Mystic Star Cream
I put up with it before. I loved you. I still do. But it's so hard to love you, Gren. When you tore me away on this, this hunt, I followed you, because I wanted to be near you, to help you, to do anything for you!
I've watched you, and the way you do things, and I don't like it! You've hurt people, Gren! Even I got hurt, just for you! No, not for you. For love. I don't know you, 'Lord Grentonis'! I don't even think you know yourself! But that's all you care about: yourself!
"You.. Boaga, shut up. S-shut up!"
You think you're the only one with fire inside you, Grennie? The only one that can kill? I thought I needed you before, but I never have, Gren. You're the one that's needed me!
"Boaga.. B-Bo.. Stop it. Stop it!"
As if you even could! You're weak, Gren! You've always been the weak one. I've just never understood before. But now the only thing I can't understand is why I ever cared about you! Maybe it was because you were the only girl nearby! Maybe I was just crazy and I wanted a CRAZY GIRLFRIEND!