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403485 No. 403485 ID: 97486c

Time does not follow a single path. Every action has many different, but equal, actions. The time line splinters into near infinite possibilities with no true one dominating the rest.
But time is not your domain. No, your powers lie in suggestion, the ability to shape the course of a single timeline through one person's actions. Normally you are restricted to one timeline, one possibility. But what if you got the chance to do it all again? What if you could make it better?

What if you could make it worse?

530 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 425826 ID: b85f8c

We haven't tried to use shadow balls before though... Anyway. Follow the blood.
No. 426153 ID: 97486c
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The two of them continue following a trail of broken branches and blood. After a while the trail becomes more difficult to follow. Saisai makes her way through the dense forest and finds herself and A1 in a clearing.
In the center of this place is a crystal floating above an ancient looking drawing.

>"We have located the Dragon's Breath."
No. 426156 ID: a3b384

Saisai, we have determined that the shadow magic attack we can do is very easy in this form. So when that matters, we'll use this. Until then...
[Change Form]

Ask what 1A knows about it, before anything else. There might be some benefit to us touching the crystal, but give us a moment to get a feel for it's effects before then.

Riiiight, I'm sure it being all about the elements of the dragons still living and not doesn't effect you at all. The truth, first.
No. 426161 ID: a2fa74

You know, you could just have her learn soul magic. That would get you your body back without screwing over Saisai.

How about this, then? We know who had you killed, we know why, and we know their real identity. Stop trying to bullshit us and maybe this time we'll be able to stop them from slaughtering an entire dark elf city.

If it's floating and/or glowing then it's a powerful magic artifact. Don't touch anything.
Since nobody is here, check on Art by way of Maggie next.
No. 426166 ID: b85f8c

Do not touch it. Not until you figure out what that drawing there is and what those claw marks did exactly.
No. 426167 ID: 132b99

earth water fire light wind darkness and a 7th symbol in the center, scratched out. the symbol belonged to the dragon of the Oli, Oraes.
No. 426256 ID: 97486c
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"Any idea what this does A1?"

>"It is rumored the item gives power to those who have deep connections with the dragons. Beyond that no one is certain."

"Hmm.. What do those symbols mean?"

>"The outer symbols are the signs of the six dragons. I am not certain about the center one."

"It's supposed to belong to a group known as the Oli's dragon Oraes.."

>"Error: Data not found. Beep."

"Not surprised.."

I know it 'is' a big glowing magical thing but for some reason I'm compelled to touch it..

Oh hey, I'm back to normal again. And that touch it feeling is gone too.

Anyway I can continue to wander around the forest trying to look for the others or we could just wait here for them.
No. 426268 ID: 132b99

hmmm, we are getting a strong feelng too, but for a different reason. and we are debating if it's a good idea. anyway, ask a1 to see if any trails lead away from here.
No. 426284 ID: 4a328b

...Alright. Touch it!
No. 426319 ID: e8eaab

No. 426320 ID: e8eaab

No. 426322 ID: 09e5bf

I agree.
No. 426324 ID: 04b86a

Apparently we somehow have a strong connection to Ombra and our change form ability causes that connection to leak over into you. I recommend not touching it until we have a good idea of what it will do to you.

That symbol, though... it's the third symbol we've seen associated with Oraes. It's fitting, I suppose, since she was the dragon for all of the races that weren't the main six, but it's still odd how she has so many.

Now if you can see any trails leading away from here you should follow that, otherwise you may as well stay here. I really wish we could keep this thing's location a secret, though; there are certain individuals back in the human kingdom that I'd really like to keep it away from.

...You know what? Touch the thing. It's worth the risk of something unexpected happening.
No. 426325 ID: a3b384

You sorta might have a connection to dragons involved here, actually. Worth a shot.

I'd like if we could wait and have them come here, but we need some idea they're headed here or nearby. Scout the immediate area for signs of anyone coming or going recently.
No. 426327 ID: 4a328b

[90 GP to Ombra]
No. 426328 ID: 132b99

No. 426330 ID: 4a328b

[50 to Ombra!]
No. 426350 ID: 25d645
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Saisai grabs the crystal and
nothing happens.

... Well.. Mission completed I guess?
No. 426353 ID: 4a328b

Give it to A1!
No. 426357 ID: a3b384

Knock that off. Work with us, keep her safe and we'll help you out. Why do you want to take her over anyway, only to be trapped in her form? Wouldn't you rather be your true self again..?

Eh, just as well. Put that aw- wait. Don't put it in your chest bag, keep a hold of it.

[Scan Crystal]
[Transfer 10 GP to the crystal]

Wait here for the others for a while. Maybe if you think real hard about where you are your psychic leader will notice.
No. 426361 ID: 25d645
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[Scan is not a command.
Transfer to Crystal is not a command.]

I guess we'll just wait here for others..

Saisai closes her eyes and tries to yell in her head for her captain. To her surprise she gets a reply.

"Saisai, stay where you are! We have a group headed your way!"

The voice is Captain Maggie's.

Oh wow that actually worked..
No. 426363 ID: 4a328b

No. 426367 ID: 132b99

uhhh, there's a whole lot of green stuff going on behind you, be careful.
No. 426369 ID: a3b384

She should have said you could do that before. Oh well, it worked out anyway.
No. 426621 ID: 97486c
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Saisai turns and looks to see a giant green beast bending the trees out of his way as he approaches Saisai. She hears the beast speaking directly into her mind, blocking out all other sound around her.

Tiny human.. You have exactly 5 seconds to return the Artifact.

>"Beep, that is Aeryr the Wind Dragon. He is the lord of all Light Elves.
No. 426623 ID: 4a328b


hand it over
No. 426625 ID: 132b99

okay saisai, gonna need to put your DEAL face and accept the facts, the soul of the shadow dragon Ombra is implanted in you due to your REAL father. you will need to know this so you can tell Aeryr here the truth. and put it back too, "great aeyer, i simply wished to use the artifact to revive ombra, who's soul is entwined with mine"
No. 426628 ID: a3b384

He's also a giant asshole... yeah put it back, and tell him that some eggheads want to study it, no problem if they do it here yeah? No harm, no foul?
No. 426639 ID: b85f8c

Well don't just stand there, put the artifact back.

This is good, he doesn't appear to be getting himself killed this time around.
No. 426641 ID: a2fa74

Put it back.
[Change form]
"Hey, Aeryr, do you know who's been messing with the time stream? Was it Myli? That coward gloats over murdering Oraes, but as soon as he gets everybody else out for his blood he wants a mulligan.

Oh, could you tell Sharaes we need to talk to her? Kinda important.

Who told you you'd be freed if she died? They lied; the two ways for a dragon in your position to be freed are for you to take over their body or for them to master your circle of magic. If your host dies you end up tossed in the circle of life and jam everything up.

Seriously, who told you to kill your host? I have some guesses.

Oh, and Aeryr is a dick. I dunno why you think he would help.

No. 426643 ID: 04b86a

Oh, Aeryr's guarding this? That reassures me a bit. He's a jerk, but should be capable of protecting it. Hey, ask if he remembers you. He has all sorts of crazy time powers, so it wouldn't surprise me if one of them lets him see other timelines. You may as well tell him that Ombra says hello, too.

Ombra's not possessing Saisai. She's possessing us, and our Change Form ability causes her to leak over into Saisai a bit as though Saisai was the one possessed.

Hey, Ombra, if you drain us and all of our GP you'll be able to manifest as an imp for a little while. We used to have an ability that did that, but it had come from you last time so you'll have to do it yourself.
No. 426645 ID: a3b384

What? No, Myli can't do jack to the time stream. If it wasn't Aeryr it would have had to have been some extra dimensional time lord thing. Not our department or theirs to know anything about.
No. 426646 ID: 97486c
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No screw this I'm putting it back. I can't even imagine thinking about beating this thing in any way shape or form..

She places the crystal back.

Ombra? HAHAHAHAHA! Amazing. Good luck. Not you Ombra, I mean you little human.

He simply vanishes.
No. 426649 ID: 97486c
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Saisai hears Maggie call out her name

>"Hey, Saisai! And A1! You're both not dead! That's great!"

>??? "I could have sworn I saw something over here.."

>"Doesn't matter, point is we got the rest of my team back safe and sound."



>"And there's the Dragon's Breath!"

She goes to grab it
No. 426653 ID: 132b99

No. 426655 ID: 04b86a

Oh gods it's Regulus. With the fucking Dragonslayer.

Saisai, you have a new goal in life: to grow stronger and find a way to kill that man. Viciously. Trust nothing he says. Trust nothing he does. Anything he does that doesn't reveal him as the monster he is is merely an act of manipulation to further his master's desire of wiping out all of the non-human races and their dragons; you included, since you're not pure human.

Fun fact: Regulus here is the one that instructed Sable to kill you. He even told him that you were the Tigerfolk's dragon to cover up the fact the main reason he wanted you dead right then was so he could get his hands on that watch you were guarding.
No. 426657 ID: 09e5bf

At least do so long enough to tell them what happened when you grabbed it. Then let them decide how they want to handle the situation, using this new knowledge.
No. 426658 ID: b85f8c

That's the dragon slayer. Why does he have it?

Shit, if she grabs the crystal, Aeryr will show up, and with that sword, he could kill Aeryr... That must not happen! You have to stop this!
No. 426660 ID: a3b384

YELL STOP. Last thing we need is out commander being eaten by a dragon on our first day.
No. 426677 ID: f5b22e

Warn them that its guarded by the Wind Dragon clearly.
And, regrettably, prepare to run. Literally. Figure out which direction would be best. Dragon shrine to teleport back to Central, etc.
If Regulus starts a fight with Oraes, there could be collateral.
No. 426678 ID: a2fa74

"Don't touch it! We just tried to take it, and Aeryr showed up and berated us into putting it back."

You know, Saisai, Sable's dying words were asking for you to get us and that sword.

"OH! Regulus! You found the other half of my inheritance! I've been wondering where that got off to; how did you come to have it?"
No. 427266 ID: 97486c
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W-what...? But isn't he the Captain General..?
And what's wrong with the dragon slayer?

What? But... That's the King's sword. My father couldn't have left me that.

"Hey stop!"

>Regulus: "??"

"Captain we can't take this!"

>"Why not Sai?"


Saisai feels something probe her mind. She allows the intrusion a bit

>Maggie: ".... Yeah okay mission done! We'll explain it to the client! Everyone let's go!"

Regulus examines Saisai a bit then walks with them to the Dragon Shrine. It teleports them back to the Kingdom. Maggie goes up to Saisai and hands her a giant bag filled with gold.

>"Hey we may have failed the mission but you did a great job keeping yourself and A1 alive. Here's G200."

"Woah.. Uh.. Thank you."

>"Not a problem."

"Captain, why was the Captain General there?"

>"He's just the one who volunteered to help us get you guys back."

"So you actually made it back to the kingdom..?"

>"Mmmhmm. I used my psychic powers, Daniel kinda just flew, and Artemis has his own means of finding his way out of the woods."

"... Ok. Thank you captain."

Oh man G200... And I got the ingredients for that potion too..
No. 427269 ID: 132b99

your REAL father. but i digress. to the potion shop!
No. 427275 ID: a3b384

Don't put too much stock on our inexplicable predictions because some crazy time magic screwed with us at some point, much isn't the same and anything we say could all be wrong. We really should stop jumping to conclusions. Just be careful and pay attention to everything happening around you.

Now then let's see about potions first and then maybe new equipment.

We can't yet. And you can't do it yourself, not as a dragon vs the dragon slayer or when merely possessing Saisai. She, you and ourselves need to be much stronger first before that can happen. Now then, tell us what you remember about how you died. It'll help.
No. 427278 ID: b85f8c

Shit. We've said too much already. Guys, stop talking about the future. Seriously.
No. 427285 ID: 04b86a

So the Captain General just "happened" to decide to help a few trainees retrieve an item that Aeryr just "happened" to have been charged with guarding and just "happened" to bring the Dragonslayer along with him. Are you starting to understand what's wrong with the Dragonslayer being in his possession?

We want to. Really, you have no idea how much we want to. But not only is he both powerful and good at avoiding dying, but he's also the Caption General, so until Saisai is both powerful enough to take him on and has a damn good excuse for killing him, our hands are tied.
No. 427289 ID: 97486c
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Okay okay I guess it's a 'little' suspicious.. But why would he want to kill the dragons?

Saisai heads to Morgan's shop. A bell wakes up Morgan.

>"Hey.. How'd everything go..?"

"I got some plants and stuff for you from the mission."

Saisai places all the herbs she'd gathered on Morgan's desk.

>"Oh my.. These... These are perfect. Thank you so much! I... I'll make the potion for you for G25 with all this. Is that ok?"

"More then ok."

Saisai pays G25 leaving her with G175.

>"You look uhm.. Really banged up.. Was it difficult?"

"A bit yes."

Morgan nods.

>"Yeah.. That's why no one likes to go there.. Uhm.. It will take me a day to brew the potion... Is there anything else you want..?"

Is there anything else I should get?
No. 427293 ID: 132b99

ask if she has a dislike potion, for use on annoying guys that hit on you.
oh and if she knows someone by the name of apple.
No. 427298 ID: a2fa74

Ask her if she'd like to hang out sometime.
Tell her she has a cute smile.
No. 427301 ID: a3b384

Ask for a list of what she has.

Stop that, no reason to bring her up by name. However...

And ask about any other items she might need, something more rare or valuable. How does she get her supplies anyway, does she go out herself or have other people fetch them?
No. 427303 ID: b85f8c

We can't tell you any more. The timeline's becoming unstable because of all we've told you already. I'm not sure you should think about our future-speak anymore or discuss it with us. Let's just react to things as they happen from now on, okay?

Ask her what stuff she has available, now that you've got some spending money.
No. 427307 ID: 97486c
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"Well what do you have?"

>"I have uhm... Healing potions. And other things. Like for strength and speed. They're really good I think.."

"How much?"

>"It's G10 for a weak one and G20 for a stronger one.. The stronger one can last all day if you uh take it at noon.."

"I think I'll take a Greater Speed Potion."

Saisai hands her G20 leaving her with G155.

This might come in handy later.

"Hey do you have a dislike potion? Like to get rid of annoying people."

>"Uhm.. Sorry. I don't have anything like that in stock. I do have poison if you really want to get rid of someone.."


"N-no.. That's fine. What other kind of potions do you have?"

>"Well.. Mostly buff potions.. If you want something special I can usually craft it if you give me the money and time.."

Haha, sure why not. She looks kinda anxious and shy.

"You know I'm kinda new to the city in general. Maybe you can show me around a bit?"

>"Oh no I.. I'm sure someone can do better then me.. I don't go out much either. I pretty much live in this shop." She gives a nervous laugh.

"You should smile more often. You look better smiling."

Morgan fidgets nervously.

>"Uhm thank you.. Is there anything else you want...?"

Aw, now she's even more withdrawn. Girl probably never really talks to someone beyond selling potions.

"So is there any other item you need? I'll probably be going around doing missions so I can see if I can grab anything for you."

>"I... I could always use any gems.. Sapphires, rubies, even quartz.. And any parts of magical creatures are useful as well, if you happen to get any of them.. I'll pay you for them or give you a discount on potions."

"I'll keep that in mind next time I go out. How do you usually get your stuff?"

>"My father... He runs a shop across the street... The I Shop.."

"What does he sell there?"

>"Everything. Everything but potions that is." Another nervous laugh
No. 427311 ID: 132b99

okay say bye and let's see what the i-shop carries.
No. 427313 ID: a3b384

Oh the I Shop sounds promising, lets head over there. As for Morgan... it's difficult. She could use a friend and it's not like you're a social person either. But forcing her out of the shell would be hard. We'll work on it I guess, not like you won't see her fairly often.
No. 427314 ID: a2fa74

"Ok, you need to get out of the shop more often and I need more friends. I'm taking you for lunch this weekend. I'll pick you up Saturday at noon, alright?"
No. 427315 ID: b85f8c

I think you should ask your captain for some more information about Daniel. Like, how strong is he?

The answer will be "Everything." The I-shop is for when we have something specific in mind, or at least a specific category of items.
No. 427319 ID: 97486c
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"I'll go check it out. Really though the two of us should hang out. Next time I'm free I'll come by."

>"Okay.. Thank you... For the ingredients.."

"No problem."

Saisai waves goodbye and heads to the shop across the street labeled the I Shop.
She enters and is greeted by a hooded man.

>"Welcome friend. What can I get you?"

"Uhm.. What do you have?"

His smiles broadens and he gestures around his shop


He suddenly gives off a loud hoarse laugh.

>"Except potions that is. My daughter across the street sells that. Is there anything in particular you're looking for?"
No. 427320 ID: b85f8c

Whoops I meant ask your captain about the Captain General. Not Daniel. Heh.

Ask about beginner's magic. We need to get you some utility spells, I think, and have Artemis help you learn how to use them.
No. 427323 ID: a2fa74

"A book on learning soul magic."

This is something you NEED to learn. It has the fringe benefit of letting you cut things in half with your mind. You will learn it easily, in spite of your tigerfolk heritage.
No. 427333 ID: b85f8c

Dark Elves don't sell books on that. We have to learn it directly from a Dark Elf teacher, remember?
No. 427334 ID: 886a4d

Doesn't hurt to ask though, he did say he sold everything.
No. 427363 ID: 132b99

he has everything remember? if he doesn't have it he will get it.
No. 427394 ID: a3b384

Ask if there is some illusion making item that can alter the appearance of your hair and ears to imitate various looks and races. For missions. Really.

And what the heck is an illness tablet? A way to fake being sick or a what?
No. 427421 ID: 6ac522

Gosh.. what about getting something that would make you.. pure human? No more disguises.
No. 427496 ID: f5f475

Ask if info on his daughter is in stock~
You're a knight, so it's only proper to ask the father.
No. 428521 ID: 97486c
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"Actually I'd like to know a bit more about your daughter. I'd just come out of her shop and she seems a bit... Jittery."

>"Hehehehehehe. Yes. She is a shy girl. Very kind but she just hasn't been around many people. It'd pay to make friends with her. Maybe I'd even give you a discount here.."

"No need to bribe me, I'd already made plans to try and get her to go around the city with me. I'm rather new to the place myself."

>"Good good. Now, I'm sure information on my daughter isn't all you came here for. Would you like a weapon? Armor? Perhaps a spell book or two?"

A spellbook..?

"Do you have books on Soul Magic or normal utility Magic?"

>"I most certainly do. I can give you one of each for a total of G15."

"I'll take it."

She hands him G15 leaving her with G140.

"Also I need new armor. My old armor was destroyed in my last mission."

The man smiles and examines Saisai.

>"I have just the set for you miss.. Please, come to the changing room."

He leads Saisai to the back of the shop and after looking around a bit hands her some armor and fabric.

>"Put on the black bits first then place on the actual armor."

Saisai tries on the new armor in the privacy of her changing room.

Hmm.. I like it.
And if the metal bits break off again I have a nice black under-suit.
No. 428522 ID: 97486c
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Saisai realizes she's been going around the kingdom half naked.


"So, how much is the armor?"


Ouch.. A bit pricey but.. This just looks so... 'Knightish'. I have to get it.

She pays the G100

Anything else I should get or am I done here?
No. 428527 ID: a3b384

Not likely in your price range now or soon but ask about items with illusion or alteration magic to make you look different enough to pass as a different race. Besides being able to hide your ears without a hat, it can provide cover if you are seen without it and it may be handy for missions. Maybe you can work a deal out with him for it. Alteration would change your body and you may not like that, but illusions may not hold up when you need it to or some might see through it.

...You know what? Ask if he has anything that could have special use alongside a guardian items power. Can't hurt.
No. 428531 ID: d7e757

>"Do you have books on Soul Magic or normal utility Magic?"

>"I most certainly do. I can give you one of each for a total of G15."

>"I'll take it."

...Which one?
No. 428533 ID: a2fa74

"Now that I've paid, can I see how I look in an ordinary mirror?"
No. 428540 ID: 132b99

both, one of EACH for 15 TOTAL.
anyway, think that's good for now save it up.
No. 428574 ID: a3b384

What the hell are you talking abou-
>Mirror of enhanced beauty

...Ah. Nice catch. I don't think that affects us though. I mean technically we aren't looking through it at all and she looks fine. But sure ask about it, it gives a natural segue into my question about illusions if nothing else.

And see about getting a light helmet under the hood, and if the feather can be incorporated somewhere more secure than just being tucked into your belt.
No. 428575 ID: 431fa8

I'd definitely look into some kind of persistent illusion or minor shapeshift charm/item to hide your nonhuman physical characteristics.
No. 428578 ID: 1e9d01

How is that hood going to stay up to hide your ears? Seems like a good wind would blow it away.
No. 428581 ID: c3c502


You'd think if something like that were cheaply and readily available, her rich-ass image conscious family would have gotten her one years ago.
No. 428592 ID: 132b99

No. 428619 ID: 92c81e

Yea, there's a very good reason she had her tail removed. Because the other options are either not possible, or stupidly expensive.
No. 428643 ID: f5f475

Doesn't mean it shouldn't be looked into, anyway. Also it seems like it's mostly her step-dad that's like that.
No. 428727 ID: 97486c
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"Can I get a different mirror please? I just want to see something."

>"?? Certainly."

He brings her a different mirror.

.... Looks the same to me.

"Ok. Do you have some kind of charm or something that can cast a minor illusion spell on me?"

>"I have two different kinds. One allows you to use your own mana to keep an illusion spell going while the other brings a constant illusion. The first one only costs G20 while the second costs G1,000. A device that constantly brings about an illusion and runs on it's own continuous fuel is hard to come by."

"I'll take the first one."

She pays G20 for a small necklace with a sphere on one end. Saisai now has G20.

All right.. Kinda low on money now. Again. Anything else I should buy or am I done here?

And if I'm done here is there anything else I should take care of?
No. 428728 ID: 886a4d

I think your done, 20 gold is enough for a nice evening walking around. Of course you'll be broke afterwords so its good that you have a free place to sleep.
No. 428780 ID: a3b384

Yeah I think we're good for now. Head back to the castle.
No. 428815 ID: 97486c
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Hmm.. I'm really not sure what else is around the town. I know a few stores but..

No. 428816 ID: 97486c
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No. 428817 ID: 997ce7

...Yeah, sure, why not? Have the cake.
No. 428820 ID: 97486c
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Saisai is now broke.

That was good..

It's still pretty early though.
I could just turn in early if there's nothing else to do. It's been a pretty hectic day already.
No. 428821 ID: 132b99

read those books you got. going to sleep thinking about them should help you learn.
No. 428823 ID: c3c502

Maybe you should test or practice your new illusion magic before bed? If it's going to be useful, you have to be able to get it up fast, and with little warning.
No. 428824 ID: d7e757

No. 428826 ID: a2fa74

Practice using your new item to hide your ears, since you want to be able to do it in your sleep. Literally.

Read the book on Soul Magic before you go to bed. The other one can wait until later.
No. 428828 ID: 97486c
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Saisai tries to use the Illusion charm but fails.

The man said it uses my own mana right? I never really learned how to channel that stuff...

Maybe if I read the Book of Magic.


I don't get any of this...
It just looks like Aquian to me.
No. 428829 ID: 132b99

be serious about this! try the other one.
No. 428832 ID: c3c502

...you may need an introductory course to magic theory. Or a lesson in training mana.

In the meantime, maybe we can use guardian points in place of mana to run the illusion charm?

[Illusion - human SaiSai]
No. 428834 ID: 97486c
File 134136931590.png - (104.54KB , 800x600 , 112.png )

[Illusion is not an ability]


No. 428836 ID: 09e5bf

[change form] maybe this will help.
No. 428837 ID: a3b384

Hmm... well you'll need to figure it out at least a little. But if you can't read it then it can't be helped for now. You may need tutoring from someone, probably one of your teammates. If you feel up to it you can go see Artemis for a bit later and have him talk you through the basics. For soul magic you may need to seek out someone at the library. Alternatively, Morgan might be useful with both.

But for now, knock on your mimics box and touch us to him, we'll transfer some of our spare power to him.
[transfer 40 GP to Yuyu]

And some for you, too.
[transfer 40 GP to Ombra]

Obviously it makes sense to you. Got some advice here? Would it help if we changed her form too? Would she have more aptitude for soul magic like that, or your direct influence could push her along?

No. 428871 ID: 97486c
File 134137375514.png - (54.74KB , 525x600 , 113.png )

Forget this! I'll have Artemis or whoever explain this stuff to me in the morning.

I'm tired now so..

Good night.

And thanks for all the help today.
No. 428872 ID: 886a4d

Sweet dreams Saisai
No. 428874 ID: 04b86a

[Make Saisai have sexy dreams about Morgan and Fiabe]
No. 428876 ID: 4bdd79

No. 428882 ID: d7e757

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