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File 133596215807.png - (5.91KB , 450x400 , Dine intro.png )
406941 No. 406941 ID: 78c391

You turn on your screen, you are now watching a live feed.
2 posts omitted. Last 50 shown. Expand all images
No. 406944 ID: 9cd02a

Ask Catmester 3 if he can hear us. If he can tell him to stand on its head to prove it
No. 406947 ID: 78c391
File 133596539698.png - (5.43KB , 450x400 , D 2.png )

Sir can not hear you, but with this computer-like object he can read you.
He thanks you with the name but wish it were more clever and longer.

What would you like him to do that's not standing on his head because he is hungry and that would make him throw up which would make him hungrier.
No. 406962 ID: 78c391
File 133596840290.png - (7.24KB , 450x400 , d 3.png )

You get bored of waiting for commands and just press a button.

another cat comes out of the tube
No. 406965 ID: 299ed3

Name him Custard, he shall be our butler.
No. 406966 ID: 78c391
File 133596932458.png - (8.64KB , 450x400 , d 4.png )

You greet Custard, he's a little bit tied up at the moment to be a butler.

now that that's out of the way, you look at the screen for the next action
No. 406983 ID: b6edd6

Untie him and ask if he knows where any FOOD is.
No. 406984 ID: 5029d1

try all the buttons!
No. 406991 ID: 78c391
File 133597662697.png - (11.11KB , 450x400 , d 5.png )

proceed to press all the buttons.
No. 406993 ID: 78c391
File 133597777027.png - (6.84KB , 450x400 , d 6.png )

most of the machine is just for show actually.

all you really did was press the cake button.
Cake is always good.
No. 406994 ID: 78c391
File 133597833777.png - (8.96KB , 450x400 , d 7.png )

Lets Begin!
No. 406996 ID: f46f0d

hold on you cant eat that whole thing you have to ration it. First take the top third and throw it at the skinny guy, then eat the second third, and store the last for later cause your going to get hungry again anyways.
No. 406997 ID: 78c391
File 133597926209.png - (7.41KB , 450x400 , d 8.png )

Open your mouth, Custard.
No. 406999 ID: 78c391
File 133597959768.png - (8.63KB , 450x400 , d 9.png )

Custard sees a something
No. 407011 ID: 78c391
File 133598153754.png - (15.19KB , 450x400 , d 10.png )

Custard and you see a strange design on the wall, it's made of blood and skin.

but thats it.
should you ask what happened or should you just watch what is going on?
No. 407019 ID: 5029d1

uhh, maybe one of the foods causes explosions and you need to guess which one.
No. 407022 ID: 78c391
File 133598234253.png - (8.53KB , 450x400 , d 11.png )

Custard ask if one of the foods causes explosions.
Sir says you only explode if you over eat.
Custard ask which one causes you to over eat?
Sir say it's not the food. Stop talking about yourself.
Custard doesn't even think that makes sense.
No. 407033 ID: 78c391
File 133598378384.png - (6.04KB , 450x400 , d 12.png )

No. 407034 ID: 78c391
File 133598407186.png - (6.39KB , 450x400 , d 13.png )

What? how did you.
you are tied up!
No. 407052 ID: 9cd02a

Damn hes fast, well lets order some more cake, and try the cream button while you are at it.
Also ask custard if he remembers anything whatsoever
No. 407057 ID: a1d7ad

Obviously he is a ninja butler, now get some cake for yourself
No. 407058 ID: 78c391
File 133598545992.png - (7.42KB , 450x400 , D 14.png )

Sir orders another Cake, now with cream.
No. 407063 ID: 78c391
File 133598586906.png - (7.09KB , 450x400 , D 15.png )

you politely ask Custard if he remembers anything.
He replies he has been here for a week with very little food.
Sir apologizes saying he has been gone a whole week and has forgotton to feed you. he says he will make it up to you.
No. 407066 ID: 9cd02a

Quickly eat the cake before Custard does. After that how bout we untie your butler and look for an exit.
Also do you know who we are?
No. 407070 ID: 78c391
File 133598705427.png - (6.50KB , 450x400 , D 16.png )

Sir doesn't want to give out his real name because your mind's will be blown, he wants you to guess though, it's obvious.
Sir sets Custard free, Sir says he is free to leave now if he wants.
Custard doesn't feel worried anymore and decides to stay.
No. 407076 ID: 9cd02a

Damn it Custard! How about we order two cakes this time so we might get to actually eat one.
Also order some more arms so we can join the symmetrical master race again.
No. 407085 ID: 78c391
File 133598926882.png - (12.67KB , 450x400 , D 17.png )

Sir decided to place that order.
Custard just stares and looks at the screen.
No. 407098 ID: 27d278

I wonder why he'd be staring at the-

(What makes it better is that I have the same style)
No. 407136 ID: 369d34

Damn it, Custard! Quit ninja scarfing the cake before Sir gets a bite!

Sir, tie the rope around Custard's head so his mouth is held shut. Then you can get some cake.
No. 407188 ID: b9e291

Aphrod(isiac) button. Press it.
No. 407203 ID: 78c391
File 133600295410.png - (18.72KB , 343x400 , D 18.png )

>"Oh guys We will get to that button later

Sir proceeds to press the cake,cream,and Crush(it's the soda) button repeatedly.
Sir states he'll eat a bit later, he promises that.

> "I hope you guys don't get disgusted."
No. 407207 ID: b9e291

Whether we get disgusted depends on if you feed him so much cake he explodes.
No. 407219 ID: 27d278

I'll still around 'till if that point comes...

Great, now come sounds awkward to me...

QUIT LISTENING TO ME, and let's get our munch on... or something... uh... shit...
No. 407231 ID: 78c391
File 133600426281.png - (8.44KB , 343x400 , D 19.png )

>Hehehe you would THINK I would be totally doing that, If I was even planing on such a horrible mess in my lab again I would do other things. Ha just kidding I would never think of doing that. and it certainly hasn't been done before...

Sir just smiles increasingly wide watching his guest dine on sweets endlessly.
No. 407241 ID: 52a564

Now eat him
No. 407242 ID: b0d466

>Open the DO NOT OPEN caution tape
No. 407264 ID: 27d278

Sir totally doesn't remind me of Weaver's quests...
No. 407271 ID: b9e291

Why? Why are you feeding innocent people cake until they explode?
No. 407275 ID: 369d34

Off-camera you wouldn't happen to have a "wafer thin mint" button on that control panel, now would you?
(Is that a deformed spider descending from the ceiling, or did the chandelier blow out?)
No. 407990 ID: 369d34

Since you enjoy watching them dine on sweets, may as well go all the way! Combine all three into their maximum form: Crush Cream Cake!
No. 424978 ID: 78c391
File 134037608670.png - (22.35KB , 343x400 , D 20.png )

sir only has two hands (halbent on the same side of his body for some reason) so only a combination of two buttons was pressed and blah blah Custard eats it of course blah blah.
No. 424979 ID: 78c391
File 134037614406.png - (5.37KB , 343x400 , D 21.png )

Custard is done with all this.
No. 424980 ID: 78c391
File 134037668027.png - (6.32KB , 343x400 , D 22.png )

No. 424981 ID: 78c391
File 134037670252.png - (6.65KB , 343x400 , D 23.png )

here ya go.
No. 424982 ID: 27d278
File 134037709299.jpg - (225.40KB , 500x541 , tumblr_l1wsx1R94S1qzmowao1_500.jpg )

No. 424983 ID: 78c391
File 134037788846.png - (7.39KB , 343x400 , D 24.png )

"Here's your god dang food, go fuck yourself Sir.
I'm outie"
No. 424985 ID: 6d1ffc

Right, so he detached his stomach-thing, clearly you must attach it to your own.
No. 424988 ID: 27d278

Turn it into a bomb...

A FOOD bomb... or something, I don't know.
No. 424991 ID: 78c391
File 134037995356.png - (6.26KB , 343x400 , D 25.png )

"the exit is that way, you are free to go"
No. 424992 ID: 27d278

Well, I got nothing. See ya' dude.
No. 424998 ID: dc4a44

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