems: That potion is now all over your clothes, so it might be a good idea to try and wash them before returning them to your gobliny friend.
Second... well, from the looks of things there are too many to edge past without physical contact revealing your existence to the whole colony.
I suggest creating a distraction somehow, perhaps using your recent display of mild flame control to start up some mild ARSON somewhere!
No. 478109 ID: b53faa

and by recent display, I mean your little spark from about a cycle ago.
No. 478112 ID: ec6d4c

You know, I mentioned this before with the gobo-queen, but there really should be a bardic spell specifically designed for fleeing from a bedroom. Would have come in handy.

>already used the time artifact for training
Whoops. That was careless of us.

Any idea what potion it was that spilled on you?

Can those naga see you? (Or the bra, or the potion you're soaked in?) Because from our angle, it looks like they're looking right at you...

>arson distraction
Might work. If the nagas don't know what they should be looking at, give them something to look at that isn't you.

That could work, if you blink over and down to the exit you need.

If you can't blink, try to brace / absorb your impact with the wall using your legs. It's what you would do if you were going to hit the floor, anyways.
No. 478130 ID: b53faa

Actually, putting the entire force of a fall fro mthat height into your legs is a BAAAAAAD idea.
If you can, try to run or roll out of your descent.
If you have anything resembling a knife on you, try to use it to shred down a tapestry prince of persia style.
If nothing else it'd be REALLY DAMN COOL.
No. 478163 ID: c4e5c2
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Ah, yes, that should be available before I hit the wall! And I cannot tell whether or not the see me, or simply a bra that is immune to my invisibilty branching out to held items. Perhaps mine did fizzle out, as some of them appear to be looking less at me and more up my skirt.

>Use mild ARSON
Unfortunately, that was just a burst of mana! Completely harmless, and cannot be used to ignite fires!

>You need Bardic Spell: Escape Bedroom
I will put this at top priority!

I use my blink amulet again towards the door, sweet, sweet escape within arms reach!
No. 478164 ID: c4e5c2
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.... the Blink amulet preserved my momentum away from the door! Nonetheless, I will make a fine landing still, and bolt for my escape.

I can't help but notice that the other nagas look to my floatation bra, then back up to their archmage.
No. 478165 ID: c4e5c2
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>..... "They're not THAT big, you idiots! Get him!"
No. 478166 ID: ec6d4c

...time to run for it, I think. Put all that Ralex training to use, because your live depends on it.

Do we have bardic special effect magic, perhaps? Could we light up the room with something flashy in order to cover our escape?
No. 478169 ID: 629257

Time for a mad dash to the exit. Remember if things get too bad... you're still invisible, and it isn't the end of the world if you ditch the bra to make a clean get away this time around. Practice has been acquired, as intended.

Our magical ability still amounts to essentially nothing, stop worrying about it.
No. 478223 ID: f2c20c

I think the bra is only working as a parachute because you spilled the Levitation potion all over you.

If the backpack landed nearby you can snag it, otherwise just bolt straight for the door, after getting the bra secured again.
No. 478227 ID: b6edd6

We can try levitating to see if it was the potion, but I have another theory as to why the bra-parachute worked. I think that for both appearances and avoidance of chronic back pain, the naga queen has enchanted her bra to make things weigh less.
If this theory is true, than combined with our potion of speed we should be able to jump around like a flea.
No. 478439 ID: c4e5c2
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> I think that for both appearances and avoidance of chronic back pain, the naga queen has enchanted her bra to make things weigh less.
A fantastic theory!

However, the truth is much more boring. I simply forgot that I had a levitation potion on me, and that is what spilled on me!

I snag my backpack and run through the door where the archmage's sister sleeps like a rock even through the chaos! As I continue on, the speed potion doesn't fail, and I make one last blink to get past the two naga guards.

And now it is time for my victory trip to deliver this to the goblin queen!

No. 478440 ID: c4e5c2
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After a moment is spent trying to learn how to land with this whole levitation business, I hold it out to her.

"Miss goblin queen! I have brought you the archmage bra!"
>".... yeah, okay, impressive. Alright, my name is Ka'xi. You're in good with me, kobold, now don't go telling anyone my name, otherwise it won't be a special thing anymore."
No. 478441 ID: ad199c

I think this nets us a new ally. Knowing her name and (and other very intimate details about her), means that we don't need to worry on future cycles. Furthermore, I think with this surplus of magic junk we could probably just make a potion that will fix us anyway, if we wanted that.

Also, a hilarious ribald story to add to our collection.
No. 478442 ID: e3f578

cool do we get to keep it? Or can we just keep it for x amount of days until the next loop starts?
No. 478444 ID: ec6d4c

A gentleman never tells!

Alright, we did our task for her (acquire the naga bra) in return for her getting us the naga bra. What do we have left to do this cycle? We might want to hang around in Zirkala's place so we aren't hunted down and killed by vengeful nagas.

Next loop, we can work on streamlining that theft. See if we can get the bra and not be caught in the act. Or we can try going for the flowers and wooing the naga mage instead. Although we'll need something to keep her normal suitor occupied, to keep him from interfering.
No. 478455 ID: bdb3f8

the missing soundtrack to >>478439
No. 478457 ID: 37aa84

Anyone else hearing the BRODYQUEST theme while watching that? If only it were a bit longer it would fit perfectly.

Next loop we'll know to wait until their getting heavy into it before making the grab which should leave them distracted enough to keep us from being spotted, though if we asked the tailor which merchant was selling the flowers earlier we could buy them before the naga suitor does which could keep him out of it, the problem with doing that is she'd notice if we seduced her and then ran off with her bra so the getaway may be less clean that way.
No. 478459 ID: 37aa84

Ok so I wasn't the only one.
No. 478472 ID: c4e5c2
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"A gentleman never tells! Well then, I will not keep you, mi'lady, but I will visit you again!"
>"Don't make it too long."
"Earlier than you know!" I am certain that there is a better time related double message I could have given, but I suppose it is a loss on my part. "And thank you for the clothes, but I will be returning them, now!"
>"You looked so good in them, too. Oh well, I'll give you your other clothes back.

Since I am able to keep the bra this cycle, I suppose that I may be able to test a naga bra and queen's hair potion on its own, but otherwise I will train once again as usual for this cycle.
No. 478498 ID: e3f578

I'm worried that might break the cycle though, these are the best two items in the caverns to combine, or are very likely to be at least. This means that if this DOESN'T break the cycle, you might have to leave the caves!
No. 478506 ID: c59939

>I suppose that I may be able to test a naga bra and queen's hair potion on its own

Test them. It would be surprising if they were powerful enough alone to completely break the time loopamajig
No. 478512 ID: c4e5c2
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Back to business as usual, training, telling usual stories and practicing my bardic magic!

On the fifth day, I make the potion, but approach Zirkala about if the strength may be too much!

>"I do not think the bra and queen's hair potion will break it alone, because the archmage did not bounce her spell and multiply the anti magic effects. I think once this test is finished, we will have a better idea of how much you need. Hopefully it is not too much."
>"Bottom's up, Story Seeker."
No. 478513 ID: c4e5c2
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.... not even close! It most certainly would need the archmage to cast her missile spell with Tom reflecting it back and forth on me!
No. 478617 ID: e3aff6

Hmm, If we can get the bra we could theoretically just have Muo or someone wear it and create the bounce multiplying effect without the naga, though on the other hand Tom is involved and he might find that too boring.
No. 478618 ID: ec6d4c

Be tough to create the bounce magnifier without the naga mage throwing her spell in the first place though. This loop she's likely to be hunting for the thief, not attacking the slimes. Plus, she'll attack differently, since she expects us to be magic resistant.
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