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381984 No. 381984 ID: 95f225

Previously, Before the Storm
110 posts omitted. Last 100 shown. Expand all images
No. 395386 ID: 48dff4

There is nothing to gain right now by fighting other than looking like you weren't afraid to fight. It's just not worth it right now with what you are trying to accomplish here. You don't want to be known for being aggressive or starting fights. Being new in town, running around with a posse, and you being the first one to act aggressively you could end up with a lot of the blame. Also in a fight both parties are often blamed anyway.

Even though he is aggressive, rude and all you should try to diffuse the situation. Unhand him and continue to your destination. No need to say anything. Saying just about anything that isn't submitting to him would encourage him to fight to defend looking like if he gave in you and to what you said.
No. 402870 ID: 929fb5
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Yes, I will break him, I am better, than him, I am superior by blood and bone!

It doesn't matter who he is, I don't care who he is, I WANT HIM TO FEAR ME! I WANT-
>it is your duty.

I chose caution, I back down, I relinquish.

With a final snarl and a jaunty adjustment of his cap the thug stalks away, muttering his private recriminations and recompense of violence should I have persisted.
No. 402875 ID: 929fb5
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"Why didn't you hurt him big brother, why didn't you finish it?!"
"We don't need to draw more attention with a fight, we are on a mission."
"...but, our honor."
"Later, we can make them pay later... also check your pockets, it was probably a distraction for a thief. We have to be on our guard."

I take this moment to check myself. It ‘feels’ like everything is where it should be, all my catches in order. It would be ridiculous of course, to carry all of my silver in a singular, easily stolen coin-purse.
No. 402880 ID: 929fb5
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"What was all that?"
"Nothing important, a simple disagreement, the people here are disrespectful and rude."
"He didn't defend our honor, he should have thrashed him!"
"It's not important right now we have more important business."
"But now nobody will respect us, how will we get any help if they they think we are cowards."

"Ughhhh... I knew this was all a bad idea."
"What was a bad idea?"
He sighs and rubs his forehead wearily.
"Nothing... milord. We should be going, it is late."
No. 402902 ID: 929fb5
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"If I may interrupt, gentlemen?"
A rather tired looking lowlander in a feather coat draws himself a bit closer, the young and colorfully clothed highlander lady by his side providing a curious and immediate contrast to his bent form.

"Yes, what do you wish sir?"
"Ah, where are my manners? My name is Sorrel Perroquette. I bore witness to your little encounter and thought I might take the opportunity show you some of the hospitality of this city instead, and perhaps I may express some appreciation for those who value, if not peaceable and civilized intentions, at least some subtly and dignity of character?"
”And this hospitality would be?”
”My family has a spare suite in our uptown apartments, it would honor me if I could convince you to fill them during your stay in this city, Sir…?”

My head pounds and my palms still itch with unvented indignation, but I am tired, this place is noisy and oily smelling. I feel confused, irritated, why should he have any respect for the ease with which I back down from the least obstacle to my will?

Distractions, should I take up the offered hospitality of this stranger?
No. 402918 ID: b85f8c

Do it. Perhaps he can serve as a source of information as well as lodgings. If he cherishes subtlety, then perhaps his employees do as well? Subtlety is a prized possession amongst those in the information trade...
No. 403027 ID: b6edd6

>I feel confused, irritated, why should he have any respect for the ease with which I back down from the least obstacle to my will?
Because it is no exercise of will at all to fight someone so obnoxious and unintimidating. Willpower is overcoming your instincts to pursue your goals, and as such only applies to fights you fear. Like, say, a battle with a wyrd-eyed mind predator on its own terms.
No. 403048 ID: ed57e8

indeed, avoiding a fight with something so dumb is wise not cowardice.
No. 403106 ID: d5ee6f

Why not? A local contact is great. Be on your guard, though.
No. 412482 ID: 1cf9fb
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"Ach, any chance hew pissenk off de local types August, or haz our head suddenly become target for empty can with other reason?"
I turn to see that it seems Larcen's nursing a bump on his head, and see a soup tin resting on the ground a ways back.
"Mmnnn yes, many of our more vulgar sorts hold such strutting and fighting as their highest form of entertainment, not so happy to be denied their show of blood and arms."

Regarding the weary faces of my cohort I consider Mister Perroquette's offer for a moment before replying.

"Sauterelle my name is August de Sauterelle."
"Ahhh, proper nobility, an old foundational family too, interesting, very interesting."
No. 412500 ID: 1cf9fb
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"Mister Peroquette, I accept your offer of hospitality, it would honor me to be your guest."
"Excellent, excellent."
No. 412518 ID: 1cf9fb
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We make our way through the maze of brickwork canyons, pavingstone plateaus and forests of obnoxiously buzzing sodium lamps till our host manages to flag down a passing streetcar.

Small droplets of a bitter tasting precipitation begin to filter down from the sky, driving home all those who are not either too enraptured to care or have no place 'to' go.
No. 412547 ID: 1cf9fb
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We arrive at his family's dwelling and he joins us for a late dinner, we make nice but speak of nothing worth mentioning. By the time we are fed and shown to a room with a bed it is well past midnight, we collapse about the place with little more thought or discussion.
No. 412564 ID: 1cf9fb
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I've overslept haven't I?
No. 412565 ID: e3aff6

Probably not by that much, or the others would have woken you.
No. 412567 ID: 5c94e7

This is likely the case.
I can't thin of any sort of situation in which they would consider waking you to be detrimental.
No. 412580 ID: b85f8c

Yep! Get dressed quick and see if you missed breakfast.
No. 416535 ID: 22c05c
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I hurriedly throw on my clothes and exit the room, a central courtyard shows last night's droplets have become a steady drizzle on grey walls and steel pillars.

Two children play at melee, armed and armored in common household goods whilst shrilly piping their verbal violence in a mock archaic.

"Forsooth, yield knave or beeth striken down full welleth."
"Nay thou welp, for tis known the depths of thine dishonor!"
"Excuse me but could either of you perhaps tell me where I could get a bite-"
No. 416572 ID: 22c05c
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For a moment they both look to me before the one armed with a broom is tackled to the ground and... his helm stripped?

"Impudent! You dare?"
"Hurry fair hero, sally forth beyond the stairs of stone, descend ye twice and twice again fully, down the corridors of eternal twilight where non torch doth illuminate, beyond the fourth portal and the oww-"
"No, I command thee, return to me the chalice of infinite thought and I shall rewarmhpphpparhhpph!"
No. 416573 ID: 22c05c
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I catch the flying helmet, apparently a mere colander as their struggle degrades into a tinny stream of yelps and childish insults amid the tangled tussle of their ragged gear.

"Oookay then, I just be, off then. I suppose.... down two flights... four doors... no four flights..."
No. 416575 ID: 22c05c
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I find a smoky kitchen and return the cooking implement to much thanks, stating that I had 'found it', not wishing to implicate any more than necessary.

Apparently I am far too late for any breakfast, my companions already having left hours ago. Larcen offered to escort our host's first wife to market and back, while my little brother and his master left to ‘attend a meeting,' expecting to return by supper.

My host however, would be partial to taking tea with me, and thus I am goaded towards his quarters. This entire villa of apartments seems primarily the abode of his family and servants... the distinct lack of kobolds around to attend lesser chores leaving much work for them. Noting they seem unsure how properly to treat me, I wonder how much they know of my lineage. Having been under the impression that the people in this city would be rude and spiteful of a noble title I instead find myself slightly unnerved by their bowing and humble address.
No. 416577 ID: 22c05c
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"Ahh, your companions thought it may be best to let you sleep after your journey."
I consider this, but my paranoia thinks it may be less a desire to see me well rested, and more to not be embarrassed again in public.
"I see, slept half of the day away, so I was, quite tired."

"If I may ask, do you yourself have any plans today? I'm planning to meet a rather important visitor to our city today, and wonder if you would like to accompany me?"

Hmmm, I should probably be undertaking my own investigations about the city, despite my companion’s reluctance to include me. I still have a duty to contribute to that criminal's capture.

I also would like to get my linespinner cleaned up to a functional condition, a city like this should have the required technical skills around
No. 416580 ID: d5ee6f

Think longterm. You have goals, but here you have an opportunity.
No. 416581 ID: d5ee6f

In other words, take the opportunity.
No. 416583 ID: 664f36

Your line spinner takes priority level -Infinity. We don't care about it and neither should you, not now. However, it's possible that the person your host is meeting with may be the person you're seeking. After all, right now you should be trying to meet people, get some contacts, see who this fellow might be connected with.
No. 416617 ID: 2eb283

Perhaps our friend here has some technical knowledge, at least from a collector's standpoint. His showcase there looks exquisite and well-kept. I'm sure he'd be happy to talk about them.
No. 418617 ID: 88e242
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"I confess, I was thinking of taking care of a few things of my own, namely following up some leads on technical repair, do you mind if I take a look at you collection?"
"Please, but of course...
However, I am not one to turn down the opportunity to make connections."
"I do not intend to disapoint, this visitor is of paralleled quality. Though if you are looking for examples of 'technical repair' a Shrine of the Innominatam Imparatos may not be to your pleasure."
"Excuse me?"
"Ahh, not a very popular saint I fear, being nameless tends to have such an effect.
Twas a well verified event in which a nameless demolitions soldier managed to hold back a tide of combatant for almost two hours, despite having been part of a woefully ill-prepared and supplied unit. This fellow’s courage in engaging in unarmed melee as even their armor lost power exemplified the art of the honorable lost cause, perseverance in the face of the impossible, and the ultimate obscurity of heroism. As you may imagine, they did not survive the conflict but bought enough time for a handful to be saved from the depredations of the Wirehand Ghouls in the Belethuzar Conflict. All weapons laid upon the shrine are broken, trophies and relics alike."

No. 418619 ID: 88e242
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"Doesn't sound incredibly encouraging."
"I'm afraid it's not a very lightheated story... but... I feel a certain kinship... if I may tell the tale?"
"Who am I to refuse so gracious a host?"
"Ahh, well, it is not such a great burden as you might think. You see, though no noble, my family has have long been traders in trans-oceanic goods.

Not so long ago, when I was probably about your age, I became a major investor in a new colony far to the south and across the sea. Indeed, we were only just above the equator, where the sun warms great forests so torrid that even the ladyfolk will wear as little cloth as absolutely necessary to prevent…”

"Ah-ahhh I-rn intriguing. Sounds like a place one might profit from inviting some of my more cloistered female acquaintances. I can’t imagine much else worth braving such a hellish clime."
"Ahhh, lumber, the vast wealth of jungles unexploited for long centuries. You would think man had never laid a finger there were it not for the traces of ruins and artifacts to be found here and there amidst the roots. Yet most importantly, not a fairy to be found and a wag a haughty finger at our trespass."
"Sounds like a grand opportunity."
"Oh yes, we became… quite wealthy. Building simplistic wooden caravels to transport even more wood, ore and fruit to the homeland. The vast majority arrived and were deconstructed into pure profit!"
"Aha, A great and profitable adventure."

His expression seems one of blissful recollection before fading grimly back into the present.
"Mmm yes, if only that was where the story ended."
No. 418620 ID: 88e242
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"You see, the natives, mostly disparate tribal kobolds, were vicious and hostile.
"Little chance at civilizing them?"
"They were surprisingly brave, albeit, dismayed to learn their toxins did not drive us so near to death as previous intruders. Their ambushes, while quite daring, generally routed or could be converted into erh... 'recruitment opportunities' quite easily."
"Mmmm, so, they could be made to fall into line with some persuasion and perspiration?"
"It was helpful... the day being so intolerably hot as to forbid almost all work except at twilight they, however, seemed much more acclimatized, if only we could break them, that is, of the worship of their bloodthirsty, heathen solar gods."
"They refused to work in the day?"
"They refused to do a lot of things based on this or that superstition handed down from their sorcerer priest-kings."
No. 418624 ID: 88e242
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"But shouldn't we be able to resist such petty tricks?"
"Oh yes, those weren't so dangerous after all, easily shamed and deposed, no, it was their gods that ended us."
"The gods!?"
"They struck in the hottest parts of the day, a plague of serpent creatures of all forms and descriptions. Terrible. We had no backup for weeks, nowhere to retreat to but the sea. Ninety-seven percent losses... dead or worse. I barely survived.
I was crushed and poisoned, almost to dying. Left for dead among the dead, but one of the scavengers, a group of goblin pirates who had formerly made raids upon us, must have recognized my value when they arrived to the ruin only days later. You see, though shattered in form and frailty I am still or some worth it seems. My family paid the 'recovery fee' easily.”
No. 418632 ID: 88e242
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"A sorrowful tale my friend, what now?"
"Now? I do this and that... I fancy myself a philosopher of sorts. Before my downfall I had sought to marry into a noble title... now I study what it actually means to be 'noble' at all."
"Sounds like a pursuit of worth and honor, any findings?"
"Mmmm, if only my results were so..."

He trails off and I note what seems to be a ruined bracelet of a rather sinister supernatural cast among his collection. I could probably...
No. 418639 ID: 88e242
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"-Ahh, but now, now we must prepare ourselves, gird and arm ourselves to meet, to join in the awesome presence of, a DRAGON!"

"A what!?"

"Gallugerrone, the Golden has arrived, and I am among those who have been granted audience, to present to him the gift of some essays and texts from my collection, and *cough* a few of my own creation."

Gentlemen... I really don't think... I... don't think a dragon is precisely a 'low key' meeting.

What if he looks right through me, should I go armed, unarmed, I mean, it's like a spiritual powerhouse, it could probably just glance my direction... and I'd wither away. My family has never been known to bow before the dragons.
No. 418725 ID: d5ee6f

I believe you should ask your new friend here the proper etiquette of a visiting noble to an unknown dragon. I recommend you do bow, but not too deeply. You have an excuse: this is not YOUR dragon-liege.
No. 418812 ID: e3aff6

As long as you are polite you should be fine. I suspect Gallugerrone would be more curious than anything if he found out about your abilities, though it wouldn't hurt to ask whether the dragon has a strong opinion on the study of magic.
No. 424441 ID: 6f7214
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My host informs me that I may go armed as I wish. After all, the city encourages such personal protection, and Gallugerrone could hardly take offense "-as most any weapon short of rockets or harpoon would be all but useless against such a magnificent creature."

On this I decided to wear the pistol openly on my belt, with my dirk sheathed close to the fur under my jacket.
No. 424443 ID: 6f7214
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"You seem quite... anxious?"
"Shouldn't I be? My family takes no dragon as it's own, nor have we ever had any need for their opinions, regardless of the uses they may serve in battle."
"You know I am de Sauterelle, a new house perhaps, but we are not so far removed from the old one. We've been known for... collecting... cataloging arts and secrets that others would see left undisturbed. Those with power and understanding are usually those least desirous to see it shared."
"I'm afraid I don't know Gallugerrone's thoughts on that. We correspond mostly on social and ethical matters. Still, take heart; today it is my words, my loyalties that he shall be scrutinizing. I only hope he is as sympathetic to our kind as I've heard."
No. 424451 ID: 6f7214
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"Our kind, What great need could we have of his sympathy? Gallugerrone has no armies nor land yet does he? What besides his own ire could you risk?"
"I'll admit, when I saw the choices you made, your actions last night I'd hoped that you might understand. What I fear most is not some foe lurking beyond our lands, but the ones within our own hearts. No army can strike at that."
"And what foes could be so terrifying, how shall a dragon help against them?"
"What is it do we do best? What is the purpose of our people?
"We survive.
"We do more than survive. We swarm!”
”We are the shield against the foes of men, but you are not stupid, tell me now, what shall be when Man has no more foes?"
"No more foes? An unlikely prospect, someone will always wants someone else dead."
"Do not make light of the matter. There will come a day when Man must need to chose between men, and verhimen. Between his own flesh, and a tool. A beloved tool perhaps, but a dangerously obsolete tool. Tell me what choice you would make?"
No. 424453 ID: b85f8c

False choice. There is always another way aside from genocide.
No. 424512 ID: 664f36

What exactly does your host recommend? He fears 'the foe lurking within our own hearts,' but what does that mean exactly? Or is he just worried that the humans will try to get rid of your kind in the far distant future when there are no other threats against humanity? If that's it, he's just being paranoid... there will never be a case where humans have no enemies. Not in this setting. But what did he mean about the dragon needing to scrutinize his loyalties?
No. 424527 ID: e3aff6

Murderous groups do indeed arise and gain control of nations at times, but the conflicts that arise from them can end and have ended without the annihilation of either side. Genocidal ideologies, like any ideology, are neither universal nor irreversible in a population.
No. 424593 ID: a3b384

Say that you see what he means, but not to underestimate the ability of man to divide themselves. And of verhimen as well, perhaps. None could unite so well as to defeat the other. It would fall to separate countries being as they always are, warring and allying and politicing.
No. 424799 ID: 660725
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"There are more than simply two answers to such a problem. Besides, 'Man' is not some singular entity, no more than we are. Conflicts have arisen and ended before without the extinction of one side or the other!"
"Those conflicts that didn't were between men and even this was not from a lack of trying. Still, you are right. They may remain divided, but they need not be unanimously agreed to annihilate us. They called us out of darkness in desperation. Who is to say some have not retained some secret to return us all just as easily?"
"And who are you to say it would be easy? There is still place enough for both of us."
"Yet a woman considers the birth of two at once a wearying burden, while even the most delicate of our ladies wouldn't-"
"Then what you suggesting, we overwhelm them?"
"No. I would never wish it, never, that would be- no- unforgivable. That would deny our purpose.

"And these dangers of the heart?"
We have spent the long wars learning violence and aggression, they; caution and fear. They have plenty reason fear what we show ourselves to be. To survive we would need to prove ourselves as more. Still, even that to is dangerous, all change is dangerous”
”Then what do you want of him?” I sigh exasperatedly.

Someone to confide in, to listen, to care, to make plans long after I am gone. I was hoping…”
No. 424811 ID: 660725
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He trails off as the carriage draws to a stop. I follow him, but I'm still not sure to make of him, his thoughts and suggestions prickle at my ears, the visions of a profoundly depressing mind.

The dragon has made his camp in the garden vale. It seems misplaced, the only sign of it's importance are the symbol of the Dragon Thanes, the Burning Seal. How nonthreatening these tents look compared to the looming fortress walls just in the distance, behind which I feel there must surely be cannon, rocket, or more sinister tools of devastation waiting, some perhaps point at this very spot.

Or perhaps paranoia is personally perpetuated?
No. 424853 ID: 660725
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We pass by the pair of bored looking guards easily, Mister Peroquette's presence is expected.

His presence is awful and awesome all at once. His claws sheer away at stone as deftly and easily as Grandfather Sealucid would carve a fishing spear of spruce or pine. Pillars with familiar patterns taking under his hands, woven thick with power, protection and warding.

Maidens of many kinds attend to him, arranging various brown paper wrapped packages or lounging in the heat of his presence. The damp and chill of the outside is forgotten here, instead everything is suffused with a warm, golden glow... Gallugerrone, the Golden.

Peroquette kneels, offering papers and packages to him, his hands shaking as he clears his throat addresses it.

Gallugarrone turns, and speaks. His voice does not boom, it rolls, it resonates somewhere inside of my own chest, as if it was always a part of me.

"Ahhhh yeeesss, So good of you to come. Mmmmnn thankyou I will be sure to thoroughly... digest the contents of those, but who is this? Come then tell me your name boy?"

My voice nearly cracks as I open my mouth.
"A-August sir. August de Sauterelle.

"He is a guest of mine and I thought to offer to opportunity to-"

"Yes. Sauterelle, I know. Ask of me what you would. Both of you. Please. The desire to make well overcomes me momentarily.
No. 424858 ID: 660725
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I swallow to clear my throat and find I have to reach too far to grasp a thought that is not serving this great one. I SHOULD ask about... a theif, or... for help... Yes.

I SHOULD ask...

I can feel the heat of that fierce emerald gaze on my neck as I hear Peroket... Pearquit... Per... the other one, chattering away, the Gallugerone nodding or replying in a few choice words of majesty.

I SHOULD demand aid... my master... he needs me. I-

My gaze is drawn downward, to my feet and the carpets below them. Closer now, swaying so. The pressure is not painful, but unrelenting. I struggle to resist under the weight yet cannot find voice to say anything but words I SHOULD...
not whisper.

I fumble at the pommel of my pistol but it yields no comfort... I SHOULD...
No. 424882 ID: 660725
File 134033915032.png - (490.80KB , 930x630 , 875.png )

Intrusion Detected: Host Connection Compromised
>Protect. Cleanse. Defend. Reenforce.

Available Countermeasures Utilize Y-SCION Lens-like Architecture.

DIFFRACT: Incoming power dispersed raw into local environment. Simple, Defensive, Overt, Unpredictable

REFLECT: Incoming power redirected, unaltered in composition. Routine, Retaliatory, Covert, Exploitable.

REFRACT: Incoming power composition may altered and redirected, some intensity lost to environment in transition. Challenging, Elegant, Overt, Unpredictable.

-Please State the Nature of Your Contradiction-

No. 424889 ID: b85f8c


This is a simple suggestion the dragon's using, not an outright hostile attack. Let's not blow our cover over defending against that.
No. 424891 ID: a3b384

Seconded. I'd feel better knowing exactly how much or how little we can do with it, but at least we'll have some control this way.
No. 424895 ID: 132b99

refract into power suitable for use by runework and apply to central pillar.
No. 424897 ID: b85f8c

I've been informed we can choose a target for reflection/refraction.

Adding onto >>424882
Considering the power sent is a mental influence trying to get August to serve the dragon, perhaps we can reflect that to the dragon in order to get him to serve AUGUST. REFRACT if necessary. This shouldn't be a particularly difficult change.
No. 424971 ID: e3aff6

No. 424975 ID: 4bdd79

No. 425003 ID: a3b384

The advantage of reflect is that it is not obvious when we do it. If we send it back to the dragon he will notice. And I don't think it would serve our ends well anyway.

But hey if we want to say "this shit won't work on me" in the most forward way possible, by all means let's throw the magic influence back in his face. But I'd rather not. How about one of those girls of his, two of them look asleep and might not much notice the effects. If we can divide the reflection to the both of them, even better.
No. 425177 ID: 664f36

Wouldn't the dragon know we've defeated or countered his mind magics if we don't get down on our knees and grovel, regardless of what option we do? If we can Reflect the 'power' towards something/someone else, would it make that person desire to serve August, or ourselves? I'd suggest using Peroquette as a target to reflect upon in either case. But the point remains that August might need to feign the desire to serve in order to sell the ruse.
No. 426535 ID: e4c8b5
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Commands Internalized and Interpreted
[Target]:SET-6 Ascendant Morphotype
Package intercepted (87% efficiency)
Return to sender

No. 426546 ID: e4c8b5
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Just as I feel I'm about to collapse the weight and heat is lifted from my shoulders. A cool breeze flutters through the tent flaps stirring a shiver up my spine. I can breath, think clearly.

I open my eyes to find both Mister Peroquette and Gallugarone have stopped speaking and stare in my direction. The dragon seems particularly taken aback.
No. 426554 ID: e4c8b5
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He speaks slowly, an edge of irritation in his rumbling voice.
"Secundus de Sauterelle, à partir... de Merboiullant... August? What do you... want?"

My first instinct is to run, to dash from this tent and make my way across the ground. To hide my eyes away from this hypnotic beast who offers and takes in the same sentence.

Yet, he offered, and I could most certainly make some use of that, couldn't I?
No. 426618 ID: b85f8c

You wish to find someone, do you not? A dragon must have an information network, and locating one criminal should not take much effort. A small boon, not likely to offend overly much, and considering the situation that may be a good idea. Oh, you could also ask him if he knows what your wand does.

On the other hand, your master could use some help... but don't you already have men sent to aid him? I am uncertain on that front.
No. 426692 ID: 4e86cd

You should remember to remain very polite and not to ask for anything beyond information. Gallugerrone already seems to know what happened, and if we are seen as taking advantage of the situation he will be upset sooner or later.
No. 426888 ID: f3ac2a

You've shown that you can hold your own against his magic but forcing a dragon to do things in its moment of weakness is some dangerous mojo.
"I ask that you decide for yourself on what you do and not be influenced by any power of suggestion."
Then give a respectful bow. Showing that although you where brash in reflecting back his powers, you mean no harm.
No. 426890 ID: 132b99

yes indeed, ask what you came to ask, no more.
No. 427225 ID: 664f36

Considering what the dragon attempted to do, I wouldn't say that it'd be out of the question for there to be some backlash for him. Nothing out of the question, of course, but actions have to have consequences, and when you try to mindfuck someone, you ought to get fucked for trying it. But phrase your words carefully so as to not have it seem like you're fully cognizant of the current conditions. Something like. "What was that you tried to do to me? I came here hoping for a simple gift of information regarding [whatever], but instead you use some kind of... powers on me? You should be using your gifts to help my master [at time, place, etc], not against supplicants who come to you in good faith!"
No. 430463 ID: d8f795
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"I ask that you find for me, Eschrie du Moulont, the Lagoan. He resides hidden within this city and I must capture him before the week is full. I must know all there is to be known of him."
"Do you, have a picture or something?"
"Well, I don't now, but I could-"
"Regardless, trivial. He shall be found. All will be known."
"Also, if I may, no more of... whatever that was. You know what I mean."

"One request. One. Now, leave. Return in two days. Alone.

Gallugarone cuts off any protestation, turns to my companion and gives him a small smirk before bidding he return in a week for a more in-depth discussion.
No. 430562 ID: d8f795
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I note my companion still seems a bit flustered as he wrings his hands and tries to speak in a still quavering voice.
"Hahah, I erhm... yes well, that went better than expected. Still, didn't, expect, well 'I' didn't expect him to be quite so interested in you."
"Yes, I suppose I was correct in that."
"But, I must ask, what was all that about?"
"Can't precisely say myself, it was just a bit confusing."
"Well, I just mean, you know, that bit about needing to capture someone... your buisness I assume?"
"Family affair, perhaps we may talk later in private."
"So be it... oh still.. that was magnificent. I think I may enjoy these meetings I really do."
No. 430569 ID: d8f795
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I arrive back at the Peroquette residence to find my companions have already arrived home. My little brother sniffs at me eagerly while his master watches on with a stern look.

"Ahh, you have returned, find anything useful? My sources tell me we may be able to arrange a meeting as 'prospective customers' for the device and recover both it and our target in one swoop."
"You smell funny, flashpowder and hot copper."
"Dragon I imagine. I have been in a meeting with such a creature in fact. Indeed I have a few 'sources' of my own now, and may soon enough know 'all' there is to be known of our target."
"A dragon, so coooool! Can I meet the dragon, can I?"
"I'm not sure if-"
"Gentlemen, please, avail yourselves of my hospitality in this matter, I still don't exactly what is going on but I assure you my household may be of aid to you."
"Ahh, ez de time for eatink, talkien und talken I tink, and hew may be enjoink dis dinner very vell, as was my idea. Know my vay around de shops, and put in sum words wiff de kitchen gels bout few of mine favorite tings. No rich talk wiffout rich foods dey say.~"
No. 430577 ID: 643515

Larcen has quite the dashing hat there.
...About Larcen, I was reviewing the account of what became of his camp, and it occurs to me that the umbrella man might not have been sent after him by the Sperenzes or any person at all. At some point we should ask him more closely about that campsite, and particularly whether he found any items there.
No. 431086 ID: 664f36

Firmly (re)establish dominance over your group by lording over the fact that all three of them worked together and accomplished less than you did alone, AND you slept in and have bowed a dragon to your wills.
No. 431092 ID: b85f8c

I'm not sure that's appropriate.

Do inform them to avoid the dragon's presence if possible. I am not sure if it's a good idea or not to tell them that it tried to mentally influence you or that we protected you from it; those could be rather heated topics, especially around your host... but it would also be very useful information for everyone present- Dragons are not visited lightly.

Perhaps I should clarify? It was trying to get you to submit to him and serve him. We reflected its power onto it, causing it to be compelled to grant you a boon.
No. 431093 ID: 132b99

yeah it was a mind effecting spell, so it was caught up by us since we are an artifact linked directly to your mind.
No. 437593 ID: dde999
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I compliment Larcen's most recent transformation in costuming and learn that he spent the day browsing the markets in the company of one our host's wives and handmaidens. Even going so far as to ingratiate himself with the cooking staff to prepare our meal to his order. He works fast, have to give him that.

Yes, I will try to avoid lording it over the others that 'I' had an audience with a dragon, a dragon who will aid me... after I... we forced him... by resisting his incredibly dangerous powers of persuasion.
No. 437599 ID: dde999
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Sir Weldendon pauses before relating more of his plan, until being assured by Mister Peroquette that his staff are quite loyal to the family, and he's even brought one of his sisters, the head of family security to hear our planning should we require their aid.

However, it seems his plan relies solely on my little brother's ability to precisely aim a concussive gas shell from a nearby building at the thief and company while we bargain for the part he stole, in the open, during broad daylight. Then, grab both thief and his merchandise before they have a chance to react and hightail it out of there before security teams manage to swarm the area.

The Peroquettes point out that while they will help us up to a point, leading a hoard of angry security guards back here is a completely unacceptable outcome. If we follow that plan we must be prepared to need to leave the city as quickly as possible.
No. 437622 ID: dde999
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He protests that he has great faith in my brother's marksmanship, to Kurtail's slight embarrassment, and ensures us that all precautions taken, the kerfuffle will be kept to a minimum. He also points out that if this thief is at all experienced he knows to keep his goods stashed away until he is ready to unload them, this would be our best chance to recover the device.

I fear Kurtail's embarrassment this night doesn't end there as we are both being paid rather more attention by the ladies here than used to at home. A serving girl even gives his budding mane a friendly tousling when he tries to hid embarrassment in the bottom of a drink, while she flashes me a glimpse of some of her softer parts through a subtly unbuttoned section of her blouse.
No. 437636 ID: dde999
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I even doubt if Peroquette's sister would actually bother wearing such an attention grabbing outfit if she were simply here to listen to our plans.

Don't think she was particularly enthused with Larcen's port broiled potatoes in cheese though, perhaps a bit too common for her tastes?
No. 437662 ID: dde999
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Upon returning to our room I manage to separate and speak with Larcen.
"So, why the gettup?"
"Oh, hew know, ez gud for surruptishnuss."

"Mmmm, vhas tinking, mehbe I take hew out some interesting places no? Mehbe we find dis fellow, he ez, how you say, having tastes on womens, mehbe vhe find him while ez distracted as vhon is likely to be en such places?"
"You're talking about the Pompey District arn't you?"
"Mehbe? Besiiiides, vhe said ver goink to have a night on de down sometime together yes?"
"I... don't remember?"
"Hew know vhen vhe meet at Sperenze?
"Maybe, I've been a bit busy not dying recently though so it's not as... ahh yes, that reminds me what I wanted to ask you, about your campsite... some more specifics, I have some new suspicions about what may have happened."
"How you mean, specifics?"
”Did you find anything there, any artifacts, anything, you know, strange?”
”Vhell, not xactly, vhas pretty clean, but de monument vhast dere und vhe used it for basis of camp, hew know, for making de tents and such. Why, vhat hew tink happened now?”
No. 437710 ID: b0abc8

Sounds like he hasn't heard about what happened to his camp, or thinks you haven't.
First tell him about how the corpse-thing was looking for him (and called itself Brocade if that means anything to him), and then tell him what you heard about the fate of his companions. Hopefully this should have enough impact to get him to tell about anything he 'forgot to mention', and his reaction or lack there of should be informative.
No. 437909 ID: e80908

I'm pretty sure that Larcen was the one to tell us about what happened at his camp in the first place, but frankly he seems too uneducated to be of much help elaborating on the importance of the monolith or what happened. The name Brocade wasn't mentioned to him, though, so that might ring a bell. But it's unclear if his activities in Sperenze and his pursuit by the thing he helped kill had anything to do with the monolith or what happened at his camp.

Anyway, going out covertly and looking for your target might be a worthwhile tactic, and Larcen totally wouldn't seem at all out of place. But you might be, and there's no hope of bringing your little brother along. Maybe Sir Weldendon might agree to go. But yes, he wouldn't bring his stolen merchandise with him, so you'd have to tail him back to where he's staying. IF you find him.
No. 439505 ID: 413dba
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He was there to help dispatch Brocade, told me he was some sort of creepy castrato killer, hell he was the one who first informed me he’d found his camp ripped apart.

"I... *sigh* dammit, for a moment I thought I had something, it just doesn't seem like everything there is adding up."
"Vhat you tink de Sprenzi gurl vhas telling de truth?"
"Sperenze, and she's a priestess in addition to being a... noble, however illegitimate her lineage. She doesn't strike me as a slaughterer. She said she found your camp like that and I believe her, Marians don't do death."
No. 439506 ID: 413dba
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"So, vhat, be explaining to me deze women in hewr life, how hew balancing on one finger dis delicate liddle snowflake, en another an ember?"
"Ohh, vhas just vhondering, how, ifen hew are en vhat one might say 'de player's league,' hew might being played yourself?"
"What you think I'm playing a game with these ladies?"
"To be honest, never really expected hew to be dat good at dis sorta ting, mahbeh too trusting, but… if hew can keep my stride… Anyting hew need done before we head out den, hmm? Surely not protesting en dat lovely liddle vhite gurl’s name, not vhile talking en such tones of de firey red?"
”What about bringing along Weldendon, just in case we find him and-?”
”No, ez hew, und I, he may be in for a liddle ruckus wiff his plan, but he ez… stiff… no spring, no sly, no eye.”

I don’t really want to be seen around the redlight district. I mean, I’ve already gotten enough grief after ‘someone’ told Lucidia I ‘slept’ with Joleane… of course, I could always just leave you here.
No. 439599 ID: e3aff6

I am rather uneasy about just you and Larcen heading out to track a criminal who is likely among associated by now.
No. 443055 ID: af7a99
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"Sounds more than a bit dangerous, by now he likely among associates and an unprepared strike could spook him into hiding at best,and at worse end in both our deaths."
"Oh August, I am disappoint at dese incofidences, ez not zho concerning to me but iffing hew feel it ez so, I vhill not press de matter."
No. 443069 ID: af7a99
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"Wait, you're still leaving?"
"Mais bien-sûr! Ez vhat vhe vhanted to do, and vhe do not work for hew, no?"
"Well, no..."
"Ahh vhell den is settled, see hew... vhenever vhe wake up. Ez certain vhill be softer bed den dat table."

With that Larcen jauntily adjusts his hat and strides from the room.
No. 443071 ID: af7a99
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No. 443081 ID: af7a99
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I slump back into the bed and let my unfocused thoughts to drift despondently while I stare at the guttering candle for a bit. As wealthy as the Peroquettes seem to be, they must not have wired the guest quarters for electric.

"With that I should be headed to sleep for the night shouldn't I? Unless you'd prefer to practice some magic while we have the room to ourselves... funny... nobody seems to notice you anyhow... nobody ever asks... you know... I don't think he took... his sword..."
No. 443108 ID: b6edd6

I guess it is a bit late to chase him down now. He's slippery enough he will probably be alright.

Anyway, There is this magical thing I wanted you to try at some point. I was thinking about how runes are really useful but are vulnerable to detection and manipulation when completed. We should try out a few experiments with a simple rune, with things such as storing a rune in an almost-complete form or split between two pieces of wood that can be later be joined like a puzzle.
No. 443615 ID: e80908

I doubt Larcen REALLY intends to do anything relevant to your family's mission here. He's more of a tag-along than an invested member of this quest. He seems like he'll be able to handle himself, but it might've been prudent of you to accept his invitation and broaden your horizons a bit. Or at least, that's my thought about it. When it comes to magical practice, I don't really have anything to add, but since you're not doing anything else tonight, you might as well hone your abilities.
No. 453420 ID: ea06f9
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Okay, I have that blank board you told me to pack, so I'll go with my only offensive option.

Thor's Thunderous Thingamabob, to which I was never quite certain if Sirius was being quite erh... serious when he taught me the name and structure. I mean, it doesn't even look particularly Nordic now does it?
No. 453440 ID: ea06f9
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There, I've been a much better at actually casting this one on command since you fell into my life. I'll still need to cut it though, break it down, make it concealable, more portable too.

I need... something sharp, and heavy.
No. 453449 ID: ea06f9
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Larcen's blade descends with a weighty chop. No elegant rapier or sabre of the sort associated with such stylish criminals, yet the blade is very sharp, and the cut clean.

Clean as one could ask for without a saw anyhow.
No. 453450 ID: ea06f9
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There, I can't make it much easier. No additions, no enhancements, nothing fancy; simple vertical bisection.
No. 453455 ID: ea06f9
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My effort feels, rebuffed. I try to open up again, only to feel it rebound yet again.

I take a deep, cleansing breath and try to force it through.


"Oh come ooon!"
No. 453464 ID: ea06f9
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Recovering ourselves and repeating the attempt a few more times yields the same result. Nothing.

I fish out a pencil and collect some paper to recalculate a solution; only my small notebook of common aether equations and the tangentially related text on primaeval curvilinear text to aid my analysis.

We fail to even take note Knight Weldendon's entrance until he speaks.

"Mathematics I take it?"
"Your work? Mathematics?"
"Something like that, yes."
"Ah, I, didn't know you took such an interest."

I can feel him standing patiently behind me for a long moment before he clears his throat again.
No. 453478 ID: ea06f9
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"Sir, must apologize; for my negligence and... lack of faith in your ability this morning, sir."

"... go on."

"To be honest sir, I can't say I would have chosen you to lead this operation."


"You've only basic military training and are obviously more, academically minded than most your peers. When you refused to even defend your own nobility against some street urchin I felt that... well sir, I felt it may be best to take matters into my own hands. Such cowardice couldn't be allowed to set example-"

"You cut me out."

"Yessir, and I see now I was mistaken to do so. Your confrontation with a dragon shows you willing to take great risks to do what must be done, you don't... waste time on lesser matters, you take complaints right to the top, as befitting your station. I apologize for misjudging you.

And, how am I to respond to this? That I am seen as so... so... ancillary to this entire affair that I could be disregarded as just a 'bad influence' on my own brother. I should be angry, wrathful even; but it is only the gnawingly empty cold of paranoia proven true.
No. 453494 ID: f2c20c

React as he would expect someone of your station to. We made an error before when advising you due to lacking knowledge of how your culture works. I aim not to make that mistake again.

Since we have some downtime ahead of us... do you have that wand of unknown use still, once you're free? Perhaps we could try to figure out what it does?

I think the broken board doesn't work because the split in the board is considered to be part of the symbol. It would have to be a perfect seam for the split symbol thing to work, methinks.
No. 453502 ID: b6edd6

Hm, a bit disappointing about the board but not surprising, and it is still good to know beforehand what cannot be inscribed with functional runes. The in-line seams are still worth testing (if we have the tools to make precise enough cuts), as are runes stored almost-complete, but remember not to stay up too late meddling with magic.

When we test the wand, we should try observing it with Voors before and during channeling.
No. 453507 ID: f2c20c

I think we should severely limit our use of Voors. It seemed to affect August's mental health negatively.
No. 453564 ID: f2c20c

Actually, let me take some of that back. I'm being wishy-washy. I advised you back down before because it would have potentially jeopardized the mission. I didn't know that it jeopardized your leadership, which in turn jeopardized the mission. I still wish for you to consider the mission to be more important than your own personal glory. I don't know if speaking of this conviction is going to help your leadership position at all. Frankly the way leadership works for Vehrimen feels primitive and awkward to me.

Whatever the case, build upon his assumptions, whether or not they are true, as they garner you respect, but try to build upon it with things that ARE true, and don't weaken your position.

I wonder if admitting that you suspected they were cutting you out would be admitting weakness, or strength? It could be seen as weakness that you didn't act on your suspicion, or strength that you were apparently insightful enough to suspect it. I don't know- is it only important for you to stand up to direct challenges?
No. 453792 ID: e80908

I don't see what the problem is. He made a mistake earlier by keeping you out of the loop and letting you sleep in, but he acknowledged the mistake and apologize. I doubt there's any need to rub it in further, let alone punish him. Depending on your feelings about him as perhaps a potential political ally (and I really don't know what kind of clout he may or may not have) you could discuss with him how your difference from the rest of your race, in terms of thinking style and talents, is exactly what makes you stand out and gives you the sort of outside perspective that could make for an excellent progressive leader. Not that you want to take away your big brother's 'throne.'
No. 455677 ID: d56a41
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>mission to be more important than your own personal glory.

"I would have enjoyed it you know."
"To fight him, beat him. I am not incapable. Some part of me very much wanted to... but our mission is more important than assuaging my own sense of importance or honor, to risk breaking cover for a petty thief."
"Yessir, I recognize that now.
"I cannot deny my lack of experience in these affairs. However, due to my family's... research... our projects, I may possess certain, perspectives on problems otherwise impossible to bypass through probable ponderence. Please remember this in the future.
"You really think 'perspective' is enough to lead? Think soldiers will trust what only YOU can see when they're looking for somethen’ to rely on?
No. 455689 ID: d56a41
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"I do not honestly care if you respect my abilities Sir Weldendon, but my father did not set me upon this task because he thinks I can use experience I don't have now did he?

He must have judged you the best to train my little brother. If 'I' am the best at anything, it is learning."

He looks down at me with some concern, before taking my hand and giving it a firm shake.

"I'll make no promises, but we'll see what we can do."
No. 455715 ID: d56a41
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He and my brother finally bed down for the night whilst I burn through both wax and charcoal in the all too literal 'witching hours.' My accompaniment becomes the patter of the rain on the concrete outside, the scratching of pencil on paper, the fluttering breath of the candle, and the distant music of a radio.

>split in the board = part of the symbol.
>a perfect seam
Should work? Would need a machine shop though, a lathe... or a band saw?

>Test the wand
>Use Voors
>Do not use Voors
Mmmmm not tonight, still have little to do tomorrow, feel we might really getting somewhere with this... maybe.

>in-line seams
Wait... supposing we accounted for a three dimensional... though that could be a real pain to fashi-
Ooh, we could stack a pattern! Might catch fire though... Doesn't matter though, utterly disposable. Yes, that should work, but it has to be marked, blood perhaps? Oh, wait... waaaaait.. if I differentiated the pattern? Didn't do that before!

>remember not to stay up too late meddling with magic.

"Ah... ahaahhhhuhhhhyeeah... bit late... for that."
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